222 research outputs found

    Die Vertreibung von Wissenschaftlern aus den deutschen Universitäten 1933–1945

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Die nationalsozialistische Personalpolitik an den deutschen Hochschulen und der erzwungene Exodus vieler Wissenschaftler sind ein zentrales Thema der Zeitgeschichtsforschung. Noch nie aber sind die Folgen dieses gleichermaßen brutalen wie systematischen Eingriffs von oben so präzise rekonstruiert worden wie in dieser Untersuchung. Sie ist nicht nur eine eindrucksvolle Bilanz zahlreicher Detailstudien, sie basiert auch auf ausgedehnten Archivrecherchen der beiden Autoren.To some degree, all accounts of the National Socialist dictatorship describe the mass expulsions with which the National Socialists cleansed the German universities. Yet, there is still no clarity as to the exact extent of the factually incurred personnel losses at universities during the Nazi Era and what became of the expelled academics. The article provides dependable figures for two-thirds of all universities and can therefore deliver a preliminary overview of the losses by expulsion on this basis.A detailed appendix provides exact data on the individual universities and short biographies of those professors who became victims of National Socialist extermination policies or committed suicide


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    Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan kajian dokumen. Teknik pemilihan informan dilakukan secara sengaja (purposive sampling) yang didasarkan pada karakteriktik tertentu yaitu (1) Bekerja di perusahaan swasta, (2) Memiliki pengalaman minimal satu tahun sebagai manager, (3) Menjalankan fungsi manajemen sumber daya manusia. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri sebagai alat pengumpul data utama.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sumber daya manusia (karyawan) adalah aset perusahaan, yang menjadi penunjang utama tujuan organisasi. Sumber daya manusia yang potensial perlu dipertahankan dengan terus mengembangkan kompetensi dan keterampilan karyawan. Program pengembangan yang diterapkan PT. Indolakto cabang Makassar dan PT. Circleka Indonesia Utama berupa pelatihan yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan NAT (Need Analisis Training). PT. Indolakto cabang Makassar menerapkan berbagai teknik pelatihan, diantaranya: studi kasus, role playing, dan sistem ceramah. Sedangkan PT. Circleka Indonesia Utama menerapkan teknik pelatihan seperti: pelatihan dalam jabatan, pelatihan vestibule, dan simulasi. Pimpinan PT. Indolakto cabang Makassar mengukur berhasil tidaknya latihan dan pengembangan yang dilakukan dengan mengamati sikap (attitude) dan etos kerja karyawan. Sedangkan pimpinan HRGA PT. Circleka Indonesia Utama melakukan pretest dan posttest, sebelum dan setelah latihan dan pengembangan dilakukan. Penerapan fungsi manajemen sumber daya manusia yang diterapkan oleh PT. Indolakto cabang Makassar dan PT.  Circleka Indonesia Utama sudah berjalan dengan baik dimana perusahaan memiliki agenda tahunan untuk melaksanakan pelatihan. Program pengembangan tersebut terlaksana sesuai yang telah direncanakan. Kata kunci: Pengembangan SDM, Perusahaan Swasta

    The audience and its theater: notes in form of an essay

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    Análise das relações entre a cena e o público nos fenômenos teatrais modernos e contemporâneos, com defesa de uma abordagem socioestética das relações entre ator e espectador nos contextos históricos, estéticos e políticos em que são produzidas.Analysis of the relations between the scene and the public in modern and contemporary theatrical phenomena, with the defense of a socio-aesthetic approach to actor-spectator relations in the historical, aesthetic and political contexts in which they are produced

    Le lieu de la fiction

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    The main subject of this research is the investigation on the role of fiction in western contemporary theatre. In line with the social changes of our times, theatre has lost its clear definition. At a time of radical questioning, the mutation or disappearance of fiction is central in the discussions around the definition of theatrical art. To understand an environment of disbelief in methods and results of representation, we research into a potential new place that theatrical fiction occupies [or can occupy]. Through the theoretical debate and analysis of theatrical experiences of last the three decades, we identify a concern with the real, and formal innovations that are not incompatible with a critical theatrical project.Le sujet central de cette recherche est une investigation sur le statut de la fiction dans le théâtre occidental contemporain. En ligne avec les transformations sociales de son temps, les contours du théâtre ont perdu de leur netteté. En ce moment de mise en question radicale, la permanence, la mutation ou la disparition de la fiction est l’une des caractéristiques principales pour la reconfiguration de l’art théâtral. En diagnostiquant l’environnement de méfiance par rapport aux méthodes et résultats de la représentation, nous avons étudié ce nouveau lieu qu’occupe, ou peut occuper, la fiction théâtrale. Par le débat théorique et par l’analyse des expériences théâtrales des trois dernières décennies, nous avons identifié une préoccupation avec le réel et avec l’innovation formelle qui ne sont pas incompatibles avec un projet théâtral critique

    Teatro e história: a incrível dialética entre processos sociais e formas sensíveis

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    Contra a hipótese idealista e pouco preocupada com as urgências sociais, este artigo argumenta sobre as relações inextricáveis entre teatro, história e política. Ele destaca ainda a centralidade da construção do sentido, portanto, da inteligibilidade, como instrumento para a ação teatral

    O gosto pelo real no teatro contemporâneo

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    A emergência de novas práticas e reflexões teatrais nas últimas décadas, muitas delas relacionadas à utilização de documentos em cena e à recusa da ficção, da mimese e de outros marcadores do teatro dramático, exige a análise das condições históricas gerais que permitem ou potencializam o surgimento destes fenômenos.The emergence of new practices and new theatrical reflections in recent decades, many of them related to the use of documents on the scene and the refusal of fiction, mimesis and other markers of dramatic theater requires the examination of the general historical conditions that enable or empower these phenomena


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    The article discusses the relationship between the transformations undergone by contemporary theater and historical context. To this end, we discuss the "crisis of modern drama," as analyzed by Peter Szondi, indicating the existence of transitions and continuities considering the current social conditions.O artigo discorre sobre a relação entre as transformações pelas quais passa o teatro contemporâneo e o contexto histórico. Para tanto, discute-se a chamada "crise do drama moderno", tal como analisada por Peter Szondi, indicando a existência de transições e permanências à luz das condições sociais atuais

    Carta Aberta: uma peça conferência

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    Carta Aberta: uma peça conferênci

    Notas sobre a mimese: para pensar o teatro contemporâneo

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    Discussion about the concept and practice of mimesis in contemporary theater from classic (Aristotle, Diderot, Hegel) to recent studies(Brecht, Abirached, Lehmann, Guénoun) studies. The text advances the hypothesis of a reposition about the debate on the theatrical fiction from radical questioning of recent decades, as the formulation of a "post-dramatic" theater.Discussão sobre o conceito e a prática da mimese no teatro contemporâneo a partir de contribuições clássicas (Aristóteles, Diderot, Hegel) e recentes (Brecht, Abirached, Lehmann, Guénoun). O texto avança a hipótese de um reposicionamento do debate em torno da ficção teatral a partir de questionamentos radicais das últimas décadas, como a formulação de um teatro “pós-dramático”.