10 research outputs found

    Two Antarctic penguin genomes reveal insights into their evolutionary history and molecular changes related to the Antarctic environment. GigaScience

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    Abstract Background: Penguins are flightless aquatic birds widely distributed in the Southern Hemisphere. The distinctive morphological and physiological features of penguins allow them to live an aquatic life, and some of them have successfully adapted to the hostile environments in Antarctica. To study the phylogenetic and population history of penguins and the molecular basis of their adaptations to Antarctica, we sequenced the genomes of the two Antarctic dwelling penguin species, the Adélie penguin [Pygoscelis adeliae] and emperor penguin [Aptenodytes forsteri]. Results: Phylogenetic dating suggests that early penguins arose~60 million years ago, coinciding with a period of global warming. Analysis of effective population sizes reveals that the two penguin species experienced population expansions from~1 million years ago to~100 thousand years ago, but responded differently to the climatic cooling of the last glacial period. Comparative genomic analyses with other available avian genomes identified molecular changes in genes related to epidermal structure, phototransduction, lipid metabolism, and forelimb morphology. Conclusions: Our sequencing and initial analyses of the first two penguin genomes provide insights into the timing of penguin origin, fluctuations in effective population sizes of the two penguin species over the past 10 million years, and the potential associations between these biological patterns and global climate change. The molecular changes compared with other avian genomes reflect both shared and diverse adaptations of the two penguin species to the Antarctic environment

    Toward a brain functional connectivity mapping modality by simultaneous imaging of coherent brainwaves

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    AbstractMatching the proton-magnetic-resonance frequency to the frequency of a periodic neural oscillation (e.g., alpha or gamma band waves) by magnetic resonance imaging techniques, enables direct visualization of brain functional connectivity. Functional connectivity has been studied by analyzing the correlation between coherent neural oscillations in different areas of the brain. In electro- or magneto-encephalography, coherent source reconstruction in a source-space is very tricky due to power leaking from the correlation among the sources. For this reason, most studies have been limited to sensor-space analyses, which give doubtful results because of volume current mixing. The direct visualization of coherent brain oscillations can circumvent this problem. The feasibility of this idea was demonstrated by conducting phantom experiments with a SQUID-based, micro-Tesla NMR/MRI system. We introduce an experimental trick, an effective step-up of the measurement B-field in a pulse sequence, to decouple the magnetic resonance signal from the strong magneto-encephalographic signal at the same frequency

    Detection of the 40 Hz auditory steady-state response with optically pumped magnetometers

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    Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a functional neuroimaging technique that noninvasively detects the brain magnetic field from neuronal activations. Conventional MEG measures brain signals using superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs). SQUID-MEG requires a cryogenic environment involving a bulky non-magnetic Dewar flask and the consumption of liquid helium, which restricts the variability of the sensor array and the gap between the cortical sources and sensors. Recently, miniature optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs) have been developed and commercialized. OPMs do not require cryogenic cooling and can be placed within millimeters from the scalp. In the present study, we arranged six OPM sensors on the temporal area to detect auditory-related brain responses in a two-layer magnetically shielded room. We presented the auditory stimuli of 1 kHz pure-tone bursts with 200 ms duration and obtained the M50 and M100 components of auditory-evoked fields. We delivered the periodic stimuli with a 40 Hz repetition rate and observed the gamma-band power changes and inter-trial phase coherence of auditory steady-state responses at 40 Hz. We found that the OPM sensors have a performance comparable to that of conventional SQUID-MEG sensors, and our results suggest the feasibility of using OPM sensors for functional neuroimaging and brain–computer interface applications

    Detection of the 40-Hz auditory steady-state response with optically pumped magnetometers

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    Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a functional neuroimaging technique that noninvasively detects the brain magnetic field from neuronal activations. Conventional MEG measures brain signals using superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs). SQUID-MEG requires a cryogenic environment involving a bulky non-magnetic Dewar flask and the consumption of liquid helium, which restricts the variability of the sensor array and the gap between the cortical sources and sensors. Recently, miniature optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs) have been developed and commercialized. OPMs do not require cryogenic cooling and can be placed within millimeters from the scalp. In the present study, we arranged six OPM sensors on the temporal area to detect auditory-related brain responses in a two-layer magnetically shielded room. We presented the auditory stimuli of 1 kHz pure-tone bursts with 200 ms duration and obtained the M50 and M100 components of auditory-evoked fields. We delivered the periodic stimuli with a 40 Hz repetition rate and observed the gamma-band power changes and inter-trial phase coherence of auditory steady-state responses at 40 Hz. We found that the OPM sensors have a performance comparable to that of conventional SQUID-MEG sensors, and our results suggest the feasibility of using OPM sensors for functional neuroimaging and brain–computer interface applications

    T1 Relaxation Measurement of Ex-Vivo Breast Cancer Tissues at Ultralow Magnetic Fields

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    We investigated T1 relaxations of ex-vivo cancer tissues at low magnetic fields in order to check the possibility of achieving a T1 contrast higher than those obtained at high fields. The T1 relaxations of fifteen pairs (normal and cancerous) of breast tissue samples were measured at three magnetic fields, 37, 62, and 122 μT, using our superconducting quantum interference device-based ultralow field nuclear magnetic resonance setup, optimally developed for ex-vivo tissue studies. A signal reconstruction based on Bayesian statistics for noise reduction was exploited to overcome the low signal-to-noise ratio. The ductal and lobular-type tissues did not exhibit meaningful T1 contrast values between normal and cancerous tissues at the three different fields. On the other hand, an enhanced T1 contrast was obtained for the mucinous cancer tissue