136 research outputs found

    La formación de Händel en Alemania

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    El propòsit inicial d’aquest treball és plantejar quina va poder ser la formació musical que rebé Händel a Alemanya abans de viatjar a Itàlia. Però el problema que observa l’autor a l’hora de tractar aquest tema és que les obres que es conserven d’aquest període, encara poc conegut, són d’atribució difícil, llevat de l’òpera Almira. Per tant, en aquest treball, el professor Kleinertz realitza una panoràmica, crítica i documentada, sobre les obres assignades a Händel durant aquest període inicial, plantejant àmpliament els problemes que hi ha per saber a qui s’han d’atribuir.The initial purpose of this paper is to contemplate the nature of the musical training that Händel received prior to his trip to Italy. However, the author’s problem in dealing with this issue is that, other than the opera Almira, the works preserved from this period are still little-known and difficult to attribute. Therefore, in this paper Professor Kleinertz produces a documented critical overview of the works attributed to Händel during this initial period, widely focussing on the problems of their attribution.El propósito inicial de este trabajo es plantear cuál fue la formación musical que recibió Händel en Alemania antes de su viaje a Italia. Pero el problema que observa el autor para tratar este tema es que las obras que se conservan de este periodo, todavía poco conocido, son de difícil atribución, salvo la ópera Almira. Por tanto, en este trabajo, el profesor Kleinertz realiza una panorámica, crítica y documentada, sobre las obras asignadas a Händel durante este periodo inicial, planteando ampliamente los problemas para su atribución

    La formació de Händel a Alemanya

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    El propòsit inicial d'aquest treball és plantejar quina va poder ser la formació musical que rebé Händel a Alemanya abans de viatjar a Itàlia. Però el problema que observa l'autor a l'hora de tractar aquest tema és que les obres que es conserven d'aquest període, encara poc conegut, són d'atribució difícil, llevat de l'òpera Almira. Per tant, en aquest treball, el professor Kleinertz realitza una panoràmica, crítica i documentada, sobre les obres assignades a Händel durant aquest període inicial, plantejant àmpliament els problemes que hi ha per saber a qui s'han d'atribuir.Die ursprüngliche Absicht dieser Arbeit war die Beantwortung der Frage nach der musikalischen Ausbildung Händels vor seiner Italienreise. Nach Aufnahme der Studie stellte sich dem Autor jedoch das Problem, dass die aus diesem bisher wenig bekannten Zeitraum erhalten gebliebenen Werke, mit Ausnahme der Oper Almira, nur schwer zuzuordnen sind. Aus diesem Grund entwirft Prof. Kleinerzt in der vorliegenden Arbeit einen kritischen, dokumentierten Überblick über die Werke, die Händel in seinen frühen Jahren zugeordnet werden, und diskutiert ausführlich die Probleme ihrer Zuordnung.The initial purpose of this paper is to contemplate the nature of the musical training that Händel received prior to his trip to Italy. However, the author's problem in dealing with this issue is that, other than the opera Almira, the works preserved from this period are still little-known and difficult to attribute. Therefore, in this paper Professor Kleinertz produces a documented critical overview of the works attributed to Händel during this initial period, widely focussing on the problems of their attribution.El propósito inicial de este trabajo es plantear cuál fue la formación musical que recibió Händel en Alemania antes de su viaje a Italia. Pero el problema que observa el autor para tratar este tema es que las obras que se conservan de este periodo, todavía poco conocido, son de difícil atribución, salvo la ópera Almira. Por tanto, en este trabajo, el profesor Kleinertz realiza una panorámica, crítica y documentada, sobre las obras asignadas a Händel durante este periodo inicial, planteando ampliamente los problemas para su atribución.L'objectif principal de ce travail est d'explorer la formation musicale reçue par Händel en Allemagne avant son voyage en Italie, mais le problème que rencontre l'auteur dans le traitement de ce thème réside dans le fait que les oeuvres conservées de cette époque encore peu connue sont d'attribution difficile, excepté l'opéra Almira. Pour cette raison, dans ce travail le Professeur Kleinertz propose une vision panoramique, critique et documentée des oeuvres attribuées à Händel pendant cette période initiale, en évoquant largement les problèmes concernant leur attribution

    Fischparasiten als Bioindikatoren: Zum Umweltstatus von Küstenökosystemen und einer Zackenbarschmarikultur in Indonesien

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    In the present study a total of 325 groupers belonging to the species Epinephelus coioides (195), E. areolatus (60) and E. fuscoguttatus (70) from Indonesian coastal marine ecosystems in the Segara Anakan Lagoon (Central Java), Balinese waters and the Thousand Islands were investigated for parasites in 2008 and 2009. A total of 33 different parasite species/taxa belonging to the Ciliata (1), Microsporea (1), Digenea (9), Monogenea (2), Cestoda (4), Nematoda (6), Acanthocephala (2), Hirudinea (1) and Crustacea (7) was found. Furthermore, the morphologically predetermined Anisakis sp. were confirmed as Anisakis typica and Anisakis sp. (HC-2005) using molecular biological methods. Scatophagus argus (58) from inside and outside the Segara Anakan Lagoon were studied for additional regional comparisons. In total 13 different parasite species/taxa belonging to the Ciliata (1), Microsporea (1), Digenea (2), Monogenea (1), Cestoda (1), Nematoda (1), Acanthocephala (1) and Crustacea (5) could be listed. Therefore, 41 parasite species/taxa, including 16 ectoparasitic and 25 endoparasitic parasites, could be isolated from all 383 investigated fishes of all sampling sites. These 41 detected fish parasites were taxonomically processed by using different techniques. 20 new host records (E. coioides four, E. areolatus 13, E. fuscoguttatus one and S. argus two new records) und 23 new locality records, mainly from Balinese waters and the coastal zone of the Segara Anakan, Central Java, could be revealed. Because of minor variability within parasite communities of free living and mariculture fishes in stable ecosystems between two years, annual differences can only be indicated over a long-term period. A comparison of the new data with previous investigations (Rückert 2006) of E. fuscoguttatus (2003/04-2008/09) indicates either a broad degradation of the surrounding ecosystem or management changes within the mariculture (Palm et al. submitted). The parameters Evenness of endoparasites, ecto-/endoparasite ratio and endoparasite diversity appear to be especially adequate to reveal differences in the parasite infestation over several years. The parameters endoparasite diversity and Evenness were tested ( Trendtest after Neumann) and confirmed a decreasing trend. This trend represents a higher dominance level and decreasing parasite diversity of particular endoparasite species in this mariculture farm from 2003/04 to 2008/09. This might be due to increasing extraneous causes and/or changes in the facilities management that are directly linked to the occurrence of intermediate hosts and the feed usage, respectively. Accordingly, fish parasites have been shown to be useful as bioindicators and to monitor culture conditions and environmental status in and around a grouper mariculture farm. It was possible to illustrate regional differences and long-term changes in parasite communities of the studied epinephelids by using visual integration of a variety of parasitological parameters within a stargraph. The utilised parameters have been demonstrated to be useful to indicate a general ecosystem change and also long-term variations. The application of a stargraph can be further developed into a fish parasite based evaluation system that can monitor regional environmental health. Cluster-Analyses and MDS Plots likewise can illustrate such differences but fall short in concluding, in explaining these differences. In contrast, the stargraph method enables visualisation of existing differences and also allows statements concerning the respective environmental change by using a variety of ecological parameters. This method can be helpful to monitor environmental impact and change of grouper finfish mariculture in Indonesia

    Zwischen Neapel und Madrid: Vicente Martín y Soler uns das spanische Königshaus

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    Der Schutz schwerbehinderter Arbeitnehmer vor dem Verlust des Arbeitsplatzes durch Prävention:Eine Untersuchung der Effektivität der auf Kündigungsprävention ausgerichteten Schutzvorschriften zugunsten schwerbehinderter Arbeitnehmer

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    Durch die in § 81 und § 84 SGB IX geregelten Pflichten bei der Beschäftigung schwerbehinderter Arbeitnehmer sollen Kündigungen vermieden werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Effektivität dieser Vorschriften und geht der Frage nach, ob und inwieweit die besonderen Beschäftigungspflichten, insbesondere Präventionsverfahren und Betriebliches Eingliederungsmanagement den Ausspruch von Kündigungen verhindern und damit schwerbehinderte Arbeitnehmer vor dem Verlust des Arbeitsplatzes schützen können. Neben der Darstellung von Inhalt und Anwendungsbereich der §§ 81, 84 SGB IX setzt sich die Arbeit mit den Durchsetzungsmöglichkeiten von Arbeitnehmern und betrieblichen Interessenvertretungen auseinander. Zudem werden die Auswirkungen auf die Wirksamkeit von Kündigungen sowie im Kündigungsschutz- und Zustimmungsverfahren nach § 85 SGB IX bei Nichtbeachtung der Vorschriften untersucht. Abschließend erfolgt ein Vorschlag zur Optimierung der §§ 81, 84 SGB IX, der berücksichtigt, dass eine Überregulierung auch negative Auswirkungen auf die Einstellungsentscheidung von Arbeitgebern haben kann

    Liszt, Wagner y la "forma en despliegue": «Orpheus» y la génesis de «Tristán e Isolda»

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    Es una traducción de: Kleinertz, R: “Liszt, Wagner, and Unfolding Form: Orpheus and the Genesis of Tristan und Isolde”, en Franz Liszt and his world, ed. C.H. Gibbs y Dana Gooley, Princeton University Press, 2006, pp. 231-254. Copyright by Princeton University Press.Héctor J. Sánchez (traductor).En este artículo, Rainer Kleinertz defiende la influencia que tuvo el contacto entre Liszt y Wagner, durante los años de Liszt en Weimar, sobre la composición de «Tristan und Isolde», y la transformación armónica, formal, y estilística que sufrió la música de Wagner durante estos años. En concreto, el autor documenta el impacto que tuvo sobre Wagner la interpretación de varios poemas sinfónicos de Liszt en noviembre de 1856, entre ellos «Orpheus». A continuación se analizan las características formales de Orpheus que pueden haber llamado la atención de Wagner, para después ofrecer varios ejemplos extraídos de «Tristan und Isolde» en los que el proceso compositivo parece regirse mediante principios formales similares. Finalmente, el autor concluye afirmando que la influencia mutua entre ambos compositores en esta época fue más allá de meros aspectos armónicos o de instrumentación, afectando también a aspectos formales más profundos

    Massenakten in Kommunalarchiven von Großstädten

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    The Saleh Bay is one of the bays in West Nusa Tenggara utilized as the grouper fishing ground. However, in the previous spawning potential ratio study, some grouper species have been overexploited in Saleh Bay. This study aimed to estimate the status of grouper utilization with a catch per unit effort (CPUE) approach and the spatio-temporal fishing intensity of grouper in fishing grounds in Saleh Bay. Data were gathered using the fish landing data and geo-reference of fishing ground grouper in Saleh Bay. This study used several methods: descriptive analysis, catch per unit effort, and spatial-temporal analysis. The result showed that the catch unit effort positively impacts production, with the increasing trend of grouper fishing in Saleh Bay waters. The CPUE value in 2016 was 2.82 kg/trip, while in 2020, it increased to 3.99 kg/trip. Spatially and temporally, fishers caught grouper around small islands such as Liang Island, Dempu Island, Lipan Island, Takat Nusa Pudu, and Rakit Island. The highest intensity of grouper fishing around the marine protected area, namely Rakit Island, Liang Island, and Ngali Island. Keywords: catch per unit effort, fishing ground, grouper, Saleh Ba

    Endoparasitic insights of free-living fin (Balaenoptera physalus), Humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae) and North Atlantic Right Whales (Eubalaena glacialis) from Eastern Canadian Waters

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    Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.Purpose: To date, little is still known on parasite infections affecting free-living large whale populations worldwide. Data presented should be considered as a baseline study for future monitoring surveys on endoparasites affecting whales, thereby enhancing investigations on impacts of zoonotic parasitoses not only on vulnerable or endangered baleen whale population health but also on public health. Methods: The presented study is a first report on gastrointestinal parasites infecting different free-living baleen whales inhabiting East Canadian waters using non-invasive methods. Individual faecal samples from fin (n = 3; Balaenoptera physalus), humpback (n = 4; Megaptera novaeangliae) and North Atlantic right whales (n = 1; Eubalaena glacialis) were collected without animal disturbance, within their natural habitats on an ecological expedition during annual surveys in summer 2017. Faecal samples were assessed by standardized diagnostic methods, such as sodium acetate acetic formalin (SAF) technique, carbol fuchsin-stained faecal smears, Giardia/Cryptosporidium coproantigen ELISAs and were applied for further identification. Results: Parasitological infections included three different potentially zoonotic parasite species, one protozoa (Entamoeba spp.) and two metazoans (Diphyllobothriidae gen. sp., Ascaridida indet.). No positive Giardia/Cryptosporidium coproantigen ELISA could be found in the studied whales. Conclusion: This study adds to the current knowledge of intestinal and zoonotic parasite infections of vulnerable to partly endangered free-ranging baleen whales. Only few or no parasitological studies exist for these whale species, usually dealing with only one dead specimen. We call for more research in this field especially for the importance of conservation of free-living marine mammals using non-invasive methods.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe