15 research outputs found

    How Indonesian sees the colors: Natural semantic metalanguage theory

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    This research explores basic and secondary colors in Indonesia. This research attempts to explicate the meaning of colors by using the semantic theory of Natural Semantic Metalanguage Theory. This research applied qualitative method. The paradigm of qualitative research revolves around the observation from the surrounding. The data were collected from various sources such as Indonesian Dictionary, Indonesian Corpus, and the data created by the researcher as the native speaker. The researcher explicates primary or basic colors as well as the secondary. Further, these Indonesian colors were being explicated by applying the features of Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM). The colors in Indonesian were gathered and classified. The researcher then analyzed the colors based on the explication of NSM theory and the approach of Basic Color Term initiated by Berlin and Kay. This research discovers that the basic or primary colors in Indonesian are Black, White, Red, Yellow, Green and Blue. The application of this research is apparently vivid in the advancement of colors study in the realm of semantics.   This research also exposes the difference of explication in English and Indonesian. This occurred due to the difference of the usage of semantic atom to explain the meaning of color. To explicate the color of black, Indonesian uses charcoal. Meanwhile English uses the night sky. In Indonesian, colors that come after Green and Blue according to Berlin and Kay’s color terms are Brown, Purple, Orange, Pink, and Grey are not basics but secondary colors. Meanwhile, in English the aforementioned colors are basics

    Popularizing the Gay Characters: A Study of American Gay-Themed TV Series in 2000s

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    This study is a qualitative research which concentrates on the rise of TV series gay characters on American televisions starting in the early 2000s. The emergence of gay TV series in 2000s has made this phenomena interesting as well as essential to discuss since American television in the pre 2000s era was not not open about the gay characters in television series. The data for this study were obtained through a literature review consisting of journal articles as well as books. This study intended to identify why gay-themed TV series appeared in the 2000s by applying Hall’s theory of representation as a way for analyzing. This research is useful to an additional reference for other researchers and to increase people’s understanding on the gay TV series phenomenon in the US. The research findings showed that there at least four representations explaining the reasons for the emergence of gay-themed TV series in America – the progress of science and knowledge, the strength of minority, the state support, and the new target consumers

    Ideology and Class Division in Veronica Roth’s Divergent

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    The paper attempts to overview the ideology and the class division amongst factions in the novel. The ideology of the five factions in the future city of Chicago is embedded with self traits which dictates that everyone must fit into one dominant trait. The classification by traits or personalities makes clear provision that society will run as it is expected by the leader of the faction.  The Divergent of Veronica Roth postulates the depiction of the utopia society that turns Dystopia by the insurgent led by Tris a character that possesses all the qualities and traits of the faction.  The culture and the ideology of bourgeois and slave’s society prevail vividly in the novel which is indicated by the ruling faction, Erudite as the bourgeois while the subjugated faction, Abnegation as the slave society. This paper utilizes the descriptive approach to meticulously break down the events by selecting and highlighting the occurrences in the novel as the way of obtaining the data. The theory of ideology by Raymond Williams (1977) was used in this paper to expose the core or base of cultural ideology amongst the classes. The paper finds out that the every faction has its own ideologies even though they were rooted from the same founding fathers


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    Marriage is carried out through religious rules or customs. Almost similar to Indonesian culture which has several processions of a series of wedding ceremonies, Punjabi traditions consist of various cultural and religious customs. This research is focused on Indian wedding culture and this research was also conducted to find out what signs and symbols are found in Punjabi Sikh Wedding Ceremonies and how they are used. The theory used in this research is Pierce's Semiotics Theory. The location in this research will be conducted in Gurdwara Shree Guru Nanak Dev Ji Medan. This type of research is a qualitative research with descriptive method which aims to provide an objective description of a situation in the field with data collection techniques carried out by interviews, documentation, interviews and questionnaires


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    This study is conducted to examine colloquial expression in the movie script Ada Apa dengan Cinta I. Colloquial Language is the linguistic style used for casual communication. The method applied in this study is qualitative approach. The data shows that there are 28 occurances of colloquial expression in the movie script. The expressions involve five types. They are slang, jargon, provanity, contraction and idiom. The most dominat expression used in the movie is slang with 42.9% occurances. The second position is provanity with 25% occurances. Then, the next level is jargon with 17.9%, contraction with 10.7%, and the last is idiom with only 3.5% occurances. The result shows that the movie script presents a casual conversation. Most situation of the conversation is informal. Moreover, this movie script is identical with teenagers as the most characters are teenagers. The teenagers tend to use such casual conversations. Besides, the result proves that this movie script also presents a local dialect of Bahasa Indonesia. It is Jakarta dialect since the setting is in that region. Therefore, it is concluded that this movie is characterized with Jakarta dialect and teenager’s casual conversation

    Illocutionary Acts in President Rodrigo Duterte’s Speech.

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    This research attempts to figure out the speech act of President of The Republic of The Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, particularly in identifying types of the Illocutionary act and Perlocutionary act in SONA Forum. The researcher is keen to explore duterte’s speech because Duterte is notorious for his unfavorable remarks. Therefore, by investigating his speech through the analysis of his speech act in the selected speech, the researcher will prove whether the speech contains the perlocutionary acts of insulting or not. This research also focuses on utilizing Searle’s theory on Illocutionary acts exemplifies 5 different types of illocutionary acts namely Assertive which is divided into stating, suggesting, boasting, complaining and claiming. Another type is Directives which comprises of ordering, commanding, requesting, advising and recommending. Expressive type comprises thanking, congratulating, pardoning, blaming, praising, and condoling. Commisive type includes promising, vowing, and offering. The last type is Declaration. The researchers use descriptive qualitative method by doing transcription of the speech and meticulously analyze every word

    Framing and metaphor in the discourse of Sumatran orangutans’ conservation: Ecolinguistics study

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    This study attempts to reveal how language is being used in the conservation of orangutan in Bukit Lawang, North Sumatra, Indonesia. The researchers focus on investigating the framing and metaphor as the reflection of how language is being used to represent the ideology of the policy makers, conservationist, local communities in communicating the urgency of protecting orangutan. The problem is vivid since there is no attempt before by linguists to discover the role of language in the conservation of orangutan. Hence, the status quo remains unanswered. This research fills the gap of the missing links of the unknown about the language used in orangutan’ conservation. This research applied qualitative research in which the data gathered in the form of discourses from various sources like infographic, reports and interview. At the same time, this study embraced Stibbe’s approach in ecolinguistics. Some results are quite alarming because the type of the framing about orangutan is negative such as Human-wildlife conflict frame or destructive metaphor such as ‘orangutan is the pest’ and ‘the kidnapper’. There are also ambivalent framing and metaphor which put endangered animal in a vague situation


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    This study examines the kinship of the Malay language and the Malagasy language. These two languages come from the same proto language, namely Proto Austronesian (PAN). Departing from the researchers’ assumptions about the linguistic relationship both at the phoneme and morpheme levels, there is a close kinship system or relationship between these two languages. Even though they are geographically and geo-politically separated, preliminary research on these two languages shows several universal features, one of which is that both languages are agglutinative languages. Therefore, this study is an attempt to find empirical evidence about the separation time between Malay and Malagasy by using language grouping methods and lexicostatistical techniques. The first stage, the researchers collect 300 basic vocabularies compiled by Swadesh (1995). The method used in providing the data is the referential method, while the technique used is the note-taking technique. Second, the researchers determine which pairs of the two languages are cognate languages. Third, the researchers calculate the age and separation time of the two languages. Fourth, the researchers calculate the error term to determine a more precise separation time. The result of this research indicates that Malay and Malagasy were a single language at 4223-3951 thousand years ago and began to separate from their proto languages in 2201-1929 BC

    The Language Attitudes of Indonesian Language Teachers Toward the Acehnese Language

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    Language attitudes are one area in sociolinguistics that needs to be explored. This research highlights the language attitudes of Indonesian language teachers and lecturers in Banda Aceh city toward their own mother tongue, the Acehnese language. This paper aimed to figure out the attitudes of teachers as native speakers of the Acehnese language and their language of preference in the educational context. The novelty of this research lies in the object of the research, that is, teachers, keeping in mind that recent publications about language attitudes have only revolved around students or parents. In executing the research, the researchers opted for qualitative methods to describe the phenomenon under study. The researchers used a descriptive approach to link, depict, and formulate the results and discussion. Questionnaires were used openly and closely to interview the respondents. The results of this research explained that Indonesian language teachers demonstrated strong, confident, affirmative, and flexible attitudes toward the Acehnese language. Keywords: sociolinguistics, language attitudes, language usage, Indonesian language teacher


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    Every ethnic group has its own cultural identity and is used as a reference to distinguish between one ethnic group and another. Understanding cultural identity is important to avoid cultural conflicts so that all ethnic groups within a unitary society can live side by side in harmony. The core discussion in this research is related to Chinese cultural identity based on the novel To Live written by Yu Hua with two points of discussion, kinship system and marriage system, conducted by means of a qualitative descriptive method to obtain data related to social phenomena with the results of the analysis in the form of description. Concepts and theories relating to cultural identity, Chinese cultural identity, kinship and marriage systems are implemented to support the overall research. The results of the analysis show that wherever Chinese ethnic groups are located, they try to maintain their cultural traditions. In Chinese culture, kinship includes all members of the extended family and the essence of a marriage is the union of two extended families; both have values that must be used as guidelines based on the teachings of Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism; the value of maintaining and preserving harmonization and norms to bind each individual to remain in the corridor of cultural tradition heritage