836 research outputs found

    Dynamical behavior of U-shaped double layers: cavity formation and filamentary structures

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    International audienceObservations from the Polar and FAST satellites have revealed a host of intriguing features of the auroral accelerations processes in the upward current region (UCR). These features include: (i) large-amplitude parallel and perpendicular fluctuating as well as quasi-static electric fields in density cavities, (ii) fairly large-amplitude unipolar parallel electric fields like in a strong double layer (DL), (iii) variety of wave modes, (iv) counter-streaming of upward going ion beams and downward accelerated electrons, (v) horizontally corrugated bottom region of the potential structures (PS), in which electron and ion accelerations occur, (vi) filamentary ion beams in the corrugated PS, and (vii) both upward and downward moving narrow regions of parallel electric fields, inferred from the frequency drifts of the auroral kilometric radiations. Numerical simulations of U-shaped potential structures reveal that such observed features of the UCR are integral parts of dynamically evolving auroral U-shaped potential structures. Using a 2.5-D particle-in-cell (PIC) code we simulate a U-shaped broad potentialstructure (USBPS). The dynamical behavior revealed by the simulation includes: (i) recurring redistribution of the parallel potential drop (PPD) in the PS, (ii) its up and downward motion, (iii) formation of filaments in the potential and density structures, and (iv) creation of filamentary as well as broad extended density cavities. The formation of the filamentary structures is initiated by an ion-beam driven instability of an oblique ion mode trapped inside a broad cavity, when it becomes sufficiently thin in height. The filaments of the PS create filamentary electron beams, which generate waves at frequencies above the lower hybrid frequency, affecting plasma heating. This results in plasma evacuation and formation of a cavity extended in height. The waves associated with filamentary electron beams also evolve into electron holes. The transverse and parallel scale lengths of the regions with large EE_{\vert \vert} and EbotE_{bot} as well as their magnitudes are compared with satellite data

    Parametric excitation of high‐frequency electromagnetic waves by the lower‐frequency dipole pumping

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    The possibility of parametric excitation of high‐frequency electromagnetic waves by lower‐frequency dipole pumping is studied. It is shown that the obtained general dispersive equation may be reduced to the Mathieu equation, provided the case of the flux instability is neglected. In the framework of the developed approach, the excitation of magnetohydrodynamic waves and whistler oscillations is examined.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/70436/2/PFBPEI-5-1-92-1.pd

    The nonlinear coupling of electromagnetic ion cyclotron and lower hybrid waves in the ring current region: the magnetic storm 1-7May 1998

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    International audienceThe excitation of lower hybrid waves (LHWs) is a widely discussed mechanism of interaction between plasma species in space, and is one of the unresolved questions of magnetospheric multi-ion plasmas. In this paper we present the morphology, dynamics, and level of LHW activity generated by electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves during the 2-7 May 1998 storm period on the global scale. The LHWs were calculated based on a newly developed self-consistent model (Khazanov et. al., 2002) that couples the system of two kinetic equations: one equation describes the ring current (RC) ion dynamic, and another equation describes the evolution of EMIC waves. It is found that the LHWs are excited by helium ions due to their mass dependent drift in the electric field of EMIC waves. The level of LHW activity is calculated assuming that the induced scattering process is the main saturation mechanism for these waves. The calculated LHWs electric fields are consistent with the observational data

    Saturation of Alfven oscillations in the ring current region due to generation of lower hybrid waves

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    The possibility of flux generation of lower hybrid oscillations in the ring current region of the Earth's magnetosphere is suggested in this paper. The energy level of lower hybrid oscillations can exceed the modulational instability threshold, which leads to the formation of caverns. The consequences of this are qualitatively analysed. Also, an assumption is made that the flux instability of lower hybrid oscillations may limit the level of Alfven oscillations in the ring current region.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/30137/1/0000514.pd

    A theoretical model for the ring current interaction with the earth's plasmasphere

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    This paper reports on a theoretical study of the magnetospheric ring current effect on the topside plasmasphere and ionosphere. MHD waves generated by energetic anisotropic protons of the ring current are used as the mechanism for energy transfer to plasmaspheric electrons and ions. Plasmaspheric parameters are calculated in a numerical model for ionospherelasmasphere coupling using a complete system of modelling equations in the 13-moment approximation of the Grad method. The calculations made have shown that the wave mechanism for energy transfer to the thermal plasma ensures its heating in the equatorial plasmasphere to experimentally observed temperatures. The resulting heat flux is able to considerably heat the plasma in the region of the topside ionosphere. It is also shown that the MHD waves present in the plasmasphere substantially influence the height profile of the electron density. The results obtained in this paper lend support to the existence of the experimentally discovered "hot" (or "warm") zone and to its influence on the underlying ionosphere.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/30027/1/0000395.pd

    Initial observations of fine plasma structures at the flank magnetopause with the complex plasma analyzer SCA-1 onboard the Interball Tail Probe

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    International audienceThe fast plasma analyzer EU-1 of the SCA-1 complex plasma spectrometer is installed onboard the Interball Tail Probe (Interball-1). It provides fast three-dimensional measurements of the ion distribution function on the low-spin-rate Prognoz satellite (about 2min). The EU-1 ion spectrometer with virtual aperture consists of two detectors with 16 E/Q narrow-angle analyzers and electrostatic scanners. This configuration allows one to measure the ion distribution function in three dimensions (over 15 energy steps in 50 eV/Q?5.0 keV/Q energy range in 64 directions) in 7.5 s, which makes it independent of the slow rotation speed of the satellite. A description of the instrument and its capabilities is given. We present here the preliminary results of measurements of ions for two cases of the dawn low- and mid-latitude magnetopause crossings. The properties of observed ion structures and their tentative explanation are presented. The 12 September 1995 pass at low latitude at about 90° solar-zenith angle on the dawn side of the magnetosphere is considered in more detail. Dispersive ions are seen at the edge of the magnetopause and at the edges of subsequently observed plasma structures. Changes in ion velocity distribution in plasma structures observed after the first magnetopause crossing suggest that what resembles multiple magnetopause crossings may be plasma blobs penetrating the magnetosphere. Observed variations of plasma parameters near magnetopause structures suggest nonstationary reconnection as the most probable mechanism for observed structures

    Inferring possible magnetic field strength of accreting inflows in EXor-type objects from scaled laboratory experiments

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    Aims. EXor-type objects are protostars that display powerful UV-optical outbursts caused by intermittent and powerful events of magnetospheric accretion. These objects are not yet well investigated and are quite difficult to characterize. Several parameters, such as plasma stream velocities, characteristic densities, and temperatures, can be retrieved from present observations. As of yet, however, there is no information about the magnetic field values and the exact underlying accretion scenario is also under discussion. Methods. We use laboratory plasmas, created by a high power laser impacting a solid target or by a plasma gun injector, and make these plasmas propagate perpendicularly to a strong external magnetic field. The propagating plasmas are found to be well scaled to the presently inferred parameters of EXor-type accretion event, thus allowing us to study the behaviour of such episodic accretion processes in scaled conditions. Results. We propose a scenario of additional matter accretion in the equatorial plane, which claims to explain the increased accretion rates of the EXor objects, supported by the experimental demonstration of effective plasma propagation across the magnetic field. In particular, our laboratory investigation allows us to determine that the field strength in the accretion stream of EXor objects, in a position intermediate between the truncation radius and the stellar surface, should be of the order of 100 G. This, in turn, suggests a field strength of a few kilogausses on the stellar surface, which is similar to values inferred from observations of classical T Tauri stars

    Binding MOAD, a high-quality protein–ligand database

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    Binding MOAD (Mother of All Databases) is a database of 9836 protein–ligand crystal structures. All biologically relevant ligands are annotated, and experimental binding-affinity data is reported when available. Binding MOAD has almost doubled in size since it was originally introduced in 2004, demonstrating steady growth with each annual update. Several technologies, such as natural language processing, help drive this constant expansion. Along with increasing data, Binding MOAD has improved usability. The website now showcases a faster, more featured viewer to examine the protein–ligand structures. Ligands have additional chemical data, allowing for cheminformatics mining. Lastly, logins are no longer necessary, and Binding MOAD is freely available to all at http://www.BindingMOAD.org