232 research outputs found

    Distribution of solar wind implanted noble gases in lunar samples

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    The distribution of solar wind implanted noble gases in lunar samples depends on implantation energy, fluence, diffusion, radiation damage and erosion. It is known that at least the lighter rare gases are fractionated after implantation, but the redistribution processes, which mainly drive the losses, are not well understood. Some information about this one can get by looking at the concentration profiles of solar wind implanted He-4 measured by the Gas Ion Probe in single lunar grains. The observed profiles were divided in three groups. These groups are illustrated and briefly discussed

    Results of ultra-low level 71ge counting for application in the Gallex-solar neutrino experiment at the Gran Sasso Underground Physics Laboratory

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    It has been experimentally verified that the Ultra-Low-Level Counting System for the Gallex solar neutrino experiment is capable of measuring the expected solar up silon-flux to plus or minus 12% during two years of operation

    Prevalence and Factors Associated with Depression among Patients with Epilepsy at Aga Khan University Teaching Hospital Nairobi

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence and factors associated with depression in patients with epilepsy  at Aga Khan University Hospital; Nairobi.Design: A Cross-Sectional Survey.Setting: Neurology clinic, Aga Khan University Hospital; NairobiSubjects: Eligible patients with epilepsy on follow-up at the neurology clinic were recruited.Intervention: Beck-Depression-Inventory was administered to evaluate presence of depression.Main Outcome Measures: In addition to depression, patients with co-morbid depression were further evaluated for associated factors.Results: Three-hundred-and-twenty-seven patients were evaluated for presence of depression. Fifty-four patients in the study cohort had depression, giving prevalence of depression; based on the  Beck-Depression-Inventory as 16.5 %, (95 % CI 12.7-21.0) There was weak association between mild depression and polytherapy (use of two or more antiepileptic drugs), with OR 2.3, 95%CI 0.9-5.8  however, none between polytherapy and moderate or severe depression. No statistically significant  association was found between depression and duration of epilepsy or number of seizures per month over last three months.Conclusion: The prevalence of depression in patients with epilepsy at Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi was 16.5 %( 95% CI 12.7-21.0) and polytherapy was weakly associated with mild depression. Depression among patients with epilepsy warrants clinical attention especially in patients on polytherapy. The risk of AED polytherapy was two-fold greater (OR 2.3, 95%CI 0.9-5.8) in patients with mild  depression compared to patients with epilepsy without depression

    Supernova Reverse Shocks and SiC Growth

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    We present new mechanisms by which the isotopic compositions of X-type grains of presolar SiC are altered by reverse shocks in Type II supernovae. We address three epochs of reverse shocks: pressure wave from the H envelope near t = 106^6s; reverse shock from the presupernova wind near 108109^8-10^9s; reverse shock from the ISM near 1010^{10}s. Using 1-D hydrodynamics we show that the first creates a dense shell of Si and C atoms near 106^6s in which the SiC surely condenses. The second reverse shock causes precondensed grains to move rapidly forward through decelerated gas of different isotopic composition, during which implantation, sputtering and further condensation occur simultaneously. The third reverse shock causes only further ion implantation and sputtering, which may affect trace element isotopic compositions. Using a 25M_{\odot} supernova model we propose solutions to the following unsolved questions: where does SiC condense?; why does SiC condense in preference to graphite?; why is condensed SiC 28^{28}Si-rich?; why is O richness no obstacle to SiC condensation?; how many atoms of each isotope are impacted by a grain that condenses at time t0_0 at radial coordinate r0_0? These many considerations are put forward as a road map for interpreting SiC X grains found in meteorites and their meaning for supernova physics.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figures, animation for Figure 3 and machine-readable Table 3 can be found at http://antares.steelangel.com/~edeneau/supernova/DHC_2003, Submitted to Ap

    Reanalysis of the GALLEX solar neutrino flux and source experiments

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    After the completion of the gallium solar neutrino experiments at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (GALLEX}: 1991-1997; GNO: 1998-2003) we have retrospectively updated the GALLEX results with the help of new technical data that were impossible to acquire for principle reasons before the completion of the low rate measurement phase (that is, before the end of the GNO solar runs). Subsequent high rate experiments have allowed the calibration of absolute internal counter efficiencies and of an advanced pulse shape analysis for counter background discrimination. The updated overall result for GALLEX (only) is (73.4 +7.1 -7.3) SNU. This is 5.3% below the old value of (77.5 + 7.5 -7.8) SNU (PLB 447 (1999) 127-133) with a substantially reduced error. A similar reduction is obtained from the reanalysis of the 51Cr neutrino source experiments of 1994/1995.Comment: Accepted by Physics Letters B January 13, 201

    Complete results for five years of GNO solar neutrino observations

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    We report the complete GNO solar neutrino results for the measuring periods GNO III, GNO II, and GNO I. The result for GNO III (last 15 solar runs) is [54.3 + 9.9 - 9.3 (stat.)+- 2.3 (syst.)] SNU (1 sigma) or [54.3 + 10.2 - 9.6 (incl. syst.)] SNU (1 sigma) with errors combined. The GNO experiment is now terminated after altogether 58 solar exposure runs that were performed between May 20, 1998 and April 9, 2003. The combined result for GNO (I+II+III) is [62.9 + 5.5 - 5.3 (stat.) +- 2.5 (syst.)] SNU (1 sigma) or [62.9 + 6.0 - 5.9] SNU (1 sigma) with errors combined in quadrature. Overall, gallium based solar observations at LNGS (first in GALLEX, later in GNO) lasted from May 14, 1991 through April 9, 2003. The joint result from 123 runs in GNO and GALLEX is [69.3 +- 5.5 (incl. syst.)] SNU (1 sigma). The distribution of the individual run results is consistent with the hypothesis of a neutrino flux that is constant in time. Implications from the data in particle- and astrophysics are reiterated.Comment: 22 pages incl. 9 Figures and 8 Tables. to appear in: Physics Letters B (accepted April 13, 2005) PACS: 26.65.+t ; 14.60.P

    GNO Solar Neutrino Observations: Results for GNOI

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    We report the first GNO solar neutrino results for the measuring period GNOI, solar exposure time May 20, 1998 till January 12, 2000. In the present analysis, counting results for solar runs SR1 - SR19 were used till April 4, 2000. With counting completed for all but the last 3 runs (SR17 - SR19), the GNO I result is [65.8 +10.2 -9.6 (stat.) +3.4 -3.6 (syst.)]SNU (1sigma) or [65.8 + 10.7 -10.2 (incl. syst.)]SNU (1sigma) with errors combined. This may be compared to the result for Gallex(I-IV), which is [77.5 +7.6 -7.8 (incl. syst.)] SNU (1sigma). A combined result from both GNOI and Gallex(I-IV) together is [74.1 + 6.7 -6.8 (incl. syst.)] SNU (1sigma).Comment: submitted to Physics Letters B, June 2000. PACS: 26.65. +t ; 14.60 Pq. Corresponding author: [email protected] ; [email protected]

    Female bone physiology resilience in 750-300 BP ‘Polynesian Outlier’ community

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    Remodelling is a fundamental biological process involved in the maintenance of bone physiology and function. We know that a range of health and lifestyle factors can impact this process in living and past societies, but there is a notable gap in bone remodelling data for populations from the Pacific Islands. We conducted the first examination of femoral cortical histology in n = 69 individuals from 750 – 300 BP Taumako in Solomon Islands, a remote ‘Polynesian Outlier’ island in Melanesia. We tested whether bone remodelling indicators differed between age-at-death groups, and biological sex validated using ancient DNA. Bone vascular canal and osteon size, vascular porosity, and localised osteon densities, corrected by femoral robusticity indices were examined. Females had statistically significantly higher vascular porosities when compared to males, but osteon densities and ratios of canal-to-osteon (~10%) did not differ between the sexes. Compared to males, the femora of Taumako females experienced higher frequencies of remodelling events, which mirrors bone health paradigms through the life-course today. However, contrary to modern populations, female femoral bone tissue did not decline with age. This matches findings in other archaeological samples, and is testament to ancient female bone physiology resilience also in the Pacific region.Introduction - The importance of bone remodelling through human life-course - Bone remodelling in archaeological humans Results - Trends in bone remodelling at Taumako Discussion - Sex-specific trends in cortical bone remodelling - Bone remodelling with age at Taumako Limitations and remarks on temporal and spatial data Conslusions Materials and Method

    Female bone physiology resilience in a past Polynesian Outlier community

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    Remodelling is a fundamental biological process involved in the maintenance of bone physiology and function. We know that a range of health and lifestyle factors can impact this process in living and past societies, but there is a notable gap in bone remodelling data for populations from the Pacific Islands. We conducted the first examination of femoral cortical histology in 69 individuals from ca. 440–150 BP Taumako in Solomon Islands, a remote ‘Polynesian Outlier’ island in Melanesia. We tested whether bone remodelling indicators differed between age groups, and biological sex validated using ancient DNA. Bone vascular canal and osteon size, vascular porosity, and localised osteon densities, corrected by femoral robusticity indices were examined. Females had statistically significantly higher vascular porosities when compared to males, but osteon densities and ratios of canal-osteon (~ 8%) did not differ between the sexes. Our results indicate that, compared to males, localised femoral bone tissue of the Taumako females did not drastically decline with age, contrary to what is often observed in modern populations. However, our results match findings in other archaeological samples—a testament to past female bone physiology resilience, also now observed in the Pacific region.Introduction - Bone remodelling through human life‑course. - Bone remodelling in archaeological humans. Results - Femoral vascular porosity and bone remodelling indicators at Taumako. Discussion - Sex and cortical bone histology at Taumako. - The effect of age on bone histology at Taumako. Remarks on temporal and spatial bone histology data Limitations Conclusions Materials and method

    The Nylon Scintillator Containment Vessels for the Borexino Solar Neutrino Experiment

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    Borexino is a solar neutrino experiment designed to observe the 0.86 MeV Be-7 neutrinos emitted in the pp cycle of the sun. Neutrinos will be detected by their elastic scattering on electrons in 100 tons of liquid scintillator. The neutrino event rate in the scintillator is expected to be low (~0.35 events per day per ton), and the signals will be at energies below 1.5 MeV, where background from natural radioactivity is prominent. Scintillation light produced by the recoil electrons is observed by an array of 2240 photomultiplier tubes. Because of the intrinsic radioactive contaminants in these PMTs, the liquid scintillator is shielded from them by a thick barrier of buffer fluid. A spherical vessel made of thin nylon film contains the scintillator, separating it from the surrounding buffer. The buffer region itself is divided into two concentric shells by a second nylon vessel in order to prevent inward diffusion of radon atoms. The radioactive background requirements for Borexino are challenging to meet, especially for the scintillator and these nylon vessels. Besides meeting requirements for low radioactivity, the nylon vessels must also satisfy requirements for mechanical, optical, and chemical properties. The present paper describes the research and development, construction, and installation of the nylon vessels for the Borexino experiment