1,602 research outputs found

    A fundamental theorem of asset pricing for continuous time large financial markets in a two filtration setting

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    We present a version of the fundamental theorem of asset pricing (FTAP) for continuous time large financial markets with two filtrations in an LpL^p-setting for 1≀p<∞ 1 \leq p < \infty. This extends the results of Yuri Kabanov and Christophe Stricker \cite{KS:06} to continuous time and to a large financial market setting, however, still preserving the simplicity of the discrete time setting. On the other hand it generalizes Stricker's LpL^p-version of FTAP \cite{S:90} towards a setting with two filtrations. We do neither assume that price processes are semi-martigales, (and it does not follow due to trading with respect to the \emph{smaller} filtration) nor that price processes have any path properties, neither any other particular property of the two filtrations in question, nor admissibility of portfolio wealth processes, but we rather go for a completely general (and realistic) result, where trading strategies are just predictable with respect to a smaller filtration than the one generated by the price processes. Applications range from modeling trading with delayed information, trading on different time grids, dealing with inaccurate price information, and randomization approaches to uncertainty

    Aspektoppositionen und Aktionsarten im Französischen

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    Romanistikken er ikke den disciplin, hvor kategorierne 'aspekt' og 'aktionsart' er blevet udviklet eller spiller en dominerende rolle. Alligevel er tematikken, der er benÊvnt med disse termini, relevant ogsÄ for de romanske sprog. I fÞlgende bidrag gÊlder det for mig pÄ den ene side at fremstille den specifikt romanistiske forskningstradition om begreberne 'aspektoppositioner' og 'aktionsarter'. PÄ den anden side, og fÞrst og fremmest, skal der fremhÊves nogle perspektiver for den fremtidige forskning med henblik pÄ aktionsart-problematikken

    Developmental dyscalculia in adults: Current issues and open questions for future research.

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    Developmental dyscalculia (DD) is a chronic condition that poses not only a barrier to employment and socio-emotional wellbeing but that also persists into adulthood. Thus, understanding the neuro-cognitive foundations of DD is relevant for both children and adults with DD. However, so far the vast majority of scientific research endeavours has been dedicated to the study of DD in children only. Consequently, our current understanding of DD in adulthood is rather patchy. The main aim of the present review is to summarize the scientific findings on DD in adults by focusing on its cognitive manifestations and neural substrates in adults. For instance, research on DD in adulthood suggests that – beyond an outstanding deficiency in number processing – the processing of non-numerical magnitudes and domain-general skills seem to be also impaired in adults suffering from persistent DD. A secondary aim of this review is to delineate future lines of research that will provide us with a more elaborate understanding of the neurocognitive underpinnings of DD in adults (thus fostering the development of sensitive diagnostic marker tasks), and to formulate potential intervention areas targeting deficiencies frequently characterizing DD in adults

    Die automatische Behandlung diskontinuierlicher Konstituenten im Deutschen

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    Die erwÀhnte "Syntaxgruppe" stellte 1969 den ersten Parser des Deutschen vor. Seine Funktionsweise wird hier (in einem gemeinsamen Bericht der Syntaxgruppe) am Beispiel der Bearbeitung diskontinuierlicher Konstituenten erlÀutert

    Die Plattform „FLexKom“ zur Förderung experimenteller Kompetenzen – Konzept und Einsatzbeispiele –

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    Durch die PISA-Studien hat sich in Deutschland eine Diskussion im Bildungssystem ergeben, die in den Bildungsstandards wie in den KernlehrplĂ€nen zu einer Kompetenzorientierung gefĂŒhrt hat. Diese Neuorientierung hat speziell die prozessbezogenen Kompetenzen explizit hervorgehoben, sodass dem Experiment als Methode fĂŒr naturwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisgewinnung eine zentrale Bedeutung zugeschrieben wird. Um diese herausragende Rolle experimenteller Kompetenzen gezielt im Unterricht zu etablieren, wurde die Plattform FLexKom konzipiert, die Unterrichtsmaterialien zum Fördern und Lernen experimenteller Kompetenzen bereitstellt. Dabei werden einzelne Module angeboten, die individuell zusammengestellt und beispielsweise als Lernzirkel eingesetzt werden können. Die Module adressieren wichtige Aspekte experimenteller Kompetenzen wie die Hypothesenbildung, die Variablenkontrolle oder den Umgang mit Messunsicherheiten. Im Folgenden wird zum einen der Aufbau und das Konzept der Plattform vorgestellt. Zum anderen soll ein Einblick in die Module ermöglicht werden, indem zwei ausgewĂ€hlte Module zum Umgang mit Messunsicherheiten nĂ€her erlĂ€utert werde

    Formation of highly oxygenated organic molecules from aromatic compounds

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    Anthropogenic volatile organic compounds (AV-OCs) often dominate the urban atmosphere and consist to a large degree of aromatic hydrocarbons (ArHCs), such as benzene, toluene, xylenes, and trimethylbenzenes, e.g., from the handling and combustion of fuels. These compounds are important precursors for the formation of secondary organic aerosol. Here we show that the oxidation of aromatics with OH leads to a subsequent autoxidation chain reaction forming highly oxygenated molecules (HOMs) with an O:C ratio of up to 1.09. This is exemplified for five single-ring ArHCs (benzene, toluene, o-/m-/p-xylene, mesitylene (1,3,5-trimethylbenzene) and ethylbenzene), as well as two conjugated polycyclic ArHCs (naphthalene and biphenyl). We report the elemental composition of the HOMs and show the differences in the oxidation patterns of these ArHCs. A potential pathway for the formation of these HOMs from aromatics is presented and discussed. We hypothesize that AV-OCs may contribute substantially to new particle formation events that have been detected in urban areas.Peer reviewe
