89 research outputs found

    Agama dan Ritual Slametan: Deskripsi-antropologis Keberagamaan Masyarakat Jawa

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    Substantially, the core of religious belief believes God as being transcendental, sacred, and pure, above everything related to the Almighty. Functionally, the core of religious belief is an effort to handle life problems: existential problems. Religion always leads to goodness physically and spiritually. However, the followers of religion don't always do it. Diversity thought in a religion using charity done by its followers always colors the practice of the social diversity. It might be caused by a misinterpretation to the doctrine or certain vested interests often happened in the political life. In fact, this is the reality happened in the religious life of our society. “Religious ambiguity” appears in “slametan” becoming the tradition of our society, especially Javanese. “Slametan” presents symbolism that needs more explanation to be rightly understood. “Segagolong”, “manungsa”, and “pecel pitik” are symbolizing for nine orifices, “manungal ing rasa”, and an effort to get goodness

    Seblang dan Kenduri Masyarakat Desa Olehsari: Relasi Ideal antara Islam dan Budaya Jawa di Banyuwangi

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    Desa mawa cara negara mawa tata, a Javanese wisdom which means that each place in this country has its own different manner and rules as the essence of its peoples cultures and traditions. This paper aims to describe one of Indonesian cultural richness which is transformed in the religious ritual named Seblang in a small village called Olehsari, in Banyuwangi, East Java. This ritual has a religious orientation as an aspiration to the Almighty in order to gain success in agriculture, occupation, and other objectives in the lives of the people of Olehsari. Likewise, Kenduri is also meant as a supplication to the Almighty in order to obtain blessings for the livings and forgiveness for the deceased. In Olehsari, people call this kind of ritual as Ngirim Duwa, or literally translated as sending the prayers. Furthermore, Seblang and Kenduri have certain social purposes to achieve a serene and harmonious living atmosphere for the people


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    The research background relates to the intergroup conflicts involving some street gangs in Johar Baru Sub District, Central Jakarta. Most of the street gangs in Johar Baru Sub District have each territory. Small matters from mocking one another, miscommunication to rumors which jeopardize the power of the street gangs, can trigger a serious thing: brawls with high fatality rate for several days. The research aims to analyze the pattern of rivalry and alliance network established among the street gangs. This study uses a quantitative approach. The research methods analyzed ego-centered communication networks. After analyzing the communication networks, the inter-group mapping was obtained and in turn, it would be useful as a means of a communication intervention to reduce and prevent inter-group conflicts. Data collection was carried out in a kind of a census towards 40 street gangs in Johar Baru Sub-District and it got the support of the in-depth interviews with several key informants. Research results shows: the communication networks analysis reveal that rivalry and alliance among the street gangs have positioned Gembrong street gang as the centre of rivalry and alliance with the radial communication pattern indices of low network density (10.71 for the rivalry network; 0.00 for the alliance network) and low network closure (0.10 for rivalry network and 0.00 for alliance network). This research contributes to identify which groups have a bigger role in intergroup conflicts

    Pengaruh Disiplin dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pabrik pada PT. Inti Karya Plasma Perkasa Tapung

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    This study was conducted at Factory PT. Inti Karya Plasma Perkasa Tapung the aim to determine the effect of variables discipline on the performance of the employees, work environment on employees performance and both variables discipline and work environme simultaneously affect employee the performance factory at PT.Inti Karya Plasma Perkasa Tapung. The technique used in this study is the technique Slovin (Umar, 2008: 82) to obtain a sample amounted to 107 employees of population 139 employees. The analysis of the data used is analysis descriptive, as it also uses analysis quantitative ie using regression multiple linear with SPSS version 20. From the results of testing that has been done, the regression test (Test-F) shows that discipline and work environment simultaneously affect on employee performance. Results (t-test) showed that the variables discipline affect the performance of the employees and work environment affect the performance of employees. Based on research, the company must improve discipline employees in the work and pay attention to the condition of the environment in which the employee works for the performance of the resulting line with company objectives.Keywords: Performance, discipline and work environm

    Analisis Strategi Pengelolaan Dan Peran Lembaga Dalam Rangka Konservasi Danau Sentani Jayapura (Analyze of Management Strategy and Institution Participation in Concervation of Sentani Lake, Jayapura)

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    The Sentani Lake located at Jayapura regency which covered : east Sentani District, Sentani District, and West Sentani district. Other area located in Jayapura city. Sentani lake has 9630 ha area with 52 m depth and 72 m mean surface level. Some problem on Sentani lake are erotion, domestic waste and industrial waste which due to Cu and Zn concentration in these lake over standard of water quality. The strategy consist of management and institution responsibility, and lake institution is needed to develop lake sustainability . Analyze method by ISM (interpretative structural modeling) with institution fellowship, goal in lake management and management model programe as some input . According to expert judgment, the institution elements responsed to develop management model of Sentani lake are marine and fishing institution, Housing institution, local leader and local institution, environmental institution, landscape intitution, university, and tourisme institution. That elements is the fourth level. The fourth elements level become the main driver power and to effect on next sub element. Co-Management institution is proposed in this research

    Valuasi Manfaat Ekologis Ruang Terbuka Hijau (Rth) Di Kota Bogor Dengan Aplikasi Citygreen 5.4

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    Greenery open space is a fundamental part of urban development and management in sustaining the quality of urban environment and the welfare of urban dwellers. A high rate of population growth and limited land owned causing the growth of physical development in the city is done by converting such green open space, agricultural land, forest and other open space for urban development purposes. This study is intended to analyze total value of greenery open space ecological benefits of Bogor City, and provide possible recommendations in order to increase the capacity of its urban ecosystem. This analytical framework is applied to Bogor City considering its peculiarities of greenery open space existence and architectures. The research was conducted by spatial approach through CITYGreen 5.4 software to determine the ecological benefits of greenery open space, based on the trees canopy cover and non trees canopy cover to predict the economic value. CityGreen is a software tool developed by American Forest that helps people understand the value of trees to the local environment. The result showed that CITYGreen 5.4 software can be used to conduct complex analysis of ecosystem services and create easy to understand reports.The software calculate dollar benefits for the services provided by the trees and other greenery open space in absorbed such harmfull pollutants, carbon storage and sequestration, and reducing storm water volumes as natural flood control. The capacity of ecological benefit can still be improved to provide greater benefits in various ways. This software will be very beneficial for city planners in evaluate site plan, and model development scenario that capture the benefits of trees

    Model of Ecotourism Management in Small Islands of Bunaken National Park, North Sulawesi

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    The Bunaken National Park is one of the famous national park for tourism in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The abundance natural resources is one of the crucial natural attraction for tourism in Bunaken. Tourism in Bunaken contributes significantly in local economic development. In the same situation, however, tourism contributes negatively to environment. Tourist activities contributes significantly in coral reef covers. Utilization of natural resources as an object and attraction needs to be done carefully, taking into account the balance of ecological, socio-economic and socio-cultural. The concept of ecotourism with three aspects of development were important in aspect in Bunaken National Park tourism development. The management of the park tour needs to be done based on the concept and principles of ecotourism. The Bunaken National Park tourist management model simulated by the dynamic system with the Powersim Constructor software show the number of tourist 2035 reached 27,152.98, extensive coral cover 447.87ha, the local community incomes Rp 15,834,861,419.63 and government revenues Rp 1,751,770,691.04. Keywords: conservation area, ecotourism, powersim model, sustainable management

    Analisis Konflik Pemanfaatan Lahan Di Kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the spatial conflict between Gunung Halimun Salak National Park (TNGHS) area and the regency area around the national park. The spatial approach was used to analyse potential of spatial conflict in that region.The management TNGHS still face constraints related to the extent of forest area that could potentially conflict with the spatial three counties around TNGHS, namely Lebak, Bogor, and Sukabumi Districts. The absence of an agreement between the Ministry of Forestry and the local governments to synchronize the National Park boundary into the District Spatial Planning is still a big problem facing by the Management of the TNGHS.Therefore, conservation-based community development model must be designed properly

    Portion Improvement of Vehicle Entry Units Through The Improvement of Express Periodic Maintenance Service Methods in Cars Workshop

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    This study aims to improve the specific periodic maintenance service method so that it can increase the unit entry portion per one working day in a workgroup in the car repair shop. The measurement using the standard time working group map used in the specific periodic maintenance service method before repairing was 44 minutes and 55 seconds with a total delay of 21 minutes and 10 seconds so that the unit entry portion was 9 units per one working day. The specific periodic maintenance service method that has undergone improvements results in an equal time between completing the work process at each vehicle position between technicians A and B and no delay time. So that the portion of the vehicle’s entry unit from before being repaired 9 units to 12 units after the repair done because the time needed to complete a periodic vehicle service work with the specific periodic maintenance service method becomes more efficient, namely 34 minutes. In other words, there an increase in entry units of 3 units or 33% per one working day for each working group.     Keywords: periodic maintenance, express, unit entry