347 research outputs found


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    Perubahan nilai-nilai tenun lurik di kecamatan Cawas, kabupaten Klaten (Studi kasus di desa Tlingsing dan desa Mlese). Tesis Program Studi Kajian Budaya Pascasarjana Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Pembimbing 1 Prof. Dr Bani Sudardi, M.Hum, dan Pembimbing 2 Prof. Dr. Warto, M.Hum. Tenun lurik adalah kain tradisional Jawa yang sarat akan nilai-nilai budaya. Secara Etimologis, kata “lurik” berasal dari bahasa Jawa, yaitu lorek, yang berarti garis-garis. Jadi kata “lurik” merujuk pada nama sejenis kain tradisional yang memiliki sejarah panjang. Kain lurik memiliki motif yang sangat sederhana, yaitu hanya berupa garis-garis dan kotak-kotak yang bertumpang-tindih. Sebagai kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari, kain lurik mempunyai fungsi sangat penting. Selain sebagai pakaian, kain lurik juga digunakan dalam upacara-upacara ritual dan keagamaan. Tenun lurik di Desa Tlingsing dan Desa Mlese, Kecamatan Cawa, Kabupaten Klaten adalah kain tradisional Jawa yang sudah ada sejak zaman dahulu dan masih diproduksi sampai sekarang. Sejalan dengan berkembangnya zaman, teknologi, dan sumber daya manusia, maka tenun lurik di Desa Tlingsing dan Desa Mlese juga mengalami perubahan dan perkembangan. Secara umum perubahan yang terjadi yaitu perubahan dalam hal visual, nilai estetika, dan perubahan nilai fungsional. Perubahan visual yang nampak dalam kain tenun lurik, yaitu penggunaan pewarna sintetis sehingga lurik yang dihasilkan lebih bervariasi. Dalam nilai estetika, tenun lurik juga sudah mengalami perkambangan, yang semula hanya digunakan sebagai pakaian dan kelengkapan tradisi, saat ini sudah masuk dalam ranah kebutuhan rumah tangga sampai kenutuhan mode atau fashion. Perubahan fungsional pragmatis nampak dalam pemakaian tenun lurik sebagai busana dalam berbagai kesempatan dan kondisi. Faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan, antara lain adalah faktor perubahan pola pikir cara pandang, dari masyarakat tradisional menuju masyarakat modern; faktor ekonomi guna peningkatan pendapatan para perajin tenun; dan faktor fungsional pragmatis yaitu perkambangan lurik sebagai busana, kelengkapan perabot rumah tangga, sampai pada kebutuhan mode atau fashion yang didukung oleh modernisasi dan globalisasi. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa pergeseran nilai-nilai pada tenun lurik di Kecamatan Cawas Klaten terjadi karena perubahan sikap dan pola pikir masyarakat, dari tradisional menuju ke masyarakat modern dan majemuk. Perubahan sikap dan pola pikir tersebut lalu membentuk sistem kebudayaan baru yang menganggap tenun lurik tidak lagi menjadi simbol eksistensi kebudayaan tradisional yang sempit dan akhirnya lurik dapat diterima oleh masyarakat modern dalam skala global. Kata Kunci: Tenun, Lurik, Klate

    Vietnamese educational leaders as border crossers : Vietnam and academic and career guidance and counseling activities

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    The purpose of this qualitative case study was to seek a deeper understanding of Vietnamese high school principals' perceptions of academic and career guidance and counseling (ACGC) activities in terms of preparing students for their future academic and career paths. Moreover, this study also sought to understand difficulties they perceived and faced in the design and implementation of ACGC activities, then explored strategies which the principals used to sustain their abilities to implement these activities. The primary data for this research mainly came from individual semi-structured interviews with 11 Vietnamese high school principals from eight urban and three suburban areas of Hanoi, Vietnam. Findings from this study showed that there were differences in the ways the principal participants in this study thought about ACGC activities, viewed challenges, and spent resources, which affected the success or the failure of ACGC activities. As a theoretical contribution, this study emphasized the significance of becoming "border crossers" or border crossing principals who are able to improve education by adopting a new educational opportunity like ACGC activities to better facilitate the academic and career development of all students. In the last chapter, the discussion of the key findings and their implications drawn from the study have the potential to benefit a variety of audiences, including Vietnamese high school principals who want to better prepare before designing and implementing the activities and Vietnamese policymakers, teachers, school staff, college leaders and faculty, parents, and interested individuals and community organizations who would like to provide support for high school students' career and academic development and to boost related educational reforms.Includes bibliographical reference

    Studying the Current Situation and Establishing a Map of Flash Flood Risk Zoning in Lai Chau Province, Vietnam

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    Lai Chau is a mountainous province in the North of Vietnam that frequently experiences flash floods. Flash floods in Lai Chau province were formed by the combined effects of many factors such as topographical characteristics, current land use, soil type, vegetation cover combined with river density and rainfall. In this study, the author analyzed the current state of flash floods, assessed the factors that caused flash floods and established a map of flash flood zoning in Lai Chau province. The flash flood risk area map is built on the basis of GIS spatial analysis, combining hierarchical analysis (AHP) and multi-criteria analysis method (MCA). Data collected for the study is mainly from Sentinel 2 images, statistical data and actual investigation. Research results show that the area with high and very high potential for flash floods accounts for 22.03% of the natural area, and the area with medium risk accounts for 44.42%. Areas with low and very low levels account for 33.55% of the area in Lai Chau province of Vietnam


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    In the context of EFL learning and teaching, listening skill is believed to be the most challenging of the four language skills due to typical challenges. Engaging learners in listening lessons is the desirable goal of most teachers to enhance the learners’ listening performance and success. To keep young learners engaged in their learning, teachers need to implement various engaging techniques to increase learner engagement. This study aims to explore EFL teachers’ perceptions of their young learner engagement through the three main aspects of behavioral engagement, cognitive engagement, and emotional engagement. The descriptive method was employed with 78 teachers of young learners in different foreign language centers in Mekong Delta in Vietnam. The results revealed that learning engagement in listening lessons is relatively emphasized, especially in the aspect of behavioral and cognitive engagement. Several important engaging techniques were suggested as effective ways to improve learners’ listening performance.  Article visualizations

    Analyse mathématique et simulation numérique des modèles d'écoulements bouillants pour la thermohydraulique des centrales nucléaires

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    We investigated some finite volume methods for the numerical simulation of a flow involving two incompressible phases or general two compressible phases in mechanical disequilibrium. The main difficulties of the regime where there is either a phase appearance or a phase disappearance is the singularity of the velocity. We show that using the entropy fix will much improve these problems. Finally, we perfom some important numerical tests to verify the numerical methods, such as a phase separation by gravity or a boiling channel.Nous avons étudié des méthodes de volumes finis pour la simulation numérique d'un flux impliquant deux phases incompressibles ou deux phases générales compressibles en déséquilibre mécanique. Les principales difficultés du régime où il y a une apparition de phase ou une disparition de phase est la singularité de la vitesse. Nous montrons que l'utilisation du l'entropie correction améliorer beaucoup ces problèmes. Enfin, nous simulons certains tests numériques importants pour vérifier les méthodes numériques, telles que la séparation de phase par gravité ou un canal bouillant

    Environmental Impacts and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Life Cycle Assessment of Wastewater Treatment Plants

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.Due to the impact of methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide on global warming, the quantity of these greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions from municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) has attracted more and more attentions. For decades, there has been a strong interest in mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The amount of GHG emitted depends on the influent and effluent characteristics, type of energy, and operation condition. Numerous tools have been developed to measure the emissions and propose the quantification, while Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) assesses the potential environmental impacts. However, the current knowledge for suggesting proper strategies towards sustainable development for WWTP is still limited due to the complex situation. This thesis investigated the environmental issues concerning the construction, operation, and demolition phases of the WWTP. Production and end-of-life solution activities for material, chemicals, energy, and all treatment processes were considered for the research. Detailed data inventories for various type of wastewater treatment systems, consists of natural-based and activated-based, were collected for calculation. ReCiPe 2016, EPD 2018, and TRACI life cycle impact assessment methods were employed via SimaPro 9.1 to measure all impact categories at both midpoint and endpoint levels. Two single-issue approaches, including Greenhouse Gas Protocol and Cumulative Energy Demand, were applied to support the results ensuring the hypotheses. The uncertainty analyses presented the accuracy of data, which significantly influenced the outcomes of the LCA. Obtaining information from other studies or using representative data from a single unit led to imprecision results. Therefore, the inclusion of construction and demolition phases in the assessment is vital. Moreover, results show that 12.8% of the total impacts were generated by construction and destruction activities. Their consequences on ozone depletion were 34%. The main contributors for the construction and demolition stage are concrete and reinforcing steel, while electricity and sludge are responsible for operation phase problems. It was found that operation period creates the most significant burdens and GHG emissions due to 90% of consumed energy are non-renewable fossil type. Regarding the benefit of nature and GHG emissions mitigation, materials recycling and different biogas conversion techniques are considered. The thesis concludes that 100% of recycled concrete and metal could reduce 4 ktons of CO₂ equivalent. The method of producing electricity and heat from biogas for internal utilization becomes the most optimistic when being avoided 115 g of CO₂ per m³ of wastewater

    Confronting corruption in the health sector in Vietnam: patterns and prospects

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    This repository item contains a single issue of the Health and Development Discussion Papers, an informal working paper series that began publishing in 2002 by the Boston University Center for Global Health and Development. It is intended to help the Center and individual authors to disseminate work that is being prepared for journal publication or that is not appropriate for journal publication but might still have value to readers.Corruption in Vietnam is a national concern which could derail health sector goals for equity, access, and quality. Yet, there is little research on vulnerabilities to corruption or associated factors at the sectoral level. This article examines current patterns of corruption in Vietnam’s health sector, identifies key corruption vulnerabilities, and reviews strategies for addressing corruption in the future. The article builds on the findings and discussion at the sixth Anti-Corruption Dialogue between the Vietnamese Government and the international donor community. Development partners, government agencies, Vietnamese and international non-governmental organizations, media representatives and other stakeholders explored what is known about important problems such as informal payments, procurement corruption, and health insurance fraud. The participants proposed corruption-reduction interventions in the areas of administrative oversight, transparency initiatives and civil society participation, and health reforms to change incentives. The analysis assesses the prospects for success of these interventions given the Vietnamese institutional context, and draws conclusions relevant to addressing health sector corruption in other countries


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    Community-based tourism (CBT) has been around since the 1970s and so far, has grown in popularity in most continents. This study systematically evaluates and generalizes theoretical and practical issues on CBT based on 87 related articles published in scientific journals under the Scopus system from 2013 to 2023 through the application of content analysis methods. The results also show that research in this area has different research areas and mainly uses qualitative methods. The literature review identified a number of key themes including: (1) benefits of CBT development, (2) community and stakeholder engagement, (3) advantages and barriers in CBT development, (4) community perceptions about CBT, and (5) sustainable CBT development. The article has analyzed research trends on CBT: theory and application.  Article visualizations

    BaAl1.4Si0.6O3.4N0.6:Eu2+ green phosphors’ application for improving luminous performance

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    The molten salt synthesis (MSS) method was used to effectively prepare green phosphors BaAl1.4Si0.6O3.4N0.6:Eu2+ (or BSON:Eu2+) via one homogeneous sphere-like morphology utilizing NaNO3 in the form of the reacting agent. The phosphors produced one wide stimulation spectrum between 250 and 460 nm, as well as a significant green emission has a maximum point at 510 nm owing to the 4f65d1-4f7 (8S7/2) shifts for Eu2+ ions. With illumination under 365 as well as 450 nm, the ideal discharge strengths for the specimen prepared utilizing melted salt would receive a boost of 17% and 13%, surpassing the specimen prepared utilizing the traditional solid-state reaction (SSR) approach. The abatement of concentration for the ions of Eu2+ from BSON:Eu2+ is 5 mol%. In addition, the interactivity of dipole-dipole would be the cause of said abatement. Heat abatement would be studied utilizing the formation coordinate method with abatement temperature reaching ∼200 oC. Elemental mapping as well as power-dispersing X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) spectra demonstrated that the expected BaAl1.4Si0.6O3.4N0.6:Eu2+ materials were formed