4,078 research outputs found

    Escravidão africana na produção de alimentos. São Paulo no século 19

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    A utilização do trabalho escravo na América esteve associada com a agricultura para exportação. Entretanto, não houve regime escravista no qual os escravos foram utilizados somente naqueles cultivos; mesmo nas áreas mais orientadas para a exportação, houve produção de gêneros alimentícios para consumo próprio e abastecimento do mercado local. Porém, em poucos casos essa atividade foi tão marcante como na economia escravista no Brasil, em especial nas áreas pioneiras da cafeicultura em São Paulo, na primeira metade do século 19. A análise desse processo de produção é o objetivo deste artigo.The utilization of slave labor in America was associated with export agriculture, although there was no slave regime which used slaves exclusively in such cultivation. Even in the areas most oriented toward exports, there was slave production of foodstuffs for subsistence and local market sales. But in few cases was this activity as important as in the slave economy in Brazil particularly in the pioneer areas of coffee production in São Paulo in the first half of the 19th century. The analysis of this process of foodstuffs production is the object of this article

    An Attempt to Analyse Baarda’s Iterative Data Snooping Procedure based on Monte Carlo Simulation

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    William Sealy Gosset, otherwise known as “Student”, Fisher's disciple, was one of the pioneers in the development of modern statistical method and its application to the design and analysis of experiments. Although there were no computers in his time, he discovered the form of the “t distribution” by a combination of mathematical and empirical work with random numbers. This is now known as an early application of the Monte Carlo simulation. Today with the fast computers and large data storage systems, the probabilities distribution can be estimated using computerized simulation. Here, we use Monte Carlo simulation to investigate the efficiency of the Baarda’s iterative data snooping procedure as test statistic for outlier identification in the Gauss-Markov model. We highlight that the iterative data snooping procedure can identify more observations than real number of outliers simulated. It has a deserved attention in this work. The available probability of over-identification allows enhancing the probability of type III error as well as probably the outlier identifiability. With this approach, considering the analysed network, in general, the significance level of 0.001 was the best scenario to not make mistake of excluding wrong observation. Thus, the data snooping procedure was more realistic when the over-identifications case is considered in the simulation. In the end, we concluded that for GNSS network that the iterative data snooping procedure based on Monte Carlo can locate an outlier in the order of magnitude 4.5σ with high success rate

    Application of Direct Current Plasma Sintering Process in Powder Metallurgy

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    Direct current (dc) plasma-assisted sintering of metal parts is a promising and relatively new research and development field in powder metallurgy (PM). In the present entry, it is intended to introduce the reader to the main applications of the dc plasma sintering process in PM. To achieve this goal, the present entry is divided in a brief introduction and sections in which the bases of the dc plasma abnormal glow discharge regime and its influence in the sintering process are carefully treated. In this case, a clear language is purposely used to didactically introduce the reader to this “fascinating glow world”, the dc plasma-assisted sintering of metal parts, aiming to put in evidence the main points on physicochemical aspects of the plasma environment, basic knowledge of the plasma heating, and surface-related phenomena during dc plasma sintering of parts. All these aspects are treated considering the main techniques of the dc plasma-assisted sintering process applied to PM. Finally, some results on DC plasma heating, sintering and surface modification are presented

    Ensino de biologia vegetal a partir da construção de um terrário

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014Em diversas literaturas, os terrários são apontados como modelos de ecossistema. E o presente trabalho relata uma experiência que tem sido vivida com alunos do segundo ano do Ensino Médio. As aulas acerca do ensino de Biologia Vegetal têm sido ministradas a partir do acompanhamento do terrário montado pelos próprios alunos. Conteúdos como: respiração, fotossíntese, ciclo biogeoquímico, biomas, fisiologia de plantas, tem sido trabalhado de forma mais simples, facilitando tanto o ensino quanto a aprendizagem. Esse método de aula estimula o trabalho em grupo e leva os alunos a uma aprendizagem mais significativa. E aos professores PIBID, da à oportunidade de capacitar-se mais a docênci

    Integrative visual analysis of protein sequence mutations

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    BACKGROUND: An important aspect of studying the relationship between protein sequence, structure and function is the molecular characterization of the effect of protein mutations. To understand the functional impact of amino acid changes, the multiple biological properties of protein residues have to be considered together. RESULTS: Here, we present a novel visual approach for analyzing residue mutations. It combines different biological visualizations and integrates them with molecular data derived from external resources. To show various aspects of the biological information on different scales, our approach includes one-dimensional sequence views, three-dimensional protein structure views and two-dimensional views of residue interaction networks as well as aggregated views. The views are linked tightly and synchronized to reduce the cognitive load of the user when switching between them. In particular, the protein mutations are mapped onto the views together with further functional and structural information. We also assess the impact of individual amino acid changes by the detailed analysis and visualization of the involved residue interactions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach and the developed software on the data provided for the BioVis 2013 data contest. CONCLUSIONS: Our visual approach and software greatly facilitate the integrative and interactive analysis of protein mutations based on complementary visualizations. The different data views offered to the user are enriched with information about molecular properties of amino acid residues and further biological knowledge

    La emergencia de Brasil como principal exportador mundial de carne de pollo

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    La creciente riqueza en el mundo en los últimos setenta y cinco años ha llevado a una cada vez mayor demanda de proteína animal barata. Mientras que la moderna carne de pollo o la industria broiler fue desarrollada primero en los Estados Unidos y Europa Occidental, hoy es Brasil el principal exportador de pollos broiler. Este artículo examina el origen y expansión de esta industria en Brasil, explicando cómo y por qué este país ha emergido como el principal exportador mundial tanto de carne de pollos broiler en general, como de carne de pollo halal en particular


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    Introduction: the preterm birth is a risk factor for child developmental and behavioral problems. Objective: to examine whether neonatal clinical characteristics of infants born preterm, as well as temperament assessed in toddlerhood, predict behavior problems during the preschool years. Methods: twenty-one children born preterm with very low birth weight were assessed longitudinally at three different ages: in the neonatal period, during toddlerhood, and in preschool. Medical charts were reviewed to assess infants’ clinical illness characteristics at the neonatal phase. Mothers fulfilled the Early Childhood Behavior Questionnaire for assessing temperament at the toddlerhood and the Child Behavior Checklist-1.5-5 for assessing children’s behavior problems at the preschool age. Results: very low birth weight associated with child temperament at the toddlerhood predicted behavior problems at the preschool age. High levels of excitement about expected pleasurable activities as well as low levels of inhibitory control increased the chance of exhibiting externalizing behavior problems. Otherwise, high levels of both gross and fine motor activation increased the chance of exhibiting internalizing behavior problems. Conclusion: prematurity associated with temperament of poor self-regulation in developmental processes comprises a multiple-risk condition for clinical behavior problems in the preschool age

    Dinâmica da atividade agrícola até meados do século XIX

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    Until the beginning of the 20th century, the history of Brazil was marked by the dynamics of agricultural activity with both large-scale export crops and agriculture aimed at supplying the domestic market, the latter sometimes confused with subsistence farming. Although the international market was the dynamic element, the effects to supply the internal market are essential to explain the history, occupation and population of Brazilian territory. In this article we aim to analyze the dynamics of agriculture in the first centuries of colonization, both exporting activities and those dedicated to the domestic market, and its situation in the mid-nineteenth century period of consolidation of coffee farming, which profoundly altered the national productive structure and the infrastructure economy and in particular the transport system.Até o início do século XX a história do Brasil foi marcada pela dinâmica da atividade agrícola, tanto a grande lavoura exportadora, como a agropecuária voltada ao abastecimento do mercado interno, que se confundia com a atividade de subsistência. Embora o mercado internacional fosse o elemento dinâmico, os efeitos sobre as atividades não exportadoras são essenciais para explicar a história, ocupação e povoamento do território brasileiro. Neste artigo objetivamos analisar a dinâmica da agricultura nos primeiros séculos de colonização, tanto as atividades exportadoras como as dedicadas ao mercado interno, e sua situação em meados do século XIX, período de consolidação da cafeicultura, que alterou profundamente a estrutura produtiva nacional e a infraestrutura econômica