28 research outputs found

    A study in parallel rewriting systems

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    In this paper we study systematically three basic classes of grammars incorporating parallel rewriting: Indian parallel grammars, Russian parallel grammars and L systems. In particular by extracting basic characteristics of these systems and combining them we introduce new classes of rewriting systems (ETOL[k] systems, ETOLIP systems and ETOLRP systems) Among others, some results on the combinatorial structure of Indian parallel languages and on the combinatorial structures of the new classes of languages are proved. As far as ETOL systems are concerned we prove that every ETOL language can be generated with a fixed (equal to 8) bounded degree of parallelism

    Classifying Invariant Structures of Step Traces

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    In the study of behaviours of concurrent systems, traces are sets of behaviourally equivalent action sequences. Traces can be represented by causal partial orders. Step traces, on the other hand, are sets of behaviourally equivalent step sequences, each step being a set of simultaneous actions. Step traces can be represented by relational structures comprising non-simultaneity and weak causality. In this paper, we propose a classification of step alphabets as well as the corresponding step traces and relational structures representing them. We also explain how the original trace model fits into the overall framework.Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    Signal set tissue systems and overlapping localities

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    Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    Adding A/Sync Places to the Synthesis Procedure for Whole-Place Operations Nets with Localities

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    Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    Evolving reaction systems

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    Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    A multi-scale extensive Petri net model of the bacterial-macrophage interaction

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    Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    Coupling of Petri Net Models of the Mycobacterial Infection Process and Innate Immune Response

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    Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technologyComputer Systems, Imagery and Medi

    Restrictions and representations of vector controlled concurrent system behaviours

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    AbstractWithin the framework of Vector Controlled Concurrent Systems a concurrent system consists of a fixed number of sequential processes together with a vector synchronization mechanism controlling their mutual synchronization. The behaviour of a VCCS is described by a vector language consisting of those combinations of individual sequential computations that observe the synchronization constraints.In this paper VCCS submodels are studied that are obtained by putting certain restrictions on the sequential components or on the control mechanism. First, the inclusion diagram relating the resulting families of vector languages is established. Next, the effect of certain operations on these families is investigated. This leads to representation results characterizing differences between the combinations of restrictions


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