689 research outputs found

    Ecophysiological and agronomic response of horticultural crops grown under screens in a mediterranean climate

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    [SPA] Esta tesis doctoral se presenta bajo la modalidad de compendio de publicaciones. Este trabajo atañe a la investigación de los efectos de mallas de protección, como mallas de sombreo o mallas anti-insectos, sobre el microclima y la respuesta fisiológica y agronómica de cultivos hortícolas. Un conocimiento más detallado de estos efectos debería conducir a un diseño óptimo de las estructuras de protección y a la mejora de las técnicas de cultivos en los sistemas de producción utilizando estas estructuras. En este trabajo, ensayos comparativos de diferentes tipos de mallas han sido llevados a cabo para evaluar sus efectos en el microclima y la respuesta de dos especies (pepino y pimiento). Los resultados más relevantes son los siguientes: - Un sombreado moderado durante el periodo estival es benéfico para los cultivos. (Publicación 1). Un sombreo interno ha producido efectos positivos en el microclima bajo invernadero y en el comportamiento fisiológico de cultivos de pepino. Las severas condiciones de estrés encontradas en el invernadero sin sombreo fueron sustancialmente reducidas bajo el invernadero sombreado, como demostrado por el incremento de la conductancia estomática de las plantas cultivadas bajo sombreo. - Las estructuras de malla mejoran la eficiencia de uso de la luz (Publicación 2). Se ha demostrado que, dentro del intervalo de reducción de transmisión correspondiendo a diferentes tipos de malla (de 20 a 40 %), la magnitud y la tendencia temporal de la asimilación neta de CO2 de plantas de pimiento fueron poco afectadas con respecto a las plantas cultivadas en el exterior, conduciendo a un aumento substancial de la eficiencia de uso de la luz. - Las estructuras de mallas incrementan la productividad de los cultivos de pimiento (Publicación 3). Nuestros resultados sugieren que la naturaleza más difusa de la radiación bajo estructuras de malla es probablemente la causa del rendimiento superior de las plantas cultivadas bajo estas estructuras. - Un modelo para predecir los requerimientos de agua de cultivos bajo malla (Publicación 4). Un método original para la estimación de la evapotranspiración de referencia de cultivos bajo malla ha sido desarrollado y validado. Este estudio aporta argumentos científicos y técnicos a la conclusión que las estructuras de malla con un diseño optimizado y con transmisión y porosidad adecuada constituyen uno de los medios más económicos y sostenibles de incrementar la productividad de los cultivos hortícolas en regiones Mediterráneas.[ENG] This doctoral dissertation has been presented in the form of thesis by publication. The general scope of this work was to investigate the effect of crop covering-nets, like shade-nets or insect-proof screens, on the microclimate and crop response in protected cultivation. Knowledge and modelling of the effects of screens on microclimate should lead to a better design of the screens and adapted crop techniques, in order to ultimately increase growers¿ profitability with minimum impact on the environment. In this study, comparative experiments with shading materials differing in shading intensity and porosity were carried out to assess their effects on microclimate and crop (cucumber and sweet pepper) behaviour. The most relevant findings can be summarised as follows: - Moderate shading is beneficial to crops during the warm season (Publication 1). Shading by internal screen has a beneficial effect on both the greenhouse microclimate and crop behaviour under Mediterranean summer conditions. The strong stress conditions experienced by a cucumber crop under no shading were reduced under shading as demonstrated by the enhanced crop stomatal conductance. - Screenhouses improve light use efficiency (Publication 2). It was demonstrated that, within the relatively large range of shade provided by the tested screenhouses (ca. from 20 to 40 %), the magnitude and temporal trend of net CO2 assimilation were only slightly affected with respect to natural light conditions, therefore leading to a substantial increase in leaf light-use efficiency of sweet pepper plants. - Screenhouses increase yield with respect to outside crops (Publication 3). The results suggested that the more diffuse radiation regime prevailing under screenhouse is likely to be at the root of the higher sweet pepper crop performances observed under the screenhouses. - A model to predict screenhouse-crops water requirements (Publication 4). An original method to estimating the reference evapotranspiration of screenhouse-grown crops has been developed and validated. This work provides scientifically and technically-based arguments to support the conclusion that a well-designed screenhouse, having the appropriate optical properties and porosity, is one of the most environmentally and economically-sustainable structures for increasing the productivity of horticultural crops in Mediterranean regions.Las referencias de las publicaciones son las siguientes: Publication 1: Kitta, E., Katsoulas, N., Savvas, D., 2012. Shading effects on greenhouse microclimate and crop transpiration in a cucumber crop grown under Mediterranean conditions. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 28(1):129-140. Publication 2: Kitta, E. Katsoulas, N. Kandila, A. González-Real M.M., Baille Α., 2014. Photosynthetic acclimation of sweet pepper plants to screenhouse conditions. HortScience, 49(2): 166-172. Publication 3: Kitta, E., Baille, A., Katsoulas, N., Rigakis, N., González-Real, M.M., 2014. Effects of cover optical properties on screenhouse radiative environment and sweet pepper productivity. Biosystems Engineering, 122: 115-126. Publication 4: Kitta, E., Baille, A., Katsoulas, N., Rigakis, N. 2014. Predicting reference evapotranspiration for screenhouse-grown crops. Agricultural Water Management. 143 : 122–13.Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaPrograma de doctorado Técnicas Avanzadas en Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario y Alimentario (TAIDA

    Enhancing mathematics teachers' pedagogical content knowledge and skills in Tanzania

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    The study has revealed that the use of a comprehensive, school-based programme, emphasising peer collaboration, can be a promising scenario for professional development of mathematics teachers in Tanzania. Such a comprehensive approach has the potential of supporting teachers with diverse levels of expertise and experience in teaching. By tailoring the programme to the school level, it can\ud help to offer support that is contextually relevant and meaningfully addressing the needs of the teachers

    Towards Designing Effective Preschool Education Programmes in Tanzania: What can We Learn from Theories?

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    Pre-school education, which ordinarily is supposed to be the foundation stone of our education system, is wholly left in the hands of private operators to manage with no supervisory authority over them, a situation that has led to poor standards and quality. It was emphasised that if pre-school education is to serve its stated purposes of making the children to have an effective smooth transition from home to school; prepare the child for the primary level of education; inculcate social norms; inculcate in the child the spirit of inquiry and creativity; develop a sense of cooperation and team-spirit and really teach the children the rudiments of numbers, letters, colours, shapes, among others. It should be well supervised, staffed, equipped, financed and coordinated. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to give foundation tenets for establishing effective preschool programmes. Key words:preschool education; early childhood education, theories; Tanzani


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    Menurunnya pendapatan nelayan yang disebabkan oleh terjadinya Pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan terlibatnya istri nelayan dalam aktivitas produktif yang dapat membantu perekonomian keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aktivitas produktif keluarga nelayan miskin, strategi adaptasi perempuan dalam keluarga miskin, perubahan sosial yang terjadi dalam keluarga, serta bantuan pemerintah dalam menghadapi masa pandemi Covid-19. Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi sebagai metode pengumpulan datanya. Adapun teknik keabsahan datanya menggunakan teknik triangulasi dengan tahapan analisis data yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, serta verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa aktivitas produktif rumah tangga nelayan miskin pada perempuan mengalami perubahan sebelum dan saat pandemi, dimana sebelum pandemi 80% informan hanya berfokus pada pekerjaan domestik rumah tangga, namun saat pandemi 80% informan terlibat dalam aktivitas produktif. Adapun strategi adaptasi penghidupan istri nelayan yang ditemui yaitu berdagang, bekerja (honorer), mengolah ikan, membantu berkebun, mengelola keuangan rumah tangga, meminta bantuan pihak lain, dan memanfaatkan bantuan pemerintah. Perubahan sosial dalam keluarga miskin yang terjadi adalah perubahan dalam personal, dimana perempuan yang sebelumnya hanya berfokus pada pekerjaan domestik mulai terlibat dalam aktivitas produktif, selain itu suami yang awalnya kurang terlibat dalam mendampingi anak belajar di rumah mulai terlibat dalam pendampingan belajar anak. Adapun persentase informan yang memperoleh bantuan dari pemerintah yaitu sebanyak 50%. Jenis bantuan tersebut yaitu, BST, PKH, Bantuan Honorer Guru, dan Sembako Vaksin.Menurunnya pendapatan nelayan yang disebabkan oleh terjadinya Pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan terlibatnya istri nelayan dalam aktivitas produktif yang dapat membantu perekonomian keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aktivitas produktif keluarga nelayan miskin, strategi adaptasi perempuan dalam keluarga miskin, perubahan sosial yang terjadi dalam keluarga, serta bantuan pemerintah dalam menghadapi masa pandemi Covid-19. Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi sebagai metode pengumpulan datanya. Adapun teknik keabsahan datanya menggunakan teknik triangulasi dengan tahapan analisis data yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, serta verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa aktivitas produktif rumah tangga nelayan miskin pada perempuan mengalami perubahan sebelum dan saat pandemi, dimana sebelum pandemi 80% informan hanya berfokus pada pekerjaan domestik rumah tangga, namun saat pandemi 80% informan terlibat dalam aktivitas produktif. Adapun strategi adaptasi penghidupan istri nelayan yang ditemui yaitu berdagang, bekerja (honorer), mengolah ikan, membantu berkebun, mengelola keuangan rumah tangga, meminta bantuan pihak lain, dan memanfaatkan bantuan pemerintah. Perubahan sosial dalam keluarga miskin yang terjadi adalah perubahan dalam personal, dimana perempuan yang sebelumnya hanya berfokus pada pekerjaan domestik mulai terlibat dalam aktivitas produktif, selain itu suami yang awalnya kurang terlibat dalam mendampingi anak belajar di rumah mulai terlibat dalam pendampingan belajar anak. Adapun persentase informan yang memperoleh bantuan dari pemerintah yaitu sebanyak 50%. Jenis bantuan tersebut yaitu, BST, PKH, Bantuan Honorer Guru, dan Sembako Vaksin

    A comparative review of literature on the integration of soft skills in Mathematics as reflected in the revised curriculum frameworks for Kenya, Rwanda, and Zambia

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    This paper comparatively analysed policy documents and peer-reviewed papers regarding the integration of soft skills in Mathematics taught in secondary schools in Kenya, Rwanda, and Zambia. The analysis highlights how the curricula for Kenya, Rwanda, and Zambia were revised, how soft skills were integrated and assessed in Mathematics and how Mathematics teachers were prepared to integrate soft skills in the teaching and learning of Mathematics. The review has shown that the three countries acknowledge Mathematics as one of the subjects in which soft skills should be integrated. Additionally, the three countries have a common understanding that the integration of soft skills requires changes in pedagogical and assessment approaches. However, the literature reviewed from the three countries indicates that there is very little data available highlighting the integration and assessment of soft skills in Mathematics as well as how mathematics teachers were prepared. This lack of adequate information on the integration and assessment of softs kills points to the fact that these skills may not be integrated in the teaching and learning of Mathematics which could lead to producing secondary school graduates, who are not creative, innovative, critical thinkers and problems solvers. The paper, therefore recommends that researchers should explore the challenges related to the deficiency in policy focus by the three countries on the integration of soft skills in  Mathematics

    Benchmark Irrigated under Cover Agriculture Crops

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    AbstractManaging water sustainably in a ‘green’ economy means using water more efficiently in all sectors and ensuring that ecosystems have the quantity and quality of water needed to function effectively. Despite the increasing demand for water and its scarcity in some regions in Europe and the Mediterranean basin, “water use efficiency” or Water Productivity, is claimed to be unsatisfactory. In many Southern European regions up to 85% of the water is consumed by agriculture. The expected climate change will worsen the situation as it will lead to hotter summers. In this paper an initial study to benchmark agricultural irrigation practices– here, protected cultivation - with the objective of evaluating and comparing the systems through performanceindicators that can be obtained from data routinely available at the field and farm level were presented and discussed. Benchmarking, a systematic process for detecting inefficiencies based on comparisons between similar systems, is a potential tool for identifying andtargeting problem areas. The benchmarking tool was based on the results of an FP7 EU-SIRRIMED. In the present study we use this tool in order to assess the performance of two contrasted production strategies (i) hi-tech horticultural production, exemplified by soil-less greenhouse-grown tomato crops with closed, semi closed and open irrigation techniques and (ii) low-tech screenhouse production, exemplified by soil grown sweet pepper under screenhouses having different shading factors. We found that a large margin of progress in water and fertilisers use efficiency is at hand of farmers, provided they can integrate to their farming practices innovative technologies (i.e closed hydroponic systems) or structures that are well adapted to the local climatic and biotic conditions (e.g. screenhouses)

    Reliabilism and cosmic optimism: situating John Hick in the history of philosophy of religion

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    This dissertation aims to rehabilitate the reasonableness of Hick’s religious pluralism by disclosing the deep structure of his philosophical system. To realize this aim, this dissertation will introduce a new philosophical method of reliabilism, which is proposed by Ernest Sosa and emphasizes total balance and historical maturation. As a result of the introduction of reliabilism, Hick’s philosophical system is disclosed to be composed of Hick’s own philosophy of personhood, combined with the philosophies of Wittgenstein, Kant, and Hume. Instead of emphasizing one of them, this dissertation will propose to read these different components of Hick’s philosophical system as forming a total worldview, which are complementary with each other. Also, this dissertation will situate Hick’s philosophy in the history of philosophy of religion (e.g. pre-analytical paradigms of British Idealism and Critical Realism, and analytical paradigms of Logical Positivism, neo-Wittgensteinian philosophy, and Reformed Epistemology). Hick’s project will be discussed as a recovery of a pre-analytical worldview from within analytical contexts. As Hick’s central philosophical works, this dissertation will focus on Faith and Knowledge and An Interpretation of Religion. Faith and Knowledge has not been examined in detail in past literature. But Hick’s arguments about personhood, Wittgenstein, Kant, and Hume in An Interpretation of Religion originates in Faith and Knowledge (both the first edition and the second edition). A correct understanding of Hick’s religious pluralism in An Interpretation of Religion is impossible without a detailed examination of Faith and Knowledge

    Narratives of Cancer Survivors in Religious Life

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    Narratives of Cancer Survivors in Religions Life is a careful consideration of the narratives of cancer survivors, specifically those in Catholic religious life. Through the use of interviews and secondary sources, the author addresses such issues as relationship with God, stigmatization, community life, Parson\u27s Sick Role, and labeling theories. This thesis also considers the perceived audience during the performance of narratives, specifically, if cancer survivors in religious life perceive God to be a part of their audience and looks at the structure of narratives concerning cancer survivorship

    Perbaikan Level Tegangan dan Reduksi Rugi-Rugi Sistem Transmisi Sulbagsel Berbasis Ant Colony Optimization

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    Abstract—The Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) method is used to determine the location and optimal amount of bank capacitors in the South Sulawesi electric power system (Sulbagsel). The purpose of employing ACO is to determine the ability of ACO as one method for optimization to improve voltage levels and reduce power losses in the electric power system. There are 5 scenarios carried out in this study, scenario 4 and scenario 5 are scenarios for applying the ACO method, the results of these two scenarios are the increase in voltage on the bus and the reduction of power losses in the Sulbagsel system. 