4,024 research outputs found

    A Southern California Surfer\u27s Perspective On Marine Spatial Planning

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    The Electoral College: Federalism and the Election of the American President

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    The system of the Electoral College for presidential elections should remain intact and not be replaced by national popular election. Looking back at the discourse during the ratification of the Constitution, the Framers of the Constitution chose to devise the Electoral College to ensure the president would be truly a statesman, not a politician. Additionally, the Framers recognized that the “one person, one vote” system of popular election would not be sufficient to elect the president. Furthermore, since the President is an officer of the states, the Framers created a federal electoral system whereby small states have disproportionate representation in order to ensure that all states have a voice in the election

    Laboratory Characterization and Astrophysical Detection of Vibrationally Excited States of Vinyl Cyanide in Orion-KL

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    New laboratory data of CH2_2CHCN (vinyl cyanide) in its ground and vibrationally excited states at the microwave to THz domain allow searching for these excited state transitions in the Orion-KL line survey. Frequency-modulated spectrometers combined into a single broadband 50-1900 GHz spectrum provided measurements of CH2_2CHCN covering a spectral range of 18-1893 GHz, whose assignments was confirmed by Stark modulation spectra in the 18-40 GHz region and by ab-initio anharmonic force field calculations. For analyzing the emission lines of CH2_2CHCN species detected in Orion-KL we used the excitation and radiative transfer code (MADEX) at LTE conditions. The rotational transitions of the ground state of this molecule emerge from four cloud components of hot core nature which trace the physical and chemical conditions of high mass star forming regions in the Orion-KL Nebula. The total column density of CH2_2CHCN in the ground state is (3.0±\pm0.9)x1015^{15} cm−2^{-2}. We report on the first interstellar detection of transitions in the v10=1/(v11=1,v15=1) dyad in space, and in the v11=2 and v11=3 states in Orion-KL. The lowest energy vibrationally excited states of vinyl cyanide such as v11=1 (at 328.5 K), v15=1 (at 478.6 K), v11=2 (at 657.8 K), the v10=1/(v11=1,v15=1) dyad (at 806.4/809.9 K), and v11=3 (at 987.9 K) are populated under warm and dense conditions, so they probe the hottest parts of the Orion-KL source. Column density and rotational and vibrational temperatures for CH2_2CHCN in their ground and excited states, as well as for the isotopologues, have been constrained by means of a sample of more than 1000 lines in this survey. Moreover, we present the detection of methyl isocyanide (CH3_3NC) for the first time in Orion-KL and a tentative detection of vinyl isocyanide (CH2_2CHNC) and give column density ratios between the cyanide and isocyanide isomers.Comment: 46 pages, 22 figures, 14 tables, 9 online table

    Ethyl cyanide on Titan: Spectroscopic detection and mapping using ALMA

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    We report the first spectroscopic detection of ethyl cyanide (C2_2H5_5CN) in Titan's atmosphere, obtained using spectrally and spatially resolved observations of multiple emission lines with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter array (ALMA). The presence of C2_2H5_5CN in Titan's ionosphere was previously inferred from Cassini ion mass spectrometry measurements of C2_2H5_5CNH+^+. Here we report the detection of 27 rotational lines from C2_2H5_5CN (in 19 separate emission features detected at >3σ>3\sigma confidence), in the frequency range 222-241 GHz. Simultaneous detections of multiple emission lines from HC3_3N, CH3_3CN and CH3_3CCH were also obtained. In contrast to HC3_3N, CH3_3CN and CH3_3CCH, which peak in Titan's northern (spring) hemisphere, the emission from C2_2H5_5CN is found to be concentrated in the southern (autumn) hemisphere, suggesting a distinctly different chemistry for this species, consistent with a relatively short chemical lifetime for C2_2H5_5CN. Radiative transfer models show that most of the C2_2H5_5CN is concentrated at altitudes 300-600 km, suggesting production predominantly in the mesosphere and above. Vertical column densities are found to be in the range (2-5)×1014\times10^{14} cm−2^{-2}.Comment: Published in 2015, ApJL, 800, L1

    Simultaneous measurement of the muon neutrino charged-current cross section on oxygen and carbon without pions in the final state at T2K

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    Authors: K. Abe,56 N. Akhlaq,45 R. Akutsu,57 A. Ali,32 C. Alt,11 C. Andreopoulos,54,34 L. Anthony,21 M. Antonova,19 S. Aoki,31 A. Ariga,2 T. Arihara,59 Y. Asada,69 Y. Ashida,32 E. T. Atkin,21 Y. Awataguchi,59 S. Ban,32 M. Barbi,46 G. J. Barker,66 G. Barr,42 D. Barrow,42 M. Batkiewicz-Kwasniak,15 A. Beloshapkin,26 F. Bench,34 V. Berardi,22 L. Berns,58 S. Bhadra,70 S. Bienstock,53 S. Bolognesi,6 T. Bonus,68 B. Bourguille,18 S. B. Boyd,66 A. Bravar,13 D. Bravo Berguño,1 C. Bronner,56 S. Bron,13 A. Bubak,51 M. Buizza Avanzini ,10 T. Campbell,7 S. Cao,16 S. L. Cartwright,50 M. G. Catanesi,22 A. Cervera,19 D. Cherdack,17 N. Chikuma,55 G. Christodoulou,12 M. Cicerchia,24,† J. Coleman,34 G. Collazuol,24 L. Cook,42,28 D. Coplowe,42 A. Cudd,7 A. Dabrowska,15 G. De Rosa,23 T. Dealtry,33 S. R. Dennis,34 C. Densham,54 F. Di Lodovico,30 N. Dokania,39 S. Dolan,12 T. A. Doyle,33 O. Drapier,10 J. Dumarchez,53 P. Dunne,21 A. Eguchi,55 L. Eklund,14 S. Emery-Schrenk,6 A. Ereditato,2 A. J. Finch,33 G. Fiorillo,23 C. Francois,2 M. Friend,16,‡ Y. Fujii,16,‡ R. Fujita,55 D. Fukuda,40 R. Fukuda,60 Y. Fukuda,37 K. Fusshoeller,11 C. Giganti,53 M. Gonin,10 A. Gorin,26 M. Guigue,53 D. R. Hadley,66 J. T. Haigh,66 P. Hamacher-Baumann,49 M. Hartz,62,28 T. Hasegawa,16,‡ S. Hassani,6 N. C. Hastings,16 Y. Hayato,56,28 A. Hiramoto,32 M. Hogan,8 J. Holeczek,51 N. T. Hong Van,20,27 T. Honjo,41 F. Iacob,24 A. K. Ichikawa,32 M. Ikeda,56 T. Ishida,16,‡ M. Ishitsuka,60 K. Iwamoto,55 A. Izmaylov,26 N. Izumi,60 M. Jakkapu,16 B. Jamieson,67 S. J. Jenkins,50 C. JesĂșs-Valls,18 M. Jiang,32 P. Jonsson,21 C. K. Jung,39,§ X. Junjie,57 P. B. Jurj,21 M. Kabirnezhad,42 A. C. Kaboth,48,54 T. Kajita,57,§ H. Kakuno,59 J. Kameda,56 D. Karlen,63,62 S. P. Kasetti,35 Y. Kataoka,56 Y. Katayama,69 T. Katori,30 Y. Kato,56 E. Kearns,3,28,§ M. Khabibullin,26 A. Khotjantsev,26 T. Kikawa,32 H. Kikutani,55 H. Kim,41 S. King,30 J. Kisiel,51 A. Knight,66 T. Kobata,41 T. Kobayashi,16,‡ L. Koch,42 T. Koga,55 A. Konaka,62 L. L. Kormos,33 Y. Koshio,40,§ A. Kostin,26 K. Kowalik,38 H. Kubo,32 Y. Kudenko,26,∄ N. Kukita,41 S. Kuribayashi,32 R. Kurjata,65 T. Kutter,35 M. Kuze,58 L. Labarga,1 J. Lagoda,38 M. Lamoureux,24 D. Last,43 M. Lawe,33 M. Licciardi,10 R. P. Litchfield,14 S. L. Liu,39 X. Li,39 A. Longhin,24 L. Ludovici,25 X. Lu,42 T. Lux,18 L. N. Machado,23 L. Magaletti,22 K. Mahn,36 M. Malek,50 S. Manly,47 L. Maret,13 A. D. Marino,7 L. Marti-Magro,56,28 T. Maruyama,16,‡ T. Matsubara,16 K. Matsushita,55 V. Matveev,26 C. Mauger,43 K. Mavrokoridis,34 E. Mazzucato,6 N. McCauley,34 J. McElwee,50 K. S. McFarland,47 C. McGrew,39 A. Mefodiev,26 C. Metelko,34 M. Mezzetto,24 A. Minamino,69 O. Mineev,26 S. Mine,5 M. Miura,56,§ L. Molina Bueno,11 S. Moriyama,56,§ Th. A. Mueller,10 L. Munteanu,6 S. Murphy,11 Y. Nagai,7 T. Nakadaira,16,‡ M. Nakahata,56,28 Y. Nakajima,56 A. Nakamura,40 K. Nakamura,28,16,‡ S. Nakayama,56,28 T. Nakaya,32,28 K. Nakayoshi,16,‡ C. E. R. Naseby,21 T. V. Ngoc,20,¶ K. Niewczas,68 K. Nishikawa,16,* Y. Nishimura,29 E. Noah,13 T. S. Nonnenmacher,21 F. Nova,54 P. Novella,19 J. Nowak,33 J. C. Nugent,14 H. M. O’Keeffe,33 L. O’Sullivan,50 T. Odagawa,32 T. Ogawa,16 R. Okada,40 K. Okumura,57,28 T. Okusawa,41 S. M. Oser,4,62 R. A. Owen,45 Y. Oyama,16,‡ V. Palladino,23 V. Paolone,44 M. Pari,24 W. C. Parker,48 S. Parsa,13 J. Pasternak,21 M. Pavin,62 D. Payne,34 G. C. Penn,34 L. Pickering,36 C. Pidcott,50 G. Pintaudi,69 C. Pistillo,2 B. Popov,53,** K. Porwit,51 M. Posiadala-Zezula,64 A. Pritchard,34 B. Quilain,10 T. Radermacher,49 E. Radicioni,22 B. Radics,11 P. N. Ratoff,33 C. Riccio,39 E. Rondio,38 S. Roth,49 A. Rubbia,11 A. C. Ruggeri,23 C. Ruggles,14 A. Rychter,65 K. Sakashita,16,‡ F. SĂĄnchez,13 G. Santucci,70 C. M. Schloesser,11 K. Scholberg,9,§ M. Scott,21 Y. Seiya,41,†† T. Sekiguchi,16,‡ H. Sekiya,56,28,§ D. Sgalaberna,11 A. Shaikhiev,26 A. Shaykina,26 M. Shiozawa,56,28 W. Shorrock,21 A. Shvartsman,26 M. Smy,5 J. T. Sobczyk,68 H. Sobel,5,28 F. J. P. Soler,14 Y. Sonoda,56 S. Suvorov,26,6 A. Suzuki,31 S. Y. Suzuki,16,‡ Y. Suzuki,28 A. A. Sztuc,21 M. Tada,16,‡ M. Tajima,32 A. Takeda,56 Y. Takeuchi,31,28 H. K. Tanaka,56,§ H. A. Tanaka,52,61 S. Tanaka,41 Y. Tanihara,69 N. Teshima,41 L. F. Thompson,50 W. Toki,8 C. Touramanis,34 T. Towstego,61 K. M. Tsui,34 T. Tsukamoto,16,‡ M. Tzanov,35 Y. Uchida,21 M. Vagins,28,5 S. Valder,66 Z. Vallari,39 D. Vargas,18 G. Vasseur,6 W. G. S. Vinning,66 T. Vladisavljevic,54 V. V. Volkov,26 T. Wachala,15 J. Walker,67 J. G. Walsh,33 Y. Wang,39 D. Wark,54,42 M. O. Wascko,21 A. Weber,54,42 R. Wendell,32,§ M. J. Wilking,39 C. Wilkinson,2 J. R. Wilson,30 K. Wood,39 C. Wret,47 K. Yamamoto,41,†† C. Yanagisawa,39,‡‡ G. Yang,39 T. Yano,56 K. Yasutome,32 N. Yershov,26 M. Yokoyama,55,§ T. Yoshida,58 M. Yu,70 A. Zalewska,15 J. Zalipska,38 K. Zaremba,65 G. Zarnecki,38 M. Ziembicki,65 E. D. Zimmerman,7 M. Zito,53 S. Zsoldos,30 and A. Zykova26 (T2K Collaboration)This paper reports the first simultaneous measurement of the double differential muon neutrino chargedcurrent cross section on oxygen and carbon without pions in the final state as a function of the outgoing muon kinematics, made at the ND280 off-axis near detector of the T2K experiment. The ratio of the oxygen and carbon cross sections is also provided to help validate various models’ ability to extrapolate between carbon and oxygen nuclear targets, as is required in T2K oscillation analyses. The data are taken using a neutrino beam with an energy spectrum peaked at 0.6 GeV. The extracted measurement is compared with the prediction from different Monte Carlo neutrino-nucleus interaction event generators, showing particular model separation for very forward-going muons. Overall, of the models tested, the result is best described using local Fermi gas descriptions of the nuclear ground state with RPA suppression

    The STAR Silicon Strip Detector (SSD)

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    The STAR Silicon Strip Detector (SSD) completes the three layers of the Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) to make an inner tracking system located inside the Time Projection Chamber (TPC). This additional fourth layer provides two dimensional hit position and energy loss measurements for charged particles, improving the extrapolation of TPC tracks through SVT hits. To match the high multiplicity of central Au+Au collisions at RHIC the double sided silicon strip technology was chosen which makes the SSD a half million channels detector. Dedicated electronics have been designed for both readout and control. Also a novel technique of bonding, the Tape Automated Bonding (TAB), was used to fullfill the large number of bounds to be done. All aspects of the SSD are shortly described here and test performances of produced detection modules as well as simulated results on hit reconstruction are given.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Broadband Fourier transform rotational spectroscopy for structure determination: The water heptamer

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    Over the recent years chirped-pulse, Fourier-transform microwave (CP-FTMW) spectrometers have chan- ged the scope of rotational spectroscopy. The broad frequency and large dynamic range make possible structural determinations in molecular systems of increasingly larger size from measurements of heavy atom (13C, 15N, 18O) isotopes recorded in natural abundance in the same spectrum as that of the parent isotopic species. The design of a broadband spectrometer operating in the 2–8 GHz frequency range with further improvements in sensitivity is presented. The current CP-FTMW spectrometer performance is benchmarked in the analyses of the rotational spectrum of the water heptamer, (H2O)7, in both 2– 8 GHz and 6–18 GHz frequency ranges. Two isomers of the water heptamer have been observed in a pulsed supersonic molecular expansion. High level ab initio structural searches were performed to pro- vide plausible low-energy candidates which were directly compared with accurate structures provided from broadband rotational spectra. The full substitution structure of the most stable species has been obtained through the analysis of all possible singly-substituted isotopologues (H218O and HDO), and a least-squares rm(1) geometry of the oxygen framework determined from 16 different isotopic species compares with the calculated O–O equilibrium distances at the 0.01 Å level

    Solid-state reference electrodes based on carbon nanotubes and polyacrylate membranes

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    A novel potentiometric solid-state reference electrode containing single-walled carbon nanotubes as the transducer layer between a polyacrylate membrane and the conductor is reported here. Single-walled carbon nanotubes act as an efficient transducer of the constant potentiometric signal originating from the reference membrane containing the Ag/AgCl/Cl− ions system, and they are needed to obtain a stable reference potentiometric signal. Furthermore, we have taken advantage of the light insensitivity of single-walled carbon nanotubes to improve the analytical performance characteristics of previously reported solid-state reference electrodes. Four different polyacrylate polymers have been selected in order to identify the most efficient reservoir for the Ag/AgCl system. Finally, two different arrangements have been assessed: (1) a solid-state reference electrode using photo-polymerised n-butyl acrylate polymer and (2) a thermo-polymerised methyl methacrylate:n-butyl acrylate (1:10) polymer. The sensitivity to various salts, pH and light, as well as time of response and stability, has been tested: the best results were obtained using single-walled carbon nanotubes and photo-polymerised n-butyl acrylate polymer. Water transport plays an important role in the potentiometric performance of acrylate membranes, so a new screening test method has been developed to qualitatively assess the difference in water percolation between the polyacrylic membranes studied. The results presented here open the way for the true miniaturisation of potentiometric systems using the excellent properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes

    Partial wave analysiss of pbar-p -> piminus-piplus, pizero-pizero, eta-eta and eta-etaprime

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    A partial wave analysis is presented of Crystal Barrel data on pbar-p -> pizero-pizero, eta-eta and eta-etaprime from 600 to 1940 MeV/c, combined with earlier data on d\sigma /d\Omega and P for pbar-p->piminus-piplus. The following s-channel I=0 resonances are identified: (i) J^{PC} = 5^{--} with mass and width (M,\Gamma) at (2295+-30,235^{+65}_{-40}) MeV, (ii) J^{PC} = 4^{++} at (2020+-12, 170+-15) MeV and (2300+-25, 270+-50) MeV, (iii) 3D3 JPC = 3^{--} at (1960+-15, 150+-25) MeV and (2210+-4$, 360+-55) MeV, and a 3G3 state at (2300 ^{+50}_{-80}, 340+-150) MeV, (iv) JPC = 2^{++} at (1910+-30, 260+-40) MeV, (2020+-30, 275+-35) MeV, (2230+-30, 245+-45) MeV, and (2300+-35, 290+-50) MeV, (v) JPC = 1^{--} at (2005+-40, 275+-75) MeV, and (2165+-40, 160 ^{+140}_{-70}) MeV, and (vi) JPC = 0^{++} at (2005+-30, 305+-50) MeV, (2105+-15, 200+-25) MeV, and (2320+-30, 175+-45) MeV. In addition, there is a less well defined 6^{++} resonance at 2485+-40 MeV, with Gamma = 410+-90 MeV. For every JP, almost all these resonances lie on well defined linear trajectories of mass squared v. excitation number. The slope is 1.10+-0.03 Gev^2 per excitation. The f_0(2105) has strong coupling to eta-\eta, but much weaker coupling to pizero-pizero. Its flavour mixing angle between q-qbar and s-sbar is (59-71.6)deg, i.e. dominant decays to s-sbar. Such decays and its strong production in pbar-p interactions strongly suggest exotic character.Comment: Makes available the combined fit to Crystal Barrel data on pbar-p -> 2-body final states. 29 pages, 11 figures. Typo corrected in version

    The ArDM experiment

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    The aim of the ArDM project is the development and operation of a one ton double-phase liquid argon detector for direct Dark Matter searches. The detector measures both the scintillation light and the ionization charge from ionizing radiation using two independent readout systems. This paper briefly describes the detector concept and presents preliminary results from the ArDM R&D program, including a 3 l prototype developed to test the charge readout system.Comment: Proceedings of the Epiphany 2010 Conference, to be published in Acta Physica Polonica
