272 research outputs found

    LÀÀnemere fĂŒtoplankton muutuste keerises

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.KĂ€esolev töö analĂŒĂŒsib LÀÀnemere fĂŒtoplanktonikoosluse pika-ajalisi (1966-2008) ja ruumilisi mustreid. AastakĂŒmneid vĂ€ldanud vaatluste jooksul on fĂŒtoplanktoni suvised kooslused kĂ”ikjal LÀÀnemeres pidevas muutumises. JĂ€rske muutusi, sama-aegselt teadaoleva rezhiiminihkega toiduahela tipus 1980ndail, fĂŒtoplanktonikoosluses ei toimu, mis annab aimu fĂŒtoplanktonikoosluse suhteliselt nĂ”rkadest seostest toiduahela ĂŒlemiste astmetega ja pigem toiduvĂ”rgustiku kui toiduahela tĂŒĂŒpi ökosĂŒsteemist. Vaguviburvetikate osakaal kevadĂ”itsenguis on kasvanud rĂ€nivetikate arvelt LÀÀnemere keskosas ja pĂ”hjapoolsemates basseinides (Soome laht, Botnia meri). Nihe rĂ€nivetika-domineeritud Ă”itsenguilt vaguviburvetikate ĂŒlekaalu suunas mĂ”jutab kogu ökosĂŒsteemi, lĂ€bi orgaanilise aine settimise ning hapnikutarbe setete pinnal. AnalĂŒĂŒs pĂ”hineb LÀÀnemere seire jooksul kogutud fĂŒtoplanktoni andmestikul. Kokku hĂ”lmab andmestik ca 15000 kvantitatiivset fĂŒtoplanktoni proovi, ajavahemikust 1966-2008 ning ruumiliselt ĂŒle kogu LÀÀnemere. Kirjeldatud on andmete ajaline ja ruumiline jaotus ning kvaliteet allikate kaupa. AnalĂŒĂŒsitud on ka ajalise ja ruumilise autokorrelatsiooni tugevust ning ulatust fĂŒtoplanktoni vaatlusandmeis. Oluline positiivne autokorrelatsioon esines andmeis kuni 100 km kauguseni ja kuni 30 pĂ€evani. Seega, nimetatuist kĂ”rgema ruumilise ja ajalise sagedusega kogutud fĂŒtoplanktoni vaatlusandmete analĂŒĂŒsil tuleb kindlasti arvestada ajalise ja ruumilise autokorrelatsiooniga.This thesis analyses long-term dynamics (1966–2008) and spatial patterns of the Baltic Sea phytoplankton. Over the four decades of observations, phytoplankton summer community composition has gone through a significant gradual change everywhere in the Baltic Sea. No abrupt or stepwise changes, in synchrony with the known regime shift at the top of the food web, could be detected. This implies relatively strong resistance of the phytoplankton community to the top down effect in the Baltic Sea food web. Proportion of spring bloom dinoflagellates has increased conspicuously over the decadal time scale to the disadvantage of diatoms in the central and northern Baltic Sea. Shifts in the diatom-to-dinoflagellate propotion can have ecosystem wide consequences, via the changes in sedimentation of organic material and benthic oxygen demand. Analysis was based on a phytoplankton data-set that was compiled from the data collected during routine monitoring programs of many countries around the Baltic Sea. The data-set contains records from ca 15 000 phytoplankton field samples, covers the time period of 1966–2008 and the whole Baltic Sea, including the Danish Straits. In the work, the spatio-temporal distribution of the data and the quality of the data between different data providers is described. It also touches upon the extent and strength of spatial and temporal autocorrelation in the phytoplankton data. Significant positive autocorrelation at the spatial scale of 100 km and temporal scale of 30 days implies the need to use appropriate autocorrelation structures in statistical models with phytoplankton field data

    Female ovarian abnormalities and reproductive failure of autumn-spawning herring (Clupea harengus membras) in the Baltic Sea

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    Fecundity and reproductive potential are important factors to be considered in evaluating trajectories and demographic predictions of fish populations. Therefore, characterizing the nature and quantifying the extent of any reproductive failure should be considered in fisheries studies. Here, we describe morphological changes in developed ovaries of autumn-spawning herring (Clupea harengus membras) caught in the northern Baltic Sea and evaluate the magnitude of this phenomenon during 3 consecutive years. Visibly, abnormal ovaries were histologically characterized by irregular-shaped oocytes in a vitellogenic or final maturation stage with coagulative necrosis and liquefaction of the yolk sphere, degraded follicle membranes, and fibrinous adhesion among oocytes. Such degeneration is presumed to cause complete infertility in the fish. The frequency of fish with abnormal ovaries varied annually between 10 and 15% among all females sampled. However, specific sampling events showed up to 90% females with abnormal gonads. The specific cause of this abnormality remains unknown; however, prevalence was associated with unfavourable environmental conditions encountered before spawning. Thus, ovarian abnormality was positively related to water temperatures, with the highest level found at ≄15°C and negatively related to the frequency of strong winds. The frequency of occurrence of abnormal gonads decreased with the progression of spawning from August to October. The observed abnormality and associated spawning failure will negatively affect the realized fecundity of autumn herring in the Baltic Sea and may act as a limiting factor for recovery of the stock, which has experienced profound depression during the last three decades

    SuuÔÔne mikroobiökoloogia kroonilise parodontiidi puhul

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    Krooniline parodontiit on hammast ĂŒmbritsevate kudede pĂ”letik, mille tĂ€htsamaks tekkepĂ”hjuseks peetakse peamiselt hambakatus paiknevaid gramnegatiivseid anaeroobseid mikroorganisme, samas ei ole vĂ”imalik esile tuua ĂŒhte kindlat haigustekitajat. Arvatakse, et igemealuse keskkonna muutumine tingib mikrofloora tasakaalu hĂ€irumise, kuid ei ole teada, missugused mikroobigrupid on sellesse protsessi haaratud. Töös on vĂ”rreldud kroonilist parodontiiti pĂ”devate ja tervete isikute igemealust mikrofloorat ning hinnatud kariogeensete mikroorganismide olemasolu ja hulka sĂŒljes vĂ”rrelduna vastavate kliiniliste nĂ€itajatega

    Long term changes in the Baltic Sea phytoplankton community

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    Dano moral : critĂ©rios para sua quantificação na doutrina e jurisprudĂȘncia.

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    Orientador: Elimar SzaniawskiMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do ParanĂĄ,Setor de CiĂȘncias JurĂ­dicas, Curso de Graduação em DireitoA possibilidade de estabelecer indenização por dano moral, desde que atendidas as condiçÔes para tal, estĂĄ consolidada na doutrina e na jurisprudĂȘncia. Entende-se por dano moral o sofrimento causado por lesĂŁo a direito personalĂ­ssimo. A reparação civil busca retorno ao status quo ante. Contudo, em função da natureza peculiar do dano moral, isto nĂŁo Ă© possĂ­vel, pois nĂŁo se alcança a reparação integral do dano sofrido. Existe uma lacuna no ordenamento jurĂ­dico brasileiro quanto aos critĂ©rios para a quantificação ou valoração do dano moral. Neste trabalho, estĂŁo reunidos os critĂ©rios, mais comumente, apontados pela doutrina e jurisprudĂȘncia. Os critĂ©rios sĂŁo: o carĂĄter preventivo, o carĂĄter compensatĂłrio e o carĂĄter punitivo; a utilização dos princĂ­pios da razoabilidade e da proporcionalidade, caracterĂ­sticas pessoais das partes e o arbĂ­trio do juiz. PorĂ©m, ainda que nĂŁo existam mecanismos que permitam determinar, com exatidĂŁo, a extensĂŁo plena do dano moral, tampouco a estipulação do quantum indenizatĂłrio, vez que o dinheiro nĂŁo pode substituir o sofrimento da vĂ­tima, acredita-se que o presente trabalho pode contribuir para a o melhor entendimento do tema

    Decadal-Scale Changes of Dinoflagellates and Diatoms in the Anomalous Baltic Sea Spring Bloom

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    The algal spring bloom in the Baltic Sea represents an anomaly from the winter-spring bloom patterns worldwide in terms of frequent and recurring dominance of dinoflagellates over diatoms. Analysis of approximately 3500 spring bloom samples from the Baltic Sea monitoring programs revealed (i) that within the major basins the proportion of dinoflagellates varied from 0.1 (Kattegat) to >0.8 (central Baltic Proper), and (ii) substantial shifts (e.g. from 0.2 to 0.6 in the Gulf of Finland) in the dinoflagellate proportion over four decades. During a recent decade (1995–2004) the proportion of dinoflagellates increased relative to diatoms mostly in the northernmost basins (Gulf of Bothnia, from 0.1 to 0.4) and in the Gulf of Finland, (0.4 to 0.6) which are typically ice-covered areas. We hypothesize that in coastal areas a specific sequence of seasonal events, involving wintertime mixing and resuspension of benthic cysts, followed by proliferation in stratified thin layers under melting ice, favors successful seeding and accumulation of dense dinoflagellate populations over diatoms. This head-start of dinoflagellates by the onset of the spring bloom is decisive for successful competition with the faster growing diatoms. Massive cyst formation and spreading of cyst beds fuel the expanding and ever larger dinoflagellate blooms in the relatively shallow coastal waters. Shifts in the dominant spring bloom algal groups can have significant effects on major elemental fluxes and functioning of the Baltic Sea ecosystem, but also in the vast shelves and estuaries at high latitudes, where ice-associated cold-water dinoflagellates successfully compete with diatoms

    Primary production, carbon release, and respiration during spring bloom in the Baltic Sea

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    We determined the gross and net primary production (GPP and NPP) for the total community and the < 10 ÎŒ m size fraction, the net release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and the microbial respiration in the Baltic Sea during the spring bloom. Samples ( n  = 126) were taken from the surface (3 m depth) covering most subbasins and different phases of the bloom, defined by the inorganic nutrient and Chlorophyll a (Chl a ) concentrations. During the course of the bloom, the NPP rate (i.e., growth rate) decreased from 0.34 d −1  ± 0.03 (SE) to 0.15 d −1  ± 0.02 (SE), the contribution of the < 10 ÎŒ m fraction increased from 14% ± 2.5 (SE) to 47% ± 4.0 (SE) and the percent extracellular release (PER) increased from 3.8% ± 0.7 (SE) to 8.9% ± 1.5 (SE). The assimilation number, was on average 0.13 mol C (g Chl a ) −1 h −1  ± 0.01 (SE), and the average GPP:NPP rate was 1.25. The respiration increased with growth rate and was 21% of the GPP rate. The net release of DOC was relatively constant over the bloom phases, with increasing PER compensating for the reduction in biomass, and estimated to 24–36  ÎŒ mol DOC L −1 during the whole spring bloom period in all subbasins except in the Bay of Bothnia where it was 75% lower. The assimilation number was surprisingly stable, suggesting it is uncoupled from the inorganic nutrient concentration, likely a reflection of physiological acclimation and changing phytoplankton community.Academy of Finland | Ref. 259164Walter ja AndrĂ©e de Nottbeckin SÀÀti

    Phytoplankton species richness along coastal and estuarine salinity continua

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    Ligi 80 aastat on meie arusaama vee organismide liigirikkusest soolsusgradiendil kujundanud paradigmaks muutunud Remane kĂ”ver. Selle jĂ€rgi on magevee liigirikkus suur, suur on liigirikkus ka ookeanis, kuid vahepealses riimveelises osas on tuntav liigirikkuse madalseis. Adolf Remane sedastas oma seaduspĂ€ra uurides pĂ”hjaeluliste suurselgrootute liigirikkust LÀÀnemeres. Kas ja millisel mÀÀral on seaduspĂ€ra kehtiv teiste organismirĂŒhmade puhul, eriti vabalt hĂ”ljuvate plankterite puhul, ei ole teada. Me analĂŒĂŒsisime ligi 16,000 fĂŒtoplanktoni proovi liigirikkust kahe suure ökosĂŒsteemi, LÀÀnemere ja Chesapeake Lahe soolsusgradientidel. Proovide liigirikkus oli madalaim gradiendi mesohaliinses piirkonnas, soolsusel 7–9. Ka harvenduskĂ”verad kitsastes soolsusvahemikes nĂ€itasid madalat liigirikkust mesohaliinses piirkonnas ja fĂŒtoplanktoni liigirikkus suurenemist nii magevee, kui ookeani soolsuse suunal. Liikide kumulatiivne esinemise tĂ”enĂ€osus soolsuse gradiendil nĂ€itas samuti liigirikkuse miinimumi riimveelises osas. Chesapeake Lahes muutub fĂŒtoplanktoni kooslus mageveelisest mereliseks sujuvalt kogu soolsusgradiendil. Kontrastina, LÀÀnemere eripĂ€raks on fĂŒtoplanktoni koosluse jĂ€rsk muutus liigirikkuse miinimumi piirkonnas. AnalĂŒĂŒsi tulemused nĂ€itavad, et Remane printsiip on tĂ€iel mÀÀral kehtiv ka fĂŒtoplanktoni puhul.The high number of freshwater species at low salinity and the correspondingly high number of marine species at high salinity enveloping a conspicuous richness minimum at intermediate salinities has shaped our basic understanding of biodiversity along a coastal salinity gradient for almost 80 years. Visualized as the Remane curve, this iconic concept was originally based on sedentary macroinvertebrates in the Baltic Sea. To what extent the concept can be generalized, particularly to free-drifting organisms, is currently debated. Here we use approximately 16,000 phytoplankton samples from two large coastal ecosystems—the Baltic Sea and Chesapeake Bay—to analyze the relationship between salinity and phytoplankton species richness. Alpha diversity showed a consistent variation along the salinity gradient, with a minimum at mesohaline salinities of around 7–9. Rarefied species pools at narrow salinity intervals also showed reduced diversity at intermediate salinities, surrounded by high richness toward both ends of the gradient. The cumulative likelihood of species presence validated the minimum at intermediate salinities. Community composition changed abruptly at the α diversity minimum in the Baltic Sea, while it changed gradually along the salinity gradient in Chesapeake Bay. We conclude that the Remane concept is in every respect valid for phytoplankton
