1,154 research outputs found

    Planar model system and heterogeneous catalysis

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    Vehicles with sensors produce large amounts of data. Transmission of data is connectedwith costs. By using data compression, less data has to be transmitted, reducing priceof operation. A number of algorithms are evaluated through tests with GPS and accelerometerdata. Performance is measured based on time usage, compression ratio,and euclidean errors (in the case of lossy compression). No algorithm or combinationof algorithms is shown to outperform the others on all data and all metrics. Threedierent recommendations are made. For lossless data compression focused on speed, acombination of Move-To-Front, Zero-Run-Length-Encoding, and Human coding is recommended.For lossless data compression focusing on compression ratio, a combinationof delta coding, Lempel-Ziv coding, and Human coding is recommended. Finally, fordata that can aord losses and that has a low amount of unique symbols, a model basedapproach is recommended

    Loopholes of Plagiarism Detection Software

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    AbstractNowadays, information becomes more and more important for our society. We can get information from everywhere easily and fast. The release of translation software eliminated the problems of translating a document. As a result of the continuous development, recent software are handy and sophisticated. This new way of getting information simplified stealing other people's spiritual work. Plagiarism becomes frequent. The number of students who submit other's work as their own is constantly increasing. The Internet gives them this opportunity. This growth won’t stop as far as we don’t try to detect plagiarism.The scandals of recent past made plagiarism detection a popular issue. The topic has chosen, because the further aim of this work is to develop a software, which meets our world's requirements. Throughout my work some software have been tested, in a few cases, those failed in finding plagiarism, so now it is well-known, what the loopholes of these systems are. The future work is supposed to fix these problems, making my software reliable in order to stop plagiarism among universities.The first tested software was the KOPI online plagiarism detector, which is developed and operated by MTA SZTAKI Department of Distributed Systems. The system compares documents with the ones found in its own database, which contains other users’ documents and articles from the English and the Hungarian Wikipedia.Plagiarism detection with KOPI has four steps. It chunks the document into 40-60 characters long fragments. Storing these fragments results a huge amount of data, so it creates fingerprints digesting the original chunks. The software uploads these to the database and compares it with the fingerprints of other documents, checking the originality of the work.Plagiarized documents have been made using the Internet. The text of these documents is copied, so if the system works well, it will show the result of 100% plagiarism. First of these documents is copied from Wikipedia. After the application checked the text, the result was 68%. It is a very disappointing result. After checking more documents with several types of products, it is a fact, that most of the software solutions fail to find all type of plagiarism

    Az angiotenzinreceptor-gátlók onkológiai vonatkozásai

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    Possibility for albedo estimation of exomoons: Why should we care about M dwarfs?

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    Occultation light curves of exomoons may give information on their albedo and hence indicate the presence of ice cover on the surface. Icy moons might have subsurface oceans thus these may potentially be habitable. The objective of our paper is to determine whether next generation telescopes will be capable of albedo estimations for icy exomoons using their occultation light curves. The success of the measurements depends on the depth of the moon's occultation in the light curve and on the sensitivity of the used instruments. We applied simple calculations for different stellar masses in the V and J photometric bands, and compared the flux drop caused by the moon's occultation and the estimated photon noise of next generation missions with 5 σ\sigma confidence. We found that albedo estimation by this method is not feasible for moons of solar-like stars, but small M dwarfs are better candidates for such measurements. Our calculations in the J photometric band show that E-ELT MICADO's photon noise is just about 4 ppm greater than the flux difference caused by a 2 Earth-radii icy satellite in a circular orbit at the snowline of an 0.1 stellar mass star. However, considering only photon noise underestimates the real expected noise, because other noise sources, such as CCD read-out and dark signal become significant in the near infrared measurements. Hence we conclude that occultation measurements with next generation missions are far too challenging, even in the case of large, icy moons at the snowline of small M dwarfs. We also discuss the role of the parameters that were neglected in the calculations, e.g. inclination, eccentricity, orbiting direction of the moon. We predict that the first albedo estimations of exomoons will probably be made for large icy moons around the snowline of M4 -- M9 type main sequence stars.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The Effect of Growing Media on the Nutritional Value of Cherry Tomato

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    The aim of this paper is to demonstrate how certain growing media (rockwool slab, coco slab, and coco substrate in window box) can change nutritional values of different tomato cultivars in hydroponic system. The test took place at the Study Garden of Faculty of Horticulture and Rural Development, John von Neumann University in the summer of 2018. The paper shows the role of growing media and particular tomato cultivars in the development of sensory and biochemical characteristics

    Interdiszciplináris pedagógia, tanárok, értelmiségiek. A VI. Kiss Árpád Emlékkonferencia

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    1999-ben Báthory Zoltán, Kozma Tamás és Kiss Endre, illetve az általuk képviselt szervezetek, jelesül az MTA Pedagógiai Bizottsága, a Debreceni Egyetem Neveléstudományi Tanszéke, valamint az ELTE Filozófiai Tanszéke összefogott, hogy Kiss Árpád halálának 20. évfordulójára emlékkonferenciát szervezzenek. Több cél is motiválta az életrehívókat. Egyrészt azt kívánták elérni, hogy Kiss Árpád (s vele kiváló kortársai és az egész történelmi korszak) szellemi hagyatékát, „egy európai értelemben művelt és fogant pedagógiá”-t, méltó módon ápolhassák az utódok. Alkalmat és keretet kívántak biztosítani azoknak a szakmai beszélgetéseknek és baráti találkozásoknak, melyek során a résztvevők a konferencia névadójára és a vele társítható sokrétű problematikára emlékezhetnek