4,582 research outputs found

    Fading Gravity and Self-Inflation

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    We study the cosmology of a toy modified theory of gravity in which gravity shuts off at short distances, as in the fat graviton scenario of Sundrum. In the weak-field limit, the theory is perturbatively local, ghost-free and unitary, although likely suffers from non-perturbative instabilities. We derive novel self-inflationary solutions from the vacuum equations of the theory, without invoking scalar fields or other forms of stress energy. The modified perturbation equation expressed in terms of the Newtonian potential closely resembles its counterpart for inflaton fluctuations. The resulting scalar spectrum is therefore slightly red, akin to the simplest scalar-driven inflationary models. A key difference, however, is that the gravitational wave spectrum is generically not scale invariant. In particular the tensor spectrum can have a blue tilt, a distinguishing feature from standard inflation.Comment: 35 pages, 4 figures. v3: version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    New Ekpyrotic Cosmology

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    In this paper, we present a new scenario of the early Universe that contains a pre big bang Ekpyrotic phase. By combining this with a ghost condensate, the theory explicitly violates the null energy condition without developing any ghost-like instabilities. Thus the contracting universe goes through a non-singular bounce and evolves smoothly into the expanding post big bang phase. The curvature perturbation acquires a scale-invariant spectrum well before the bounce in this scenario. It is sourced by the scale-invariant entropy perturbation engendered by two ekpyrotic scalar fields, a mechanism recently proposed by Lehners et al. Since the background geometry is non-singular at all times, the curvature perturbation remains nearly constant on super horizon scales. It emerges from the bounce unscathed and imprints a scale-invariant spectrum of density fluctuations in the matter-radiation fluid at the onset of the hot big bang phase. The ekpyrotic potential can be chosen so that the spectrum has a ``red'' tilt, in accordance with the recent data from WMAP. As in the original Ekpyrotic scenario, the model predicts a negligible gravity wave signal on all observable scales. As such ``New Ekpyrotic Cosmology" provides a consistent and distinguishable alternative to inflation to account for the origin of the seeds of large scale structure.Comment: 41 pages, 4 figures. v2: minor corrections, references added. v3: small modifications in bounce section, references added. v4: version published in PR

    Supersymmetric Galileons

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    Galileon theories are of considerable interest since they allow for stable violations of the null energy condition. Since such violations could have occurred during a high-energy regime in the history of our universe, we are motivated to study supersymmetric extensions of these theories. This is carried out in this paper, where we construct generic classes of N=1 supersymmetric Galileon Lagrangians. They are shown to admit non-equivalent stress-energy tensors and, hence, vacua manifesting differing conditions for violating the null energy condition. The temporal and spatial fluctuations of all component fields of the supermultiplet are analyzed and shown to be stable on a large number of such backgrounds. In the process, we uncover a surprising connection between conformal Galileon and ghost condensate theories, allowing for a deeper understanding of both types of theories.Comment: 41 pages, v2: added a referenc

    Dynamical vs spectator models of (pseudo-)conformal Universe

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    We discuss two versions of the conformal scenario for generating scalar cosmological perturbations: a spectator version with a scalar field conformally coupled to gravity and carrying negligible energy density, and a dynamical version with a scalar field minimally coupled to gravity and dominating the cosmological evolution. By making use of the Newtonian gauge, we show that (i) no UV strong coupling scale is generated below MPlM_{Pl} due to mixing with metric perturbations in the dynamical scenario, and (ii) the dynamical and spectator models yield identical results to the leading non-linear order. We argue that these results, which include potentially observable effects like statistical anisotropy and non-Gaussianity, are characteristic of the entire class of conformal models. As an example, we reproduce, within the dynamical scenario and working in comoving gauge, our earlier result on the statistical anisotropy, which was originally obtained within the spectator approach.Comment: 13 page

    Orbital angular momentum exchange in an optical parametric oscillator

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    We present a study of orbital angular momentum transfer from pump to down-converted beams in a type-II Optical Parametric Oscillator. Cavity and anisotropy effects are investigated and demostrated to play a central role in the transverse mode dynamics. While the idler beam can oscillate in a Laguerre-Gauss mode, the crystal birefringence induces an astigmatic effect in the signal beam that prevents the resonance of such mode.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, regular articl

    Scalar tilt from broken conformal invariance

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    Within recently proposed scenario which explains flatness of the spectrum of scalar cosmological perturbations by a combination of conformal and global symmetries, we discuss the effect of weak breaking of conformal invariance. We find that the scalar power spectrum obtains a small tilt which depends on both the strength of conformal symmetry breaking and the law of evolution of the scale factor

    WMAP and Inflation

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    We assay how inflationary models whose properties are dominated by the dynamics of a single scalar field are constrained by cosmic microwave background (CMB) data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP). We classify inflationary models in a plane defined by the horizon-flow parameters. Our approach differs from that of the WMAP collaboration in that we analyze only WMAP data and take the spectral shapes from slow-roll inflation rather than power-law parameterizations of the spectra. The only other information we use is the measurement of hh from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Key Project. We find that the spectral index of primordial density perturbations lies in the 1\sigma range 0.94<n_s<1.04 with no evidence of running. The ratio of the amplitudes of tensor and scalar perturbations is smaller than 0.61 and the inflationary scale is below 2.8\times 10^{16} GeV, both at the 2\sigma C.L. No class of inflation or ekpyrotic/cyclic models is excluded. The \lambda \phi^4 potential is excluded at 3\sigma only if the number of e-folds is assumed to be less than 45.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Version to appear in PL
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