20 research outputs found

    Poisson-Lie T-Duality: the Path-Integral Derivation

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    We formulate Poisson-Lie T-duality in a path-integral manner that allows us to analyze the quantum corrections. Using the path-integral, we rederive the most general form of a Poisson-Lie dualizeable background and the generalized Buscher transformation rules it has to satisfy.Comment: 16 pages, plain LaTeX 2e, one paragraph added to the conclusions; this is the final version accepted by Physics Letters

    Notes on noncommutative supersymmetric gauge theory on the fuzzy supersphere

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    In these notes we review Klimcik's construction of noncommutative gauge theory on the fuzzy supersphere. This theory has an exact SUSY gauge symmetry with a finite number of degrees of freedom and thus in principle it is amenable to the methods of matrix models and Monte Carlo numerical simulations. We also write down in this article a novel fuzzy supersymmetric scalar action on the fuzzy supersphere

    Super Poisson-Lie symmetry of the GL(1|1) WZNW model and worldsheet boundary conditions

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    We show that the WZNW model on the Lie supergroup GL(1|1) has super Poisson-Lie symmetry with the dual Lie supergroup B + A + A1;1|.i. Then, we discuss about D-branes and worldsheet boundary conditions on supermanifolds, in general, and obtain the algebraic relations on the gluing supermatrix for the Lie supergroup case. Finally, using the supercanonical transformation description of the super Poisson-Lie T-duality transformation, we obtain formula for the description of the dual gluing supermatrix, then, we find the gluing supermatrix for the WZNW model on GL(1|1) and its dual model. We also discuss about different boundary conditions.Comment: 19 pages, two Refs. have adde

    N=2 Current Algebras for Non-Semi-Simple Groups

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    We examine the problem of constructing N=2 superconformal algebras out of N=1 non-semi-simple affine Lie algebras. These N=2 superconformal theories share the property that the super Virasoro central charge depends only on the dimension of the Lie algebra. We find, in particular, a construction having a central charge c=9. This provides a possible internal space for string compactification and where mirror symmetry might be explored.Comment: 10 pages, BONN-HE-94-0

    D-branes on Group Manifolds and Deformation Quantization

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    Recently M. Kontsevich found a combinatorial formula defining a star-product of deformation quantization for any Poisson manifold. Kontsevich's formula has been reinterpreted physically as quantum correlation functions of a topological sigma model for open strings as well as in the context of D-branes in flat backgrounds with a Neveu-Schwarz B-field. Here the corresponding Kontsevich's formula for the dual of a Lie algebra is derived in terms of the formalism of D-branes on group manifolds. In particular we show that that formula is encoded at the two-point correlation functions of the Wess-Zumino-Witten effective theory with Dirichlet boundary conditions. The B-field entering in the formalism plays an important role in this derivation.Comment: 20 pages, harvmac file, no figures, corrected typo

    On quasi-Jacobi and Jacobi-quasi bialgebroids

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    We study quasi-Jacobi and Jacobi-quasi bialgebroids and their relationships with twisted Jacobi and quasi Jacobi manifolds. We show that we can construct quasi-Lie bialgebroids from quasi-Jacobi bialgebroids, and conversely, and also that the structures induced on their base manifolds are related via a quasi Poissonization

    A Vector Non-abelian Chern-Simons Duality

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    Abelian Chern-Simons gauge theory is known to possess a `SS-self-dual' action where its coupling constant kk is inverted {\it i.e.} k1kk \leftrightarrow {1 \over k}. Here a vector non-abelian duality is found in the pure non-abelian Chern-Simons action at the classical level. The dimensional reduction of the dual Chern-Simons action to two-dimensions constitutes a dual Wess-Zumino-Witten action already given in the literature.Comment: 14+1 pages, LaTeX file, no figures, version to appear in Phys. Rev

    Open Strings and D-branes in WZNW model

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    An abundance of the Poisson-Lie symmetries of the WZNW models is uncovered. They give rise, via the Poisson-Lie TT-duality, to a rich structure of the dual pairs of DD-branes configurations in group manifolds. The DD-branes are characterized by their shapes and certain two-forms living on them. The WZNW path integral for the interacting DD-branes diagrams is unambiguously defined if the two-form on the DD-brane and the WZNW three-form on the group form an integer-valued cocycle in the relative singular cohomology of the group manifold with respect to its DD-brane submanifold. An example of the SU(N)SU(N) WZNW model is studied in some detail.Comment: 28 pages, LaTe

    The Fuzzy Supersphere

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    We introduce the fuzzy supersphere as sequence of finite-dimensional, noncommutative Z2Z_{2}-graded algebras tending in a suitable limit to a dense subalgebra of the Z2Z_{2}-graded algebra of H{\cal H}^{\infty}-functions on the (22)(2| 2)-dimensional supersphere. Noncommutative analogues of the body map (to the (fuzzy) sphere) and the super-deRham complex are introduced. In particular we reproduce the equality of the super-deRham cohomology of the supersphere and the ordinary deRham cohomology of its body on the "fuzzy level".Comment: 33 pages, LaTeX, some typos correcte

    T-Duality and Penrose limits of spatially homogeneous and inhomogeneous cosmologies

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    Penrose limits of inhomogeneous cosmologies admitting two abelian Killing vectors and their abelian T-duals are found in general. The wave profiles of the resulting plane waves are given for particular solutions. Abelian and non-abelian T-duality are used as solution generating techniques. Furthermore, it is found that unlike in the case of abelian T-duality, non-abelian T-duality and taking the Penrose limit are not commutative procedures.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures. Discussion on non-abelian T-duality expande