6,332 research outputs found

    Scaling and Universality in Continuous Length Combinatorial Optimization

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    We consider combinatorial optimization problems defined over random ensembles, and study how solution cost increases when the optimal solution undergoes a small perturbation delta. For the minimum spanning tree, the increase in cost scales as delta^2; for the mean-field and Euclidean minimum matching and traveling salesman problems in dimension d>=2, the increase scales as delta^3; this is observed in Monte Carlo simulations in d=2,3,4 and in theoretical analysis of a mean-field model. We speculate that the scaling exponent could serve to classify combinatorial optimization problems into a small number of distinct categories, similar to universality classes in statistical physics.Comment: 5 pages; 3 figure

    The Glassy Potts Model

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    We introduce a Potts model with quenched, frustrated disorder, that enjoys of a gauge symmetry that forbids spontaneous magnetization, and allows the glassy phase to extend from TcT_c down to T=0. We study numerical the 4 dimensional model with q=4q=4 states. We show the existence of a glassy phase, and we characterize it by studying the probability distributions of an order parameter, the binder cumulant and the divergence of the overlap susceptibility. We show that the dynamical behavior of the system is characterized by aging.Comment: 4 pages including 4 (color) ps figures (all on page 4

    Advances in large-diameter liquid encapsulated Czochralski GaAs

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    The purity, crystalline perfection, and electrical properties of n- and p-type GaAs crystals grown by the liquid encapsulated Czochralski (LEC) technique are evaluated. The determination of the dislocation density, incidence of twinning, microstructure, background purity, mobility, and minority carrier diffusion length is included. The properties of the LEC GaAs crystals are generally comparable to, if not superior to those of small-diameter GaAs material grown by conventional bulk growth techniques. As a result, LEC GaAs is suitable for application to minority carrier devices requiring high-quality and large-area substrates

    High purity low dislocation GaAs single crystals

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    Recent advances in GaAs bulk crystal growth using the LEC (liquid encapsulated Czochralski) technique are described. The dependence of the background impurity concentration and the dislocation density distribution on the materials synthesis and growth conditions were investigated. Background impurity concentrations as low as 4 x 10 to the 15th power were observed in undoped LEC GaAs. The dislocation density in selected regions of individual ingots was very low, below the 3000 cm .3000/sq cm threshold. The average dislocation density over a large annular ring on the wafers fell below the 10000/sq cm level for 3 inch diameter ingots. The diameter control during the program advanced to a diameter variation along a 3 inch ingot less than 2 mm

    Universal low-temperature tricritical point in metallic ferromagnets and ferrimagnets

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    An earlier theory of the quantum phase transition in metallic ferromagnets is revisited and generalized in three ways. It is shown that the mechanism that leads to a fluctuation-induced first-order transition in metallic ferromagnets with a low Curie temperature is valid, (1) irrespective of whether the magnetic moments are supplied by the conduction electrons or by electrons in another band, (2) for ferromagnets in the XY and Ising universality classes as well as for Heisenberg ferromagnets, and (3) for ferrimagnets as well as for ferromagnets. This vastly expands the class of materials for which a first-order transition at low temperatures is expected, and it explains why strongly anisotropic ferromagnets, such as UGe2, display a first-order transition as well as Heisenberg magnets.Comment: 11pp, 2 fig

    Columnar Fluctuations as a Source of Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior in Weak Metallic Magnets

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    It is shown that columnar fluctuations, in conjunction with weak quenched disorder, lead to a T^{3/2} temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity. This is proposed as an explanation of the observed non-Fermi-liquid behavior in the helimagnet MnSi, with one possible realization of the columnar fluctuations provided by skyrmion lines that have independently been proposed to be present in this material.Comment: 4pp, 4 figure

    Split transition in ferromagnetic superconductors

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    The split superconducting transition of up-spin and down-spin electrons on the background of ferromagnetism is studied within the framework of a recent model that describes the coexistence of ferromagnetism and superconductivity induced by magnetic fluctuations. It is shown that one generically expects the two transitions to be close to one another. This conclusion is discussed in relation to experimental results on URhGe. It is also shown that the magnetic Goldstone modes acquire an interesting structure in the superconducting phase, which can be used as an experimental tool to probe the origin of the superconductivity.Comment: REVTeX4, 15 pp, 7 eps fig

    Nonanalytic Magnetization Dependence of the Magnon Effective Mass in Itinerant Quantum Ferromagnets

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    The spin wave dispersion relation in both clean and disordered itinerant quantum ferromagnets is calculated. It is found that effects akin to weak-localization physics cause the frequency of the spin-waves to be a nonanalytic function of the magnetization m. For low frequencies \Omega, small wavevectors k, and small m, the dispersion relation is found to be of the form \Omega ~ m^{1-\alpha} k^2, with \alpha = (4-d)/2 (2<d<4) for disordered systems, and \alpha = (3-d) (1<d<3) for clean ones. In d=4 (disordered) and d=3 (clean), \Omega ~ m ln(1/m) k^2. Experiments to test these predictions are proposed.Comment: 4 pp., REVTeX, no fig

    Theory of Disordered Itinerant Ferromagnets I: Metallic Phase

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    A comprehensive theory for electronic transport in itinerant ferromagnets is developed. We first show that the Q-field theory used previously to describe a disordered Fermi liquid also has a saddle-point solution that describes a ferromagnet in a disordered Stoner approximation. We calculate transport coefficients and thermodynamic susceptibilities by expanding about the saddle point to Gaussian order. At this level, the theory generalizes previous RPA-type theories by including quenched disorder. We then study soft-mode effects in the ferromagnetic state in a one-loop approximation. In three-dimensions, we find that the spin waves induce a square-root frequency dependence of the conductivity, but not of the density of states, that is qualitatively the same as the usual weak-localization effect induced by the diffusive soft modes. In contrast to the weak-localization anomaly, this effect persists also at nonzero temperatures. In two-dimensions, however, the spin waves do not lead to a logarithmic frequency dependence. This explains experimental observations in thin ferromagnetic films, and it provides a basis for the construction of a simple effective field theory for the transition from a ferromagnetic metal to a ferromagnetic insulator.Comment: 15pp., REVTeX, 2 eps figs, final version as publishe
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