39 research outputs found


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    Sawarna Tourism Village is a tourist village in Bayah Sub-District, Lebak District, Banten. The village area is directly bordered by the Indian Ocean, and therefore, it is in a coastal area. Of 204 tourism objects in Banten Province, the charm of the beauty of Sawarna Beach tourist destination has its own magnetism fortourists. The beach beauty located in Bayah Subdistrict, Lebak is called as "Little Paradise" by foreign tourists from European and American countries and Australia particularly who like surfing. The location is far from the downtown and therefore, media access in Sawarna Village and its surroundings is relatively difficult. So far there are a few mass media whether they are print or electronic media that cover the natural beauty in Sawarna Village. This certainly affects the development of Sawarna beach tourism object as one of the mainstay tourist destinations in Banten Province. As a tourist object, Sawarna Beach is as good and attractive as similar tourist objects in Indonesia, such as those in Bali and Lombok. An important issue that Banten Provincial government should make the big concern relates to the City Branding Development. After participating in this counseling, it aims that Sawarna Villagers know and understand the importance of establishing the city branding to develop their beach tourism objects. Moreover, it is expected to empower the villagers around the Sawarna beach andtherefore, it will increase their income


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    Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) menyelenggarakan mata kuliah Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) yang wajib diambil dan ditempuh oleh mahasiswa program pendidikan dari setiap jurusan kependidikan untuk mendapatkan pengalaman secara langsung dan dapat menerapkan ilmu yang didapat selama menempuh perkuliahan 6 semester sebelumnya. Penyelanggaraan kegiatan PPL dilaksanakan di sekolah atau lembaga yang telah ditentukan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan kualitas tenaga pendidik, khususnya bagi mahasiswa jurusan kependidikan. Pada kegiatan PPL tahun ini untuk Prodi PG PAUD memberikan keleluasaan bagi mahaiswa untuk mengambil tempat yang tersebar di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Kelompok empat mendapatkan tempat di Kecamatan Bambanglipuro, tepatnya TK KKLKMD Sidomaju yang diselenggarakan selama 2 bulan yang dimulai pada tanggal 15 Juli sampai dengan 15 September 2016. Tujuan dari kegiatan PPL ini adalah untuk mendapatkan pengalaman mengajar secara langsung bagi mahasiswa dan mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan ilmu yang dimilikinya. Kegiatan PPL juga bertujuan untuk mendapatkan ilmu secara langsung sehingga mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan potensi yang dimilikinya. Pelaksanaan PPL diawali dengan observasi lembaga pendidikan di TK KKLKMD, selanjutnya tahap pelaksanaan PPL yang meliputi progam pengajaran di TK KKLKMD, kegiatan pengajaran dilakukan di 2 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5 kelas yaitu kelas A1 dengan jumlah 14 siswa, kelas A2 dengan jumlah 15 siswa, kelas A3 dengan jumlah 16 siswa, kelas B1 dengan jumlah 26 siswa dan kelas B2 dengan jumlah 17 siswa. Masing-masing mahasiswa memiliki kesempatan mengajar sebanyak delapan kali yaitu empat kali di kelas A dan empat kali di kelas B yang meliputi empat kali terbimbing, dua kali mandiri, dan dua kali ujian. Selain melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran kegiatan PPL juga meliputi kegiatan yang mendukung pembelajaran seperti pengadaan tempat sampah untuk pembiasaan bersih di sekolah, pengadaan identitas kelas, mural di dinding bangunan sekolah, special day berupa kegiatan jalan-jalan dan lomba-lomba untuk memperingati HUT RI. Secara keseluruhan kegiatan PPL yang dilaksanakan di TK KKLKMD Sidomaju dapat berjalan dengan lancar berkat bantuan semua pihak antara lain Dosen Pembimbing Lapangan, Kepala sekolah, para Guru, peserta didik dan seluruh warga sekolah. Setelah pelaksanaan progam PPL mahasiswa diwajibkan untuk menyusun laporan hasil kegiatan PPL yang telah diaksanakan selama dua bulan

    Model Komunikasi Kelompok Tentang Makna Pernikahan Antargenerasi di Kalangan Kelas Menengah Jakarta

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    Nowadays the meaning of marriage has changed as found in various phenomena of exiting from state regulations and laws, religion, customs and norms in society. The research aims at finding interaction model and group communication leading to changes of meaning of marriage among inter-generation of middle-class groups in in DKI Jakarta. This research refers to Alfred Schutz teories of symbolic interactionism, group-communication, and social phenomenology. Qualitative research method is used to analyze data completed by depth interview and FGD as data collection technique. The results shows that interaction model on mariage meaning is influenced by the way people grow, interact, and communicate within their group. The meaning of marriage symbols which is exchanged in the interaction of a group has changed from one generation to the next generation. Marriage is perceived as destiny, the unity between man and woman as a way of preserving human beings, justifying sexual intercourse and holding religious order. The research also fond contradictive phenomenon of marriage meaning between marriage meaning with the sacred law of marriage, whether it is in state regulations, customs and norms of society, such as same-sex marriage phenomenon (gay/lesbian), swinging behavior, samen leven, and free sex

    The effect of digital marketing communications on Adit Sopo Jarwo's animation brand awareness and brand reputation through children's educational content

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                  Indonesian animation should be able to compete with foreign animation, but in fact the broadcast of Indonesian animation in Indonesia is still inferior, especially on national television. To keep up with overseas animation, especially in the national market, there needs to be a creative strategy in marketing these local animations to increase brand awareness and a good brand reputation so that Indonesian animation can be a major choice for animation shows, as MD Animation does by utilizing the technology. Social media is a means of presenting educational content to children to increase the brand awareness and reputation of their product, the Adit Sopo Jarwo animation. This study aims to find out the effect of digital marketing communication on Adit Sopo Jarwo's brand awareness and animation reputation through child education content, a survey was conducted on followers of @mdanimation's Instagram account. In this study, the theory used is digital marketing communication theory, brand awareness, brand reputation and stimulus, organism, and response (SOR) theory, which is to see how the response from the audience affects brand reputation. This study used a positivist paradigm with a quantitative approach and used survey research methods and data analysis techniques using path analysis. The samples used in this study were 387 respondents with sample determination using purposive sampling. The results of this study were obtained in that digital marketing communication was shown to have a direct and significant influence on brand reputation. In addition, the results of the analysis with the Sobel test show the influence of the brand awareness variable as an intervening variable between the digital marketing communication variable and the brand reputation, so it can be said that the indirect effect or indirect influence is significant

    THE ROLE OF WOMEN LEGISLATORS IN COMMUNICATION OF GENDER MAINSTREAM POLICIES Standpoint Theory Analysis in the Maternal and Child Welfare Draft Bill

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    The number of women legislators in the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) continues to increase in every election as the result of the provision of 30% quota for women legislative candidate in Law 12 of 2003 regarding General Elections for Members of the DPR, DPD, and DPRD (legislative election bill) however, this is not in line with the mainstream gender policies produced by DPR RI. Based on credible data from 2004-2022, hundreds of bills have been ratifed in DPR, but only a few were gender mainstreaming. Several researches before found that the role of women in a patriarchal system was very weak, even just to express their opinions. Gender bias also found in the news about women’s role. Some of the researches also described how the women leadership and their way to fought for the rights of women and children in discrimination. Therefore, this research seeks the point of view of women legislators in communicating KIA Draft Bill as a gender mainstream policy, as well as their role to pass that bill through the Standpoint Theory which has three key concepts such as standpoint; situated knowledge; and division of labor. This research uses a qualitative approach combined with a case study method, by using in-depth interviews with the informants who ft on the criteria, also documentation study as the data collection technique. As a result, the standpoint of women legislators does not always have a gender perspective, several of them always have her own political interests in carrying her role in DPR RI


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    Social media technology takes various forms such as internet forums, weblogs, and YouTube. The existing laws stipulate normatively that offensive content videos can only be watched for the registered users with the age limit of 18 years old. However, many senior high school children with the age limit of under 18 years old can access pornographic videos on YouTube social media. All this time many senior high school students as a millennial generation do not care about and understand negative content on social media, particularly those related to sexual harassment and pornography. In fact, not a few senior high school students still consider sexual harassment and sex as something taboo so that they never ask teachers and parents about healthy information on sex and sexual harassment. Therefore, it is necessary to build awareness and understanding on the danger of negative content on social media among senior high school students particularly YouTube social media so as to avoid negative impact of sexual harassment and pornography. This can be carried out through literacy activities for senior high school students as a millennial generation, in addressing pornographic impact on YouTube social media

    Pengaruh Terpaan Informasi Vlog di Media terhadap Sikap Guru dan Dampaknya terhadap Persepsi Siswa

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    In today’s digital era, more and more information is delivered through social media, one of which is vlog which is currently a trend among high school students. Teacher as one of the main educators for high school students is still underestimate the content of social media. Teachers are more concerned about negative impact of social media. This study aims to determine the impact of information in the media on students’ perceptions of social media (vlog) content, the impact of media information on teacher attitudes, and the impact of teacher attitudes on high school students’ perceptions of vlog. This research uses a positivist paradigm with survey method by using path analysis. The result shows that (1) the information exposure in the media has influenced the attitudes of the teachers, (2) the information exposure in the media has influenced the perception of high school students, and (3) the attitude of teachers also has influenced the perception of high school students about the content in social media (vlog)


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    The evolution of integrated communication has given many opportunities for advertisers to market their products through internet, one of which is to make advertisements prepared in the form of short film advertising. Autodesk® Inc as one of the foremost producers of video editing software in America uses short film advertising entitled “Fix It In Post” as the form of its marketing communication media. The short film advertising “Fix It In Post” uses iconic signs in communicating its products through USP - Unique Selling Proposition creative strategy. The objective of this research is to find signs visualized as a description of the sophistication of software video editing, and to impart brand image to Autodesk® Smoke® as a sophisticated brand software video editing. Based on the result of research a Semiotics of of the Cinema Christian Metz analysis, it was found out that there were signs visualized to describe the sophistication of software video editing namely various features used by the video editor. Each feature of software describing such sophistication is represented in a series of scene forming a sequence, so that it can convey a brand image to the Autodesk® Smoke® as a sophisticated brand software video editing.

    New Media Technology in Developing Effective Organizational Internal Communication

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    The article was intended to investigate various benefits of Whatsapp Messenger application for an effective intenal communication in PT Euro Management Indonesia. In addition, this research also aimed to map the organizational internal communication pattern through the use of Whatsapp Messenger application. The research used theories of organizaional communication, new media communication pattern, and computer mediated communication (CMC). Moreover, paradigm used in the research was constructivist with qualitative approach and the research method was case study. The research result finds that the use of new media Whatsapp Messenger as a tool of communication can build effective internal communication in PT Euro Management Indonesia. Moreover, it also shows that the internal organizational communication pattern in PT Euro Management Indonesia used in Whatsapp Messenger application is conversation pattern


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di MAN 3 Jakarta pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2013-2014, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh penggunaan metode tutor sebaya terhadap pemahaman membaca bahasa Arab siswa kelas 2 MAN 3 Jakarta. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen. Populasinya adalah seluruh siswa kelas 2 dan sempelnya adalah siswa kelas 2 IPS sebanyak 66 siswa yang terdiri dari 34 siswa kelas eksperimen dan 32 siswa kelas kontrol. Pangambilan sempel dilakukan dengan cara Sampling Purposive. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes akhir yang berbentuk pilihan ganda sebanyak 21 soal dengan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Uji-t pada taraf signifikasi α = 0,05. Uji-t dilakukan setelah melakukan uji homogenitas dan uji normalitas. Setelah dilakukan Uji Normalitas dengan hasil normal, uji homogen dengan data yang homogen, dan uji hipotesis dengan uji-t maka nilai thitung yang diperoleh sebesar 6,203 sedangkan harga ttabel pada taraf signifikan α = 0,05 dengan derajat kebebasan (n-2) = 64 sebesar 1,67. Maka nilai thitung > tabel. Dengan demikian, hipotesis (H0) yang menyatakan tidak ada pengaruh penggunaan metode tutor sebaya terhadap pemahaman membaca bahasa Arab siswa ditolak. Sedangkan hipotesis penelitian (H1) yang menyatakan bahwa terdapat pengaruh penggunaan metode tutor sebaya terhadap pemahaman membaca Bahasa Arab siswa diterima. Maka penggunaan metode tutor sebaya ini pada pengajaran membaca Bahasa Arab dapat meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa. Oleh karena itu pengajaran membaca Bahasa Arab menggunakan metode tutor sebaya lebih baik dibandingkan dengan yang menggunakan metode konvensional