85 research outputs found
ДУХОВНО-МОРАЛЬНЕ ВИХОВАННЯ ДІТЕЙ ДОШКІЛЬНОГО ВІКУ НА ХРИСТИЯНСЬКИХ ЦІННОСТЯХ В ПОЗАШКІЛЬНОМУ ЗАКЛАДІ ОСВІТИ. (Spiritual and moral education of children of preschool age on Christian values in the non-formal institution.)
У статті розглядається сутність понять «моральність», «духовність», «духовно-моральне виховання»; обґрунтовується актуальність та необхідність духовно-морального виховання підростаючого покоління на християнських цінностях. Розкриваються перспективи духовно-морального виховання дітей дошкільного віку в позашкільному закладі освіти.
(The article deals with the essence of the concepts of «morality», «spirituality», «spiritual and moral education»; urgency and necessity of spiritual and moral education of the younger generation to Christian values. Uncover the prospect of spiritual and moral education of preschool children in extracurricular educational institution.
ХРИСТИЯНСЬКІ ЦІННОСТІ У ДУХОВНОМОРАЛЬНОМУ ВИХОВАННІ СТУДЕНТІВ ( The Christian Values in the Students’ Spiritual and Moral Education )
У статті проаналізовано значення організаційного процесу
формування та діяльності православних братств у системі
розвитку культурно-освітніх традицій Волинського краю (друга
половина XIX – початок XX століття). Здійснено спробу простежити
проаналізувати просвітницько-громадський, культурно-освітній
досвід діяльності провідних діячів волинських
братств у збереженні духовно-моральних традицій виховання (The article deals with the values of organization of the process
of Orthodox brotherhoods formation and activity in the system of development of cultural and educational traditions in Volyn region
(the second half of the 19
– early 20
century). The author makes
an attempt to trace and analyze educational, social and cultural
experience of the Volyn brotherhoods’ leaders in the preservation of
spiritual and moral traditions of education
Weighted Least Squares Perturbation Theory
The interest in the problem of weighted pseudoinverse matrices and the problem of weighted least squares (WLS) is largely due to their numerous applications. In particular, the problem of WLS is used in the design and optimization of building structures, in tomography, in statistics, etc. The first part of the chapter is devoted to the sensitivity of the solution to the WLS problem with approximate initial data. The second part investigates the properties of a SLAE with approximate initial data and presents an algorithm for finding a weighted normal pseudo solution of a WLS problem with approximate initial data, an algorithm for solving a WLS problem with symmetric positive semidefinite matrices and an approximate right side and also a parallel algorithm for solving a WLS problem. The third part is devoted to the analysis of the reliability of computer solutions of the WLS problem with approximate initial data. Here, estimates of the total error of the WLS problem are presented, and also software-algorithmic approaches to improving the accuracy of computer solutions
Analysis of unsatisfactory results of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in patients with cirrhosis of the liver.
In the work the analysis of the results of the treatment of 168 patients with complicated cholelithiasis, depending on presence or absence of cirrhosis of the liver has been carried out. In 76 (45.23%) patients, cholelithiasis and concomitant cirrhosis of the liver were complicated, in 92 (54.77%) - complicated cholelithiasis without cirrhosis of the liver. The stage of liver cirrhosis was assessed by the Child-Pugh system. It has been established that cholecystectomy with laparoscopic or traditional open-release in the stage of Child A cirrhosis is quite safe, and the risk of development of complications can be compared with the risk in patients without liver cirrhosis. Urgent surgical interventions in patients with cirrhosis of the liver in the stage of Child B and Child C are associated with an increased risk of development of intra- and postoperative complications and mortality
Analysis of unsatisfactory results of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in patients with cirrhosis of the liver.
In the work the analysis of the results of the treatment of 168 patients with complicated cholelithiasis, depending on presence or absence of cirrhosis of the liver has been carried out. In 76 (45.23%) patients, cholelithiasis and concomitant cirrhosis of the liver were complicated, in 92 (54.77%) - complicated cholelithiasis without cirrhosis of the liver. The stage of liver cirrhosis was assessed by the Child-Pugh system. It has been established that cholecystectomy with laparoscopic or traditional open-release in the stage of Child A cirrhosis is quite safe, and the risk of development of complications can be compared with the risk in patients without liver cirrhosis. Urgent surgical interventions in patients with cirrhosis of the liver in the stage of Child B and Child C are associated with an increased risk of development of intra- and postoperative complications and mortality
Efficacy and Safety of PEGylated Interferons for Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in Adult Patients: Results of Matching-Adjusted Indirect Comparison
Introduction. Beta interferons are effective and safe agents for the treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). PEGylated interferons have been developed in order to increase patient adherence. Direct comparisons of the efficacy and safety of PEGylated interferons have not yet been conducted.
Our objective was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of SamPEG-IFN-β1a versus PEG-IFN-β1a in adult patients with RRMS.
Materials and methods. We conducted a systematic search of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) using the PubMed, Embase and eLIBRARY.RU databases. Efficacy was assessed based on the proportion of patients with disease relapses and the annualized relapse rate (ARR) during the 1st and the 2nd years of treatment. Safety was assessed by the number of patients with adverse events (AEs), serious AEs (SAEs), and any AEs that led to the treatment discontinuation. We conducted pairwise matching-adjusted indirect comparison (MAIC) to assess comparative efficacy of PEGylated IFNs. To evaluate the efficacy, hypotheses of non-inferiority of SamPEG-IFN-β1a to PEG-IFN-β1a and superiority of SamPEG-IFN-β1a over PEG-IFN-β1a were tested.
Results. Based on results of the systematic review, four articles were selected wherein the results of phase 3 clinical trial of PEG-IFN-β1a and phase 2–3 clinical trial of SamPEG-IFN-β1a were described. In PEG-IFN-β1a group (n = 512) the agent was administered once every 2 weeks, in SamPEGIFN-β1a group (n = 114) the agent was administered at a dose of 240 μg. The analysis results confirmed the hypothesis of SamPEG-IFN-β1a non-inferiority to PEG-IFN-β1a in efficacy, while SamPEG-IFN-β1a superiority over PEG-IFN-β1a in efficacy was not confirmed. The hypothesis of SamPEG-IFN-β1a superiority over PEG-IFN-β1a in safety was also confirmed based on a significantly lower incidence of SAEs and any AEs that led to treatment discontinuation.
Conclusions. The proportion of patients with relapses and the ARR in 1 year and in 2 years of therapy indicates that SamPEG-IFN-β1a is non-inferior to PEG-IFN-β1a in efficacy. SamPEG-IFN-B1a demonstrated a more favourable safety profile than PEG-IFN-B1a as showing less odds of SAEs and AEs leading to treatment discontinuation
In this review, the experience of Russian and foreign scientists in field of development of technology of doubled haploids (DHs) of Cucurbitaceae crops is summarized. The different factors affected on the development of DH-plants and the ways of increasing of yield of double haploids are described in the article.гиногенез и партеногенез – один из способов генетического улучшения сельскохозяйственных растений. С помощью DH-технологии полностью гомозиготные растения можно получить в течение одного года, в отличие от классических методов селекции, при использовании которых процесс инбридинга занимает 6–12 лет. Для получения гаплоидов у представителей семейства Тыквенные (Curbitaceae) наиболее успешно разработаны технологии с использованием партеногенеза (опыление растений облученной пыльцой) и гиногенеза (культура неопыленных семяпочек in vitro). На эффективность DH-технологии влияют многочисленные факторы: условия выращивания донорных растений, их генотип, стадия развития мешка, состав питательной среды, условия культивирования. Оптимальное значение и комбинация этих факторов являются необходимым условием для успешного эмбриогенеза. В данной обзорной статье обобщен опыт зарубежных и российских ученых в области разработки технологии получения удвоенных гаплоидов тыквенных культур, показаны различные факторы, влияющие на процессы получения DH-растений, а также подходы, позволяющие повысить выход гаплоидов
Standard for organization for candied pumpkin has been developed. Industrial raw material. The following ‘Technical Specifications’ included: definitions, terms, abbreviations, technical requirements, orders of reception, trial methods, transportation and storage, labor protection, fire security and reference list. The product is pumpkin pulp cut to pieces of different shapes and sizes boiled in sugar syrup, dried and coated with granulated sugar. Fruits of pumpkin that need for production are obliged to be in the phase of biologically freshness and maturity, healthy, without soiling. The cultivars for table use with smooth peel, thick and dense, not fibrous pulp with thickness over 3 cm. and deepyellow or bright-orange color are taken. The finished products are packed according to GOST. The candied pumpkin is well preserved up to six month for retail sale and up to 12 month for further industrial processing. The candied pumpkin is stored in dried and well ventilated room with relative air humidity below 75% and temperature from 0° to 20°C.Разработан стандарт организации «Цукаты из тыквы. Промышленное сырье. Технические условия», в который включены следующие разделы: область применения; нормативные ссылки; термины, определения, сокращения; технические требования; правила приемки; методы испытаний; транспортирование и хранение; охрана труда и пожарная безопасность; библиография. Продукт представляет собой нарезанные кусочки мякоти различной формы и размера, сваренные в сахарном сиропе, высушенные и обсыпанные сахарным песком. Плоды тыквы, предназначенные для производства цукатов, должны быть в состоянии биологической свежести – зрелыми, здоровыми, не загрязненными. Используют сорта тыквы столового назначения, с гладкой корой, толстой плотной не волокнистой мякотью (толщина мякоти более 3 см) темно-желтой или ярко-оранжевой окраски. Готовый продукт цукатов фасуют и упаковывают в тару, рекомендованную ГОСТ. В стандартной упаковке цукаты сохраняются до 6 месяцев для розничной торговли и 12 месяцев для дальнейшей промышленной переработки. Хранят цукаты в сухих, хорошо вентилируемых помещениях при относительной влажности воздуха не более 75% и температуре от 0 до 20°С.
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