24 research outputs found

    Literature for children and teenagers in serbian language subject teaching in senior classes of elementary schools Литература для детей и подростков в первичном обучении сербийскому языку среднего школьного возраста

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    Предмет рада Књижевност за децу и младе у предметној настави Српског језика у старијим разредима основне школе је испитивање места и значаја читања прозне књижев-ности за децу и младе и важности наставне интерпретације ових дела за формирање читалачких навика ученика, те описивање методичких предложака за унапређивање наставне праксе. Иако су у овом наставном периоду програмски заступљене и народна књижевност, лирика и драма за децу и младе, због обима рада у истраживачки фокус је постављен систем прозних жанрова за децу и младе. Основни циљ овог рада је афирмисање наставног читања прозне књижевности за децу и младе у старијим разредима основне школе. Рад чине три дела. Први део рада описује поетичке и методичке аспекте прозе за децу и младе обухваћене програмским оквирима наставе Књижевности у старијим разредима основне школе (жанровски систем, канон – класик – лектира, наставни циљеви, наставно и ваннаставно читање, заступљеност прозе за децу и младе у наставним програмима Републике Србије и држава бившег српскохрватског језичког простора). Други део чине наставнa тумачења различитих прозних жанрова, са предлозима за примену методичких поступака и радњи. Тежња је да се током наставне анализе прозе за децу и младе успоставе унутарпредметне и ванпредметне корелације и да ученици етичке и естетичке вредности ових дела доведу у везу са својим породичним, школским и вршњачким окружењем. Трећи део рада представља опис истраживања наставног читања прозе за децу и младе у старијим разредима основне школе. Анкетирано је 200 наставника српског језика и 664 ученика из шест основних школа у Републици Србији, а тест-методом проверено је познавање појмова прозе за децу и младе код 170 ученика осмог разреда. Постављене хипотезе у највећој мери су потврђене после анализе добијених одговора. Иако је тема изузетно широка, тежило се теоријском и практичном разрешењу кључних изазова који се јављају у наставној пракси приликом тумачења прозне књижевности за децу и младе.The subject of the thesis Literature for children and teenagers in Serbian language subject teaching in senior classes of elementary school is examining the place and importance of reading prose literature for children and teenagers and the importance of teaching interpretation of these litterary works for forming students' reading habits, and describing methodological proposals for improving teaching practice. Although folk literature, poetry and drama for children and teenagers are also represented in this teaching period in Serbian languange teaching curriculum, due to the scope of this paper, a system of prose genres for children and teenagers has been placed in the research focus. The main goal of this paper is to affirm the teaching prose for children and teenagers in the senior grades of elementary school. The work consists of three parts. The first part describes the poetic and methodological aspects of prose for children and teenagers included in Literature curriculum of the older grades of primary school (genre system, canon – classic – reading, teaching goals, teaching and extracurricular reading, representation of prose for children and teenagers in the curriculum of the Republic of Serbia and the countries of the former Serbo-Croatian language space). The second part consists of teaching interpretations of various prose genres, with suggestions for the application of methodological procedures. The aim is to establish intra-subject and extra-subject correlations during the teaching analysis of prose for children and teenagers, and for students to bring the ethical and aesthetic values of these literarry works into connection with their family, school and everyday environment. The third part presents a description of the research of teaching prose for children and youth in the senior grades of elementary school. Aproximattely 200 Serbian language teachers and 664 students from six primary schools in the Republic of Serbia were interviewed, and the test method has checked the knowledge of the concepts of prose for children and teenagers in 170 eighth grade students. The set hypotheses were mostly confirmed after the analysis of the obtained answers. Although the topic is extremely broad, the aim was to theoretically and practically solve the key challenges that arise in teaching practice when interpreting prose literature for children and teenagers

    Laboratory evaluation of insecticidal effectiveness of a natural zeolite formulation against Sitophilus oryzae (L.), Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) and Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) in treated wheat

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    Inert dusts are increasingly becoming an integral part of programs for protection of cereal grains from stored-product insects. The intention in this study was therefore to conduct preliminary tests of insecticidal potentials of the natural zeolite formulation Minazel SP (66% SiO2, particle size ≤ 50 μm) originating from Serbia in controlling S. oryzae, R. dominica and T. castaneum. Dust effectiveness was tested in the laboratory (24±1ºC and 50-55% r.h. for parents and 24±1ºC and 60±5% r.h. for F1 progeny) by exposing insects to wheat treated with 0.50, 0.75 and 1.00 g/kg of Minazel SP. Mortality was determined after 7, 14 and 21 days of insect contact with threated wheat, and total mortality after an additional 7 days of recovery on untreated broken wheat. Progeny production in F1 generation was also determined for each insect species after 8-12 weeks. After seven days of exposure and 7 days of recovery of all tested species, the highest efficacy of 62% was observed after the highest application rate of 1.00 g/kg against S. oryzae. The highest efficacy after 14 and 21 days was achieved with the same application rate against T. castaneum (100%), S. oryzae (96-98%) and R. dominica (70-82%). Progeny reduction (IR – inhibition rate) of all tested species depended on the duration of parents exposure to treated wheat. After 7 days of exposure progeny reduction rates were 49-67% for S. oryzae, 42-68% for R. dominica and 47-78% for T. castaneum. After 14 days of exposure, inhibition rates were 55-78% for S. oryzae, 72-81% for R. dominica and 53-90% for T. castaneum, while progeny reductions of S. oryzae were 51-85%, R. dominica 80-96% and T. castaneum 87-99% after 21 days of exposure. Keywords: Wheat grain, Sitophilus oryzae, Rhyzopertha dominica, Tribolium castaneum, Natural zeolit

    Susceptibility of red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) populations from Serbia to contact insecticides

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    Contact insecticides remain the principal option for controlling stored-product insects. Unsatisfactory results of insecticide applications are caused by several factors, one of the most important being resistance of stored-product insects. The objective of this study was to examine the susceptibility in several populations of red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) from Serbia to different contact insecticides. Toxicity of the insecticides dichlorvos, malathion, chlorpyrifos-methyl, pirimiphos-methyl, deltamethrin and bifenthrin to adults of a laboratory population of T. castaneum was investigated in the laboratory by topical application. At the LD50, deltamethrin was the most toxic and malathion the least toxic of the insecticides. Discriminating dose data for the laboratory population were used to test the susceptibility of 10 other populations originating from different storage facilities (silos, warehouses and flour mills) in Serbia. The discriminating dose of malathion caused mortality of up to 85% in seven populations, indicating malathion resistance in those populations. For two populations of T. castaneum from Nikinci and Jakovo LD values, ld-p lines and levels of susceptibility/resistance (RRs) were determined. The most toxic insecticide for adults from Nikinci and Jakovo was deltamethrin, while malathion was least toxic. The resistance ratios (RRs) for malathion at the LD50 were 17.6 for beetles from Nikinci, and 26.0 for beetles from Jakovo. Keywords: Tribolium castaneum adults; Different populations; Insecticide toxicity; Susceptibility resistanc

    Ecologically acceptable usage of derivatives of essential oil of sweet basil, Ocimum basilicum, as antifeedants against larvae of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar

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    Ethanol solutions of five fractions obtained from essential oil of sweet basil Ocimum basilicum L. (Lamiales: Lamiaceae) (F1-F5) were tested for their antifeedant properties against 2nd instar gypsy moth larvae, Lymantria dispar L. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), in laboratory non-choice and feeding-choice experiments. Prior to bioassays, the chemical composition of each fraction was determined by gas chromatography analyses. Significant larval deterrence from feeding was achieved by application of tested solutions to fresh leaves of the host plant. The most effective were F1 (0.5%), F4 (0.05, 0.1, and 0.5%), and F5 (0.1 and 0.5%), which provided an antifeedant index > 80% after five days. A low rate of larval mortality was observed in no-choice bioassay. In situ screening of chlorophyll fluorescence as an indicator of plant stress level (assessed by the induced fluorometry) confirmed that the tested compounds did not cause alternations in the photosynthetic efficiency of treated leaves

    Literature for children and teenagers in serbian language subject teaching in senior classes of elementary schools Литература для детей и подростков в первичном обучении сербийскому языку среднего школьного возраста

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    Предмет рада Књижевност за децу и младе у предметној настави Српског језика у старијим разредима основне школе је испитивање места и значаја читања прозне књижев-ности за децу и младе и важности наставне интерпретације ових дела за формирање читалачких навика ученика, те описивање методичких предложака за унапређивање наставне праксе. Иако су у овом наставном периоду програмски заступљене и народна књижевност, лирика и драма за децу и младе, због обима рада у истраживачки фокус је постављен систем прозних жанрова за децу и младе. Основни циљ овог рада је афирмисање наставног читања прозне књижевности за децу и младе у старијим разредима основне школе. Рад чине три дела. Први део рада описује поетичке и методичке аспекте прозе за децу и младе обухваћене програмским оквирима наставе Књижевности у старијим разредима основне школе (жанровски систем, канон – класик – лектира, наставни циљеви, наставно и ваннаставно читање, заступљеност прозе за децу и младе у наставним програмима Републике Србије и држава бившег српскохрватског језичког простора). Други део чине наставнa тумачења различитих прозних жанрова, са предлозима за примену методичких поступака и радњи. Тежња је да се током наставне анализе прозе за децу и младе успоставе унутарпредметне и ванпредметне корелације и да ученици етичке и естетичке вредности ових дела доведу у везу са својим породичним, школским и вршњачким окружењем. Трећи део рада представља опис истраживања наставног читања прозе за децу и младе у старијим разредима основне школе. Анкетирано је 200 наставника српског језика и 664 ученика из шест основних школа у Републици Србији, а тест-методом проверено је познавање појмова прозе за децу и младе код 170 ученика осмог разреда. Постављене хипотезе у највећој мери су потврђене после анализе добијених одговора. Иако је тема изузетно широка, тежило се теоријском и практичном разрешењу кључних изазова који се јављају у наставној пракси приликом тумачења прозне књижевности за децу и младе.The subject of the thesis Literature for children and teenagers in Serbian language subject teaching in senior classes of elementary school is examining the place and importance of reading prose literature for children and teenagers and the importance of teaching interpretation of these litterary works for forming students' reading habits, and describing methodological proposals for improving teaching practice. Although folk literature, poetry and drama for children and teenagers are also represented in this teaching period in Serbian languange teaching curriculum, due to the scope of this paper, a system of prose genres for children and teenagers has been placed in the research focus. The main goal of this paper is to affirm the teaching prose for children and teenagers in the senior grades of elementary school. The work consists of three parts. The first part describes the poetic and methodological aspects of prose for children and teenagers included in Literature curriculum of the older grades of primary school (genre system, canon – classic – reading, teaching goals, teaching and extracurricular reading, representation of prose for children and teenagers in the curriculum of the Republic of Serbia and the countries of the former Serbo-Croatian language space). The second part consists of teaching interpretations of various prose genres, with suggestions for the application of methodological procedures. The aim is to establish intra-subject and extra-subject correlations during the teaching analysis of prose for children and teenagers, and for students to bring the ethical and aesthetic values of these literarry works into connection with their family, school and everyday environment. The third part presents a description of the research of teaching prose for children and youth in the senior grades of elementary school. Aproximattely 200 Serbian language teachers and 664 students from six primary schools in the Republic of Serbia were interviewed, and the test method has checked the knowledge of the concepts of prose for children and teenagers in 170 eighth grade students. The set hypotheses were mostly confirmed after the analysis of the obtained answers. Although the topic is extremely broad, the aim was to theoretically and practically solve the key challenges that arise in teaching practice when interpreting prose literature for children and teenagers

    The importance of media literacy for members of the military

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    Abstract: The phrase "media literacy" is becoming ever more present in daily communication. The importance of media literacy is a significant guide for the orientation of members of the military in contemporary media arena dominated by a pronounced dichotomy in the field of effects of media content. New media have given numerous advantages to the life of a modern man. On the other hand, the hyperproduction of false news, fabricated information and interpretations, which often mix fragments of truth and falsehood, have created information disorder in the public sphere having a powerful potential to adversely affect decision-making process, combat morale, reputation and the system of values of soldiers and military leaders. Every day, mass communication media produce narratives which have become a powerful weapon for the production of meaning and reality construction. Media literacy should not be observed solely as a defensive paradigm and a shield against harmful effects of media content, but as a powerful mechanism to recognise and use all those benefits offered by modern digital technologies. The aim of this work is to point out the need to raise awareness of the importance of media literacy as an important competence of members of 21st century military

    Effects of abamectin on lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica F. (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), infestation on some stored grains

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Background: Modern methods of stored wheat grain protection from insect pests strive towards optimizing the use of different techniques and methods within integrated pest management (IPM) programs. One of the methods of integral grain protection is the application of natural originating insecticides. Main body: The potential of the natural origin synthetic insecticide abamectin (a product of soil bacteria, Streptomyces avermitilis fermentation) on the grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica F. (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), in stored wheat, barley, ray, oats, and triticale was evaluated. The evaluation was conducted in 3 rates. The effects of its application on the infestation of R. dominica on certain physical and chemical traits of cereal grains were examined. The efficacy of abamectin after 7 days of exposure, in all applied dosages, was low (< 56.5% in wheat and < 30.5% in other grains). Abamectin efficacy was significantly increased after 14 days of exposure. R. dominica mortality was 99.0 and 100% after 21-day exposure at the abamectin rates of 0.5 and 1.0 mg kg−1, respectively. Ten weeks after grain treatment, the 3 examined rates prevented the emergence of progeny. The amount of the damaged grains and dockage, as a nus-product of feeding of R. dominica larvae and imago, compared to the untreated, infested sample was significantly smaller, which represents a positive aspect of abamectin application. The application did not change significantly the moisture, protein, and ash contents, in comparison to the control. Conclusion: Positive aspects of the abamectin application on different grain species (wheat, barley, rye, oats, and triticale) caused the highest rates of R. dominica mortality after 21 days of exposure where a total prevention of progeny emergence and absence of changes on technological grain properties occurred

    Biological Features and Population Growth of Two Southeastern European Tribolium confusum Jacquelin du Val (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) Strains

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    A study of the biological features and the potential population growth between two laboratory strains of the confused flour beetle, Tribolium confusum Jacquelin du Val (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) from Greece and Serbia is conducted on cracked barley and cracked white rice. The results show that, at a species level, T. confusum is able to complete development on cracked barley but not on cracked white rice. Therefore, cracked white rice proves to be an unsuitable commodity for T. confusum. Larval development on cracked barley is significantly shorter for the Serbian compared to the Greek strain (37.7 and 49.7 days, respectively), but pupal development does not differ between the two strains (6.2 days for both strains). Additionally, male longevity does not differ between the Greek and Serbian strains (144.4 and 151.4 days, respectively), while female longevity is significantly shorter for the Serbian (151.7 days) compared to the Greek strain (186.6 days). Fecundity does not differ between the two strains (11.3 and 17.7 eggs/female for the Greek and the Serbian strain, respectively), whilst survival is higher for the Serbian strain on both tested commodities. The values of the net reproductive rate, the intrinsic rate of increase and the finite rate of increase on cracked barley are significantly higher for the Serbian (7.27 females/female, 0.025 female/female/day and 1.026, respectively) compared to the Greek strain (2.91 females/female, 0.014 females/female/day and 1.014, respectively). It therefore is expected that different strains of T. confusum may exhibit variable phenology as well as potential population growth. Additionally, we expect our results to have bearing on the management of this species


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    Seaweeds are an excellent source of compounds with biological activity. Since algae have been used in traditional medicine for a long time and also some algal substances have shown cytotoxic, anticoagulant and antiplatelet activity, they have been extensively studied. We examined the cytotoxicity and cell cycle distribution of acetone extract of Brown alga Cystoseira amentacea, on different human malignant cell lines. The antioxidant and antiplatelet activity of the extract has been evaluated. The results indicated that extract of Cystoseira amentacea significantly decreased cell survival in all tested cell lines. The IC50 values in the MTT assay in human cervix carcinoma (HeLa), two human breast cancer cell lines (MDA-MB-361 and MDA-MB-453) and a human colon carcinoma (LS174) cells were ranged from 22.87±1.26 to 64.34±2.78µg/ml. In vitro antitumor activites was accompained by an important sub-G1 accumulation of all cells after treatment of tested cell lines with extract. Antioxidant activity of Cystoseira amentacea extract in vitro was shown using chemically and cell-based assays, in erythrocytes and neutrophils. Finally, extract of Cystoseira amentacea showed significant in vitro inhibitory effects on both platelet activation and aggregation with other blood cells in response to agonist in healthy donors