13 research outputs found

    Exploring the complexities of 1C metabolism: implications in aging and neurodegenerative diseases

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    The intricate interplay of one-carbon metabolism (OCM) with various cellular processes has garnered substantial attention due to its fundamental implications in several biological processes. OCM serves as a pivotal hub for methyl group donation in vital biochemical reactions, influencing DNA methylation, protein synthesis, and redox balance. In the context of aging, OCM dysregulation can contribute to epigenetic modifications and aberrant redox states, accentuating cellular senescence and age-associated pathologies. Furthermore, OCM\u27s intricate involvement in cancer progression is evident through its capacity to provide essential one-carbon units crucial for nucleotide synthesis and DNA methylation, thereby fueling uncontrolled cell proliferation and tumor development. In neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer\u27s and Parkinson\u27s, perturbations in OCM pathways are implicated in the dysregulation of neurotransmitter synthesis and mitochondrial dysfunction, contributing to disease pathophysiology. This review underscores the profound impact of OCM in diverse disease contexts, reinforcing the need for a comprehensive understanding of its molecular complexities to pave the way for targeted therapeutic interventions across inflammation, aging and neurodegenerative disorders

    Glutathione Deficiency in Cardiac Patients Is Related to the Functional Status and Structural Cardiac Abnormalities

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: The tripeptide glutathione (L-gamma-glutamyl-cysteinyl-glycine) is essential to cell survival, and deficiency in cardiac and systemic glutathione relates to heart failure progression and cardiac remodelling in animal models. Accordingly, we investigated cardiac and blood glutathione levels in patients of different functional classes and with different structural heart diseases. METHODS: Glutathione was measured using standard enzymatic recycling method in venous blood samples obtained from 91 individuals, including 15 healthy volunteers and 76 patients of New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class I to IV, undergoing cardiac surgery for coronary artery disease, aortic stenosis or terminal cardiomyopathy. Glutathione was also quantified in right atrial appendages obtained at the time of surgery. RESULTS: In atrial tissue, glutathione was severely depleted (-58%) in NYHA class IV patients compared to NYHA class I patients (P = 0.002). In patients with coronary artery disease, this depletion was related to the severity of left ventricular dysfunction (P = 0.006). Compared to healthy controls, blood glutathione was decreased by 21% in NYHA class I patients with structural cardiac disease (P<0.01), and by 40% in symptomatic patients of NYHA class II to IV (P<0.0001). According to the functional NYHA class, significant depletion in blood glutathione occurred before detectable elevation in blood sTNFR1, a marker of symptomatic heart failure severity, as shown by the exponential relationship between these two parameters in the whole cohort of patients (r = 0.88). CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence that cardiac and systemic glutathione deficiency is related to the functional status and structural cardiac abnormalities of patients with cardiac diseases. These data also suggest that blood glutathione test may be an interesting new biomarker to detect asymptomatic patients with structural cardiac abnormalities

    Le déficit en glutathion dans l'insuffisance cardiaque : études dans plusieurs modÚles expérimentaux et chez les patients

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    Outre son role majeur dans la resistance cellulaire au stress oxydant, le tripeptide glutathion (L-Æ’Ă glutamyl- cysteinyl-glycine) est essentiel a la survie cellulaire. Un deficit en glutathion, associe a un stress oxydant, est un trait commun a plusieurs maladies chroniques inflammatoires et degeneratives. Dans le cadre de ces differentes pathologies, plusieurs etudes ont montre que la prise orale de N-acetylcysteine (NAC), un precurseur de glutathion, ameliorait l'etat des patients. Le stress oxydant et l'inflammation sont deux caracteristiques principales de l'insuffisance cardiaque et des dystrophies musculaires. Nous avons pose l'hypothese d'un deficit en glutathion dans ces maladies et les benefices possibles d'un traitement par le NAC. Dans le modele du rat developpant une insuffisance cardiaque post-infarctus, nous montrons qu'il existe un deficit en glutathion tissulaire. Un mois de traitement oral par le NAC, donne en curatif post-infarctus, restaure le taux de glutathion cardiaque, reduit le stress oxydant, et interrompt le cycle vicieux inflammation/mort cellulaire, TNF/TNF-R1/NSMase/ caspase-3/apoptose. Un deficit en glutathion systemique et tissulaire caracterise aussi les souris LmnaH222P/H222P de 6-7 mois developpant une cardiomyopathie dilatee, modele de la cardiomyopathie associee a la dystrophie musculaire d\u81fEmery Dreifuss. Un mois de traitement oral par le NAC reduit chez les souris de 7 mois la dilatation ventriculaire gauche et la dysfonction contractile, limite la progression de la fibrose cardiaque et l\u81finflammation. Ceci est associe a une repletion en glutathion et une normalisation de l'expression des enzymes du metabolisme du glutathion, a une diminution du stress oxydant et de l'expression du TNF. Une premiere etude chez les patients de chirurgie cardiaque (n=91) nous a permis de mettre en evidence que : d'une part, il existait un deficit en glutathion auriculaire chez les patients de la classe NYHA IV compares aux patients de la classe NYHA I. D'autre part, les patients asymptomatiques (classe NYHA I) presentaient un deficit en glutathion sanguin, compares aux individus sains, aggrave chez les patients symptomatiques (classes NYHA II a IV). Le deficit en glutathion sanguin chez les patients asymptomatiques precede l\u81felevation du taux sanguin de TNFR1, un marqueur standard du degre de severite de l'insuffisance cardiaque. Une seconde etude, chez des patients porteurs d\u81fune mutation de la lamine (n=28) et susceptibles de developper une cardiomyopathie dilatee d'Emery Dreifuss, montre que certains de ces patients presentent un deficit en glutathion sanguin, associe chez un seul de ces patients a un taux eleve de TNFR1. L'analyse comparee des donnees biochimiques et cliniques est en cours. Les souris DMDmdx4cv sont un modele experimental de la dystrophie musculaire de Duchenne (DMD), mais ne developpent que tardivement la maladie cardiaque. Nous observons une augmentation du taux du glutathion systemique chez les souris de plus de 10 semaines. Un traitement oral avec un inhibiteur de synthese du glutathion a faible dose, le Lbuthionine sulfoximine (5 mM BSO), ramene le taux de glutathion systemique chez la souris DMDmdx4cv au taux chez la souris sauvage, mais provoque des alterations des cardiomyocytes identifiees par immunohistochimie, des micronecroses, des anomalies de capillaires et des anomalies mitochondriales observees en microscopie electronique. En conclusion, le deficit en glutathion est un evenement precoce et durable au cours de l'insuffisance cardiaque, d'origine ischemique ou genetique. Les perspectives offertes par ces resultats sont: 1) le test du glutathion sanguin pour le depistage de sujets asymptomatiques a risque; 2) l'indication de NAC aux patients cardiaques, en complement du traitement courantThe tripeptide glutathione (L-? -glutamyl-cysteinyl-glycine) does not only play a major in cellular resistance to oxidative stress, but is also essential to cell survival. A deficit in glutathione, associated with oxidative stress, is a common hallmark of several chronic inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases. In different examples, several studies reported that oral treatment with N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a glutathione precursor, improved patient status. Oxidative stress and inflammation are two main characteristics of heart failure (HF) and muscular dystrophy. We hypothesized that glutathione deficiency occurred in these diseases and that treatment with NAC might be beneficial. In post-myocardial infarction (MI) rats, with established chronic HF, we show that cardiac tissue is depleted in glutathione. Curative 1-month oral NAC treatment replenishes cardiac tissue glutathione, reduces oxidative stress and disrupts the vicious inflammation/cell death, TNF/TNF-R1/N-SMase/ caspase-3/ apoptosis cycle. Deficit in serum and cardiac glutathione also characterize 6- to 7-month old LmnaH222P/H222P mice with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), a model of the cardiomyopathy associated with Emery Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (EDMD), One-month oral NAC treatment reduces left ventricular dilation and contractile dysfunction, limits the progression of cardiac fibrosis and inflammation in 7-month old LmnaH222P/H222P mice. This is associated with glutathione repletion and normalization of glutathione metabolism enzymes, and reduction of oxidative stress and TNF expression. In a first study in cardiac surgery patients (n=91) we show that: on the one hand, atrial glutathione is depleted in patients of NYHA class IV compared with asymptomatic patients of NYHA class I. On the other hand, asymptomatic patients of NYHA class display a deficiency in blood glutathione compared with healthy controls that worsens in asymptomatic patients of NYHA class II-IV. Blood glutathione deficiency in asymptomatic patients precedes elevation of blood TNFR1, a standard marker of HF severity. A second study, in patients with lamin mutation (n=28), prone to develop an Emery Dreifuss DCM, shows that a number of patients display blood glutathione deficiency, with one patient having a high blood TNFR1 level. Analysis of clinical data is underway. DMDmdx4cv mice are an experimental model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. We observe an increase in blood glutathione in 10-week-old mice and older. Oral treatment with a low dose of L-buthionine sulfoximine (5 mM BSO), an inhibitor of glutathione synthesis, resumes blood glutathione in DMDmdx4cv mice to the control value in WT mice, but produces alterations in cardiomyocytes identified by immunohistochemistry and micronecrosis, capillary and mitochondrial abnormalities observed by electronic microscopy. In conclusion, glutathione deficiency is an early and lasting event in ischemic or genetically-linked HF. These results pave the way for two possible applications: 1) blood glutathione test for the screening of asymptomatic individuals at risk for HF; 2) NAC indication to cardiac patients in addition to current treatmen

    Le déficit en glutathion dans l'insuffisance cardiaque (études dans plusieurs modÚles expérimentaux et chez les patients)

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    Outre son role majeur dans la resistance cellulaire au stress oxydant, le tripeptide glutathion (L-?Á glutamyl- cysteinyl-glycine) est essentiel a la survie cellulaire. Un deficit en glutathion, associe a un stress oxydant, est un trait commun a plusieurs maladies chroniques inflammatoires et degeneratives. Dans le cadre de ces differentes pathologies, plusieurs etudes ont montre que la prise orale de N-acetylcysteine (NAC), un precurseur de glutathion, ameliorait l'etat des patients. Le stress oxydant et l'inflammation sont deux caracteristiques principales de l'insuffisance cardiaque et des dystrophies musculaires. Nous avons pose l'hypothese d'un deficit en glutathion dans ces maladies et les benefices possibles d'un traitement par le NAC. Dans le modele du rat developpant une insuffisance cardiaque post-infarctus, nous montrons qu'il existe un deficit en glutathion tissulaire. Un mois de traitement oral par le NAC, donne en curatif post-infarctus, restaure le taux de glutathion cardiaque, reduit le stress oxydant, et interrompt le cycle vicieux inflammation/mort cellulaire, TNF/TNF-R1/NSMase/ caspase-3/apoptose. Un deficit en glutathion systemique et tissulaire caracterise aussi les souris LmnaH222P/H222P de 6-7 mois developpant une cardiomyopathie dilatee, modele de la cardiomyopathie associee a la dystrophie musculaire d fEmery Dreifuss. Un mois de traitement oral par le NAC reduit chez les souris de 7 mois la dilatation ventriculaire gauche et la dysfonction contractile, limite la progression de la fibrose cardiaque et l finflammation. Ceci est associe a une repletion en glutathion et une normalisation de l'expression des enzymes du metabolisme du glutathion, a une diminution du stress oxydant et de l'expression du TNF. Une premiere etude chez les patients de chirurgie cardiaque (n=91) nous a permis de mettre en evidence que : d'une part, il existait un deficit en glutathion auriculaire chez les patients de la classe NYHA IV compares aux patients de la classe NYHA I. D'autre part, les patients asymptomatiques (classe NYHA I) presentaient un deficit en glutathion sanguin, compares aux individus sains, aggrave chez les patients symptomatiques (classes NYHA II a IV). Le deficit en glutathion sanguin chez les patients asymptomatiques precede l felevation du taux sanguin de TNFR1, un marqueur standard du degre de severite de l'insuffisance cardiaque. Une seconde etude, chez des patients porteurs d fune mutation de la lamine (n=28) et susceptibles de developper une cardiomyopathie dilatee d'Emery Dreifuss, montre que certains de ces patients presentent un deficit en glutathion sanguin, associe chez un seul de ces patients a un taux eleve de TNFR1. L'analyse comparee des donnees biochimiques et cliniques est en cours. Les souris DMDmdx4cv sont un modele experimental de la dystrophie musculaire de Duchenne (DMD), mais ne developpent que tardivement la maladie cardiaque. Nous observons une augmentation du taux du glutathion systemique chez les souris de plus de 10 semaines. Un traitement oral avec un inhibiteur de synthese du glutathion a faible dose, le Lbuthionine sulfoximine (5 mM BSO), ramene le taux de glutathion systemique chez la souris DMDmdx4cv au taux chez la souris sauvage, mais provoque des alterations des cardiomyocytes identifiees par immunohistochimie, des micronecroses, des anomalies de capillaires et des anomalies mitochondriales observees en microscopie electronique. En conclusion, le deficit en glutathion est un evenement precoce et durable au cours de l'insuffisance cardiaque, d'origine ischemique ou genetique. Les perspectives offertes par ces resultats sont: 1) le test du glutathion sanguin pour le depistage de sujets asymptomatiques a risque; 2) l'indication de NAC aux patients cardiaques, en complement du traitement courantThe tripeptide glutathione (L-? -glutamyl-cysteinyl-glycine) does not only play a major in cellular resistance to oxidative stress, but is also essential to cell survival. A deficit in glutathione, associated with oxidative stress, is a common hallmark of several chronic inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases. In different examples, several studies reported that oral treatment with N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a glutathione precursor, improved patient status. Oxidative stress and inflammation are two main characteristics of heart failure (HF) and muscular dystrophy. We hypothesized that glutathione deficiency occurred in these diseases and that treatment with NAC might be beneficial. In post-myocardial infarction (MI) rats, with established chronic HF, we show that cardiac tissue is depleted in glutathione. Curative 1-month oral NAC treatment replenishes cardiac tissue glutathione, reduces oxidative stress and disrupts the vicious inflammation/cell death, TNF/TNF-R1/N-SMase/ caspase-3/ apoptosis cycle. Deficit in serum and cardiac glutathione also characterize 6- to 7-month old LmnaH222P/H222P mice with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), a model of the cardiomyopathy associated with Emery Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (EDMD), One-month oral NAC treatment reduces left ventricular dilation and contractile dysfunction, limits the progression of cardiac fibrosis and inflammation in 7-month old LmnaH222P/H222P mice. This is associated with glutathione repletion and normalization of glutathione metabolism enzymes, and reduction of oxidative stress and TNF expression. In a first study in cardiac surgery patients (n=91) we show that: on the one hand, atrial glutathione is depleted in patients of NYHA class IV compared with asymptomatic patients of NYHA class I. On the other hand, asymptomatic patients of NYHA class display a deficiency in blood glutathione compared with healthy controls that worsens in asymptomatic patients of NYHA class II-IV. Blood glutathione deficiency in asymptomatic patients precedes elevation of blood TNFR1, a standard marker of HF severity. A second study, in patients with lamin mutation (n=28), prone to develop an Emery Dreifuss DCM, shows that a number of patients display blood glutathione deficiency, with one patient having a high blood TNFR1 level. Analysis of clinical data is underway. DMDmdx4cv mice are an experimental model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. We observe an increase in blood glutathione in 10-week-old mice and older. Oral treatment with a low dose of L-buthionine sulfoximine (5 mM BSO), an inhibitor of glutathione synthesis, resumes blood glutathione in DMDmdx4cv mice to the control value in WT mice, but produces alterations in cardiomyocytes identified by immunohistochemistry and micronecrosis, capillary and mitochondrial abnormalities observed by electronic microscopy. In conclusion, glutathione deficiency is an early and lasting event in ischemic or genetically-linked HF. These results pave the way for two possible applications: 1) blood glutathione test for the screening of asymptomatic individuals at risk for HF; 2) NAC indication to cardiac patients in addition to current treatmentPARIS-EST-Université (770839901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    N-acetyl cysteine alleviates oxidative stress and protects mice from dilated cardiomyopathy caused by mutations in nuclear A-type lamins gene

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    International audienceCardiomyopathy caused by lamin A/C gene (LMNA) mutations (hereafter referred as LMNA cardiomyopathy) is an anatomic and pathologic condition associated with muscular and electrical dysfunction of the heart, often leading to heart failure-related disability. There is currently no specific therapy available for patients that target the molecular pathophysiology of LMNA cardiomyopathy. We showed here an increase in oxidative stress levels in the hearts of mice carrying LMNA mutation, associated with a decrease of the key cellular antioxidant glutathione (GHS). Oral administration of N-acetyl cysteine, a GHS precursor, led to a marked improvement of GHS content, a decrease in oxidative stress markers including protein carbonyls and an improvement of left ventricular structure and function in a model of LMNA cardiomyopathy. Collectively, our novel results provide therapeutic insights into LMNA cardiomyopathy

    N-acetyl cysteine alleviates oxidative stress and protects mice from dilated cardiomyopathy caused by mutations in nuclear A-type lamins gene

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    Cardiomyopathy caused by lamin A/C gene (LMNA) mutations (hereafter referred as LMNA cardiomyopathy) is an anatomic and pathologic condition associated with muscular and electrical dysfunction of the heart, often leading to heart failure-related disability. There is currently no specific therapy available for patients that target the molecular pathophysiology of LMNA cardiomyopathy. We showed here an increase in oxidative stress levels in the hearts of mice carrying LMNA mutation, associated with a decrease of the key cellular antioxidant glutathione (GHS). Oral administration of N-acetyl cysteine, a GHS precursor, led to a marked improvement of GHS content, a decrease in oxidative stress markers including protein carbonyls and an improvement of left ventricular structure and function in a model of LMNA cardiomyopathy. Collectively, our novel results provide therapeutic insights into LMNA cardiomyopathy

    Correlation between blood glutathione and blood sTNFR1 levels in cardiac patients and healthy controls.

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    <p>Blood glutathione level decrease was exponentially correlated with elevation in blood sTNFR1 level in the whole cohort of patients (r = 0.88). Open squares: controls; open circles: younger patients ≀65 years (mean age = 55±1 years; r = 0.88); closed circles: older patients >65 years (mean age = 74±1 years; r = 0.87).</p

    Blood glutathione level in cardiac patients and in the subgroups of patients with coronary artery diseases (CAD) or aortic stenosis (AS).

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    <p>(A) In patients undergoing cardiac surgery, the decrease in blood glutathione level was related to NYHA class (linear trend P<0.0001). (B) Compared to healthy controls, blood glutathione level in the CAD and AS subgroups of patients was depleted, independently of the LVEF value. *P<0.05 vs healthy controls (C); †P<0.05 vs NYHA class I.</p

    Neutral sphingomyelinase inhibition participates to the benefits of N-acetylcysteine treatment in post-myocardial infarction failing heart rats.: NAC treatment in post-MI failing heart rat

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    Deficiency in cellular thiol tripeptide glutathione (l-gamma glutamyl-cysteinyl-glycine) determines the severity of several chronic and inflammatory human diseases that may be relieved by oral treatment with the glutathione precursor N-acetylcysteine (NAC). Here, we showed that the left ventricle (LV) of human failing heart was depleted in total glutathione by 54%. Similarly, 2-month post-myocardial infarction (MI) rats, with established chronic heart failure (CHF), displayed deficiency in LV glutathione. One-month oral NAC treatment normalized LV glutathione, improved LV contractile function and lessened adverse LV remodelling in 3-month post-MI rats. Biochemical studies at two time-points of NAC treatment, 3 days and 1 month, showed that inhibition of the neutral sphingomyelinase (N-SMase), Bcl-2 depletion and caspase-3 activation, were key, early and lasting events associated with glutathione repletion. Attenuation of oxidative stress, downregulation of the pro-inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and its TNF-R1 receptor were significant after 1-month NAC treatment. These data indicate that, besides glutathione deficiency, N-SMase activation is associated with post-MI CHF progression, and that blockade of N-SMase activation participates to post-infarction failing heart recovery achieved by NAC treatment. NAC treatment in post-MI rats is a way to disrupt the vicious sTNF-alpha/TNF-R1/N-SMase cycle