299 research outputs found

    Importance of boron in fruit nutrition

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    Boron (B) is an essential micronutrient in plants especially in fruits. Despite of this fact there are very few information about itsapplication, uptake and symptoms in Hungarian fruit growing sector. Nowadays we should consider the effects of weather conditions on soilB availability increasingly according to the climatic anomalies. Identifying of internal and external symptoms of plant parts (leaf, fruit) is helpfor growers to recognize the deficiency and excess symptoms in time. Methods and application rates of boron fertilization provide furtherinformation for growers to achieve qualify-oriented fruit growing among Hungarian conditions. The aim of this minireview is to focus on theimportance of boron in fruit nutrition

    Cyano-and ketone-containing selenoesters as multi-target compounds against resistant cancers

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    Fifteen selenocompounds, comprising of eight ketone-containing selenoesters (K1–K8, also known as oxoselenoesters) and seven cyano-containing selenoesters (N1–N7, known also as cyanoselenoesters), have been designed, synthesized, and evaluated as novel anticancer agents. These compounds are derivatives of previously reported active selenoesters and were prepared following a three-step one-pot synthetic route. The following evaluations were performed in their biological assessment: cytotoxicity determination, selectivity towards cancer cells in respect to non-cancer cells, checkerboard combination assay, ABCB1 inhibition and inhibition of ABCB1 ATPase activity, apoptosis induction, and wound healing assay. As key results, all the compounds showed cytotoxicity against cancer cells at low micromolar concentrations, with cyanoselenoesters being strongly selective. All of the oxoselenoesters, except K4, were potent ABCB1 inhibitors, and two of them, namely K5 and K6, enhanced the activity of doxorubicin in a synergistic manner. The majority of these ketone derivatives modulated the ATPase activity, showed wound healing activity, and induced apoptosis, with K3 being the most potent, with a potency close to that of the reference compound. To summarize, these novel derivatives have promising multi-target activity, and are worthy to be studied more in-depth in future works to gain a greater understanding of their potential applications against cancer.The study was supported by the projects SZTE ÁOK-KKA 2018/270-62-2 of the University of Szeged, Faculty of Medicine and GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00038 (Hungary); and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC, Spain, project LINKA20285). This research was funded by VISEGRAD FUND, grant number 22010090; and by the mobility project from the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports INTER-COST, grant number LTC19007. This article is based upon work from COST Action 17104 , supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), (http://www.cost.eu, accessed on 17 September 2021). The study was supported also by two cultural associations: “Trevinca” and “Iniciativas Ropelanas”

    Effect of late spring frost event on nutrition aspects of a sour cherry orchard in East Hungary

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    Similarly to 2007, 2011 was also critical year for fruit growers in Eastern-Hungary. Serious frost damage was observed at lateblooming period (6 May (T=-1.6°C)) in this region, which caused approximately 60-65% of fruit loss.The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of a spring frost event on nutrient uptake and status of the trees of a sour cherry plantationat Újfehértó.The symptoms of frost were observed visually. This visual observation was confirmed by SPAD readings. The frost affected the macroandmicronutrient contents of leaves.It was found that the frost affected the nutrient uptake negatively, but the effect of it was not significantly sometimes. It can be stated thatthe nutrient demand of trees can be supplied only under even worse conditions

    Effect of late spring frost event on nutrition aspects of a sour cherry orchard in East Hungary

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    Similarly to 2007, 2011 was also critical year for fruit growers in Eastern-Hungary. Serious frost damage was observed at late blooming period (6 May (T=-1.6°C)) in this region, which caused approximately 60-65% of fruit loss. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of a spring frost event on nutrient uptake and status of the trees of a sour cherry plantation at Újfehértó. The symptoms of frost were observed visually. This visual observation was confirmed by SPAD readings. The frost affected the macroand micronutrient contents of leaves. It was found that the frost affected the nutrient uptake negatively, but the effect of it was not significantly sometimes. It can be stated that the nutrient demand of trees can be supplied only under even worse conditions

    Importance of orchard floor management in organic fruit growing (nutritional aspects)

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    Worldwide research goals and concerns are to soil conservation and improve. This conception is mostly actual in horticulture where the numbers of high-density plantings are continuously increasing. High-density orchards cause more intensive nutrient and water uptake. So that the preservation of soil moisture and nutrient level are key factors in qualified fruit growing. On the other hand due to the climatic changes the water supply of trees will be satisfied among worse conditions than some decades ago. Appearance of water supply problems and water stress is increased in organic growing, where the number of corrections is limited anyway. Furthermore, floor management is a successful tool in weed management which causes many problems for organic growers due to the prohibition of synthetic herbicides. This paper will mainly focus on the nutritional aspects of methods of orchard floor management for growers adopting organic fruit management to make their production profitable

    Importance of orchard floor management in organic fruit growing (nutritional aspects)

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    Worldwide research goals and concerns are to soil conservation and improve. This conception is mostly actual in horticulturewhere the numbers of high-density plantings are continuously increasing. High-density orchards cause more intensive nutrient and wateruptake. So that the preservation of soil moisture and nutrient level are key factors in qualified fruit growing. On the other hand due to theclimatic changes the water supply of trees will be satisfied among worse conditions than some decades ago. Appearance of water supplyproblems and water stress is increased in organic growing, where the number of corrections is limited anyway. Furthermore, floormanagement is a successful tool in weed management which causes many problems for organic growers due to the prohibition of syntheticherbicides. This paper will mainly focus on the nutritional aspects of methods of orchard floor management for growers adopting organic fruitmanagement to make their production profitable

    Selenocompounds as Novel Antibacterial Agents and Bacterial Efflux Pump Inhibitors

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    Bacterial multidrug resistance is becoming a growing problem for public health, due to the development and spreading of bacterial strains resistant to antimicrobials. In this study, the antibacterial and multidrug resistance reversing activity of a series of seleno-carbonyl compounds has been evaluated. The effects of eleven selenocompounds on bacterial growth were evaluated in Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA), Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, and Chlamydia trachomatis D. The combination effect of compounds with antibiotics was examined by the minimum inhibitory concentration reduction assay. Their efflux pump (EP) inhibitory properties were assessed using real-time fluorimetry. Relative expressions of EP and quorum-sensing genes were studied by quantitative PCR. Results showed that a methylketone selenoester had remarkable antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria and potentiated the activity of oxacillin in MRSA. Most of the selenocompounds showed significant anti-chlamydial effects. The selenoanhydride and the diselenodiester were active inhibitors of the AcrAB-TolC system. Based on these results it can be concluded that this group of selenocompounds can be attractive potential antibacterials and EP inhibitors. The discovery of new derivatives with a significant antibacterial activity as novel selenocompounds, is of high impact in the fight against resistant pathogen

    A magyarországi lakosság egészséggel összefüggő munkaképessége : Keresztmetszeti reprezentatív felmérés.

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    Health disorders may affect negatively work productivity of individuals, leading to absence from work (absenteeism) and/or decreased functioning in the workplace (presenteeism).To assess the health-related work productivity of the adult population in Hungary by the Work Productivity and Activity Impairment questionnaire (WPAI).A cross-sectional survey was performed in 2019 involving a sample (n = 2023) representative for the adult population of Hungary. Socio-demographic characteristics were recorded. Health-related productivity of the participants was assessed by the WPAI questionnaire, health status was measured by the EQ-5D-3L measurement tool and the Minimum European Health Module (MEHM).Descriptive statistics were performed, subgroups were compared by Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Spearman's rank correlation was applied to analyze the relationship between WPAI, age and EQ-5D-3L index score.Among those in a paid job (n = 1194, 59%), altogether 70 respondents (6%) were absent from work during the week before the survey, which resulted in an average 1.9 (SD = 8.5) work hours loss per week. Presenteeism occurred in 166 (14%) cases. The average absenteeism was 3.6%, presenteeism was 4.4%, and activity impairment in the total sample was 9.5%. Absenteeism did not correlate with age and did not differ significantly across socio-demographic subgroups. Presenteeism was the highest among actively working retired people, disability pensioners and part-time employees. Presenteeism correlated moderately (r = -0.379), absenteeism weakly (r = -0.113) with EQ-5D-3L index. Correlation was significant between activity impairment and age (r = 0.412) as well as the EQ-5D-3L index score (r = -0.592). All WPAI items showed significant worsening across MEHM status levels.This is the first study in Hungary to present population reference values with the WPAI. Productivity loss due to presenteeism deserves special attention from the employers as well as from decision makers in the labour, health and social sectors. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(36): 1522-1533