130 research outputs found

    Kaksoisurapariskuntien kansainvälinen liikkuvuus

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    This manuscript focuses on the growing phenomenon of expatriation among dual-career couples, where both partners are physically and psychologically committed to their work. Due to both the changing nature of the current workforce and more women aiming to work, this area merits increased attention from scholars. The empirical part of the thesis is based on two data sets of qualitative research, formed through a total of 36 comprehensive interviews with 18 assigned expatriates and 18 dual-career partners. The study comprises four articles, of which three are based on empirical data. The first article is a literature review of the existing research on dual-career expatriation, including the perspective of the expatriate and the role of their dual-career partner and also the existing corporate support practices. In the end, suggestions for future research are made. The second article addresses the issue of how career goals, pathways, and the agency of dual-career partners change as they progress from international relocation, through their adjustment to the host location, to the decision to repatriate back to their home country The third article examines the roles men adopt to facilitate successful female expatriation. The last article focuses on how dual-career couples adjust after repatriation, and what factors are connected with the level of their repatriation satisfaction. This study provides multiple theoretical contributions. It indicates that hope theory offers a useful framework for increasing our understanding of the changing goals, pathways and agency thinking of expatriate partners, and identifies a new seeking role undertaken by male expatriate partners supporting a female expatriate while looking for new career opportunities themselves. Furthermore, the study identifies four factors influencing a positive repatriation outcome: dual-career couple career self-management, their international orientation, the integration of work and family life, and the realization and implementation of future career interests. Last but not least, practical contributions include a range of insights for dual-career couples and for HR Managers in corporations that could boost the success of dual-career expatriate assignments and diversity among the workforce.Kansainvälistä uraliikkuvuutta on tutkittu jo paljon, mutta tutkimuksia uraorientoituneiden pariskuntien kansainvälisestä uraliikkuvuudesta on vain vähän. Tämän tutkimuksen empiirinen osio perustuu kaikkiaan 36 syvähaastatteluun (18 kansainväliselle työkomennukselle lähetettyä ekspatriaattia ja heidän 18 uraorientoitunutta puolisoaan). Tutkimuksen muodostaa kaikkiaan neljä artikkelia, joista kolme perustuu empiiriseen dataan. Ensimmäinen artikkeli on kirjallisuuskatsaus, joka tarkastelee tutkimuksen kohteena olevaa ilmiötä kansainvälisessä kontekstissa ja pyrkii vastaamaan kysymykseen: mitä kirjallisuus kertoo pariskuntien kansainvälisestä uraliikkuvuudesta sekä työkomennukselle lähetetyn ekspatriaatin, että hänen puolisonsa perspektiiveistä, ja minkälaista tukea heidän työnantajansa tarjoavat komennuksen onnistumiseksi. Artikkelin lopuksi tehdään ehdotuksia tulevaisuuden tutkimusaiheiksi. Toisessa artikkelissa paneudutaan puolisoiden uratavoitteiden ja -polkujen muodostukseen ja muutokseen kansainvälisen uraliikkuvuuden eri vaiheissa: kotimaasta lähtiessä, uuteen kohdemaahan sopeuduttaessa sekä paluupäätöksen ja kotiutumisen koittaessa. Kolmas artikkeli vastaa kysymykseen, millaisia rooleja puolisoidensa urakehitystä tukevat miehet ottavat mahdollistaakseen puolisoidensa kansainvälisen uraliikkuvuuden onnistumisen. Viimeinen artikkeli vastaa kysymykseen, kuinka urasuuntautuneet pariskunnat sopeutuvat palatessaan kotimaahansa, ja mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat paluusopeutumisen onnistumiseen. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että käytetty Hope-teoria tarjoaa hyödyllisen viitekehyksen pariskuntien muuttuvien uratavoitteiden analysoimiseen työkomennuksen eri vaiheissa. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa identifioidaan onnistuneeseen kotiinpaluuseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä kuten pariskuntien urajohtamisen taidot, kansainvälinen suuntautuminen, työ- ja perhe-elämän yhdistämisen taso sekä tulevaisuuden uraodotuksien toteutuminen paluun jälkeen. Tutkimus tarjoaa myös käytännön näkökulmia siihen, kuinka kaksoisurapariskunnat ja yritykset voivat parantaa pariskuntien kansainvälisten työkomennusten onnistumista.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Repatriation of international dual‐career couples

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    Combining the realities of dual-career couples (DCCs) and the requirements of international careers can be difficult. In order to improve the understanding of the repatriation experiences of international DCCs, we conducted interviews with both partners in 14 DCCs. Contrary to expectations, the majority of the interviewed couples reported very successful repatriation experiences and only a few adjustment challenges were raised. The interviews address the factors explaining such repatriation adjustment issues, and also elicit four key factors (active self-management of the expatriation process, earlier experience of expatriation and repatriation, the successful integration of work life and family life, and the realization of dual-career interests upon repatriation) connected with successful repatriation adjustment experiences.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: Developments in the Law Affecting Electronic Payments and Financial Services

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    Our past surveys have observed that frequent changes in the rules surrounding electronic payments-spurred by both regulation and enforcement actions create uncertainty and make forward progress difficult for many providers. This survey year is no exception: regulators have taken two steps forward, one step back on a number of fronts. This survey reports on (1) the proposal by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency ( OCC ) regarding fintech charters, which states have challenged in actions still pending- (2) changes to Regulation CC regarding remote check deposit and disputes over altered or forged checks-(3) the Supreme Court\u27s decision in Expression Hair Designs, which may create the potential for challenges to required regulatory disclosures- (4) a modification by the Internal Revenue Service ( IRS ) of its demand for Bitcoin user information from a virtual currency exchange, after facing court challenges and congressional inquiries- (5) new payroll card regulations in Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and New York-with the New York rule being invalidated by another state agency, throwing the whole controversy into the state courts- (6) recent enforcement actions by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ( CFPB ) and Federal Trade Commission ( FTC ) regarding unfair and deceptive acts and practices- and (7) the CFPB\u27s final rule regarding prepaid accounts. Like the proverbial frog trying to escape from a well, business lawyers who follow these issues must learn to deal with constant movement, albeit in multiple directions

    Developments in the Law Affecting Electronic Payments and Financial Services

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    This short article surveys developments in the law affecting electronic payments and financial services from June 1, 2017 to June 1, 2018. During this period, significant developments occurred that affected the regulation of initial coin offerings (ICOs), the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s proposal to issue “special purpose national bank charters” to FinTech companies, the CFPB’s final regulation of prepaid, general-purpose cards, state regulation of payroll cards, and how lawyers taking cryptocurrencies from clients as payment for services or for safekeeping should protect them. The survey also presents newly issued BitLicenses under the New York Department of Financial Services’ 2015 “BitLicense” regulation

    Developments in the Law Affecting Electronic Payments and Financial Services

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    Our past surveys have observed that frequent changes in the rules surrounding electronic payments-spurred by both regulation and enforcement actions create uncertainty and make forward progress difficult for many providers. This survey year is no exception: regulators have taken two steps forward, one step back on a number of fronts. This survey reports on (1) the proposal by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency ( OCC ) regarding fintech charters, which states have challenged in actions still pending- (2) changes to Regulation CC regarding remote check deposit and disputes over altered or forged checks-(3) the Supreme Court\u27s decision in Expression Hair Designs, which may create the potential for challenges to required regulatory disclosures- (4) a modification by the Internal Revenue Service ( IRS ) of its demand for Bitcoin user information from a virtual currency exchange, after facing court challenges and congressional inquiries- (5) new payroll card regulations in Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and New York-with the New York rule being invalidated by another state agency, throwing the whole controversy into the state courts- (6) recent enforcement actions by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ( CFPB ) and Federal Trade Commission ( FTC ) regarding unfair and deceptive acts and practices- and (7) the CFPB\u27s final rule regarding prepaid accounts. Like the proverbial frog trying to escape from a well, business lawyers who follow these issues must learn to deal with constant movement, albeit in multiple directions

    Polypharmacy and potentially inappropriate medication use in geriatric oncology.

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    Polypharmacy is a highly prevalent problem in older persons, and is challenging to assess and improve due to variations in definitions of the problem and the heterogeneous methods of medication review and reduction. The purpose of this review is to summarize evidence regarding the prevalence and impact of polypharmacy in geriatric oncology patients and to provide recommendations for assessment and management. Polypharmacy has somewhat variably been incorporated into geriatric assessment studies in geriatric oncology, and polypharmacy has not been consistently evaluated as a predictor of negative outcomes in patients with cancer. Once screened, interventions for polypharmacy are even more uncertain. There is a great need to create standardized interventions to improve polypharmacy in geriatrics, and particularly in geriatric oncology. The process of deprescribing is aimed at reducing medications for which real or potential harm outweighs benefit, and there are numerous methods to determine which medications are candidates for deprescribing. However, deprescribing approaches have not been evaluated in older patients with cancer. Ultimately, methods to identify polypharmacy will need to be clearly defined and validated, and interventions to improve medication use will need to be based on clearly defined and standardized methods

    The Glasgow Coma Scale and Evidence-Informed Practice: a critical review of where we are and where we need to be

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    Aims and Objectives This critical review considers the evidence since the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) was first launched, reflecting on how that evidence has shaped practice. It illustrates the lack of clarity and consensus about the use of the tool in practice and draws upon existing evidence in order to determine the route to clarity for an evidence-informed approach to practice. Background The GCS has permeated and influenced practice for over 40 years, being well-established worldwide as the key tool for assessing level of consciousness. During this time, the tool has been scrutinised, evaluated, challenged and relaunched in a plethora of publications. This has led to an insight into the challenges, and to some extent the opportunities, in using the GCS in practice but has also resulted in a lack of clarity. Design This is a discursive paper that invites readers to explore and arrive at a more comprehensive understanding of the GCS in practice and is based on searches of Scopus, Web of Knowledge, PubMed, Science Direct and CINAHL databases. Results While the GCS has been rivalled by other tools in an attempt to improve upon it, a shift in practice to those tools has not occurred. The tool has withstood the test of time in this respect, indicating the need for further research into its use and a clear education strategy to standardise implementation in practice. Conclusion Further exploration is needed into the application of painful stimuli in using the GCS to assess level of consciousness. Additionally, a robust educational strategy is necessary to maximise consistency in its use in practice

    Does Jacobson's relaxation technique reduce consumption of psychotropic and analgesic drugsin cancer patients? A multicenter pre-post intervention study

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    Background: Cancer patients often suffer from emotional distress as a result of the oncological process. The purpose of our study was to determine whether practice of Jacobson?s relaxation technique reduced consumption of psychotropic and analgesic drugs in a sample of cancer patients. Methods: This was a multicenter pre?post intervention design. Participants were 272 patients aged over 18 years attending 10 Spanish public hospitals with oncological pathologies and anxiety symptoms. The intervention consisted of a protocol of abbreviated progressive muscle relaxation training developed by Bernstein and Borkovec. This was followed up by telephone calls over a 1-month period. The intervention was performed between November 2014 and October 2015. Sociodemographic variables related to the oncological process, mental health variables, and intervention characteristics were measured. Results: A reduction in the consumption of psychotropic and analgesic drugs was observed throughout the follow-up period. Improvement was observed throughout the 4-week follow-up for all the parameters assessed: anxiety, relaxation, concentration, and mastery of the relaxation technique. Conclusions: The practice of abbreviated Jacobson?s relaxation technique can help to decrease the consumption of psychotropic and analgesic drugs. Patients experienced positive changes in all the evaluated parameters, at least during the 1-month follow-up. To confirm these findings, additional long-term studies are needed that include control groups. Trial registration: ISRCTN 81335752, DOI 10.1186/ISRCTN81335752 17. Date of registration: 22/11/2016 (retrospectively registered)