47,636 research outputs found

    Concentration around the mean for maxima of empirical processes

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    In this paper we give optimal constants in Talagrand's concentration inequalities for maxima of empirical processes associated to independent and eventually nonidentically distributed random variables. Our approach is based on the entropy method introduced by Ledoux.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009117905000000044 in the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Single Boson Images Via an Extended Holstein Primakoff Mapping

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    The Holstein-Primakoff mapping for pairs of bosons is extended in order to accommodate single boson mapping. The proposed extension allows a variety of applications and especially puts the formalism at finite temperature on firm grounds. The new mapping is applied to the O(N+1) anharmonic oscillator with global symmetry broken down to O(N). It is explicitly demonstrated that N-Goldstone modes appear. This result generalizes the Holstein-Primakoff mapping for interacting boson as developed in ref.[1].Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX. Physical content unchanged. Unnecessary figure remove

    Radio frequency interference survey over the 1.0-10.4 GHz frequency range at the Goldstone-Venus Development Station

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    The results of a low sensitivity Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) survey carried out at the Venus Station of the Goldstone Communications Complex are reported. The data cover the spectral range from 1 GHz to 10.4 GHz with a 10-kHz instantaneous bandwidth. Frequency and power levels were observed using a sweep-frequency spectrum analyzer connected to a 1-m diameter antenna pointed at zenith. The survey was conducted from February 16, 1987 through February 24, 1987

    Characteristics of Cherenkov Radiation in Naturally Occuring Ice

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    We revisit the theory of Cherenkov radiation in uniaxial crystals. Historically, a number of flawed attempts have been made at explaining this radiation phenomenon and a consistent error-free description is nowhere available. We apply our calculation to a large modern day telescope - IceCube. Being located at the Antarctica, this detector makes use of the naturally occuring ice as a medium to generate Cherenkov radiation. However, due to the high pressure at the depth of the detector site, large volumes of hexagonal ice crystals are formed. We calculate how this affects the Cherenkov radiation yield and angular dependence. We conclude that the effect is small, at most about a percent, and would only be relevant in future high precision instruments like e.g. Precision IceCube Next Generation Upgrade (PINGU). For radio-Cherenkov experiments which use the presence of a clear Cherenkov cone to determine the arrival direction, any variation in emission angle will directly and linearly translate into a change in apparent neutrino direction. In closing, we also describe a simple experiment to test this formalism, and calculate the impact of anisotropy on light-yields from lead tungstate crystals as used, for example, in the CMS calorimeter at the CERN LHC

    Polariton lasing in high-quality Selenide-based micropillars in the strong coupling regime

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    We have designed and fabricated all-epitaxial ZnSe-based optical micropillars exhibiting the strong coupling regime between the excitonic transition and the confined optical cavity modes. At cryogenic temperatures, under non-resonant pulsed optical excitation, we demonstrate single transverse mode polariton lasing operation in the micropillars. Owing to the high quality factors of these microstructures, the lasing threshold remains low even in micropillars of the smallest diameter. We show that this feature can be traced back to a sidewall roughness grain size below 3 nm, and to suppressed in-plane polariton escape.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    The NASA SETI sky survey: Recent developments

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    NASA's Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) project utilizes two complementary search strategies: a sky survey and a targeted search. The SETI team at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, has primary responsibility to develop and carry out the sky survey part. Described here is progress that has been made developing the major elements of the survey including a 2-million channel wideband spectrum analyzer system that is being designed and constructed by JPL for the Deep Space Network (DSN). The system will be a multiuser instrument; it will serve as a prototype for the SETI sky survey processor. This prototype system will be used to test the signal detection and observational strategies on DSN antennas in the near future

    Tunneling Spectroscopy and Vortex Imaging in Boron-Doped Diamond

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    We present the first scanning tunneling spectroscopy study of single-crystalline boron doped diamond. The measurements were performed below 100 mK with a low temperature scanning tunneling microscope. The tunneling density of states displays a clear superconducting gap. The temperature evolution of the order parameter follows the weak coupling BCS law with Δ(0)/kBTc1.74\Delta(0)/k_B T_c \simeq 1.74. Vortex imaging at low magnetic field also reveals localized states inside the vortex core that are unexpected for such a dirty superconductor.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, replaced with revised versio

    Five-Dimensional Unification of the Cosmological Constant and the Photon Mass

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    Using a non-Riemannian geometry that is adapted to the 4+1 decomposition of space-time in Kaluza-Klein theory, the translational part of the connection form is related to the electromagnetic vector potential and a Stueckelberg scalar. The consideration of a five-dimensional gravitational action functional that shares the symmetries of the chosen geometry leads to a unification of the four-dimensional cosmological term and a mass term for the vector potential.Comment: 8 pages, LaTe

    Foundations of self-consistent particle-rotor models and of self-consistent cranking models

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    The Kerman-Klein formulation of the equations of motion for a nuclear shell model and its associated variational principle are reviewed briefly. It is then applied to the derivation of the self-consistent particle-rotor model and of the self-consistent cranking model, for both axially symmetric and triaxial nuclei. Two derivations of the particle-rotor model are given. One of these is of a form that lends itself to an expansion of the result in powers of the ratio of single-particle angular momentum to collective angular momentum, that is essentual to reach the cranking limit. The derivation also requires a distinct, angular-momentum violating, step. The structure of the result implies the possibility of tilted-axis cranking for the axial case and full three-dimensional cranking for the triaxial one. The final equations remain number conserving. In an appendix, the Kerman-Klein method is developed in more detail, and the outlines of several algorithms for obtaining solutions of the associated non-linear formalism are suggested.Comment: 29 page

    Saturn's microwave spectrum: Implications for the atmosphere and the rings

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    Measurements of Saturn's disk temperature are compiled to determine the planet's microwave spectrum from 1 mm to 100 cm wavelength. The data were adjusted to conform with a common flux density scale. A model of Saturn's rings is used to remove the effects of the rings from the atmospheric component at centimeter and decimeter wavelengths. Theoretical spectra for a number of convective atmospheric models were computed and compared with the observed spectrum. Radiative-convective models with approximately solar composition and with an effective temperature of approximately 89 K are in good agreement with the observations. The agreement between the observed and theoretical spectra is a strong indication that gaseous ammonia is present in Saturn's atmosphere. A good fit to the data is obtained with an ammonia mixing ratio of approximately 5 x 10,0001. A comparison of the millimeter wavelength data with the best-fitting atmospheric spectrum indicates that the thermal component of the ring brightness temperature near 1 mm wavelength is approximately 25 k