7,242 research outputs found

    Phytohaemagglutinin on maternal and umbilical leukocytes

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    Almost all the umbilical lymphocytes showed more extensive blast cell formation than that of their mother's lymphocytes with PHA. Pathological conditions of mother in pregnancy and labor such as anemia, gestational toxicosis, difficult labor and asphyxia of babies, inhibited the normal response of both maternal and umbilical lymphocytes to PHA.</p

    Rotating dust solutions of Einstein's equations with 3-dimensional symmetry groups, Part 3: All Killing fields linearly independent of u^{\alpha} and w^{\alpha}

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    This is the third and last part of a series of 3 papers. Using the same method and the same coordinates as in parts 1 and 2, rotating dust solutions of Einstein's equations are investigated that possess 3-dimensional symmetry groups, under the assumption that each of the Killing vectors is linearly independent of velocity uαu^{\alpha} and rotation wαw^{\alpha} at every point of the spacetime region under consideration. The Killing fields are found and the Killing equations are solved for the components of the metric tensor in every case that arises. No progress was made with the Einstein equations in any of the cases, and no previously known solutions were identified. A brief overview of literature on solutions with rotating sources is given.Comment: One missing piece, signaled after eq. (10.7), is added after (10.21). List of corrections: In (3.7) wrong subscript in vorticity; In (3.10) wrong subscript in last term of g_{23}; In (4.23) wrong formulae for g_{12} and g_{22}; In (7.17) missing factor in velocity; In (7.18) one wrong factor in g_{22}; In (10.9) factor in vorticity; In (10.15) - (10.20) y_0 = 0; In (10.20) wrong second term in y. The rewriting typos did not influence result

    CubeHarmonic: A new interface from a magnetic 3D motion tracking system to music performance

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    We developed a new musical interface, CubeHarmonic, with the magnetic 3D motion tracking system IM3D. This sys- tem precisely tracks positions of tiny, wireless, battery-less, and identifiable markers (LC coils) in real time. The Cube- Harmonic is a musical application of the Rubik’s cube, with notes on each little piece. Scrambling the cube, we get dif- ferent chords and chord sequences. Positions of the pieces which contain LC coils are detected through IM3D, and transmitted to the computer to recognize the status of the Rubik’s cube, that plays sounds. The central position of the cube is also measured by the LC coils located into the corners of Rubik’s cube, and, depending on the position, we can manipulate overall loudness and pitch changes, as in theremin playing. This new instrument, whose first idea comes from mathematical theory of music, can be used as a teaching tool both for math (group theory) and music (music theory, mathematical music theory), as well as a composition device, a new instrument for avant-garde per- formances, and a recreational tool

    Regulation of Retinoschisin Secretion in Weri-Rb1 Cells by the F-Actin and Microtubule Cytoskeleton

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    Retinoschisin is encoded by the gene responsible for X-linked retinoschisis (XLRS), an early onset macular degeneration that results in a splitting of the inner layers of the retina and severe loss in vision. Retinoschisin is predominantly expressed and secreted from photoreceptor cells as a homo-oligomer protein; it then associates with the surface of retinal cells and maintains the retina cellular architecture. Many missense mutations in the XLRS1 gene are known to cause intracellular retention of retinoschisin, indicating that the secretion process of the protein is a critical step for its normal function in the retina. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying retinoschisin's secretion remain to be fully elucidated. In this study, we investigated the role of the F-actin cytoskeleton in the secretion of retinoschisin by treating Weri-Rb1 cells, which are known to secrete retinoschisin, with cytochalasin D, jasplakinolide, Y-27632, and dibutyryl cGMP. Our results show that cytochalasin D and jasplakinolide inhibit retinoschisin secretion, whereas Y-27632 and dibutyryl cGMP enhance secretion causing F-actin alterations. We also demonstrate that high concentrations of taxol, which hyperpolymerizes microtubules, inhibit retinoschisin secretion. Our data suggest that retinoschisin secretion is regulated by the F-actin cytoskeleton, that cGMP or inhibition of ROCK alters F-actin structure enhancing the secretion, and that the microtubule cytoskeleton is also involved in this process

    Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Dynamic Force Microscopy: Applications to the Si(111)-7x7 Surface

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    Molecular dynamics simulations have been performed to understand true atomic resolution, which has been observed on the Si(111)-7Ă—\times7 surface by dynamic force microscopy in ultra high vacuum(UHV). Stable atomic-scale contrast is reproduced in simulations at constant mean height above a critical tip-sample separation when monitoring the interaction force between tip and sample. Missing or additional adatoms can be recognized in such scans, although they are less well resolved than native adatoms. The resonance frequency shift, as well as arbitrary scans, e.g. at constant force can be computed from a series of force-distance characteristics. By means of dynamic simulations we show how energy losses induced by interaction with an oscillating tip can be monitored and that they occur even in the non-contact range.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted publication in Applied Surface Scienc

    Unbiased Shape Compactness for Segmentation

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    We propose to constrain segmentation functionals with a dimensionless, unbiased and position-independent shape compactness prior, which we solve efficiently with an alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). Involving a squared sum of pairwise potentials, our prior results in a challenging high-order optimization problem, which involves dense (fully connected) graphs. We split the problem into a sequence of easier sub-problems, each performed efficiently at each iteration: (i) a sparse-matrix inversion based on Woodbury identity, (ii) a closed-form solution of a cubic equation and (iii) a graph-cut update of a sub-modular pairwise sub-problem with a sparse graph. We deploy our prior in an energy minimization, in conjunction with a supervised classifier term based on CNNs and standard regularization constraints. We demonstrate the usefulness of our energy in several medical applications. In particular, we report comprehensive evaluations of our fully automated algorithm over 40 subjects, showing a competitive performance for the challenging task of abdominal aorta segmentation in MRI.Comment: Accepted at MICCAI 201

    Mixing among light scalar mesons and L=1 q\bar{q} scalar mesons

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    Following the re-establishment of the \sigma(600) and the \kappa(900), the light scalar mesons a_0(980) and f_0(980) together with the \sigma(600) and the \kappa(900) are considered as the chiral scalar partner of pseudoscalar nonet in SU(3) chiral symmetry, and the high mass scalar mesons a_0(1450), K^*_0(1430), f_0(1370) and f_0(1710) turned out to be considered as the L=1 q\bar{q} scalar mesons. We assume that the high mass of the L=1 q\bar{q} scalar mesons is caused by the mixing with the light scalar mesons. For the structure of the light scalar mesons, we adopted the qq\bar{q}\bar{q} model in order to explain the "scalar meson puzzle". The inter-mixing between the light scalar nonet and the high mass L=1 q\bar{q} nonet and the intra-mixing among each nonet are analyzed by including the glueball into the high mass scalar nonet.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    AKARI Far-Infrared All Sky Survey

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    We demonstrate the capability of AKARI for mapping diffuse far-infrared emission and achieved reliability of all-sky diffuse map. We have conducted an all-sky survey for more than 94 % of the whole sky during cold phase of AKARI observation in 2006 Feb. -- 2007 Aug. The survey in far-infrared waveband covers 50 um -- 180 um with four bands centered at 65 um, 90 um, 140 um, and 160 um and spatial resolution of 3000 -- 4000 (FWHM).This survey has allowed us to make a revolutionary improvement compared to the IRAS survey that was conducted in 1983 in both spatial resolution and sensitivity after more than a quarter of a century. Additionally, it will provide us the first all-sky survey data with high-spatial resolution beyond 100 um. Considering its extreme importance of the AKARI far-infrared diffuse emission map, we are now investigating carefully the quality of the data for possible release of the archival data. Critical subjects in making image of diffuse emission from detected signal are the transient response and long-term stability of the far-infrared detectors. Quantitative evaluation of these characteristics is the key to achieve sensitivity comparable to or better than that for point sources (< 20 -- 95 [MJy/sr]). We describe current activities and progress that are focused on making high quality all-sky survey images of the diffuse far-infrared emission.Comment: To appear in Proc. Workshop "The Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology & Astrophysics: Revealing the Origins of Planets and Galaxies". Eds. A.M. Heras, B. Swinyard, K. Isaak, and J.R. Goicoeche

    Room temperature femtosecond optical parametric generation in MgO-doped stoichiometric LiTaO3

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    We demonstrate room temperature femtosecond optical parametric generation with high average output power in periodically poled MgO-doped stoichiometric LiTaO3. Direct pumping with 725-fs pulses from a passively mode-locked thin disk laser at 1030nm resulted in stable 1.5W average signal power at 1484nm at the full laser repetition rate of 59MHz. With this demonstration we achieved a significant simplification of our recently presented red-green-blue laser source because no temperature stabilization of any nonlinear crystal is require
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