
Saturn's microwave spectrum: Implications for the atmosphere and the rings


Measurements of Saturn's disk temperature are compiled to determine the planet's microwave spectrum from 1 mm to 100 cm wavelength. The data were adjusted to conform with a common flux density scale. A model of Saturn's rings is used to remove the effects of the rings from the atmospheric component at centimeter and decimeter wavelengths. Theoretical spectra for a number of convective atmospheric models were computed and compared with the observed spectrum. Radiative-convective models with approximately solar composition and with an effective temperature of approximately 89 K are in good agreement with the observations. The agreement between the observed and theoretical spectra is a strong indication that gaseous ammonia is present in Saturn's atmosphere. A good fit to the data is obtained with an ammonia mixing ratio of approximately 5 x 10,0001. A comparison of the millimeter wavelength data with the best-fitting atmospheric spectrum indicates that the thermal component of the ring brightness temperature near 1 mm wavelength is approximately 25 k

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