20 research outputs found


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    Abstract Spatial data have become very important phenomena within the last decade in Europe due to a strong support from the political spectrum with regard to related legislation and resulting in financial support to several research, educational, and enlargement projects. INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community) Directive indeed defines the principles for the harmonization of spatial data infrastructure in the European community, including Land Use and Land Cover data themes. INSPIRE defines a methodology on how to transform datasets to common data models, but it does not cover the process of data collection and update, because it is out of its scope. Evaluation of the Land Use dataset derived from remote sensing products complemented by fieldworks has been realized since 2006 by Eurostat within the LUCAS (Land Use and Cover Area frame Survey) project. The work presented in this paper follows the LUCAS fieldwork methodology, which was applied during the fieldwork in July 2014 in the City of Zagreb (Croatia), to use at the local (municipal) geoportal level. The surveying groups collected point features with the following data type attributes: Land Use codes defined by HILUCS (Hierarchical INSPIRE Land Use Classification System) and optional Land Cover codes defined by LUCAS classification. In addition, photographs representing the observed areas were collected by cameras embedded in the mobile GIS platforms. An update of original topological layer was performed and Web GIS components for sharing the newly developed datasets were implemented. The results presented provide a suitable proposal for fieldworks methodology and updates of a land use database in line with the INSPIRE directive applicable at a local spatial data infrastructure level


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    To analyze wind erosion events in the real terrain conditions, we proposed to construct a prototype of soil particle catcher devices to trap soil particles. With these devices we are able to measure the intensity of wind erosion at six different heights above the soil surface in one location or at three different heights in two places. It is possible to use them for six different places at the same time as well. We performed field measurements to determine the amount of soil particles transported by the wind between 26th – 31st March 2012. Each measuring took 60 minutes. After this time the soil particle catchers were emptied and further measurements carried out. At the beginning we selected two places for measurement (soil HPJ 16 and 37) at two heights, one above the other. Then we used two measuring systems 40 m apart at two sites (D2 and D4) and the soil captured at two heights (0, 1). The maximum weight of soil particles trapped in measuring system D2 at height (0) was 1242.7 g at a wind speed of 9.6 ms-1. At measurement height (1) the maximum weight was 72.7 g trapped at the same average hourly rate, but during different measurement events. The measuring system at D4 trapped the highest amount of soil at a wind speed of 8.9 ms-1 (1141.7 g) at height (0) and at a speed of 9.3 ms-1 (22.3 g) at height (1). During the measurements with the two basic measuring systems D4 and D2, we measured the wind erosion intensity together with soil particle catchers D1 and D3. D3 was placed between devices D4 and D2, D1 was 20 m ahead D2. Soil particle catchers were placed on the soil surface at height position (0). We measured increasing soil erosion downwind on four locations spaced at 20 m. The results show that with there is an increasing quantity of particles collected as the erosive surface length increases, due to the so-called snowball effect. We analyzed selected trapped soil samples in order to determine the size of the soil particles and their proportion in the sample at different wind speeds. Samples were subjected to aggregate analysis (laser soil particle analyzer FRITSCH ANALYSETTE 22) in order to set the size and percentage of soil particles

    A Geospatial Data Infrastructure Deploying an Information and Knowledge Platform for the Agriculture Sector

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    U radu se izvještava o studiju slučaja o planiranju i razvoju Platforme utemeljene na informacijama i znanju (Information and Knowledge-based Platform – IKP), čiju jezgru čini Infrastruktura geoprostornih podataka (Geospatial Data Infrastructure – GDI). Platforma je namijenjena podržavanju poljoprivrednog sektora u Lombardiji u Italiji. Glavna novina u ovom radu odnosi se na upravljanje skupovima prostornih podataka i vremenskih serija iz heterogenih izvora podataka. Tijela vlasti omogućuju pristup bazama podataka poljoprivrednih deklaracija, agronomskih katastarskih karata i meteoroloških podataka u stvarnom vremenu. Istraživačke ustanove proizvode skupove geoprostornih podataka i vremenske serije obradom snimaka dobivenih daljinskim istraživanjima, i to multispektralnih optičkih i slika SAR-a (Synthetic Aperture Radar). Konačno, građani i dobrovoljci, kao što su farmeri i poljoprivredni radnici na terenu izvješćuju o opažanjima in situ upotrebom pametnih tehnologija. Tehnološki okvir predstavlja novi pristup upravljanju geoprostornim skupovima podataka i vremenskim serijama heterogenih izvora te integriranoj obradi dobrovoljnih geoinformacija (Volunteered Geographic Information – VGI) u okviru infrastrukture geoprostornih podataka. Rad opisuje prototip IKP-a koji omogućuje ostvarljivo rješenje koje se može primijeniti pri prijenosu tehnologije u stvarnoj provedbi IKP-a u državnim i regionalnim poljoprivrednim sektorima.The paper reports a case study on the design and development of an Information and Knowledge-based Platform (IKP), whose core is a Geospatial Data Infrastructure (GDI). The IKP aims to support the agriculture sector in the Lombardy region of Italy. The main novelty of the present work is related primarily to the management of geospatial data sets and time series from heterogeneous data sources. Authoritative bodies provide access to databases of agricultural declarations, agronomic cadastral maps, and real-time meteorological data. Research institutions produce geospatial data sets and time series by processing and analysing remote sensing images, both multispectral optical and SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) images. Finally, citizens and volunteers, such as farmers, or on-field operators belonging to agricultural associations, report in situ observations using smart technologies. The technological framework presents a novel approach related both to the workflow management of geospatial data sets and time series of heterogeneous sources, and the integrated processing of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) within a GDI. The paper describes a prototype IKP, which provides a feasible solution that can be used for technology transfer in the real implementation of the IKP in regional and national agriculture sectors

    Infrastruktura prostornih podataka koja razvija platformu informacija i znanja za poljoprivredni sektor

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    The paper reports a case study on the design and development of an Information and Knowledge-based Platform (IKP), whose core is a Geospatial Data Infrastructure (GDI). The IKP aims to support the agriculture sector in the Lombardy region of Italy. The main novelty of the present work is related primarily to the management of geospatial data sets and time series from heterogeneous data sources. Authoritative bodies provide access to databases of agricultural declarations, agronomic cadastral maps, and real-time meteorological data. Research institutions produce geospatial data sets and time series by processing and analysing remote sensing images, both multispectral optical and SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) images. Finally, citizens and volunteers, such as farmers, or on-field operators belonging to agricultural associations, report in situ observations using smart technologies. The technological framework presents a novel approach related both to the workflow management of geospatial data sets and time series of heterogeneous sources, and the integrated processing of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) within a GDI. The paper describes a prototype IKP, which provides a feasible solution that can be used for technology transfer in the real implementation of the IKP in regional and national agriculture sectors.U radu se izvještava o studiju slučaja o planiranju i razvoju Platforme utemeljene na informacijama i znanju (Information and Knowledge-based Platform – IKP), čiju jezgru čini Infrastruktura geoprostornih podataka (Geospatial Data Infrastructure – GDI). Platforma je namijenjena podržavanju poljoprivrednog sektora u Lombardiji u Italiji. Glavna novina u ovom radu odnosi se na upravljanje skupovima prostornih podataka i vremenskih serija iz heterogenih izvora podataka. Tijela vlasti omogućuju pristup bazama podataka poljoprivrednih deklaracija, agronomskih katastarskih karata i meteoroloških podataka u stvarnom vremenu. Istraživačke ustanove proizvode skupove geoprostornih podataka i vremenske serije obradom snimaka dobivenih daljinskim istraživanjima, i to multispektralnih optičkih i slika SAR-a (Synthetic Aperture Radar). Konačno, građani i dobrovoljci, kao što su farmeri i poljoprivredni radnici na terenu izvješćuju o opažanjima in situ upotrebom pametnih tehnologija. Tehnološki okvir predstavlja novi pristup upravljanju geoprostornim skupovima podataka i vremenskim serijama heterogenih izvora te integriranoj obradi dobrovoljnih geoinformacija (Volunteered Geographic Information – VGI) u okviru infrastrukture geoprostornih podataka. Rad opisuje prototip IKP-a koji omogućuje ostvarljivo rješenje koje se može primijeniti pri prijenosu tehnologije u stvarnoj provedbi IKP-a u državnim i regionalnim poljoprivrednim sektorima


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    To analyze wind erosion events in the real terrain conditions, we proposed to construct a prototype of soil particle catcher devices to trap soil particles. With these devices we are able to measure the intensity of wind erosion at six different heights above the soil surface in one location or at three different heights in two places. It is possible to use them for six different places at the same time as well. We performed field measurements to determine the amount of soil particles transported by the wind between 26th – 31st March 2012. Each measuring took 60 minutes. After this time the soil particle catchers were emptied and further measurements carried out. At the beginning we selected two places for measurement (soil HPJ 16 and 37) at two heights, one above the other. Then we used two measuring systems 40 m apart at two sites (D2 and D4) and the soil captured at two heights (0, 1). The maximum weight of soil particles trapped in measuring system D2 at height (0) was 1242.7 g at a wind speed of 9.6 ms-1. At measurement height (1) the maximum weight was 72.7 g trapped at the same average hourly rate, but during different measurement events. The measuring system at D4 trapped the highest amount of soil at a wind speed of 8.9 ms-1 (1141.7 g) at height (0) and at a speed of 9.3 ms-1 (22.3 g) at height (1). During the measurements with the two basic measuring systems D4 and D2, we measured the wind erosion intensity together with soil particle catchers D1 and D3. D3 was placed between devices D4 and D2, D1 was 20 m ahead D2. Soil particle catchers were placed on the soil surface at height position (0). We measured increasing soil erosion downwind on four locations spaced at 20 m. The results show that with there is an increasing quantity of particles collected as the erosive surface length increases, due to the so-called snowball effect. We analyzed selected trapped soil samples in order to determine the size of the soil particles and their proportion in the sample at different wind speeds. Samples were subjected to aggregate analysis (laser soil particle analyzer FRITSCH ANALYSETTE 22) in order to set the size and percentage of soil particles

    DEIMS-SDR – A web portal to document research sites and their associated data

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    Climate change and other drivers are affecting ecosystems around the globe. In order to enable a better understanding of ecosystem functioning and to develop mitigation and adaptation strategies in response to environmental change, a broad range of information, including in-situ observations of both biotic and abiotic parameters, needs to be considered. Access to sufficient and well documented in-situ data from long term observations is therefore one of the key requirements for modelling and assessing the effects of global change on ecosystems. Usually, such data is generated by multiple providers; often not openly available and with improper documentation. In this regard, metadata plays an important role in aiding the findability, accessibility and reusability of data as well as enabling reproducibility of the results leading to management decisions. This metadata needs to include information on the observation location and the research context. For this purpose we developed the Dynamic Ecological Information Management System – Site and Dataset Registry (DEIMS-SDR), a research and monitoring site registry (https://www.deims.org/) that not only makes it possible to describe in-situ observation or experimentation sites, generating persistent, unique and resolvable identifiers for each site, but also to document associated data linked to each site. This article describes the system architecture and illustrates the linkage of contextual information to observational data. The aim of DEIMS-SDR is to be a globally comprehensive site catalogue describing a wide range of sites, providing a wealth of information, including each site's location, ecosystems, facilities, measured parameters and research themes and enabling that standardised information to be openly available

    Readiness of the Czech Republic for Industry 4.0

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    Hlavním cílem práce je prozkoumat míru připravenosti České republiky na příchod Průmyslu 4.0. Pozornost je soustředěna zejména na ekonomickou a sociální sféru z pohledu vlády ČR. Práce vychází ze zkoumání již zpracovaných případových studií a výzkumů na jejichž základě je na konci sestaveno pět doporučení pro ČR, které by ji mohly pomoci při implementaci celého konceptu. Zároveň by tyto doporučení mohly pomoci ČR přiblížit se svému kýženému cíli stát se do roku 2030 technologickým lídrem Evropy. Země budoucnosti, jak ji vláda nově nazvala, k tomu má předpoklady. Zatím ale zaostává za světovými lídry, a to především z hlediska průmyslové excelence a hodnotového systému. To, zda nakonec bude schopna dosáhnout svých cílů bude záležet jen a jen na odhodlanosti vlády splnit své závazky a držet se plánu, který slibuje „lepší zítřky“.The main goal of the thesis is to analyze the level of readiness of the Czech Republic for the incoming fourth industrial revolution. Particular attention is paid to the economic and social area from the perspective of the Czech government. The work is based on the analysis of case studies and researches which have been already conducted. As a result, there are five recommendations for the Czech Republic that could potentially help in the process of implementation. At the same time, these recommendations could possibly help the Czech Republic to move closer to its desired goal of becoming the European technology leader by 2030. The Country For The Future, as the government has recently called it, should be ready. However, it is still lagging behind the world leaders, especially in terms of industrial excellence and the value system. Whether it will eventually be able to achieve its goals will depend on the government´s determination to fulfill its commitments and stick with the plan which promises a “better future”

    Mapování cesty uživatelů dané technologické firmy

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    Cesty zákazníků jsou čím dál komplexnější. Rostoucí počet kontaktních bodů v online prostředí ztěžuje firmám snahy o zprostředkování co možná nejlepší zákaznické zkušenosti. Otázkou zůstává, jak zaručit co nejlepší zážitek v každém kontaktním bodě a naplnit tak očekávání a potřeby náročných zákazníků dnešní doby. Metoda mapování cesty uživatele je skvělým nástrojem, jak tohoto cíle dosáhnout. Diplomová práce si klade za cíl vytvořit vizuální mapu celkové zkušenosti uživatelů dané technologické firmy pomocí metody mapování cest. Dále si klade za cíl najít konkrétní problémy, s nimiž se uživatelé během probíhajících interakcí setkávají, vyhodnotit celkovou end-to-end zkušenost a navrhnout soubor doporučení, jak vylepšit jejich cestu napříč všemi fázemi marketingového trychtýře. K naplnění těchto cílů byly provedeny hloubkové rozhovory a kvantitativní behaviorální analýza UX. Výsledky ukazují pozitivní zkušenost ve většině fází cesty uživatele s drobnými nedostatky a potenciálem pro zlepšení. Kvantitativní část hrála v tomto výzkumu spíše sekundární roli. Přesto se ukazuje jako cenný nástroj (ve spojení s kvalitativním výzkumem), který může potvrdit nebo vyvrátit některé domněnky nebo nezodpovězené otázky z jednotlivých rozhovorů.Customer journeys are becoming more complex than ever. The increasing number of online touchpoints customers use to communicate with business makes it more difficult for companies to always ensure a superior customer experience. So, the fundamental question is – how do companies make sure they still meet customer expectations and secure high-level customer experience at every touchpoint? One great way to optimize the whole experience is a method called customer journey mapping. This thesis aims to create a visual representation of the overall user experience with a given tech company using a user journey map. It further aims to find specific issues the users face during the ongoing interactions, evaluate the end-to-end experience, and suggest a set of recommendations to enhance their journey across all possible touchpoints. To fulfill these goals, in-depth interviews and quantitative behavioral UX analysis were conducted. The results show a positive overall experience across most of the user journey phases, with some minor inconsistencies along the way. The quantitative part played a secondary role in this research. Still, it proves to be a valuable tool (when coupled with qualitative data) that can confirm or refute some of the assumptions or unanswered questions from the interview part

    Vyhľadávanie geodát v rámci infraštruktúry priestorových informácií =Geodata searching within the scope of the spatial data infrastructure

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    The basic principles and elements of the Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) and geodata searching within its scope. The purpose is to inform the geodetic community as well as geodata users about the current possibilities for geodata searching. Approach to this theme from the view of ordinary geodata users and outline of possible problems of data searching. The current status of geodata searching does not stil fulfil users' requirements but the tendency of its development is favourable22923