362 research outputs found

    A note on the algebraic engineering of 4D N=2\mathcal{N}=2 super Yang-Mills theories

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    Some BPS quantities of N=1\mathcal{N}=1 5D quiver gauge theories, like instanton partition functions or qq-characters, can be constructed as algebraic objects of the Ding-Iohara-Miki (DIM) algebra. This construction is applied here to N=2\mathcal{N}=2 super Yang-Mills theories in four dimensions using a degenerate version of the DIM algebra. We build up the equivalent of horizontal and vertical representations, the first one being defined using vertex operators acting on a free boson's Fock space, while the second one is essentially equivalent to the action of Vasserot-Shiffmann's Spherical Hecke central algebra. Using intertwiners, the algebraic equivalent of the topological vertex, we construct a set of T\mathcal{T}-operators acting on the tensor product of horizontal modules, and the vacuum expectation values of which reproduce the instanton partition functions of linear quivers. Analysing the action of the degenerate DIM algebra on the T\mathcal{T}-operator in the case of a pure U(m)U(m) gauge theory, we further identify the degenerate version of Kimura-Pestun's quiver W-algebra as a certain limit of q-Virasoro algebra. Remarkably, as previously noticed by Lukyanov, this particular limit reproduces the Zamolodchikov-Faddeev algebra of the sine-Gordon model.Comment: 13 pages (v3: references added

    Waste heat measurement and recovery options in an investment casting process

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    In this research, the waste heat emitted from two ovens and a boiler used in the investment casting manufacturing process by New Hampshire based Hitchiner Manufacturing Inc. Co. was determined. This was achieved with measured temperature and standard volume flow rate data gathered from the exhaust stacks using a thermal anemometer. Pressure in the stacks and density were also determined using a differential pressure transducer and combustion analyzer transducer, respectively. The thermal anemometer collected data continuously over a period of 1 week per stack. To support and protect the transducers during the experiments, tripods and enclosures were designed, fabricated and implemented. From the data, economic options to recover the waste heat were analyzed and one was recommended based on the return on investment periods

    Statistična ocena protipožarne varnosti večstanovanjskih zgradb v Sloveniji

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    Skoraj tretjina stanovanjskih enot v Sloveniji se nahaja v večstanovanjskih objektih. Večina tovrstnih zgradb je bila zgrajena po drugi svetovni vojni, ko je bila potreba po ustreznih nastavitvenih objektih največja. Narejeni so bili v okviru gradbenih možnosti in zahtev časa. Vsako leto v teh objektih izbruhne več kot 200 požarov s smrtnimi žrtvami in z veliko gmotno škodo. Zaradi velikih naporov v preteklih stoletjih, ki so bili usmerjeni predvsem v zamenjavo gorljivega gradbenega materiala z negorljivim in z razvojem gasilske službe, sta se število požarov in njihov obseg zmanjšala, vendar ne odpravila. Nov, večji napredek na področju požarne varnosti večstanovanjskih zgradb je tako očiten šele v zadnjih nekaj letih, ko veljajo tudi strožji predpisi za gradnjo tovrstnih objektov. Razvoj znanosti in stroke je tudi na tem področju prinesel več novih rešitev za izboljšanje stanja, kar potrjujejo izkušnje iz tujine. Žal je pri nas uveljavitev varnostnih principov še vedno odvisna predvsem od zavesti uporabnikov, finančnih sredstev, hkrati pa so določeni postopki izvedbe bistveno bolj zapleteni zaradi novih lastniških razmerij. S pomočjo statističnih rezultatov popisa 2002 in sodobnih zahtev varstva pred požarom se želi v članku prikazati današnje stanje tega problema na državni in občinski ravni ter nakazati možnosti izboljšanje stanja. Avtorja v članku ugotavljata, da sodobnim zahtevam ne ustreza pravzaprav nobena starejša večstanovanjska zgradba. K sreči izboljšuje stanje na tem področju dejstvo, da je večina objektov pri nas zgrajena iz negorljivih materialov (beton, opeka), ki omejujejo širjenje požara

    Wykorzystanie kozieradki pospolitej (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) w zielarstwie i fitoterapii

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    Kozieradka pospolita (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) to zielna roślina jednoroczna. Su-rowcem zielarskim są nasiona kozieradki Semen Foenugraeci, które są bogatym źródłem substancji biologicznie czynnych, między innymi związków śluzowych, saponin steroido-wych, flawonoidów, steroli, witamin. Kozieradka pospolita wykazuje przede wszystkim działanie hipolidemiczne, przeciwhiperglikemiczne i hipoglikemiczne, neurologiczne, przeciwzapalne, przeciwdrobnoustrojowe, przeciwnowotworowe

    Assessment of Energy-Efficient Building Details for Seismic Regions

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    This open access book presents a methodology for the assessment of structural building details, taking into account the contemporary guidelines for earthquake-resistant and energy-efficient buildings. A review of structural details for energy-efficient buildings revealed that in some cases the structural system is interrupted, leading to solutions which are not suitable for earthquake-prone regions. Such typical examples would be the use of thermal insulation under the building foundation and reduction of the load-bearing elements’ dimensions – also at the potential locations of plastic hinges which are crucial for the dissipation of seismic energy. The proposed methodology of assessment favours a collaboration of architects, engineers, contractors and investors in the early stage of building design. By this the methodology enables efficient decision-making and contributes to a selection of optimal building structural details. The book starts by presenting the typical structural details of the thermal envelope of energy-efficient buildings together with the scientific background required for understanding the process of detail development from all the relevant aspects. Over 20 examples of most frequent details are described and analysed to raise awareness of the importance of earthquake resistance, sustainability, energy-efficiency and thermal comfort for users

    Akrylamid jako związek występujący w żywności i jego wpływ na żywe organizmy

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    The aim of this study was a detailed characterization of acrylamide as a compound present in food. They identified the source of acrylamide in food by presenting the origin and the mechanism of its formation in food products. Presents the content of this compound in selected foodstuffs for consumers, while pointing to the actions taken by the institutions to ensure the safety of food products available on the market. Furthermore, it describes the impact of acrylamide on living organisms by paying particular attention to its neurotoxic, genotoxic and carcinogenic.Celem niniejszej pracy była szczegółowa charakterystyka akrylamidu jako związku występującego w żywności. Zidentyfikowano źródła akrylamidu w żywności, przedstawiając po-chodzenie, a także mechanizm jego powstawania w produktach żywnościowych. Przedstawiono zawartość tego związku w wybranych produktach spożywanych przez konsumentów, jednocześnie wskazując na działania podejmowane przez instytucje mające na celu zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa produktów żywnościowych dostępnych na rynku. Ponadto opisano wpływ akrylamidu na organizmy żywe poprzez zwrócenie szczególnej uwagi na jego działania neurotoksyczne, genotoksyczne oraz kancerogenne

    Applicability of base isolation made of elastomeric isolators for the protection of cultural heritage

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    This article briefly presents the applicability of base isolation made of elastomeric isolators for the protection of heritage architecture. The first part of the article gives an illustrative overview on the use of base isolation throughout the world, together with an analysis of guidelines for the protection and management of places of heritage architecture. The guidelines which are given through international agreements and resolutions on the conservation of monuments have to be considered when designing the base isolation of existing monuments. Generally, interventions into such structures should be minimal or visible as little as possible and should minimally affect the aesthetics and functionality of the object. In the second part of the article the general and some special requirements for base isolation design with elastomeric isolators are presented. The influence of the slenderness of the structure is analysed in more detail. The analysis is based on the corresponding rocking prevention criterion, upon the condition that the isolators cannot bear any tensile forces. The article concludes with a presentation of the maximum height-to-width ratios for objects that can be mounted on isolators, fulfilling the given rocking prevention criterion for different soil conditions. The maximum aspect ratios have also been determined by considering 5 appropriately scaled ground motions from the 1998 Posočje earthquake

    Obesity and type 2 diabetes

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    Seismic Aspects of the Application of Thermal Insulation Boards Beneath the Foundations of Buildings

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    In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the construction of energy-efficient buildings. These buildings are mainly characterized by their thermal envelope, which needs to follow the complete outer perimeter of the building without any interruptions, to avoid thermal bridges. It has been observed, however, that the specific new details which prevent the occurrence of thermal bridges can, in many cases, substantially affect the structural integrity of such buildings during earthquakes. This chapter deals with the seismic aspects of the application of thermal insulation (TI) boards beneath the foundations of buildings. For this purpose, the mechanical characteristics of the most commonly used material in practice (i.e., extruded polystyrene — XPS) were experimentally determined. Additionally, the shear behaviour of differently composed TI foundation sets was investigated and their friction capacity estimated. The authors have proposed a new solution for the foundation detail, which is based on controlling the sliding mechanism between the individual layers of TI boards in order to reduce the seismic forces induced on the superstructure. The proposed detail with a specially designed sliding layer surface is made of commonly used TI materials for modern passive houses, thus reducing the potential additional costs. The solution was verified by means of nonlinear dynamic analysis of several realistic building models and various friction coefficients between XPS boards. The selected results are presented in terms of fragility curves for the occurrence of sliding between the layers of XPS boards. Based on these curves, the desired seismic response scenario and level of protection of a building structure could be selected

    ABCD of qq-characters

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    The qq-characters are powerful tools to reveal symmetries and integrabilities of Seiberg-Witten theories. The goal of this paper is to provide analytic expressions of qq-characters based on Young diagrams in 5d N=1\mathcal{N} = 1 pure Yang-Mills theories with BCD-type gauge groups, by focusing on the unrefined limit. Using these expressions, we investigate the relationships among qq-characters of classical gauge groups. For SO(n) gauge groups, we construct a quantum-toroidal-like algebra via the Ward-identity approach, which allows us to derive the qq-characters.Comment: 27+18 pages; Mathematica file attached; explanations added in v