24 research outputs found

    Campus and Community Micro Grids Integration of Building Integrated Photovoltaic Renewable Energy Sources - Case Study of Split 3 Area, Croatia - Part A

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    Micro grids interconnect loads and distributed energy resources as a single controllable entity. New installations of renewable energy sources in urban areas, such as building integrated photovoltaic, provide opportunities to increase energy independence and diversib, energy sources in the energy system. This paper explores the integration of renewable energy sources into two case study communities in an urban agglomeration to provide optimal conditions to meet a share of the electrical loads. Energy planning case studies for decentralized generation of renewable energy are conducted in highways 2 renewable systems energy planning software for hourly energy balances. The results indicate that building integrated photovoltaic and photovoltaic in the case study communities can cover about 17% of the recorded electrical demand of both areas. On a yearly basis, there will be a 0.025 GWh surplus of photovoltaic production with a maximum value of 1.25 MWh in one hour of operation unless grid storage is used. This amounts to a total investment cost of 13.36 million EUR. The results are useful for proposing future directions for the various case study communities targeting sustainable development

    Transition Management: Case Study of an Energy Efficiency Technology Roadmap in Turkey

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    This paper integrates several streams of literature in transition management and proposes a holistic framework for its application in policy-making. Separate fields of study, such as motors of change and strategic intelligence tools, are unified in a single analytical process. The process involves five steps that may be repeated until a desired policy objective is achieved. The pilot, integrated technology roadmap process that has been launched in Turkey is analyzed as a case study. The Energy Efficiency Technology Roadmap has been completed with the participation of over 160 experts in 5 different stages. It involved the collection of over 349 Delfi statements, their consolidation for a Delfi survey with 16 statements, the analysis of the results, a focal group meeting to develop roadmaps for the 7 selected goals, and the consultation of the roadmaps to the sector. The paper concludes that an integrated technology roadmap process, as described in the pilot case study, provides an advanced version of transition management, which is needed to mobilize research, development, and innovation for sustainable development


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    Taraflar açısından kararların bağlayıcılığının olmadığı arabuluculuk mekanizması, toplu iş uyuşmazlıklarındaki barışçı yollardan biridir. Tarihsel süreç içinde Türkiye'de, uzlaştırma mekanizmasına yer verilmiş olsa da, genel eğilimin arabuluculuktan yana olduğu görülmektedir. Nitekim, 6356 sayılı Kanun'da da tercih arabuluculuktan yana devam etmiş, uyuşmazlığın tespiti ve arabulucu seçimi geçmişe göre sadeleştirilmiştir. Yeni kanundaki en önemli değişiklik ise, grev kararının alınmış olduğu uyuşmazlıklarda da arabuluculuk mekanizmasının kullanılabilecek olmasıdır. Tarafların arabuluculuk mekanizmasına olan "taraflar arasındaki mücadelede grev öncesi, aşılması gereken bir aşama" yönündeki algısını değiştirmek için sistemin işlevselliğinin attırılması önemli ve gereklidir. Bu çalışmada, arabuluculuk sisteminin oluşumu ile arabulucuların nitelikleri, izleyeceği stratejiler, tarafların davranışsal tepkileri ve arabuluculuk teşkilatı ile ilgili önerilerde bulunulmuştur. Önerilerin hareket noktasını, Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı'nda 2000–2010 yılları arasında incelenen 4 işkolundaki, 697 adet arabulucu raporları oluşturmuştur Mediation is one of the main non-binding alternative resolution methods in industrial collective disputes. Alternative dispute resolution has long-run tradition in Turkish industrial relations; otherwise mediation has been more frequently used. For instance in new regulations for collective bargaining in article of 6356 still mediation process has given priority over the other alternative methods and provides simplification process for mediation application. Also some of regulations in article of 6356 given small – scale and non-significant amendment into mediation application process and being able to reach to mediation process after strike decision. Empowerment of alternative resolution mechanism has been evaluated important factor related industrial relations system for decade by researchers and indicated that minimize perception of parties about process which is compulsory but ineffective before strike action. Also new policy design should focused build on functional beneficiaries between parties. This study try to highlight factors which may made more efficient mediation process and bring out quality of mediators, effective strategies and behavioral circumstances of parties. Therefore some of them may seen useful advices related to optimal institutional design about regulatory mediation office. This advices based on research which classified 697 mediator reports in 4 sector from 2000 to 2010 at Ministry of Labour and Social Security official archive

    Translating Earth system boundaries for cities and businesses

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    Operating within safe and just Earth system boundaries requires mobilizing key actors across scale to set targets and take actions accordingly. Robust, transparent and fair cross-scale translation methods are essential to help navigate through the multiple steps of scientific and normative judgements in translation, with clear awareness of associated assumptions, bias and uncertainties. Here, through literature review and expert elicitation, we identify commonly used sharing approaches, illustrate ten principles of translation and present a protocol involving key building blocks and control steps in translation. We pay particular attention to businesses and cities, two understudied but critical actors to bring on board

    Computer aided design of heating systems of buildings.

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