57 research outputs found

    Perancangan Reaction Wheel Inverted Pendulum Sebagai Alat Peraga Sistem Kontrol Berbasis Sistem Kontrol PID

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    Sebuah sistem kontrol akan lebih mudah dipahami apabila tersedia alat peraga yang dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajarannya. Reaction wheel inverted pendulum adalah suatu alat yang under-actuation sehingga keberadaan kontroler mutlak dibutuhkan. Ini akan sangat menarik bila digunakan sebagai alat peraga sebuah sistem kontrol. Salah satu aplikasi dari reaction wheel inverted pendulum ini adalah untuk sistem kesimbangan robot humanoid. Dalam perancangan ini dilakukan perancangan fisik alat peraga dan perancangan kontrolernya. Perancangan dimulai dari merancang mekanik alat peraga terlebih dahulu, mulai dari dimensi dan bentuk alat sampai kebutuhan motor. Selanjutnya didesain kontroler yang dapat menyeimbangkan alat secara otomatis. Kontroler yang digunakan berbasis Arduino. Dari hasil pengujian didapatkan bahwa alat peraga reaction wheel inverted pendulum ini dapat berfungsi dengan cukup baik meskipun ada sedikit kekurangannya

    Behaviors Coordination and Learning on Autonomous Navigation of Physical Robot

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     Behaviors coordination is one of keypoints in behavior based robotics. Subsumption architecture and motor schema are example of their methods. In order to study their characteristics, experiments in physical robot are needed to be done. It can be concluded from experiment result that the first method gives quick, robust but non smooth response. Meanwhile the latter gives slower but smoother response and it is tending to reach target faster. Learning behavior improve robot’s performance in handling uncertainty. Q learning is popular reinforcement learning method that has been used in robot learning because it is simple, convergent and off policy. The learning rate of Q affects robot’s performance in learning phase. Q learning algorithm is implemented in subsumption architecture of physical robot. As the result, robot succeeds to do autonomous navigation task although it has some limitations in relation with sensor placement and characteristic

    Performance Evaluation of MMA7260QT and ADXL345 on Self Balancing Robot

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    A self balancing robot (SBR) controller needs to detect platform inclination. For this purpose, an accelerometer is used. From various types of accelerometer, we can divide into digital and analog ones. The problem is how to select the right type for the SBR. This paper evaluates the performance of the ADXL345, 3-axis digital output accelerometer and the MMA7260QT, 3-axis analog output accelerometer. The Arduino is used to read data from the sensor and send it to PC for plotting. Both sensors use the lowest sensitivity. The sensors are evaluated with three criteria, i.e. stationary, dynamical response and collaborating with ITG3200 3-axis gyroscope for Kalman filter fusion. For stationary criterion, the ADXL345 is better than the other sensor for all stationary position. For dynamical response, both sensors suffer from the noise due to acceleration of the platform. The sensors do not only sense the gravity but also the acceleration of the platform when it is moved. But the noise level for the ADXL345 is lower than the other. Using Kalman filter makes both sensors show good performance for a SBR application. If three criteria are combined with hardware aspect, then the authors recommend using the ADXL345. Besides, it has several useful features to handle abrupt acceleration

    Teleautonomous Control on Rescue Robot Prototype

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    Robot application in disaster area can help responder team to save victims. In order to finish task, robot must have flexible movement mechanism so it can pass through uncluttered area. Passive linkage can be used on robot chassis so it can give robot flexibility. On physical experiments, robot is succeeded to move through gravels and 5 cm obstacle. Rescue robot also has specialized control needs. Robot must able to be controlled remotely. It also must have ability to move autonomously. Teleautonomous control method is combination between those methods. It can be concluded from experiments that on teleoperation mode, operator must get used to see environment through robot’s camera. While on autonomous mode, robot is succeeded to avoid obstacle and search target based on sensor reading and controller program. On teleautonomous mode, robot can change control mode by using bluetooth communication for data transfer, so robot control will be more flexible

    Pengendalian Kursi Bioskop 4D Menggunakan Pengendali Diskrit

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    Pembuatan pengendalian kursi bioskop 4D menggunakan pengendali diskrit bertujuan untuk mengendalikan gerakan kursi bioskop 4D menggunakan pengendali diskrit. Umumnya, pengendalian menggunakan sistem analog. Pengendalian kursi bioskop 4D menggunakan pengendali diskrit menggunakan MATLAB sebagai pengendali utama, perangkat lunak cinema4D untuk mendesain film dan mendapatkan data input, Arduino sebagai pengumpan data, control valve sebagai katup elektrik untuk membuka dan menutup jalur angin, stewart platform sebagai kursi, pneumatik sebagai kaki dari kursi. Dari pengujian sistem didapatkan nilai kesalahan dari sistem dibawah 10% yaitu pada 7,4%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem yang dibuat berjalan dengan baik dan dapat menyesuaikan dengan film yang digunakan

    Sistem Kendali Jarak Jauh Untuk Pemutusan dan Penyambungan kWh Meter Dengan Ponsel

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    Pemutusan sementara saluran listrik ke pelanggan PT. PLN dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi tunggakan tagihan pembayaran konsumsi energi listrik atau untuk mengatasi keadaan darurat. Oleh karena itu dalam penelitian ini membahas tentang pembuatan prototipe perangkat pemutus-sambung saluran listrik melalui jaringan GSM yang dapat membantu kerja PT. PLN. Adapun metode pemutusan dan penyambungan saluran listrik ke pelanggan dilakukan dengan menggunakan ponsel yang mengirimkan pesan SMS (Short Message Service) ke peralatan kontrol di Alat Pembatas dan Pengukur (APP). Pesan itu untuk mengubah status relay menjadi on (listrik tersambung) atau off (listrik terputus). Perangkat utama yang digunakan yaitu Arduino Uno, Modul GSM SIM808, dan Relay. Selain itu, sistem ini juga dilengkapi dengan fitur pengecekan saldo pulsa, titik lokasi dan status/nilai tegangan untuk kebutuhan monitoring kerja sistem. Hasilnya akan ditampilkan pada ponsel petugas melalui SMS dan website Thingspeak. Pengujian sistem secara keseluruhan yang dilakukan terhadap prototipe berjalan dengan baik dan sempurna. Kontak relay tertutup dan terbuka sesuai pesan SMS dan terkonfirmasi pada tampilan ponsel petugas

    Wireless Data Logger with Microcontroller MCS-51

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    Nowadays, PLN has to hire employees to record the data which is shown by KWH meter at customer\u27s house. The employee can not record it if there are no people in customer\u27s house. To solve this problem, it is needed a KWH meter which can transmit data by using wireless data logger system, so that, the PLN\u27s employee can record the data although there are no people in customer\u27s house. This paper describes about implementation of wireless data logger system on KWH meter. Method used in this system is counting the rotation number of KWH meter plate, then microcontroller transfers the data to the remote device. The sensor used for counting the rotation number is infrared sensor as the transmitter and photodiode as the receiver. Experimental results show that the device can run well if the angle between remote and panel less than 40°, and the distance between remote and panel less than six meters. The maximum power consumtion of the device is not more than 5 watt

    IoT-Based Cars Parking Monitoring System

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    Internet-of-things-based technologies have advanced so much and helped public necessities. The use of IoT at a parking lot will help vehicle users to know the availability of a parking location through smartphones. This IoT-based parking system is created by using controllers, sensors, servers and cloud. Controllers and sensors will be placed on the ceiling of each parking slots to detect the presence of a car. Server collect the results of the sensors and store them in Cloud. System test is conducted by installing three sensor circuits and server in a parking lot. The tests consist of measuring time that required for data transmission and the rate of success of data transmission from the parking lot to the Cloud. Based on above tests, it is observed that the sensor circuit and Radio Frequency Identification are able to transmit the parking lot data without error. This system require maximum 1 min to update parking lot data. The process of obtaining data until the data being stored in Cloud takes 12 s and the process of acquiring parking condition data from Cloud to smartphone takes 30 s. The accuracy level of parking lot data transfer is 100 %

    Forward and Inverse Kinematic of a Manipulator Simulator Software Using Unity Engine

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    Robot manipulator is a technology that is widely used in various applications. Because of the widespread use of robot manipulators, students of Electrical Engineering need to learn about robotics. However, we faced problems that are the price of the robot is relatively expensive and lack of tools to help students for solving mathematical calculations in robotics. The aim of this research is to develop application software for solving the problems that we faced. By using this application software, students can learn about robotics more effective. The application was designed using Unity engine and C# language. The application simulates the movement of robot manipulator either using forward or inverse kinematic equation. The manipulators are limited to 2 and 3 degree of freedoms (DOF). A similar application, RoboAnalyzer, is used for comparing the results of the designed application software. The application has been tested and the results show that mathematical calculation done by the application is approximately same as the result of calculation using mathematic equation. The simulator can simulate the movement of the robot well enough. However, the inverse kinematic calculation can only output one result of all possible results that are resulted by the RoboAnalyzer application
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