1,234 research outputs found

    Can Neuroscience Help Predict Future Antisocial Behavior?

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    Part I of this Article reviews the tools currently available to predict antisocial behavior. Part II discusses legal precedent regarding the use of, and challenges to, various prediction methods. Part III introduces recent neuroscience work in this area and reviews two studies that have successfully used neuroimaging techniques to predict recidivism. Part IV discusses some criticisms that are commonly levied against the various prediction methods and highlights the disparity between the attitudes of the scientific and legal communities toward risk assessment generally and neuroscience specifically. Lastly, Part V explains why neuroscience methods will likely continue to help inform and, ideally, improve the tools we use to help assess, understand, and predict human behavior

    Nitrogen Dynamics from Decomposing Litter of \u3ci\u3ePanicum maximum\u3c/i\u3e with Different Nitrogen and Phosphorus Content in Brazilian Alfissol

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    The objective of this study was to measure the dynamics (immobilization and release) of N and to evaluate the effect of the initial chemical composition of four Panicum maximum cultivars grown in a Alfisol and fertilized with different levels of nitrogen (0, 80 e 160 kg ha-1 de N) and phosphorus (0 e 200 kg ha-1), on the release of the N from the litter using the litterbags technique. There was an increase in the litter initial concentration of N with time of decomposition. The Aruana and Vencedor cultivars released about 70 and 60% of N; respectively, during the decomposition of the litter from 0 (zero) to 336 days; the Tobiatã and Tanzânia cultivars released about 30 and \u3e30% of N from the concentration of the initial litter respectively. Nitrogen fertization increased the N release, up to 20% in the highest N level tested (160 kg ha-1 of N)

    Psychopathic traits modulate brain responses to drug cues in incarcerated offenders

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    Recent neuroscientific evidence indicates that psychopathy is associated with abnormal function and structure in limbic and paralimbic areas. Psychopathy and substance use disorders are highly comorbid, but clinical experience suggests that psychopaths abuse drugs for different reasons than non-psychopaths, and that psychopaths do not typically experience withdrawal and craving upon becoming incarcerated. These neurobiological abnormalities may be related to psychopaths\u27 different motivations for-and symptoms of-drug use. This study examined the modulatory effect of psychopathic traits on the neurobiological craving response to pictorial drug stimuli. Drug-related pictures and neutral pictures were presented and rated by participants while hemodynamic activity was monitored using functional magnetic resonance imaging. These data were collected at two correctional facilities in New Mexico using the Mind Research Network mobile magnetic resonance imaging system. The sample comprised 137 incarcerated adult males and females (93 females) with histories of substance dependence. The outcome of interest was the relation between psychopathy scores (using the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised) and hemodynamic activity associated with viewing drug-related pictures vs. neutral pictures. There was a negative association between psychopathy scores and hemodynamic activity for viewing drug-related cues in the anterior cingulate, posterior cingulate, hippocampus, amygdala, caudate, globus pallidus, and parts of the prefrontal cortex. Psychopathic traits modulate the neurobiological craving response and suggest that individual differences are important for understanding and treating substance abuse

    Modular Organization of Functional Network Connectivity in Healthy Controls and Patients with Schizophrenia during the Resting State

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    Neuroimaging studies have shown that functional brain networks composed from select regions of interest have a modular community structure. However, the organization of functional network connectivity (FNC), comprising a purely data-driven network built from spatially independent brain components, is not yet clear. The aim of this study is to explore the modular organization of FNC in both healthy controls (HCs) and patients with schizophrenia (SZs). Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging data of HCs and SZs were decomposed into independent components (ICs) by group independent component analysis (ICA). Then weighted brain networks (in which nodes are brain components) were built based on correlations between ICA time courses. Clustering coefficients and connectivity strength of the networks were computed. A dynamic branch cutting algorithm was used to identify modules of the FNC in HCs and SZs. Results show stronger connectivity strength and higher clustering coefficient in HCs with more and smaller modules in SZs. In addition, HCs and SZs had some different hubs. Our findings demonstrate altered modular architecture of the FNC in schizophrenia and provide insights into abnormal topological organization of intrinsic brain networks in this mental illness

    Multimodal imaging measures predict rearrest

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    Rearrest has been predicted by hemodynamic activity in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) during error-processing (Aharoni et al., 2013). Here, we evaluate the predictive power after adding an additional imaging modality in a subsample of 45 incarcerated males from Aharoni et al. (2013). Event-related potentials (ERPs) and hemodynamic activity were collected during a Go/NoGo response inhibition task. Neural measures of error-processing were obtained from the ACC and two ERP components, the error-related negativity (ERN/Ne) and the error positivity (Pe). Measures from the Pe and ACC differentiated individuals who were and were not subsequently rearrested. Cox regression, logistic regression, and support vector machine (SVM) neuroprediction models were calculated. Each of these models proved successful in predicting rearrest and SVM provided the strongest results. Multimodal neuroprediction SVM models with out of sample cross-validating accurately predicted rearrest (83.33%). Offenders with increased Pe amplitude and decreased ACC activation, suggesting abnormal error-processing, were at greatest risk of rearrest

    Capacity and Maximal Inspiratory Pressure in Healthy Adults

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    Introduction Diaphragmatic fatigue during maximal exercise causes decreased blood flow to exercising limbs. Inspiratory muscle strength training (IMST) may decrease diaphragm fatigue. Current studies use 50% of maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) for IMST, but optimal dosing at higher intensities has not been well explored. Objective Investigate the impact of high intensity IMST on aerobic capacity and maximal inspiratory pressure in healthy adults. Methods This study was IRB approved by the university. All participants provided informed consent, and demographic information was collected. Results VO2 max did not change significantly in either intervention group after intervention period (p=0.143). Groups demonstrated significant improvement in MIP (p=0.011), but there was no significant difference between groups (p\u3c0.638). Conclusion VO2 max did not significantly change in the control or intervention groups. Post-intervention MIP measurements were significantly improved in both groups, but there was no significant difference between either group. High intensity IMST may not improve aerobic capacity in young, healthy adults after an 8-week intervention period. Clinical Relevance Maintaining diaphragmatic strength with IMST may help minimize respiratory fatigue and be useful for healthy adults with injuries limiting their mobility. Further research is needed to evaluate optimal IMST intensity for maximal benefit as 80% may be too intense

    Proof of the Hyperplane Zeros Conjecture of Lagarias and Wang

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    We prove that a real analytic subset of a torus group that is contained in its image under an expanding endomorphism is a finite union of translates of closed subgroups. This confirms the hyperplane zeros conjecture of Lagarias and Wang for real analytic varieties. Our proof uses real analytic geometry, topological dynamics and Fourier analysis.Comment: 25 page

    Ocean circulation and Tropical Variability in the Coupled Model ECHAM5/MPI-OM

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    This paper describes the mean ocean circulation and the tropical variability simulated by the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) coupled atmosphere–ocean general circulation model (AOGCM). Results are presented from a version of the coupled model that served as a prototype for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) simulations. The model does not require flux adjustment to maintain a stable climate. A control simulation with present-day greenhouse gases is analyzed, and the simulation of key oceanic features, such as sea surface temperatures (SSTs), large-scale circulation, meridional heat and freshwater transports, and sea ice are compared with observations. A parameterization that accounts for the effect of ocean currents on surface wind stress is implemented in the model. The largest impact of this parameterization is in the tropical Pacific, where the mean state is significantly improved: the strength of the trade winds and the associated equatorial upwelling weaken, and there is a reduction of the model’s equatorial cold SST bias by more than 1 K. Equatorial SST variability also becomes more realistic. The strength of the variability is reduced by about 30% in the eastern equatorial Pacific and the extension of SST variability into the warm pool is significantly reduced. The dominant El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) period shifts from 3 to 4 yr. Without the parameterization an unrealistically strong westward propagation of SST anomalies is simulated. The reasons for the changes in variability are linked to changes in both the mean state and to a reduction in atmospheric sensitivity to SST changes and oceanic sensitivity to wind anomalies

    Higher media multi-tasking activity is associated with smaller gray-matter density in the anterior cingulate cortex

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    Media multitasking, or the concurrent consumption of multiple media forms, is increasingly prevalent in today’s society and has been associated with negative psychosocial and cognitive impacts. Individuals who engage in heavier media-multitasking are found to perform worse on cognitive control tasks and exhibit more socio-emotional difficulties. However, the neural processes associated with media multi-tasking remain unexplored. The present study investigated relationships between media multitasking activity and brain structure. Research has demonstrated that brain structure can be altered upon prolonged exposure to novel environments and experience. Thus, we expected differential engagements in media multitasking to correlate with brain structure variability. This was confirmed via Voxel-Based Morphometry (VBM) analyses: Individuals with higher Media Multitasking Index (MMI) scores had smaller gray matter density in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Functional connectivity between this ACC region and the precuneus was negatively associated with MMI. Our findings suggest a possible structural correlate for the observed decreased cognitive control performance and socio-emotional regulation in heavy media-multitaskers. While the cross-sectional nature of our study does not allow us to specify the direction of causality, our results brought to light novel associations between individual media multitasking behaviors and ACC structure differences