673 research outputs found


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    Altai collision system of Hercynides was formed in Late Paleozoic as a result of oblique collision of Siberian continent and Kazakhstan composed terrane [Vladimirov et al., 2003; 2008; Xiao et al., 2010]. At the late stages of its evolution (time interval from 310–300 to 280–270 Ma) the huge different mafic and felsic magmatism occurred at the territory (Fig. 1) [Vladimirov et al., 2008; Khromykh et al., 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016; Kotler et al., 2015; Sokolova et al., 2016]. It is evident about increased thermal gradient in lithosphere and about significant role of mantle and active manifestation of mantle-crust interactions. Some magmatic complexes may be considered as indicators of mantle-crust interaction processes.Altai collision system of Hercynides was formed in Late Paleozoic as a result of oblique collision of Siberian continent and Kazakhstan composed terrane [Vladimirov et al., 2003; 2008; Xiao et al., 2010]. At the late stages of its evolution (time interval from 310–300 to 280–270 Ma) the huge different mafic and felsic magmatism occurred at the territory (Fig. 1) [Vladimirov et al., 2008; Khromykh et al., 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016; Kotler et al., 2015; Sokolova et al., 2016]. It is evident about increased thermal gradient in lithosphere and about significant role of mantle and active manifestation of mantle-crust interactions. Some magmatic complexes may be considered as indicators of mantle-crust interaction processes

    Subgenomic replicons of the flavivirus Kunjin: construction and applications

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    Several Kunjin virus (KUN) subgenomic replicons containing large deletions in the structural region (C-prM-E) and in the 3' untranslated region (3'UTR) of the genome have been constructed. Replicon RNA Delta ME with 1,987 nucleotides deleted (from nucleotide 417 [in codon 108] in the C gene to nucleotide 2403 near the carboxy terminus of the E gene, inclusive) and replicon RNA C20rep with 2,247 nucleotides deleted (from nucleotide 157 [in codon 20] in C to nucleotide 2403) replicated efficiently in electroporated BHK21 cells. A further deletion from C20rep of 53 nucleotides, reducing the coding sequence in core protein to two codons (C2rep RNA), resulted in abolishment of RNA replication. Replicon Delta ME/76 with a deletion of 76 nucleotides in the 3'UTR of Delta ME RNA (nucleotides 10423 to 10498) replicated efficiently, whereas replicon Delta ME/352 with a larger deletion of 352 nucleotides (nucleotides 10423 to 10774), including two conserved sequences RCS3 and CS3, was significantly inhibited in RNA replication. To explore the possibility of using a reporter gene assay to monitor synthesis of the positive strand and the negative strand of KUN RNA, we inserted a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene into the 3'UTR of Delta ME/76 RNA under control of the internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) of encephalomyelocarditis virus RNA in both plus (Delta ME/76CAT[+])- and minus (Delta ME/76CAT[-])-sense orientations. Although insertion of the IRES-CAT cassette in the plus-sense orientation resulted in a significant (10- to 20-fold) reduction of RNA replication compared to that of the parental Delta ME/76 RNA, CAT expression was readily detected in electroporated BHK cells. No CAT expression was detected after electroporation of RNA containing the IRES-CAT cassette inserted in the minus-sense orientation despite its apparently more efficient replication (similar to that of Delta ME/76 RNA); this result indicated that KUN negative-strand RNA was probably not released from its template after synthesis. Replacement of the CAT gene in the Delta ME/76CAT(+) RNA with the neomycin gene (Neo) enabled selection and recovery of a BHK cell culture in which the majority of cells were continuously expressing the replicon RNA for 41 days (nine passages) without apparent cytopathic effect. The constructed KUN replicons should provide valuable tools to study flavivirus RNA replication as well as providing possible vectors for a long-lasting and noncytopathic RNA virus expression system

    Приложение для мониторинга затопления территории при обрушении плотины в Лаосе в 2018 г. на основе данных SAR Sentinel-1A и объектно-ориентированного метода

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    Flood disasters seriously threaten the survival and development of human beings. Monitoring the changes of water bodies during floods and estimating the affected area is essential for comprehensive and accurate analysis of disaster information. Recently, radar satellite data has been increasingly used for flood monitoring, since in this case, cloudiness is not an obstacle to estimating the flood area. In this paper Sentinel-1 ground range detected (GRD) data was selected to estimate the inundated area after the Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Dam breach in Laos at the end of July 2018. The flooded Hinlat area and the Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy reservoir were selected as the study area for flood inundation extent monitoring, because this area is characterized by bare land, agricultural land, and residential land with complex topography and geomorphology. The study area is located in the Bolaven Plateau, is a highland region in southern Laos. One of the reasons for the flooding of the study area is an elevation difference between upper reaches and downstream of the river. Several reaches with a convex profile and knickpoints because of the geologic control when draining the plateau represent the undeveloped longitudinal profile of the Vang Ngao River. The main channel of the Vang Ngao River is dug into Mesozoic fluvial sandstones, which resist scouring by the flood. The eCognition software is used to organize the process of extracting information about the flood zone. The object-oriented approach and the threshold method are combined to extract information about the reservoir. First, SNAP software is used to pre-process Sentinel-1A SAR images. Then, the eCognition multi-scale segmentation method is used to determine the best segmentation scale, for iterative testing and comparative analysis of experimental results, taking into account the characteristics of the object and a priori knowledge. After sensitivity analysis of the flooded area image features and other features, the VH-polarized backscattered mean features were selected to construct a knowledge base for flooded area extraction to differentiate water and non-water bodies. At the same time, the modified bare soil index (MBI) and the terrain relief were combined to remove the influence of bare land and mountain shadow on the extraction results to achieve the 2018 dam collapse flood monitoring in Laos. Finally, the extent and area of the affected region were analyzed and the changes of water bodies before and after the disaster were mapped. The study shows that the monitoring results of Sentinel-1A SAR data are more consistent with the actual situation and have significant advantages in flood hazard monitoring and assessment, which can effectively carry out large-scale flood inundation extent monitoring

    Cellular and humoral immunity in children with asthma

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    Asthma – is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways, which most researchers attribute to allergic diseases which are based on immunological mechanisms, essentially even at present the subject of numerous studies. The aim of our study was to determine the cellular and humoral immunity in children with various forms of asthma. We have comprehensively examined 200 children with asthma aged 6 to 17 years. Found that state humoral and cellular immunity in patients with asthma differs depending on the form of the disease, such as serum IgA was at 24.68% higher at nonatopic asthma compared with atopic its form. Phagocytic index in children with asthma in nonatopic 2.92 times higher than in atopic asthma, indicating the presence of an infectious factor. Marked changes in cellular and humoral immunity depending on the content of 25 (OH) D3 and cathelitcidin LL-37. Thus, the value of IgA was 1.75 times higher in patients with the optimal content of 25 (OH) D3 in the serum, unlike the parameters in children with failure and deficiency of this vitamin. Found that in children with asthma containing cathelitcidin LL-37 inthe serum of more than 51.9 pg / ml phagocytic index at 44.74% higher compared to patients in whom serum content cathelitcidin LL-37 was less than 17 55 pg / ml

    trans-complementation analysis of the flavivirus Kunjin ns5 gene reveals an essential role for translation of its N-terminal half in RNA replication

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    Recently we described rescue of defective Kunjin virus (KUN) RNAs with small deletions in the methyltransferase and RNA polymerase motifs of the ns5 gene, using BHK cells stably expressing KUN replicon RNA (repBHK cells) as helper (A. A. Khromykh et al., J. Virol. 72:7270-7279, 1998). We have now extended our previous observations and report successful trans-complementation of defective KUN RNAs with most of the ns5 gene deleted or substituted with a heterologous (dengue virus) ns5 sequence. Replication of full-length KUN RNAs with 3'-terminal deletions of 136 (5%), 933 (34%), and 1526 (56%) nucleotides in the ns5 gene was complemented efficiently in transfected repBHK cells. RNA with a larger deletion of 2,042 nucleotides (75%) was complemented less efficiently, and RNA with an even larger deletion of 2,279 nucleotides (84%) was not complemented at all. Chimeric KUN genomic RNA containing 87% of the KUN ns5 gene replaced by the corresponding sequence of the dengue virus type 2 ns5 gene was unable to replicate in normal BHK cells but was complemented in repBHK cells. These results demonstrate for the first time complementation of flavivirus RNAs with large deletions (as much as 75%) in the RNA polymerase gene and establish that translation of most of the N-terminal half of NS5 is essential for complementation in trans. A model of formation of the flavivirus replication complex implicating a possible role in RNA replication of conserved coding sequences in the N-terminal half of NS5 is proposed based on the complementation and earlier results with KUN and on reported data with other flaviviruses

    Morpho-ecological structure of oribatid mite (Acariformes, Oribatida) communities in the forest litter of recultivated areas

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    The study of morpho-ecological organization of oribatid mite communities (Acariformes, Oribatida) inhabiting forest litter of recultivated areas in steppe zone conditions of Ukraine was performed. The role of the forest and forest floor litter in optimization of the ecological situation on degraded lands was demonstrated. The function of environment creation by oribatids, as primary destructors of dead plant matter, supporting such ecosystem services as soil fertility improvement and nutrients turnover was highlighted. The research was performed within different stratigraphic types of bulk edaphotops in the recultivated plot of “Pavlogradskaya” colliery (Pavlograd, Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukraine) planted with red juniper (Juniperus virginiana L.). Withdrawal and collection of mites was performed with thermoeclector. For determination of the domination structure in the mite communities, the Engelmann scale was used. Adaptive (morpho-ecological) groups of oribatid mites were diagnosed by Krivolutsky. It was established that the number of species of oribatid mites in the forest litter of the studied red juniper plantation varied from 16 to 25. Average density of oribatid mites varied from 4,720 to 25,327 ind./m2. Among such morpho-ecological groups as soil surface inhabitants, small soil pore inhabitants, deep soil forms, floor litter inhabitants and unspecified forms, identified in the coniferous litter, the share of unspecified forms increased from loess-like loam type (21% of total amount) to Calcic Chernozem types with different stratigraphy (41.0%, 70.0% and 70.4% accordingly). Deep soil forms in the forest floor litter of the studied red juniper plots were not identified for any of recultivation types. The obtained results expand our understanding of the role of oribatid mites in the processes of ecological rehabilitation of disturbed ecosystems in the conditions of modern nature management

    Research of phenolic compounds content in yoshta berries for the perspective of cultivation and use in healthy nutrition in the steppe zone of Ukraine

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    Unfavourable socio-economic conditions and unbalanced nutrition, expressed in the deficiency of biologically active substances, determine the need to use fruit crops as a source of biologically active substances. In world practice, priority is given to fruit plants that have biological activity useful for the human body. The relevance of the concept of balanced natural nutrition is increasing with the growth of the global population. Products containing pesticides, preservatives, artificial colors and flavors or other chemicals are included in the "black" list of all natural food advocates. Jošta fruits is a low-calorie berry, 100 g of berries contain only 45‒48 calories. Nutritional value of yoshta (per 100 g of product): carbohydrates ‒ 9.1 g; fats ‒ 0.2 g; proteins ‒ 0.7 g; water ‒ 80 g. Jošta fruits contains vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in large quantities, vitamin P (rutin), pectin substances, phytoncides, organic acids, sugar, anthocyanins, potassium, iron, iodine, copper, etc. And the anthocyanins included in its composition accelerate metabolic processes and are capable of breaking down fats. Pectins improve and normalize intestinal microflora, which in turn contributes to cleansing. The aim of the work was the study of Jošta plant as a promising species for further possible ecological diversity of the territory of the right bank of the Dnieper in Ukraine. The rare currant-gooseberry hybrid Jošta plant can be recommended for growing and using fruit products in functional human nutrition. The Jošta can be recommended for the cultivation and use of fruit products in functional human nutrition and, in particular, in the restaurant business namely locavores for the presentation of the author's intellectual interpretation of local product

    Subgenomic flaviviral RNAs: what do we know after the first decade of research

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    The common feature of flaviviral infection is the accumulation of abundant virus-derived noncoding RNA, named flaviviral subgenomic RNA (sfRNA) in infected cells. This RNA represents a product of incomplete degradation of viral genomic RNA by the cellular 5′-3′ exoribonuclease XRN1 that stalls at the conserved highly structured elements in the 3′ untranslated region (UTR). This mechanism of sfRNA generation was discovered a decade ago and since then sfRNA has been a focus of intense research. The ability of flaviviruses to produce sfRNA was shown to be evolutionary conserved in all members of Flavivirus genus. Mutations in the 3′UTR that affect production of sfRNAs and their interactions with host factors showed that sfRNAs are responsible for viral pathogenicity, host adaptation, and emergence of new pathogenic strains. RNA structural elements required for XRN1 stalling have been elucidated and the role of sfRNAs in inhibiting host antiviral responses in arthropod and vertebrate hosts has been demonstrated. Some molecular mechanisms determining these properties of sfRNA have been recently characterized, while other aspects of sfRNA functions remain an open avenue for future research. In this review we summarise the current state of knowledge on the mechanisms of generation and functional roles of sfRNAs in the life cycle of flaviviruses and highlight the gaps in our knowledge to be addressed in the future

    Морфологічні показники продихів і склад кутикулярних восків листків липи повстистої (Tilia tomentosa Moench) за умов освітлення та затінення

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    Objective – to determine the differences in the morphological parameters of stomata and the component composition of cuticular waxes of silver linden (Tilia tomentosa Moench) leaves under conditions of lighting and shading in the crown of a tree. Material and methods. The sun-adapted and shadeadapted fully developed leaves of silver linden were selected as the test objects in our study. The component composition of the cuticular waxes was investigated by gas chromatography method, and stomata size and quantity values were determined on the epidermal imprints of the abaxial side of leaves. Results. The adaptive changes in leaves of the alien invasive plant species silver linden were established under conditions of increasing light intensity and temperature and reducing air humidity. Conclusion. The leaf surface area, leaf weight per unit area, density of stomata, and the content of the long chain components of the cuticular waxes increase, the length and the width of stomata decrease under conditions of lighting.Мета – визначити відмінності у морфологічних показниках продихів і складі кутикулярних восків листків липи повстистої (Tilia tomentosa Moench) в умовах освітлення та затінення. Матеріал та методи. Для дослідження відбирали оптимально розвинуті непошкоджені листки липи повстистої. Склад поверхневих восків вивчали методом капілярної газової хроматографії. Кількість і розмір замикальних клітин продихів визначали на відбитках епідермісу на абаксіальному боці листків рослин. Результати. Встановлено адаптивні зміни в листках липи повстистої в умовах збільшення інтенсивності освітлення і температури та зниження вологості повітря. Висновок. За умов освітлення збільшується площа листкової пластинки, маса одиниці площі листків, щільність продихів та вміст довголанцюгових компонентів у складі кутикулярних восків, а довжина і ширина продихів зменшуються порівняно із затіненими листками