53 research outputs found

    Viscous hydrophilic injection matrices for serial crystallography

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    Serial (femtosecond) crystallography at synchrotron and X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) sources distributes the absorbed radiation dose over all crystals used for data collection and therefore allows measurement of radiation damage prone systems, including the use of microcrystals for room-temperature measurements. Serial crystallography relies on fast and efficient exchange of crystals upon X-ray exposure, which can be achieved using a variety of methods, including various injection techniques. The latter vary significantly in their flow rates – gas dynamic virtual nozzle based injectors provide very thin fast-flowing jets, whereas high-viscosity extrusion injectors produce much thicker streams with flow rates two to three orders of magnitude lower. High-viscosity extrusion results in much lower sample consumption, as its sample delivery speed is commensurate both with typical XFEL repetition rates and with data acquisition rates at synchrotron sources. An obvious viscous injection medium is lipidic cubic phase (LCP) as it is used for in meso membrane protein crystallization. However, LCP has limited compatibility with many crystallization conditions. While a few other viscous media have been described in the literature, there is an ongoing need to identify additional injection media for crystal embedding. Critical attributes are reliable injection properties and a broad chemical compatibility to accommodate samples as heterogeneous and sensitive as protein crystals. Here, the use of two novel hydro­gels as viscous injection matrices is described, namely sodium carb­oxy­methyl cellulose and the thermo-reversible block polymer Pluronic F-127. Both are compatible with various crystallization conditions and yield acceptable X-ray background. The stability and velocity of the extruded stream were also analysed and the dependence of the stream velocity on the flow rate was measured. In contrast with previously characterized injection media, both new matrices afford very stable adjustable streams suitable for time-resolved measurements

    Insights into an efficient light-driven hybrid P450 BM3 enzyme from crystallographic, spectroscopic and biochemical studies

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    Background: In order to perform selective C-H functionalization upon visible light irradiation, Ru(II)-diimine functionalized P450 heme enzymes have been developed. The sL407C-1 enzyme containing the Ru(bpy)_2PhenA (bpy = 2,2′-bipyridine and PhenA = 5-acetamido-1,10-phenanthroline) photosensitizer (1) covalently attached to the non-native single cysteine L407C of the P450BM3 heme domain mutant, displays high photocatalytic activity in the selective C-H bond hydroxylation of several substrates. Methods: A combination of X-ray crystallography, site-directed mutagenesis, transient absorption measurements and enzymatic assays was used to gain insights into its photocatalytic activity and electron transfer pathway. Results: The crystal structure of the sL407C-1 enzyme was solved in the open and closed conformations revealing a through-space electron transfer pathway involving highly conserved, F393 and Q403, residues. Several mutations of these residues (F393A, F393W or Q403W) were introduced to probe their roles in the overall reaction. Transient absorption measurements confirm rapid electron transfer as heme reduction is observed in all four hybrid enzymes. Compared to the parent sL407C-1, photocatalytic activity was negligible in the dF393A-1 enzyme while 60% increase in activity with total turnover numbers of 420 and 90% product conversion was observed with the dQ403W-1 mutant. Conclusions: In the sL407C-1 enzyme, the photosensitizer is ideally located to rapidly deliver electrons, using the naturally occurring electron transfer pathway, to the heme center in order to activate molecular dioxygen and sustain photocatalytic activity. General significance: The results shed light on the design of efficient light-driven biocatalysts and the approach can be generalized to other members of the P450 superfamily

    Insights into an efficient light-driven hybrid P450 BM3 enzyme from crystallographic, spectroscopic and biochemical studies

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    Background: In order to perform selective C-H functionalization upon visible light irradiation, Ru(II)-diimine functionalized P450 heme enzymes have been developed. The sL407C-1 enzyme containing the Ru(bpy)_2PhenA (bpy = 2,2′-bipyridine and PhenA = 5-acetamido-1,10-phenanthroline) photosensitizer (1) covalently attached to the non-native single cysteine L407C of the P450BM3 heme domain mutant, displays high photocatalytic activity in the selective C-H bond hydroxylation of several substrates. Methods: A combination of X-ray crystallography, site-directed mutagenesis, transient absorption measurements and enzymatic assays was used to gain insights into its photocatalytic activity and electron transfer pathway. Results: The crystal structure of the sL407C-1 enzyme was solved in the open and closed conformations revealing a through-space electron transfer pathway involving highly conserved, F393 and Q403, residues. Several mutations of these residues (F393A, F393W or Q403W) were introduced to probe their roles in the overall reaction. Transient absorption measurements confirm rapid electron transfer as heme reduction is observed in all four hybrid enzymes. Compared to the parent sL407C-1, photocatalytic activity was negligible in the dF393A-1 enzyme while 60% increase in activity with total turnover numbers of 420 and 90% product conversion was observed with the dQ403W-1 mutant. Conclusions: In the sL407C-1 enzyme, the photosensitizer is ideally located to rapidly deliver electrons, using the naturally occurring electron transfer pathway, to the heme center in order to activate molecular dioxygen and sustain photocatalytic activity. General significance: The results shed light on the design of efficient light-driven biocatalysts and the approach can be generalized to other members of the P450 superfamily

    Observation of substrate diffusion and ligand binding in enzyme crystals using high-repetition-rate mix-and-inject serial crystallography

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    18 pags, 11 figs, 5 tabsHere, we illustrate what happens inside the catalytic cleft of an enzyme when substrate or ligand binds on single-millisecond timescales. The initial phase of the enzymatic cycle is observed with near-atomic resolution using the most advanced X-ray source currently available: the European XFEL (EuXFEL). The high repetition rate of the EuXFEL combined with our mix-and-inject technology enables the initial phase of ceftriaxone binding to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis β-lactamase to be followed using time-resolved crystallography in real time. It is shown how a diffusion coefficient in enzyme crystals can be derived directly from the X-ray data, enabling the determination of ligand and enzyme-ligand concentrations at any position in the crystal volume as a function of time. In addition, the structure of the irreversible inhibitor sulbactam bound to the enzyme at a 66 ms time delay after mixing is described. This demonstrates that the EuXFEL can be used as an important tool for biomedically relevant research.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center 'BioXFEL' through award STC-1231306, and in part by the US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences under contract DESC0002164 (AO, algorithm design and development) and by the National Science Foundation under contract Nos. 1551489 (AO, underlying analytical models) and DBI-2029533 (AO, functional conformations). This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program under Grant No. 1450681 to JLO. The work was also supported by funds from the National Institutes of Health grant R01 GM117342-0404. Funding and support are also acknowledged from the National Institutes of Health grant R01 GM095583, from the Biodesign Center for Applied Structural Discovery at ASU, from National Science Foundation award No. 1565180 and the US Department of Energy through Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. KAZ was supported by the Cornell Molecular Biophysics Training Program (NIH T32-GM008267). This work was also supported by the Cluster of Excellence 'CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter' of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), EXC 2056, project ID 390715994. CFEL is supported by the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Program of the DFG, the 'X-probe' project funded by the European Union 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement 637295, the European Research Council, 'Frontiers in Attosecond X-ray Science: Imaging and Spectroscopy (AXSIS)', ERC-2013-SyG 609920, and the Human Frontiers Science Program grant RGP0010 2017. This work is also supported by the AXSIS project funded by the European Research Council under the European Union Seventh Framework Program (FP/2007-2013)/ERC Grant Agreement No. 609920.Peer reviewe

    Diagnóstico, tratamento e seguimento do carcinoma medular de tireoide: recomendações do Departamento de Tireoide da Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia

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    Improved Activity against Acute Myeloid Leukemia with Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR)-NK-92 Cells Designed to Target CD123

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    Anti-cancer activity can be improved by engineering immune cells to express chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) that recognize tumor-associated antigens. Retroviral vector gene transfer strategies allow stable and durable transgene expression. Here, we used alpharetroviral vectors to modify NK-92 cells, a natural killer cell line, with a third-generation CAR designed to target the IL-3 receptor subunit alpha (CD123), which is strongly expressed on the surface of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells. Alpharetroviral vectors also contained a transgene cassette to allow constitutive expression of human IL-15 for increased NK cell persistence in vivo. The anti-AML activity of CAR-NK-92 cells was tested via in vitro cytotoxicity assays with the CD123+ AML cell line KG-1a and in vivo in a patient-derived xenotransplantation CD123+ AML model. Unmodified NK-92 cells or NK-92 cells modified with a truncated version of the CAR that lacked the signaling domain served as controls. Alpharetroviral vector-modified NK-92 cells stably expressed the transgenes and secreted IL-15. Anti-CD123-CAR-NK-92 cells exhibited enhanced anti-AML activity in vitro and in vivo as compared to control NK-92 cells. Our data (1) shows the importance of IL-15 expression for in vivo persistence of NK-92 cells, (2) supports continued investigation of anti-CD123-CAR-NK cells to target AML, and (3) points towards potential strategies to further improve CAR-NK anti-AML activity

    Influence of pump laser fluence on ultrafast structural changes in myoglobin

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    High-intensity femtosecond pulses from an X-ray free-electron laser enable pump probe experiments for investigating electronic and nuclear changes during light-induced reactions. On time scales ranging from femtoseconds to milliseconds and for a variety of biological systems, time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallography (TR-SFX) has provided detailed structural data for light-induced isomerization, breakage or formation of chemical bonds and electron transfer 1 . However, all ultra-fast TR-SFX studies to date have employed such high pump laser energies that several photons were nominally absorbed per chromophore 2-14 . As multiphoton absorption may force the protein response into nonphysiological pathways, it is of great concern 15 whether this experimental approach 16 allows valid inferences to be drawn vis-Ă -vis biologically relevant single-photon-induced reactions 17 . Here we describe ultrafast pump-probe SFX experiments on photodissociation of carboxymyoglobin, showing that different pump laser fluences yield markedly different results. In particular, the dynamics of structural changes and observed indicators of the mechanistically important coherent oscillations of the Fe-CO bond distance (predicted by recent quantum wavepacket dynamics 15 ) are seen to depend strongly on pump laser energy. Our results confirm both the feasibility and necessity of performing TR-SFX pump probe experiments in the linear photoexcitation regime. We consider this to be a starting point for reassessing design and interpretation of ultrafast TR-SFX pump probe experiments 16 such that biologically relevant insight emerges

    Data reduction for serial crystallography using a robust peak finder

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    A peak-finding algorithm for serial crystallography (SX) data analysis based on the principle of `robust statistics' has been developed. Methods which are statistically robust are generally more insensitive to any departures from model assumptions and are particularly effective when analysing mixtures of probability distributions. For example, these methods enable the discretization of data into a group comprising inliers (i.e. the background noise) and another group comprising outliers (i.e. Bragg peaks). Our robust statistics algorithm has two key advantages, which are demonstrated through testing using multiple SX data sets. First, it is relatively insensitive to the exact value of the input parameters and hence requires minimal optimization. This is critical for the algorithm to be able to run unsupervised, allowing for automated selection or `vetoing' of SX diffraction data. Secondly, the processing of individual diffraction patterns can be easily parallelized. This means that it can analyse data from multiple detector modules simultaneously, making it ideally suited to real-time data processing. These characteristics mean that the robust peak finder (RPF) algorithm will be particularly beneficial for the new class of MHz X-ray free-electron laser sources, which generate large amounts of data in a short period of time

    3D printed devices and infrastructure for liquid sample delivery at the European XFEL

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    The Sample Environment and Characterization (SEC) group of the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser (EuXFEL) develops sample delivery systems for the various scientific instruments, including systems for the injection of liquid samples that enable serial femtosecond X-ray crystallography (SFX) and single-particle imaging (SPI) experiments, among others. For rapid prototyping of various device types and materials, sub-micrometre precision 3D printers are used to address the specific experimental conditions of SFX and SPI by providing a large number of devices with reliable performance. This work presents the current pool of 3D printed liquid sample delivery devices, based on the two-photon polymerization (2PP) technique. These devices encompass gas dynamic virtual nozzles (GDVNs), mixing-GDVNs, high-viscosity extruders (HVEs) and electrospray conical capillary tips (CCTs) with highly reproducible geometric features that are suitable for time-resolved SFX and SPI experiments at XFEL facilities. Liquid sample injection setups and infrastructure on the Single Particles, Clusters, and Biomolecules and Serial Femtosecond Crystallography (SPB/SFX) instrument are described, this being the instrument which is designated for biological structure determination at the EuXFEL
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