13 research outputs found

    Etablierung von Ko-Kultivierungstechniken zur Anwendung in miniaturisierten Testsystemen für antibiotische Aktivität.

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    Master Thesis of Isabel Stalter, Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen, performed in my lab in CPC-NPU: Establishment of co-cultivation techniques of antibiotics-producing actinomycetes and bacterial test strains as a screening tool for the detection of new antibiotics. The method was designed and optimized for a later potential use in a micro-fluidic test system. No Novartis-proprietary strains and no Novartis compounds were used in this work. The thesis is solely exploratory and does not refer to any Novartis-internal project

    Optimierung von Kulturbedingungen zur mikrobiellen Herstellung von Ascomycin Derivaten.

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    Project work (thesis) of a student for the University of Dresden: Lab-scale optimization of medium composition and cultivation conditions for the fermentation of mutants for the microbial production of derivatives of Ascomycin. Scale-up to the pilot scale. All microbial strains are blinded, e.g. "mutant A". All compounds, although already published, are blinded, e.g. derivative A"

    Die Auswahl der Torecke beim Elfmeter: Der Einfluss bewusster und unbewusster Hinweise auf Fußball-Experten und Fußball-Novizen

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    Weigelt M, Steingräber S, Schack T, Memmert D. Die Auswahl der Torecke beim Elfmeter: Der Einfluss bewusster und unbewusster Hinweise auf Fußball-Experten und Fußball-Novizen. In: Eder AB, Rothermund K, Schweinberger SR, Steffens MC, Wiese H, eds. 51. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog/Innen. Tagungsprogramm und Abstracts, 29. März - 1. April 2009 in Jena. Lengerich: Pabst; 2009: 38

    4-Aminothiazolyl Analogs of GE2270 A: Antibacterial Lead Finding

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    4-Aminothiazolyl analogs of the antibacterial natural product GE2270 A (1) were designed, synthesized, and evaluated for G+ bacteria growth inhibition. The aminothiazole-based chemical template was evaluated for chemical stability and its decomposition revealed a novel, structurally simplified, des-thiazole analog of GE2270 A. Subsequent stabilization of the 4-aminothiazolyl functional motif was achieved and initial structure activity relationships defined

    Jawsamycin exhibits in vivo antifungal properties by inhibiting Spt14/Gpi3-mediated biosynthesis of glycosylphosphatidylinositol

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    Biosynthesis of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) is required for anchoring proteins to the plasma membrane, and is essential for the integrity of the fungal cell wall. Here, we use a reporter gene-based screen in Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the discovery of antifungal inhibitors of GPI-anchoring of proteins, and identify the oligocyclopropyl-containing natural product jawsamycin (FR-900848) as a potent hit. The compound targets the catalytic subunit Spt14 (also referred to as Gpi3) of the fungal UDP-glycosyltransferase, the first step in GPI biosynthesis, with good selectivity over the human functional homolog PIG-A. Jawsamycin displays antifungal activity in vitro against several pathogenic fungi including Mucorales, and in vivo in a mouse model of invasive pulmonary mucormycosis due to Rhyzopus delemar infection. Our results provide a starting point for the development of Spt14 inhibitors for treatment of invasive fungal infections

    FR171456 is a specific inhibitor of mammalian NSDHL and yeast Erg26p

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    FR171456 is a natural product with cholesterol-lowering properties in animal models, but its molecular target is unknown, which hinders further drug development. Here we show that FR171456 specifically targets the sterol-4-alpha-carboxylate-3-dehydrogenase (Saccharomyces cerevisiae—Erg26p, Homo sapiens—NSDHL (NAD(P) dependent steroid dehydrogenase-like)), an essential enzyme in the ergosterol/cholesterol biosynthesis pathway. FR171456 significantly alters the levels of cholesterol pathway intermediates in human and yeast cells. Genome-wide yeast haploinsufficiency profiling experiments highlight the erg26/ERG26 strain, and multiple mutations in ERG26 confer resistance to FR171456 in growth and enzyme assays. Some of these ERG26 mutations likely alter Erg26 binding to FR171456, based on a model of Erg26. Finally, we show that FR171456 inhibits an artificial Hepatitis C viral replicon, and has broad antifungal activity, suggesting potential additional utility as an anti-infective. The discovery of the target and binding site of FR171456 within the target will aid further development of this compound