556 research outputs found

    Deep-reef fish communities of the Great Barrier Reef shelf-break: trophic structure and habitat associations

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    The ecology of habitats along the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) shelf-break has rarely been investigated. Thus, there is little understanding of how associated fishes interact with deeper environments. We examined relationships between deep-reef fish communities and benthic habitat structure. We sampled 48 sites over a large depth gradient (54–260 m) in the central GBR using Baited Remote Underwater Video Stations and multibeam sonar. Fish community composition differed both among multiple shelf-break reefs and habitats within reefs. Epibenthic cover decreased with depth. Deep epibenthic cover included sponges, corals, and macro-algae, with macro-algae present to 194 m. Structural complexity decreased with depth, with more calcified reef, boulders, and bedrock in shallower depths. Deeper sites were flatter and more homogeneous with softer substratum. Habitats were variable within depth strata and were reflected in different fish assemblages among sites and among locations. Overall, fish trophic groups changed with depth and included generalist and benthic carnivores, piscivores, and planktivores while herbivores were rare below 50 m. While depth influenced where trophic groups occurred, site orientation and habitat morphology determined the composition of trophic groups within depths. Future conservation strategies will need to consider the vulnerability of taxa with narrow distributions and habitat requirements in unique shelf-break environments

    Evidence for Large Complex Networks of Plant Short Silencing RNAs

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    Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tCopyright: © 2010 MacLean et al.BACKGROUND: In plants and animals there are many classes of short RNAs that carry out a wide range of functions within the cell; short silencing RNAs (ssRNAs) of 21-25 nucleotides in length are produced from double-stranded RNA precursors by the protein Dicer and guide nucleases and other proteins to their RNA targets through base pairing interactions. The consequence of this process is degradation of the targeted RNA, suppression of its translation or initiation of secondary ssRNA production. The secondary ssRNAs in turn could then initiate further layers of ssRNA production to form extensive cascades and networks of interacting RNA [1]. Previous empirical analysis in plants established the existence of small secondary ssRNA cascade [2], in which a single instance of this event occurred but it was not known whether there are other more extensive networks of secondary sRNA production. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We generated a network by predicting targets of ssRNA populations obtained from high-throughput sequencing experiments. The topology of the network shows it to have power law connectivity distribution, to be dissortative, highly clustered and composed of multiple components. We also identify protein families, PPR and ULP1, that act as hubs within the network. Comparison of the repetition of genomic sub-sequences of ssRNA length between Arabidopsis and E.coli suggest that the network structure is made possible by the underlying repetitiveness in the genome sequence. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Together our results provide good evidence for the existence of a large, robust ssRNA interaction network with distinct regulatory function. Such a network could have a massive effect on the regulation of gene expression via mediation of transcript levels.Gatsby Charitable FoundationMarie Curie Fellowshi

    An Exact Algorithm for Side-Chain Placement in Protein Design

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    Computational protein design aims at constructing novel or improved functions on the structure of a given protein backbone and has important applications in the pharmaceutical and biotechnical industry. The underlying combinatorial side-chain placement problem consists of choosing a side-chain placement for each residue position such that the resulting overall energy is minimum. The choice of the side-chain then also determines the amino acid for this position. Many algorithms for this NP-hard problem have been proposed in the context of homology modeling, which, however, reach their limits when faced with large protein design instances. In this paper, we propose a new exact method for the side-chain placement problem that works well even for large instance sizes as they appear in protein design. Our main contribution is a dedicated branch-and-bound algorithm that combines tight upper and lower bounds resulting from a novel Lagrangian relaxation approach for side-chain placement. Our experimental results show that our method outperforms alternative state-of-the art exact approaches and makes it possible to optimally solve large protein design instances routinely

    Larval dispersal in a changing ocean with an emphasis on upwelling regions

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    Dispersal of benthic species in the sea is mediated primarily through small, vulnerable larvae that must survive minutes to months as members of the plankton community while being transported by strong, dynamic currents. As climate change alters ocean conditions, the dispersal of these larvae will be affected, with pervasive ecological and evolutionary consequences. We review the impacts of oceanic changes on larval transport, physiology, and behavior. We then discuss the implications for population connectivity and recruitment and evaluate life history strategies that will affect susceptibility to the effects of climate change on their dispersal patterns, with implications for understanding selective regimes in a future ocean. We find that physical oceanographic changes will impact dispersal by transporting larvae in different directions or inhibiting their movements while changing environmental factors, such as temperature, pH, salinity, oxygen, ultraviolet radiation, and turbidity, will affect the survival of larvae and alter their behavior. Reduced dispersal distance may make local adaptation more likely in well-connected populations with high genetic variation while reduced dispersal success will lower recruitment with implications for fishery stocks. Increased dispersal may spur adaptation by increasing genetic diversity among previously disconnected populations as well as increasing the likelihood of range expansions. We hypothesize that species with planktotrophic (feeding), calcifying, or weakly swimming larvae with specialized adult habitats will be most affected by climate change. We also propose that the adaptive value of retentive larval behaviors may decrease where transport trajectories follow changing climate envelopes and increase where transport trajectories drive larvae toward increasingly unsuitable conditions. Our holistic framework, combined with knowledge of regional ocean conditions and larval traits, can be used to produce powerful predictions of expected impacts on larval dispersal as well as the consequences for connectivity, range expansion, or recruitment. Based on our findings, we recommend that future studies take a holistic view of dispersal incorporating biological and oceanographic impacts of climate change rather than solely focusing on oceanography or physiology. Genetic and paleontological techniques can be used to examine evolutionary impacts of altered dispersal in a future ocean, while museum collections and expedition records can inform modern-day range shifts

    Shifted Hamming distance: A fast and accurate SIMD-friendly filter to accelerate alignment verification in read mapping

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    Motivation: Calculating the edit-distance (i.e. minimum number of insertions, deletions and substitutions) between short DNA sequences is the primary task performed by seed-and-extend based mappers, which compare billions of sequences. In practice, only sequence pairs with a small edit-distance provide useful scientific data. However, the majority of sequence pairs analyzed by seed-and-extend based mappers differ by significantly more errors than what is typically allowed. Such error-abundant sequence pairs needlessly waste resources and severely hinder the performance of read mappers. Therefore, it is crucial to develop a fast and accurate filter that can rapidly and efficiently detect error-abundant string pairs and remove them from consideration before more computationally expensive methods are used. Results: We present a simple and efficient algorithm, Shifted Hamming Distance (SHD), which accelerates the alignment verification procedure in read mapping, by quickly filtering out error-abundant sequence pairs using bit-parallel and SIMD-parallel operations. SHD only filters string pairs that contain more errors than a user-defined threshold, making it fully comprehensive. It also maintains high accuracy with moderate error threshold (up to 5% of the string length) while achieving a 3-fold speedup over the best previous algorithm (Gene Myers's bit-vector algorithm). SHD is compatible with all mappers that perform sequence alignment for verification. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press

    Optimal seed solver: Optimizing seed selection in read mapping

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    Motivation: Optimizing seed selection is an important problem in read mapping. The number of non-overlapping seeds a mapper selects determines the sensitivity of the mapper while the total frequency of all selected seeds determines the speed of the mapper. Modern seed-and-extend mappers usually select seeds with either an equal and fixed-length scheme or with an inflexible placement scheme, both of which limit the ability of the mapper in selecting less frequent seeds to speed up the mapping process. Therefore, it is crucial to develop a new algorithm that can adjust both the individual seed length and the seed placement, as well as derive less frequent seeds. Results: We present the Optimal Seed Solver (OSS), a dynamic programming algorithm that discovers the least frequently-occurring set of x seeds in an L-base-pair read in O(x×L) operations on average and in O(x×L2) operations in the worst case, while generating a maximum of O(L2) seed frequency database lookups. We compare OSS against four state-of-the-art seed selection schemes and observe that OSS provides a 3-fold reduction in average seed frequency over the best previous seed selection optimizations. Availability and implementation: We provide an implementation of the Optimal Seed Solver in C++ at: https://github.com/CMU-SAFARI/Optimal-Seed-Solver. Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © 2015 The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved

    Safe and complete contig assembly via omnitigs

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    Contig assembly is the first stage that most assemblers solve when reconstructing a genome from a set of reads. Its output consists of contigs -- a set of strings that are promised to appear in any genome that could have generated the reads. From the introduction of contigs 20 years ago, assemblers have tried to obtain longer and longer contigs, but the following question was never solved: given a genome graph GG (e.g. a de Bruijn, or a string graph), what are all the strings that can be safely reported from GG as contigs? In this paper we finally answer this question, and also give a polynomial time algorithm to find them. Our experiments show that these strings, which we call omnitigs, are 66% to 82% longer on average than the popular unitigs, and 29% of dbSNP locations have more neighbors in omnitigs than in unitigs.Comment: Full version of the paper in the proceedings of RECOMB 201
