1,416 research outputs found

    The mass ratio and the orbital parameters of the sdOB binary AA Doradus

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    The time sequence of 105 spectra covering one full orbital period of AA Dor has been analyzed. Direct determination of Vsini for the sdOB component from 97 spectra outside of the eclipse for the lines MgII 4481 A and SiIV 4089 A clearly indicated a substantially smaller value than estimated before. Detailed modelling of line profile variations for 8 spectra during the eclipse for the MgII 4481 A line, combined with the out-of-eclipse fits, gave Vsini = 31.8+/-1.8 km/s. The previous determinations of Vsini, based on the HeII 4686 A line, appear to be invalid because of the large natural broadening of the line. With the assumption of the solid-body, synchronous rotation of the sdOB primary, the measured values of the semi-amplitude K1 and Vsini lead to the mass ratio q = 0.213+/-0.013 which in turn gives K2 and thus the masses and radii of both components. The sdOB component appears to be less massive than assumed before, M1 = 0.25+/-0.05 Msol, but the secondary has its mass-radius parameters close to theoretically predicted for a brown dwarf, M2 = 0.054+/-0.010 Msol and R2 = 0.089+/-0.005 Rsol. Our results do not agree with the recent determination of Vuckovic et al. 2008 based on a K2 estimate from line-profile asymmetries.Comment: Accepted by MNRA

    A Low Rise Hospital Development on Restored Opencast Fill

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    An extensive low-rise hospital development has taken place since 1982 on a former opencast coal mining site 30 years after working and restoration. The clay and shale fill some 20 metres deep was placed without systematic compaction. Five separate site investigations have been carried out at different times during the last 20 years and a detailed engineering geological mapping exercise was completed in 1977. Drainage works and the main buildings in Scheme 1 and 2 have been monitored during and after construction. Significant settlements have occurred requiring some remedial work. A surcharge and inundation trial has been undertaken prior to the design and construction of Scheme 3. The response of the buildings and the drainage to ground movement is described and design recommendations made for future development

    Radial velocity variations of the pulsating subdwarf B star PG 1605+072

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    We present an analysis of high-speed spectroscopy of the pulsating subdwarf B star PG 1605+072. Periodic radial motions are detected at frequencies similar to those reported for photometric variations in the star, with amplitudes of up to 6 km/s. Differences between relative strengths for given frequency peaks for our velocity data and previously measured photometry are probably a result of shifting of power between modes over time. Small differences in the detected frequencies may also indicate mode-shifting. We report the detection of line-shape variations using the moments of the cross correlation function profiles. It may be possible to use the moments to identify the star's pulsation modes.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Variability in the extreme helium star LSS 5121

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    We report a photometric and spectroscopic study of the hot extreme helium star LSS 5121. We found photometric variability, but no period was evident in its periodogram. This is consistent with the previous proposal, based on spectral line variations, that LSS 5121 is a non-radial pulsator similar to other hot extreme helium stars.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    The Open Cluster Distance Scale: A New Empirical Approach

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    We present new BVRI photometry for a sample of 54 local G and K stars with accurate Hipparcos parallaxes in the metallicity range -0.4 < [Fe/H] < +0.3. We use this sample to develop a completely model-independent main sequence (MS) fitting method which we apply to 4 open clusters - the Hyades, Praesepe, the Pleiades and NGC 2516 - which all have direct Hipparcos parallax distance determinations. Comparison of our MS-fitting results with distances derived from Hipparcos parallaxes enables us to explore whether the discrepancy between the Hipparcos distance scale and other MS-fitting methods found for some clusters is a consequence of model assumptions. We find good agreement between our results and the Hipparcos ones for the Hyades and Praesepe. For the Pleiades and NGC 2516, when adopting the solar abundance determined from spectroscopy, we find significant disagreement at a level similar to that found by other MS-fitting studies. However, the colour-colour relationship for both these clusters suggests that their metallicity is significantly subsolar. Since the MS-fitting method relies on matching the cluster colours to a template MS, we argue that, when applying this method, the appropriate metallicity to adopt is the photometric subsolar one, not the solar abundance indicated by spectroscopy. Adopting photometric metallicities for all 4 clusters, we find complete agreement with the Hipparcos results and hence we conclude that the mismatch between the spectroscopic and photometric abundances for the Pleiades and NGC 2516 is responsible for the discrepancies in distance estimates found by previous studies. The origin of this mismatch in abundance scales remains an unsolved problem and some possible causes are discussed

    Orbital Characteristics of the Subdwarf-B and F V Star Binary EC~20117-4014(=V4640 Sgr)

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    Among the competing evolution theories for subdwarf-B (sdB) stars is the binary evolution scenario. EC~20117-4014 (=V4640~Sgr) is a spectroscopic binary system consisting of a pulsating sdB star and a late F main-sequence companion (O'Donoghue et al. 1997), however the period and the orbit semi-major axes have not been precisely determined. This paper presents orbital characteristics of the EC 20117-4014 binary system using 20 years of photometric data. Periodic Observed minus Calculated (O-C) variations were detected in the two highest amplitude pulsations identified in the EC 20117-4014 power spectrum, indicating the binary system's precise orbital period (P = 792.3 days) and the light-travel time amplitude (A = 468.9 s). This binary shows no significant orbital eccentricity and the upper limit of the eccentricity is 0.025 (using 3 σ\sigma as an upper limit). This upper limit of the eccentricity is the lowest among all wide sdB binaries with known orbital parameters. This analysis indicated that the sdB is likely to have lost its hydrogen envelope through stable Roche lobe overflow, thus supporting hypotheses for the origin of sdB stars. In addition to those results, the underlying pulsation period change obtained from the photometric data was P˙\dot{P} = 5.4 (±\pm0.7) ×\times 10−1410^{-14} d d−1^{-1}, which shows that the sdB is just before the end of the core helium-burning phase

    The binary properties of the pulsating subdwarf B eclipsing binary PG 1336-018 (NY Virginis)

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    Aims. We present an unbiased orbit solution and mass determination of the components of the eclipsing binary PG1336−018 as a critical test for the formation scenarios of subdwarf B stars. Methods. We obtained high-resolution time series VLT/UVES spectra and high-speed multicolour VLT/ULTRACAM photometric observations of PG1336−018, a rapidly pulsating subdwarf B star in a short period eclipsing binary. Results. Combining the radial velocity curve obtained from the VLT/UVES spectra with the VLT/ULTRACAM multicolour lightcurves, we determined numerical orbital solutions for this eclipsing binary. Due to the large number of free parameters and their strong correlations, no unique solution could be found, only families of solutions. We present three solutions of equal statistical significance, two of which are compatible with the primary having gone through a core He-flash and a common-envelope phase described by the α-formalism. These two models have an sdB primary of 0.466 M and 0.389 M, respectively. Finally, we report the detection of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect for PG1336−018

    A survey for pulsating subdwarf B stars with the Nordic Optical Telescope

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    A search programme for pulsating subdwarf B stars was conducted with the Nordic Optical Telescope on La Palma over 59 nights between 1999 and 2009. The purpose of the programme was to significantly extend the number of rapidly pulsating sdB stars to better understand the properties of this new group of variable compact stars. Candidates were selected initially from the HS and HE surveys, but were supplemented with additional objects from other surveys. Short sequences of time-series photometry were made on the candidates to determine the presence of rapid pulsations. In total twenty new pulsators were found in this survey, most of which have already been published and some extensively studied. We present four new short period pulsators, bringing the total of such pulsators up to 49. We also give limits on pulsation amplitudes for 285 objects with no obvious periodic variations, summarise the results of the survey, and provide improved physical parameters on the composite pulsators for which only preliminary estimates were published earlier.Comment: 17 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    Galactic Structure Toward the Carina Tangent

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    This investigation presents a photometric study of the Galactic structure toward the Carina arm tangent. The field is located between 280 deg and 286 deg galactic longitude and -4 deg to 4 deg galactic latitude. All currently available uvbybeta data is used to obtain homogeneous color excesses and distances for more than 260 stars of spectral types O to G. We present revised distances and average extinction for the open clusters and cluster candidates NGC 3293, NGC 3114, Loden 46 and Loden 112. The cluster candidate Loden 112 appears to be a very compact group at a true distance modulus of 11.06 +\- 0.11 (s.e.) (1629 +84,-80 pc), significantly closer than previous estimates. We found other OB stars at that same distance and, based on their proper motions, suggest a new OB association at coordinates 282 deg < l < 285 deg, -2 deg < b < 2 deg. Utilizing BV photometry and spectral classification of the known O-type stars in the very young open cluster Wd 2 we provide a new distance estimate of 14.13 +\-0.16 (s.e.) (6698 +512,-475 pc), in excellent agreement with recent distance determinations to the giant molecular structures in this direction. We also discuss a possible connection between the HII region RCW 45 and the highly-reddened B+ star CPD -55 3036 and provide a revised distance for the luminous blue variable HR Car.Comment: accepted to PAS

    Accelerated Stress Testing of Hydrocarbon-Based Encapsulants for Medium-Concentration CPV Applications

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    Concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) systems have great potential to reduce photovoltaic (PV) electricity costs because of the relatively low cost of optical components as compared to PV cells. A transparent polymeric material is used to optically couple the PV cell to optical components and is thus exposed to the concentrated light source at elevated temperatures. In this work polymeric encapsulant materials are positioned close to a Xenon arc lamp to expose them to ultraviolet radiation (UV) that is about 42 times as intense as sunlight. Furthermore, different glass types are used as filters to modify the spectral distribution of light in the UV range. A strong sensitivity of non-silicone-based encapsulants to light below ~350 nm is demonstrated. Of all the materials examined in this study, the polydimethyl silicone samples performed the best. The next best material was an ionomer which maintained optical transmission but became photo-oxidized where exposed to the atmosphere
