75 research outputs found

    O Panóptico no combate à Covid-19

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    We propose the use of the Panopticon as the most effective weapon in the fight against pandemics. We reviewed the literature and innovated by applying it to confront Covid-19. We divided the Panopticon in two: the Superpanopticon, in society as a whole, and the Technological Post Panopticon, within hospitals. The first being a surveillance system based on high technology that permeates everything and everyone, at all times. And, the second, the physical locations that best reproduce the logic of the Panopticon in contemporary times. From the news survey, we concluded that the Panopticon is more alive than ever and that our theoretical proposals reflect what is already working, both in society and in hospitals. And that its use is highly effective because it reduces the number of new infections, guarantees the greatest possible safety for everyone, with great cost reduction and, mainly, of human losses.Propomos o uso do Panóptico como a mais eficaz arma no combate a pandemias. Revisamos a literatura e inovamos aplicando-a ao enfrentamento da Covid-19. Dividimos o Panóptico em dois: o Superpanóptico, em toda a sociedade, e o Pós Panóptico Tecnológico, dentro dos hospitais. Sendo, o primeiro, um sistema de vigilância baseado na alta tecnologia que perpassa a tudo e a todos, a todo tempo. E, o segundo, os locais físicos que melhor reproduzem a lógica do Panóptico na contemporaneidade. Da pesquisa de notícias, concluímos que o Panóptico está mais vivo do que nunca e que as nossas propostas teóricas refletem o que já está em funcionamento, tanto na sociedade, quanto nos hospitais. E que seu uso é altamente eficaz porque reduz o número de novas infecções, garante a maior segurança possível a todos, com grande redução de custos e, principalmente, de perdas humanas

    Identifying Transitions in Plasma with Topological Data Analysis of Noisy Turbulence

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    Cross-field transport and heat loss in a magnetically confined plasma is determined by turbulence driven by perpendicular (to the magnetic field) pressure gradients. The heat losses from turbulence can make it difficult to maintain the energy density required to reach and maintain the conditions necessary for fusion. Self-organization of turbulence into intermediate scale so-called zonal flows can reduce the radial heat losses, however identifying when the transition occurs and any precursors to the transition is still a challenge. Topological Data Analysis (TDA) is a mathematical method which is used to extract topological features from point cloud and digital data to develop a methodology to identify the transition from turbulent dominant to zonal flow dominant behavior. When expanding this approach to experimental observations, certain topological methods are susceptible to noise, which can appear as small scale topological features and crowd out legitimate topology. We explore techniques to mitigate the effects of noise in the use of TDA on plasma data, and to demonstrate methodology that is able to identify transitions despite a high noise-to-signal ratio. In this thesis, we will focus on developing mathematical models to test the efficacy of different smoothing algorithms on reestablishing topological structure lost in modeled noisy data, as well as show that it is possible capture the transition to self-organized flows in the presence of a high noise-to-signal ratio without first using processing to approximate the pre-noise image. Finally, we apply the methodology to experimental image data to capture turbulence transitions

    Einsatz einer Extrapolationsmethode bei der Versagensanalyse thermozyklisch beanspruchter Bauteile

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    Code it Yourself! Teaching Collections Staff to Script

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    Nehmen Sie Ihre Medikamente selbst?: Neue Wege der Patientenbeteiligung und Qualitätssicherung im Gesundheitswesen

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    Kiewel A. Nehmen Sie Ihre Medikamente selbst?: Neue Wege der Patientenbeteiligung und Qualitätssicherung im Gesundheitswesen. Weinheim: Juventa-Verl.; 2002

    Badanie reakcji fizjologicznych konsumentów z wykorzystaniem inteligentnych zegarków

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    According to studies conducted by Tadeusz Tyszka, more than 2/3 purchases are spontaneous. It means sellers can induce their potential customers to buy their products. The key aspect here is correct customer segmentation enriched with new, previously unprocessed data. Vibrations, pulse, burnt calories are just some data collected by smartwatches. Sales of smartwatches and bands increased by over 10% annually. To meet the growing demand, new devices are created that collect data concerning human physiology. Wearable devices and smartphones acquire new functionalities and as a result of cooperation with financial institutions can be used for making payments. The combination of transaction data with basic information about how our body behaves before a purchasing decision is made offers better understanding of consumers and emotions that they experience.Według badań przeprowadzonych przez T. Tyszkę, ponad 2/3 zakupów nie jest wcześniej zaplanowanych. Stanowi to szansę dla sprzedających do nakłonienia swoich potencjalnych klientów do zakupu ich produktów. Kluczowym aspektem staje się właściwa segmentacja klientów, wzbogacona o nowe, dotąd nieprzetwarzane dane. Drgania, tętno, liczba spalonych kalorii to tylko niektóre dane, które są zbierane przez smartwatche. Sprzedaż inteligentnych zegarków oraz opasek wzrosła o ponad 10% w skali roku. Aby zaspokoić rosnący popyt, powstają urządzenia zbierające informacje o funkcjonowaniu ludzkiego organizmu. Urządzenia ubieralne oraz smartfony zyskują nowe funkcjonalności i w połączeniu z instytucjami finansowymi dają możliwość dokonywania nimi płatności. Połączenie danych transakcyjnych z podstawowymi danymi o zachowaniu organizmu przed podjęciem decyzji o zakupiedaje możliwość lepszego zrozumienia konsumentów oraz emocji, jakie towarzyszyły konsumentom