277 research outputs found

    Knowledge and Skills Needed to Craft Successful Cybersecurity Strategies

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    Daily advancing technologies and next-generation networks are creating entirely dierent digital environments for people, organizations, and governments within the next several years. Because cybersecurity provision in such environments involves many actors and must overcome many evolving threats and challenges, strategies must be responsive and multi-pronged. Development and execution of suficiently savvy strategies to face the complex problems in this context necessitate identification of all the actors and operations that aect, directly or indirectly, on the cybersecurity of the digital ecosystems. In this study, we seek to provoke thinking about how actors and stakeholders could get better at crafting successful cybersecurity strategies, and identify and integrate specic types of skills required to formulation these strategies taking into account where decisions are actually made. This work provides an insight into cybersecurity education, calibrating and differentiating knowledge and skills to make the right demands on the right actors who have the authority and responsiveness to introduce change from multiple entry points. This enables practitioners to adopt more hands-on approaches that can be helpful to improve transparency, accountability and collaboration across levels of a socio-technical system

    Protections without Rights: A Liberal Indictment of Factory Farming

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    I argue that factory farming should be abolished consistent with the principles of classical liberalism. To make my case, I first argue that anti-cruelty is a commitment of classical liberalism (Section 2). In Section 3, I explain how the commitments of classical liberalism, including a commitment to anti-cruelty, give us weighty reasons to abolish factory farming. Then, I consider and respond to the objection that the property rights of factory farmers override the strength of reasons for the abolition of factory farming (Section 4). Finally, I conclude (Section 5) by flagging some other possible implications of taking seriously a liberal commitment to anti-cruelty


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    This study has aimed to introduce a novel strategy for exploring the Manto-Michigan copper deposits, considered a principal copper resource after the porphyry type. Faults and crushed zones have a prominent role in this deposit type, and so we hope to detect unique patterns in magnetic responses that provide a helpful indicator to determine the mineralized zone. Accordingly, we want to test the magnetometry in Manto-type exploration. We performed a magnetometry survey in the Dochileh copper deposit that other researchers have claimed to be a Manto-Michigan type with a distance of 10 meters between survey lines and a spacing of 5 meters among stations on each profile. After processing the required maps, the residual magnetic map does not show any typical dipole magnetic anomaly, but some linear trends exist. One of those linear trends belongs to a faulted and crushed zone with a length of almost 2.5 km and different widths between 50 and 250 meters. The previous mineralized zones indicated by other prospectors who relied more on geological evidence in the Dochileh area have mostly stayed inside this negative value on the residual map. Four new boreholes were made in the negative anomaly to evaluate our hypothesis, and the derived cores confirmed the native copper, malachite, and cuprite mineralization.Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio primijeniti novu strategiju za istraživanje ležišta bakra tipa Manto-Michigan, koji se smatraju glavnim resursom bakra nakon ležišta porfirnoga tipa. S obzirom na to da rasjedi i zdrobljene zone imaju istaknutu ulogu u ovoj vrsti naslaga, očekivana je pojava jedinstvenih magnetskih obrazaca kao pokazatelja zone mineralizacije. U skladu s tim, testirana je magnetometrija u istraživanju ove vrste ležišta bakra Dochileh, tipa Manto-Michigan. Linije istraživanja bile su udaljene 10 metara uz razmak od 5 metara između stanica na svakome profilu. Nakon kartiranja karta magnetskih reziduala nije pokazala nikakvu dipolnu anomaliju, ali su zabilježeni određeni linearni trendovi. Jedan od njih pripada rasjednoj i zdrobljenoj zoni duljine gotovo 2,5 km i širine između 50 i 250 metara. Prethodno opisane mineralizirane zone, izdvojene na temelju geologije područja Dochileh, uglavnom se podudaraju s negativnim vrijednostima na karti reziduala. Načinjene su četiri nove ocjenske bušotine u granicama negativne anomalije, a izvedene jezgre potvrdile su mineralizacije bakra, malahita i kuprita

    Importance of Price for Buying Environmentally Friendly Products

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    This study considered price as an important indicator, which could affects customers’ decisionmaking about buying an environmentally friendly product and investigated the intention of buyers for buying ecological product in comparison with non-environmentally friendly products with regard to price. For such a reason products have been categorized in three different categories such as: Short term, Middle term and Long-term products. The respondents were asked to answer whether they are interested to buy environmentally friendly products when the normal products exist in the market or they have no intention to buy these kinds of products. More over it has been tried to explore that how much the buyers will accept to pay more for environmentally friendly products rather than nonecological products in each category (short term, middle term and long term). Consequently, each category has been divided to six different percentage levels of price to indicate the percentage of acceptance by customers to pay more for the specified categories of eco-friendly products in comparison to non-environmentally friendly products. The result of this research shows that the majority of customers agree to pay certain percentage more to buy environmentally friendly products with eco labels and ecological characteristics rather than non-environmentally products when these green products are available in the market

    Palm Fatty Acid as a New Renewable Source for Industrial Lubricant

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    The sources of petroleum are being reduced from day to day and petroleum is a major source of environmental pollution. Many researchers are trying to find other alternatives, namely renewable and green energy sources to substitute the petroleum in every sector. One of the best alternative sources for petroleum is bio oils. In this paper, a comparative study of friction and wear was carried out using four balls tester. Palm Fatty Acid distillate (PFAD) and additive free paraffinic mineral oil were used as lubricants. PFAD is a product from refined crude palm oil. It exists in light brown solid at room temperature. For the wear test, the research was done with two kinds of oils under ASTM condition in which applied load is 392N. The sliding speed was 1200rpm under lubricant temperature of 75 degree Celsius. The experiment was r un for 3600 seconds. The experimental results demonstrated that the PFAD exhibited better performance in terms of friction and wear compared to paraffinic mineral oil

    Evaluation of rate of reference to latin books of central library of Shahrekord university of medical sciences from 2006 to 2011

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    زمینه و هدف: دسترسی سریع و آسان به منابع اطلاعاتی توسط محققین، مدرسین و دانشجویان رکن اصلی و پایه آموزش و پژوهش در دانشگاه است. این پژوهش با هدف تعیین میزان استفاده از کتاب‌های لاتین موجود در کتابخانه مرکزی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهرکرد انجام شده است. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه توصیفی - مقطعی، داده های حاصل از دفعات امانت تمامی کتاب‌های لاتین و ترجمه شده به زبان فارسی موجود در کتابخانه مرکزی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهرکرد در طی مدت 6 سال (اول فروردین سال 1385 تا پایان سال 1390) بر اساس نرم افزار کتابخانه نسخه Diglib و دفاتر امانتی موجود (به تفکیک سال) از طریق مشاهده توسط پ‍ژوهشگر استخراج گردید و با تلفیق اطلاعات بدست آمده در برنامه Excel و بررسی دفاتر امانت، نتیجه‌گیری نهایی انجام شد. یافته‌ها: یافته ها نشان داد که میزان استفاده از کتب لاتین در دوره مطالعه 1818 مورد و میزان استفاده از کتب فارسی 54399 مورد بوده‌ است. 5/70 از کتب لاتین و 46/36 از کتب فارسی حتی یکبار هم در طی مدت 6 سال مطالعه به امانت برده نشده‌ و دفعات استفاده از کتب فارسی بیشتر از کتب لاتین بوده ‌است. بیشترین فراوانی استفاده مربوط به رده‌بندی QX با 66/66 و کمترین فراوانی مربوط به رده بندی QU با 57/3 بوده است. نتیجه‌گیری: با توجه به نتایج به دست آمده، بار امانت کتب لاتین به مراتب کمتر از کتب فارسی بوده و لازم است در گزینش منابع اطلاعاتی و اطلاع رسانی به موقع و صحیح به مراجعه کنندگان تدابیری صورت گیرد

    Study of antidiabetic activity of two novel Schiff base derived dibromo and dichloro substituted compounds in streptozotocin-nicotinamide-induced diabetic rats: pilot study

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    Schiff bases are aldehyde-or ketone-like chemical compounds in which an imine or azomethine group replaces the carbonyl group. Such compounds show various beneficial biological activities, such as anti-inflammation and antioxidants. The present study addresses comprehensiveevaluation of antidiabetic effect of two novel dibromides and dichlorides substituted Schiff bases substituted Schiff bases (2,2'-[1,2-cyclohexanediylbis (nitriloethylidyne)]bis[4-chlorophenol] (CNCP) and 2, 2'-[1,2-cyclohexanediylbis(nitriloethylidyne)]bis[4-bromophenol] (CNBP) with two different doses, high (LD) and low (LD) in streptozotocin and nicotinamide induced diabetic rats. The rats were separated into normal, untreated, treated and reference groups. Except for the normal group, diabetes traits were induced in the rest animals. Insulin level was measured, and the effect of the compounds on biochemical parameters of liver function and lipid profile were evaluated. High glucose and decreased insulin level are observed in the groups. The histological evaluation confirms that the hepatic architecture in the treated animals with a low dose of CNCP is quite similar to that of the normal hepatic structure and characterized by normal central vein, hepatocytes without any fatty alterations and mild red blood cell infiltration. CNCP (LD) and CNBP (HD) are more successful in enhancing cell survival in the diabetic rat’s liver and can be responsible for causing much healthier structure and notable morphology improvement

    A Supervised Embedding and Clustering Anomaly Detection method for classification of Mobile Network Faults

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    The paper introduces Supervised Embedding and Clustering Anomaly Detection (SEMC-AD), a method designed to efficiently identify faulty alarm logs in a mobile network and alleviate the challenges of manual monitoring caused by the growing volume of alarm logs. SEMC-AD employs a supervised embedding approach based on deep neural networks, utilizing historical alarm logs and their labels to extract numerical representations for each log, effectively addressing the issue of imbalanced classification due to a small proportion of anomalies in the dataset without employing one-hot encoding. The robustness of the embedding is evaluated by plotting the two most significant principle components of the embedded alarm logs, revealing that anomalies form distinct clusters with similar embeddings. Multivariate normal Gaussian clustering is then applied to these components, identifying clusters with a high ratio of anomalies to normal alarms (above 90%) and labeling them as the anomaly group. To classify new alarm logs, we check if their embedded vectors' two most significant principle components fall within the anomaly-labeled clusters. If so, the log is classified as an anomaly. Performance evaluation demonstrates that SEMC-AD outperforms conventional random forest and gradient boosting methods without embedding. SEMC-AD achieves 99% anomaly detection, whereas random forest and XGBoost only detect 86% and 81% of anomalies, respectively. While supervised classification methods may excel in labeled datasets, the results demonstrate that SEMC-AD is more efficient in classifying anomalies in datasets with numerous categorical features, significantly enhancing anomaly detection, reducing operator burden, and improving network maintenance

    Dynamic Prediction of Traffic Conditions Using Streaming Data and Bayesian Approach

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    RÉSUMÉ La diffusion des données peut être définie par son volume remarquable, la génération de vitesse, la richesse de l’information et la diversité de l’information. Aujourd’hui, de grandes quantités de données, produites par de nombreuses sources nouvelles, peuvent être classées dans ce type de données. Des domaines tels que le transport et l’ingénierie du trafic peuvent bénéficier de ces ensembles de données. L’utilisation de diffusion de données pour créer de nouvelles méthodes de modélisation des comportements de déplacement peut être utile de trois manières. Tout d’abord, cela peut réduire le temps requis et le coût de collecte de données suffisantes avec les méthodes conventionnelles. Deuxièmement, cela peut augmenter le niveau de précision des modèles proposés et les simulations mises en oeuvre. De plus la diffusion de données peut réduire la dépendance à l’égard des données traditionnelles.----------ABSTRACT Streaming data can be defined by its remarkable volume, generation of speed, richness of information, and diversity of information. Today, large volumes of data, produced by many new sources, can be classified as this type of data. Domains such as transportation and traffic engineering can benefit from these datasets. Using streaming data to create new methods of travel behaviour modelling can be helpful in three ways. First of all, it can reduce the required time and cost of collecting sufficient data from conventional methods. Secondly, it can increase the accuracy level of proposed models and implemented simulations. Finally, it can reduce dependency on traditional cross-sectional data