141 research outputs found
Feminism is an effort gender justice requires us to make the rules fair, but gender equality does not require us to give a prize to the winner and the loser between men and women. Gender equality has become a necessity of the times. Issues these women are very regard to violence against women, sexual harassment, wage discrimination and women's rights in the workplace or a dual role as the nature of women. Some people think women with a view of ignorance before Islam came, so they do not give inheritance rights to her daughter and did not even get a part at all. They also memingitnya not work outside the home, they even ban women only weeks to study so that they assume that women who sholehah are women who never leave the house, and that means they have prevented the women to get the light of science. Yet they know that seeking knowledge is obligatory for the Muslims either male or female. Women are partners of men who were created by God with the abilities and the mental equivalent. Most of the women's movement stopped in the middle and are crossroads juaga whereas women are entitled to a space in the activity. The image of the ideal woman in the Quran is not the same as the ideal image that developed in the history of the world
Feminism is an effort gender justice requires us to make the rules fair, but gender equality does not require us to give a prize to the winner and the loser between men and women. Gender equality has become a necessity of the times. Issues these women are very regard to violence against women, sexual harassment, wage discrimination and women's rights in the workplace or a dual role as the nature of women. Some people think women with a view of ignorance before Islam came, so they do not give inheritance rights to her daughter and did not even get a part at all. They also memingitnya not work outside the home, they even ban women only weeks to study so that they assume that women who sholehah are women who never leave the house, and that means they have prevented the women to get the light of science. Yet they know that seeking knowledge is obligatory for the Muslims either male or female. Women are partners of men who were created by God with the abilities and the mental equivalent. Most of the women's movement stopped in the middle and are crossroads juaga whereas women are entitled to a space in the activity. The image of the ideal woman in the Quran is not the same as the ideal image that developed in the history of the world
Persepsi Mahasiswa KPI UIKA Bogor Terhadap Program Radio Pro 2 RRI Bogor
The purpose of this study was to determine the perception of KPI UIKA Bogor students towards the RRI Bogor Radio Pro 2 program and later in it would be known what points were the input for the programs in it. This research method uses quantitative methods, namely the method of distributing questionnaires to KPI UIKA Bogor students by using Suharsimi Arikunto's theory which takes a partial sample or representative of the population being studied. If the subject is less than 100, it is better to take all, on the contrary if the subject is greater than 100, it can be taken between 10-15%. The results obtained from the study were firstly the results of the research on the perception of UIKA KPI students on the satisfaction motive of the Pro 2 RRI Bogor program which got first place by getting a score of 550 from the results of the questionnaire answers, then the program effect dimension was ranked second with a score of 460 from the results of the questionnaire answers. In the third place, there is a motive for the respondents' knowledge of all programs in Pro 2 RRI Bogor with a score of 295. Finally, there is a motive for the general view of respondents on the Pro 2 RRI Radio Bogor which is ranked fourth with a score of 221. In general, the results obtained are known. that the listener's perception, namely the Islamic Broadcasting and Communications Students, University of Ibn Khaldun Bogor, is found in the satisfaction motive of the RRI Bogor Pro 2 Program.AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa KPI UIKA Bogor terhadap program Radio Pro 2 RRI Bogor dan nantinya didalamnya akan di ketahui apa saja poin yang menjadi masukan untuk program-program didalamnya. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif yaitu dengan metode penyebaran angket kepada Mahasiswa KPI UIKA bogor dengan menggunakan teori Suharsimi Arikunto yang mengambil sempel sebagian atau wakil populasi yang diteliti. Apabila subyeknya kurang dari 100 lebih baik diambil semua, sebaliknya jika subyeknya lebih besar dari 100 dapat diambil antara 10-15%.Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian tersebut pertama hasil penelitian persepsi mahasiswa KPI UIKA terhadap motif kepuasan program Pro 2 RRI bogor mendapat peringkat pertama dengan mendapat skor 550 dari hasil jawaban kuesioner, Selanjutnya dimensi efek program menempati peringkat kedua dengan skor 460 dari hasil jawaban kuisoner, Kemudian di peringkat ketiga ada motif pengetahuan responden terhadap seluruh program-program yang ada di Pro 2 RRI Bogor dengan skor 295, Terakhir ada motif pandangan umum responden terhadap radio Pro 2 RRI Bogor yang mendapat peringkat keempat dengan skor 221. Secara umum, hasil penelitian yang diperoleh diketahui bahwa persepsi pendengar yaitu Mahasiswa Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor terdapat pada motif kepuasan Program Pro 2 RRI Bogor
Analisis Model Pembelajaran SAVI (Somatis, Auditori, Visual, dan Intelektual) dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Fikih
This study aims to analyze the SAVI learning model (Somatic, Auditory, Visual, and Intellectual) to improve student learning outcomes in fiqh subjects. This research is classified as classroom action research (CAR). Data collection was carried out using tests. The design of the classroom action research model is applied in several cycles. Each cycle includes four stages, namely: planning actions, implementing actions, observation / evaluation and reflection. The subjects of this study were fourth grade students of MI Darus Salam Prasi, Gading District, Probolinggo Regency, which collected 20 students. The results showed that the SAVI learning model had a positive impact on student learning outcomes. This can be seen in student learning outcomes which have increased in cycle I. The level of completeness of 20 students reaches 65%, with an average score of 72. In cycle II, the level of completeness reaches 90% of 20 students. the average score is 81 points. The results of the study can be said that the SAVI learning model has a significant effect on improving students' fiqh learning outcomes
Analisis Penerapan Lean Production Process untuk Mengurangi Lead Time Process Perawatan Engine (Studi Kasus PT.GMF AEROASIA)
Engine maintenance strives to always improve its service excellence with tools such as gate system where the system is expected to realize the lead time for 60days. In the implementation of the gate system is still not able to meet the expected target. During maintenance or overhaul the engine is still encountered waste or waste that causes the target cannot be met. Lean Manufacturing is an approach that aims to minimize waste that occurs in the process flow.Understanding the conditions of the process described in Value Stream Mapping for further elaborate activities that have the value-added and non-value added.Through seven waste concept, then be weighted to determine the most dominant type of waste.From the data processing is obtained that through the Value Stream Mapping is known gate 1 and gate 3 is the point that there are many wastes. Weighting and ranking of seven existing waste in the process of the activity obtained results in the form of a waste critical sequence of seven existing waste. Highest weights on the type of waste waiting with a weight of 0.38. Results of Root Cause Analysis in mind that the root cause of waste waiting for that data is maintained, the lack of attention to people development, There are still bugs in the system and miscommunication
Pengaruh Disiplin dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pabrik pada PT. Inti Karya Plasma Perkasa Tapung
This study was conducted at Factory PT. Inti Karya Plasma Perkasa Tapung the aim to determine the effect of variables discipline on the performance of the employees, work environment on employees performance and both variables discipline and work environme simultaneously affect employee the performance factory at PT.Inti Karya Plasma Perkasa Tapung. The technique used in this study is the technique Slovin (Umar, 2008: 82) to obtain a sample amounted to 107 employees of population 139 employees. The analysis of the data used is analysis descriptive, as it also uses analysis quantitative ie using regression multiple linear with SPSS version 20. From the results of testing that has been done, the regression test (Test-F) shows that discipline and work environment simultaneously affect on employee performance. Results (t-test) showed that the variables discipline affect the performance of the employees and work environment affect the performance of employees. Based on research, the company must improve discipline employees in the work and pay attention to the condition of the environment in which the employee works for the performance of the resulting line with company objectives.Keywords: Performance, discipline and work environm
Peran Kepemimpinan Demokrasi Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru
Tujuan penulisan artikel ilmiah ini untuk mengetahui, menjelaskan dan menganalisis peran kepemimpinan demokrasi kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan kinerja guru. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penulisan artikel ilmiah ini menggunakan studi kepustakaan. Data dikumpulkan melalui kajian teks dan hasil-hasil penelitian yang relevan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan langkah-langkah: Pertama, data-data yang telah terkumpul diklasifikasi berdasarkan rumusan masalah yang dikaji. Kedua, data-data yang dikaji secara kualitatif dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis isi. Ketiga, berdasarkan hasil analisis dan interpretasi data, dilakukan pengambilan simpulan yang dilengkapi dengan saran-saran. Hasil kajian artikel ilmiah menunjukan bahwa kepemimpinan demokrasi kepala sekolah sering diterapkan kepala sekolah dalam memimpin sekolah. Tipe kepemimpinan demokrasi kepala sekolah memiliki sifat bebas dan mengayomi seluruh bawahannya di sekolah, terutama guru dalam meningkatkan kinerjanya
A lean six sigma framework for identifying sources of waste in manufacturing sector in Indonesia
Manufacturing activities until the beginning of 2020 shows an increment and continue to grow at 210 trillion value or contributes 30.4 percent of Indonesia's investment. Therefore, manufacturing companies need to create an appropriate system to support demand in this sector. In this research, the define-measure-analysis-identify-control (DMAIC) model, value stream mapping (VSM), and value stream analysis tool (VALSAT) are integrated in conducting an in-depth analysis for identifying the sources of waste in 33 manufacturing companies around the Java Islands. There are three main wastes can be identified, namely, (i) defects, (ii) inappropriate processes, and (iii) waiting time. In order to minimize the waste, several solution steps for the root cause error were proposed. Based on man & material root cause error, an adequate training and education need to be provided to all employees in production and non-production. Based on method root cause error, it is necessary to regularly establish standard operating procedures with a clear work instruction, and followed by periodic procedure review. In this category, it is also suggested to develop a specific procedure for predictive and preventive maintenance of an engine factor. Based on environmental root cause error, the manufacturing company need to reinspect the condition of the work location and area to store raw materials and finished goods. In general, this research has provided a new perspective in realizing minimum waste practice in the manufacturing sector
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