14 research outputs found

    Hospital nurses' experiences of assessing health status changes in stem-cell transplanted patients in home care : A qualitative study

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    Aims and Objectives: To explore hospital nurses' experience assessing changes in the health status of stem-cell transplanted patients in home care (HC). Background: Stem-cell transplanted patients in HC are treated at home instead of in hospital wards. Hospital nurses visit patients daily and play a key role in assessing the patients' health status. Previous studies on HC for stem-cell transplanted patients focus mainly on safety in HC versus hospital care. No studies regarding nurses' experience assessing patients' health status at home when patients undergo stem-cell transplantation were found. Dedign: Qualitative study with an explorative design. Methods: Data were collected via 14 individual semi-structured interviews with hospital nurses working with stem-cell transplanted patients in HC. Data were analysed using systematic text condensation. The reporting of the study was guided by the COREQ checklist. Results: Three categories emerged from the data analysis: 1) Effective communication and clinical intuition enhances the assessment of patients' general health condition; 2) It is challenging to rely on one's own judgment in remote assessment; and 3) There are key facilitators in performing remote clinical assessments. Conclusions: Effective communication and clinical intuition enhanced the assessment of patients' general health conditions. The lack of physical presence during remote assessments made using clinical intuition in the assessment process difficult. Experience with hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation was seen as important to facilitate accurate remote clinical assessments. Relevance to Clinical Practice: Nurses with responsibility for hospital at-home telephone care should receive training in remote communication and should shadow hospital at-home nurses during in home visits to gain experience assessing patients' health status. Telehealth aspects such as videoconferencing and remote patient monitoring should be considered for more accurate remote assessment. This could potentially result in more effective assessments and reduced readmissions and could promote nurses' confidence in their assessments

    Social rights in relation to digitalization, mobile phone, and internet use - experiences of women in homelessness : a qualitative study

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    Given the fact that women in homelessness face considerable health inequities, the question of how digitalization can be understood in relation to social rights and right to health surfaces. The objective of this qualitative interview study was to explore the use of mobile phones and internet for women experiencing homelessness. Women (n = 26) shared experiences of healthcare access by using a mobile phone or internet. Data were analyzed using NVivo software. The results are presented in two themes: Conditions and circumstances of having a mobile phone; and Structural and intrapersonal challenges affecting social rights. The results show that digitalization actively influenced everyday life for women experiencing homelessness. Whether women wanted it to or not, digitalization presents a line of demarcation for participation and inclusion or exclusion, in health- and social-care services.Corresponding author: A. Klarare</p

    Home care for patients with opioid use disorders : A qualitative study of registered nurses' experiences of pain management

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    Aim To explore registered nurses' experiences with pain management in patients with opioid use disorder (OUD) in home care. Design Qualitative explorative-descriptive design. Methods Data were collected via nine individual semi-structured interviews with registered nurses working in home care meeting patients with OUD. Data were analysed using systematic text condensation. Results Three categories were identified: Reciprocity in relationships and a professional approach enhance pain management; Discrepancies between guidelines, patient-reported pain and RNs' observations challenge pain management; and Interprofessional collaboration makes or breaks pain management

    Methods and strategies to promote academic literacies in health professions : a scoping review

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    BACKGROUND: Universities enroll students from diverse backgrounds every year, with 300 million students expected in higher education by 2025. However, with widening participation, increasing numbers of students enrolling in higher health education and future health professions will be underprepared to meet demands of academic literacies, i.e. ability to read, interpret and critically evaluate academic texts and communicating the understanding verbally or in writing. The aim of this scoping review was to describe and explore methods and strategies to promote development of academic literacies. RESULTS: Thirty-one relevant studies were included and analyzed according to scoping review guidelines. The results showed four strategies: (1) integrating learning activities to develop academic literacies in the regular curriculum, (2) changing the course design with new methods for teaching and learning, (3) establish collaborations amongst academics and librarian faculty, and (4) adding courses or foundation year focusing on development of academic literacies. The results are discussed in light of the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development, Goal 4, Quality Education, and widening participation. CONCLUSIONS: Aspects of widening participation and inclusion in higher education have been debated, and increasing numbers of students from diverse backgrounds are expected to enter health studies in higher education. We encourage integration of teaching and learning activities targeting parallel learning of course materials and development of academic literacies, beyond study skills. Embracing epistemic complexity and diversity as well as choosing strategic work with academic literacies may provide a starting point toward realizing sustainable development goals and widening participation

    Patients' Experiences of Telehealth in Palliative Home Care : Scoping Review

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    Background: Telehealth is increasingly being used in home care and could be one measure to support the needs of home-based patients receiving palliative care. However, no previous scoping review has mapped existing studies on the use of telehealth for patients in palliative home care. Objective: The aim of this study was to map and assess published studies on the use of telehealth for patients in palliative home care. Methods: A scoping review was conducted using the methodological framework of Arksey and O'Malley. Reporting was guided by Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews. A systematic and comprehensive search of Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, EMBASE, PsycINFO, and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health was performed for studies published between January 2000 and October 2018. Two authors independently assessed eligibility and extracted data. Results: The review included 22 papers from 19 studies. Four thematic groupings were identified among the included papers: easy and effortless use of telehealth regardless of the current health condition, visual features that enhance communication and care via telehealth, symptom management and self-management promotion by telehealth, and perceptions of improved palliative care at home. Conclusions: The use of telehealth in palliative home care seems to be feasible, improving access to health care professionals at home and enhancing feelings of security and safety. The visual features of telehealth seem to allow a genuine relationship with health care professionals. However, there are contradicting results on whether the use of telehealth improves burdensome symptoms and quality of life. Future research should investigate the experiences of using telehealth among patients with life-limiting illness other than cancer and patients aged 85 years or older. More research is needed to increase the body of knowledge regarding the effectiveness of telehealth on symptoms and quality of life

    Advantages and Challenges of Using Telehealth for Home-Based Palliative Care : A Systematic Mixed Studies Review

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    Background: Owing to the increasing number of people with palliative care needs and the current shortage of health care professionals (HCPs), providing quality palliative care has become challenging. Telehealth could enable patients to spend as much time as possible at home. However, no previous systematic mixed studies reviews have synthesized evidence on patients’ experiences of the advantages and challenges of telehealth in home-based palliative care. Objective: In this systematic mixed studies review, we aimed to critically appraise and synthesize the findings from studies that investigated patients’ use of telehealth in home-based palliative care, focusing on the advantages and challenges experienced by patients. Methods: This is a systematic mixed studies review with a convergent design. The review is reported according to the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) statement. A systematic search was performed in the following databases: Allied and Complementary Medicine Database, CINAHL, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Embase, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature, MEDLINE, PsycInfo, and Web of Science. The inclusion criteria were as follows: studies using quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods; studies that investigated the experience of using telehealth with follow-up from HCPs of home-based patients aged ≄18; studies published between January 2010 and June 2022; and studies published in Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, English, Portuguese, or Spanish in peer-reviewed journals. Five pairs of authors independently assessed eligibility of the studies, appraised methodological quality, and extracted data. The data were synthesized using thematic synthesis. Results: This systematic mixed studies review included 41 reports from 40 studies. The following 4 analytical themes were synthesized: potential for a support system and self-governance at home; visibility supports interpersonal relationships and a joint understanding of care needs; optimized information flow facilitates tailoring of remote caring practices; and technology, relationships, and complexity as perpetual obstacles in telehealth. Conclusions: The advantages of telehealth were that patients experience a potential support system that could enable them to remain at home, and the visual features of telehealth enable them to build interpersonal relationships with HCPs over time. Self-reporting provides HCPs with information about symptoms and circumstances that facilitates tailoring care to specific patients. Challenges with the use of telehealth were related to barriers to technology use and inflexible reporting of complex and fluctuating symptoms and circumstances using electronic questionnaires. Few studies have included the self-reporting of existential or spiritual concerns, emotions, and well-being. Some patients perceived telehealth as intrusive and a threat to their privacy at home. To optimize the advantages and minimize the challenges with the use of telehealth in home-based palliative care, future research should include users in the design and development process

    Simulation-based learning in nursing education to address stigma and discrimination

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    A scoping review regarding the use of simulation-based learning to address stigma and discrimination in nursing educatio