6 research outputs found

    Zwischen BrĂŒcke und Bumerang

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    Mittels einer breiten digitalen Wahlkampfkommunikation versuchen Parteien ihre politischen Themen und Positionen, ĂŒber die Ansprache der eigenen Parteiklientel hinaus, an generell unentschlossene oder bereits sympathisierende WĂ€hler heranzutragen. Diese strategische Absicht kollidiert jedoch mit den Funktionsweisen des Internets und der Social Media Communitys. Denn dort bilden sich Gruppen vorzugsweise anhand Ă€hnlicher Interessen oder politisch ĂŒbereinstimmender Meinungen. Daraus resultiert die verstĂ€rkte Bildung von Blasen der SelbstreferentialitĂ€t. Eine solche Filter Bubble lĂ€sst sich kommunikativ nur Ă€ußerst schwierig ĂŒberwinden, die Ansprache neuer WĂ€hlergruppen wird erschwert. Bei der Wahlkampfkommunikation ĂŒber parteieigene KanĂ€le wird somit tendenziell nur die eigene Klientel erreicht. In diesem Artikel wird ausgefĂŒhrt, wie die Verwendung von Ironie erlaubt, wahlkampfpolitische Inhalte brĂŒckenhaft zu transportieren. Anhand beispielhafter FĂ€lle werden zwei Typen der ironischen Wirkungsweise nachgezeichnet: die verkehrte Ironie sowie die genuine Ironie.To reach voters beyond their generic clientele who are generally undecided or already sympathetic political parties use broad digital election campaigns for communicating their political issues and positions. This strategy, however, collides with the way the internet in general and social media communities in particular work. Here, groups preferably form on the basis of similar interests or opinions that coincide politically. As a result, bubbles of “self-referentiality” build increasingly. It is very difficult to overcome such filterbubbles in ways of communication so that addressing new voters is rather impeded. Therefore, election campaign communication that only uses party specific channels will mainly reach the own clientele. This article illustrates how implementing irony as a communicative bridge can transport political issues. Derived from exemplary cases two kinds of irony are described here: an inverted irony as well as a genuine irony.Lors des campagnes Ă©lectorales, les partis politiques essayent de diffuser via Internet au plus grand nombre leurs valeurs et leurs positions. Ils ciblent non seulement leurs adhĂ©rents mais aussi des Ă©lecteurs indĂ©cis ou des sympathisants. Cette stratĂ©gie de partis est en contradiction avec le mode de fonctionnement habituel d’Internet et des rĂ©seaux sociaux. Les communautĂ©s s’y crĂ©ent autour d’intĂ©rĂȘts similaires ou autour d’opinions politiques communes. Il en rĂ©sulte la formation de « Filterbubbles » – des communautĂ©s numĂ©riques fermĂ©es sur elles-mĂȘmes, qui se caractĂ©risent par une logique de fonctionnement hermĂ©tique Ă  leur environnement. Il est extrĂȘmement difficile de s’adresser Ă  des nouveaux Ă©lecteurs en dehors de ces « filterbubbles » Ă  cause des barriĂšres communicatives propres Ă  ce systĂšme fermĂ©. La consĂ©quence est que les partis politiques qui utilisent leurs propres canaux de communication n’atteignent que leur public sympathisant. Cet article explique comment l’emploi de l’ironie permet de transmettre les programmes lors des campagnes Ă©lectorales. Le mode d’action de deux types d’ironie est dĂ©taillĂ© Ă  travers des exemples prĂ©cis : l’ironie travestie et l’ironie originale


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    Wolfgang Schroeder/Bettina Munimus/Diana RĂŒdt, Seniorenpolitik im Wandel. VerbĂ€nde und Gewerkschaften als Interessenvertreter der Ă€lteren Generation, Frankfurt a. M./New York: Campus Verlag 2010, 515 S. (Stephan Klecha

    Integration und Willkommenskultur im lÀndlichen Raum

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    INTEGRATION UND WILLKOMMENSKULTUR IM LÄNDLICHEN RAUM Integration und Willkommenskultur im lĂ€ndlichen Raum / Klimach, Cornelia (Rights reserved) ( -

    Cardiovascular Efficacy and Safety of Bococizumab in High-Risk Patients

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    Bococizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody that inhibits proprotein convertase subtilisin- kexin type 9 (PCSK9) and reduces levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. We sought to evaluate the efficacy of bococizumab in patients at high cardiovascular risk. METHODS In two parallel, multinational trials with different entry criteria for LDL cholesterol levels, we randomly assigned the 27,438 patients in the combined trials to receive bococizumab (at a dose of 150 mg) subcutaneously every 2 weeks or placebo. The primary end point was nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, hospitalization for unstable angina requiring urgent revascularization, or cardiovascular death; 93% of the patients were receiving statin therapy at baseline. The trials were stopped early after the sponsor elected to discontinue the development of bococizumab owing in part to the development of high rates of antidrug antibodies, as seen in data from other studies in the program. The median follow-up was 10 months. RESULTS At 14 weeks, patients in the combined trials had a mean change from baseline in LDL cholesterol levels of -56.0% in the bococizumab group and +2.9% in the placebo group, for a between-group difference of -59.0 percentage points (P<0.001) and a median reduction from baseline of 64.2% (P<0.001). In the lower-risk, shorter-duration trial (in which the patients had a baseline LDL cholesterol level of ≄70 mg per deciliter [1.8 mmol per liter] and the median follow-up was 7 months), major cardiovascular events occurred in 173 patients each in the bococizumab group and the placebo group (hazard ratio, 0.99; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.80 to 1.22; P = 0.94). In the higher-risk, longer-duration trial (in which the patients had a baseline LDL cholesterol level of ≄100 mg per deciliter [2.6 mmol per liter] and the median follow-up was 12 months), major cardiovascular events occurred in 179 and 224 patients, respectively (hazard ratio, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.65 to 0.97; P = 0.02). The hazard ratio for the primary end point in the combined trials was 0.88 (95% CI, 0.76 to 1.02; P = 0.08). Injection-site reactions were more common in the bococizumab group than in the placebo group (10.4% vs. 1.3%, P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS In two randomized trials comparing the PCSK9 inhibitor bococizumab with placebo, bococizumab had no benefit with respect to major adverse cardiovascular events in the trial involving lower-risk patients but did have a significant benefit in the trial involving higher-risk patients

    Cardiovascular Efficacy and Safety of Bococizumab in High-Risk Patients

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