4,384 research outputs found

    Phase-diagram of two-color lattice QCD in the chiral limit

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    We study thermodynamics of strongly coupled lattice QCD with two colors of massless staggered fermions as a function of the baryon chemical potential μ\mu in 3+1 dimensions using a new cluster algorithm. We find evidence that the model undergoes a weak first order phase transition at μ=0\mu=0 which becomes second order at a finite μ\mu. Symmetry considerations suggest that the universality class of these phase transitions should be governed by an O(N)×O(2)O(N)\times O(2) field theory with collinear order, with N=3 at μ=0\mu=0 and N=2 at μ≠0\mu \neq 0. The universality class of the second order phase transition at μ≠0\mu\neq 0 appears to be governed by the decoupled XY fixed point present in the O(2)×O(2)O(2)\times O(2) field theory. Finally we show that the quantum (T=0) phase transition as a function of μ\mu is a second order mean field transition.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figure

    TeV scale 5D SU(3)WSU(3)_W unification and the fixed point anomaly cancellation with chiral split multiplets

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    A possibility of 5D gauge unification of SU(2)L×U(1)YSU(2)_L \times U(1)_Y in SU(3)WSU(3)_W is examined. The orbifold compactification allows fixed points where SU(2)L×U(1)YSU(2)_L\times U(1)_Y representations can be assigned. We present a few possibilities which give long proton lifetime, top-bottom mass hierarchy from geometry, and reasonable neutrino masses. In general, these {\it chiral models} can lead to fixed point anomalies. We can show easily, due to the simplicity of the model, that these anomalies are cancelled by the relevant Chern-Simons terms for all the models we consider. It is also shown that the fixed point U(1)--graviton--graviton anomaly cancels without the help from the Chern-Simons term. Hence, we conjecture that the fixed point anomalies can be cancelled if the effective 4D theory is made anomaly free by locating chiral fermions at the fixed points.Comment: LaTeX file of 19 pages with 1 figur

    Supersymmetry, local horizontal unification, and a solution to the flavor puzzle

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    Supersymmetric gauge models with local horizontal symmetries are known to generate large flavor changing neutral current effects induced by supersymmetry breaking D-terms. We show how the presence of a U(1) gauge symmetry solves this problem. We then construct a realistic gauge model with SU(2)_H x U(1)_H as the local horizontal symmetry and suggest that the U(1)_H factor may be identified with the anomalous U(1) induced by string compactification. This model explains the observed hierarchies among the quark masses and mixing angles, accommodates naturally the solar and atmospheric neutrino data, and provides simultaneously a solution to the supersymmetric flavor problem. The model can be excluded if the rare decay \mu --> e \gamma is not observed in the current round of experiments.Comment: 10 pages in RevTe

    Instabilities of bulk fields and anomalies on orbifolds

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    Bulk matter modes of higher dimensional models generically become unstable in the presence of additional matter multiplets at the branes. This quantum instability is driven by localized Fayet-Iliopoulos terms that attract the bulk zero modes towards the boundary branes. We study this mechanism in the framework of a 5 dimensional S^1/Z_2 orbifold and give conditions for the various possibilities of localization of (chiral) zero modes. This mechanism is quite relevant for realistic model building, as the standard model contains U(1) hypercharge with potentially localized FI-terms. The analysis is closely related to localized anomalies in higher dimensional gauge theories. Five dimensional gauge invariance of the effective action determines the anomaly constraints and fixes the normalization of Chern-Simons terms. The localization of the bulk modes does not effect the anomaly cancellation globally, but the additional heavy Kaluza-Klein modes of the bulk fields may cancel the Chern-Simons terms. We discuss also the potential appearance of the parity anomaly that might render the construction of some orbifold models inconsistent.Comment: 29 pages, LaTeX, with figure

    Birhythmicity, Synchronization, and Turbulence in an Oscillatory System with Nonlocal Inertial Coupling

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    We consider a model where a population of diffusively coupled limit-cycle oscillators, described by the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, interacts nonlocally via an inertial field. For sufficiently high intensity of nonlocal inertial coupling, the system exhibits birhythmicity with two oscillation modes at largely different frequencies. Stability of uniform oscillations in the birhythmic region is analyzed by means of the phase dynamics approximation. Numerical simulations show that, depending on its parameters, the system has irregular intermittent regimes with local bursts of synchronization or desynchronization.Comment: 21 pages, many figures. Paper accepted on Physica

    Dimensionless supersymmetry breaking couplings, flat directions, and the origin of intermediate mass scales

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    The effects of supersymmetry breaking are usually parameterized by soft couplings of positive mass dimensions. However, realistic models also predict the existence of suppressed, but non-vanishing, dimensionless supersymmetry-breaking couplings. These couplings are technically hard, but do not lead to disastrous quadratic divergences in scalar masses, and may be crucial for understanding low-energy physics. In particular, analytic scalar quartic couplings that break supersymmetry can lead to intermediate scale vacuum expectation values along nearly-flat directions. I study the one-loop effective potential for flat directions in the presence of dimensionless supersymmetry-breaking terms, and discuss the corresponding renormalization group equations. I discuss two applications: a minimal model of automatic R-parity conservation, and an extension of this minimal model which provides a solution to the \mu problem and an invisible axion.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX with epsf and axodraw.st

    Gauge-Fermion Unification and Flavour Symmetry

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    After we study the 6-dimensional N=(1,1){\cal N} = (1, 1) supersymmetry breaking and RR symmetry breaking on M4×T2/ZnM^4\times T^2/Z_n, we construct two N=(1,1){\cal N} = (1, 1) supersymmetric E6E_6 models on M4×T2/Z3M^4\times T^2/Z_3 where E6E_6 is broken down to SO(10)×U(1)XSO(10)\times U(1)_X by orbifold projection. In Model I, three families of the Standard Model fermions arise from the zero modes of bulk vector multiplet, and the RR symmetry U(1)FI×SU(2)4−U(1)_F^{I} \times SU(2)_{{\bf 4}_-} can be considered as flavour symmetry. This may explain why there are three families of fermions in the nature. In Model II, the first two families come from the zero modes of bulk vector multiplet, and the flavour symmetry is similar. In these models, the anomalies can be cancelled, and we have very good fits to the SM fermion masses and mixings. We also comment on the N=(1,1){\cal N}=(1, 1) supersymmetric E6E_6 models on M4×T2/Z4M^4\times T^2/Z_4 and M4×T2/Z6M^4\times T^2/Z_6, SU(9) models on M4×T2/Z3M^4\times T^2/Z_3, and SU(8) models on T2T^2 orbifolds.Comment: Latex, 33 pages, minor change

    Anomalies on orbifolds with gauge symmetry breaking

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    We embed two 4D chiral multiplets of opposite representations in the 5D N=2 SU(N+K)SU(N+K) gauge theory compactified on an orbifold S1/(Z2×Z2′)S^1/(Z_2\times Z'_2). There are two types of orbifold boundary conditions in the extra dimension to obtain the 4D N=1 SU(N)×SU(K)×U(1)SU(N)\times SU(K)\times U(1) gauge theory from the bulk: in Type I, one has the bulk gauge group at y=0y=0 and the unbroken gauge group at y=πR/2y=\pi R/2 while in Type II, one has the unbroken gauge group at both fixed points. In both types of orbifold boundary conditions, we consider the zero mode(s) as coming from a bulk (K+N)(K+N)-plet and brane fields at the fixed point(s) with the unbroken gauge group. We check the consistency of this embedding of fields by the localized anomalies and the localized FI terms. We show that the localized anomalies in Type I are cancelled exactly by the introduction of a bulk Chern-Simons term. On the other hand, in some class of Type II, the Chern-Simons term is not enough to cancel all localized anomalies even if they are globally vanishing. We also find that for the consistent embedding of brane fields, there appear only the localized log FI terms at the fixed point(s) with a U(1) factor.Comment: LaTeX file of 19 pages with no figure, published versio
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