151 research outputs found

    Investigation of the buckling behavior of pinned pinned hat-shaped members using newly introduced software OpenFSM

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    Cold formed sections design has always been a subject of engineer’s interest. Along the years, engineers and designers studied these sections due to their high structural efficiency (High strength to weight ratio) and thus their high economic privilege over hot rolled and the built-up sections. The Direct Strength method is a recently adopted design approach where it requires no effective section calculations and requires no iterations instead it depends on analyzing the member using numerical analysis method (Finite Strip Method, Generalized Beam Theory or Finite element method) utilizing the section gross properties to obtain the critical elastic buckling loads for different buckling modes including (Local Buckling, Distortional Buckling and Global Buckling modes). Computational tools using finite strip method like CUFSM, GBTUL and THIN-WALL are to be used for that purpose. The study introduces newly finite strip analysis program (OpenFSM) offering alternative analysis tool with easier interface including features that can facilitate the design process and offer more potential for conducting parametric studies and research projects. The software is verified with similar case studies investigated in the widely used program CUFSM. The proposed software is then utilized in performing parametric studies on pinned-pinned hat-shaped members under different loading conditions. Equations and charts are presented to calculate the critical local buckling stress of hat-shaped members subjected to the different investigated loading conditions. Moreover, several interesting observations, conclusions, and recommendations are deducted.The authors would like to thank the contribution of the team of AGECS Research Center (ARC) for their help to get this research and developed software to a professional level

    Child health and survival in the eastern mediterranean region

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    Most child deaths in the region are preventable and occur in just a few of the 22 countries in the region. The interventions are not expensive, but governments need to implement the

    Polymeric-Calcium Phosphate Cement Composites-Material Properties: In Vitro and In Vivo Investigations

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    New polymeric calcium phosphate cement composites (CPCs) were developed. Cement powder consisting of 60 wt% tetracalcium phosphate, 30 wt% dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, and 10 wt% tricalcium phosphate was combined with either 35% w/w poly methyl vinyl ether maleic acid or polyacrylic acid to obtain CPC-1 and CPC-2. The setting time and compressive and diametral tensile strength of the CPCs were evaluated and compared with that of a commercial hydroxyapatite cement. In vitro cytotoxicity and in vivo biocompatibility of the two CPCs and hydroxyapatite cement were assessed. The setting time of the cements was 5–15 min. CPC-1 and CPC-2 showed significantly higher compressive and diametral strength values compared to hydroxyapatite cement. CPC-1 and CPC-2 were equivalent to Teflon controls after 1 week. CPC-1, CPC-2, and hydroxyapatite cement elicited a moderate to intense inflammatory reaction at 7 days which decreased over time. CPC-1 and CPC-2 show promise for orthopedic applications

    Remote sensing techniques and geochemical constraints on the formation of the Wadi El-Hima mineralized granites, Egypt: new insights into the genesis and accumulation of garnets

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    The Wadi El-Hima Neoproterozoic I- and A-type granites in the Southern Eastern Desert of Egypt are rich in garnets (up to 30 vol%) and are cut by NW–SE strike-slip faults, as confirmed from structure lineament extraction maps. These mineralized granites and garnet mineralization zones can be successfully discriminated using remote sensing techniques. Spectral angle mapper and matched filtering techniques are highly effective for mapping garnet-rich zones and show that the highest garnet concentrations occur along the intrusive contact zone of NW–SE striking faults. El-Hima granites have high SiO2 (73.5–75.1 wt%), Al2O3 (13.4–15.3 wt%) and total alkali (6.7–8.7 wt%) contents, suggesting that they were sourced from peraluminous (A/CNK > 1) parental magmas. Garnet-bearing trondhjemites are metasomatic in origin and formed after I-type tonalite-granodiorites, which originated in a volcanic arc tectonic setting. Garnet-rich syenogranites and alkali-feldspar granites are both post-collisional A-type granites: the syenogranites formed from peraluminous magmas generated by partial melting of lower crustal tonalite and metasedimentary protoliths during lithospheric delamination, and the alkali-feldspar granites crystallized from highly fractionated, felsic and alkali-rich peraluminous magmas in the upper crust. Garnets in El-Hima mineralized granites occur in three forms: (1) subhedral disseminated crystals, (2) vein-type crystals, and (3) aggregated subhedral crystals, reflecting different mechanisms of accumulation. All are dominantly almandine in composition (Alm76Sps10 Prp7Grs6Adr1) and have high average concentrations of heavy rare earth elements (HREE) (ΣHREE = 1636 ppm), Y = (3394 ppm), Zn (325 ppm), Li (39.17 ppm) and Ga (34.94 ppm). Garnet REE patterns show strong negative Eu anomalies with HREE enriched relative to LREE, indicating a magmatic origin. These magmatic garnets are late-stage crystallization products of Al-rich hydrous magmas, and formed at low temperature (680–730 °C) and pressure (2.1–2.93 kbar) conditions in the upper continental crust. Peculiar garnet concentrations in syenogranites near and along contact zones with alkali feldspar granites are related to peraluminous parent hydrous magma compositions. These garnets formed by in situ crystallization from A-type granite melts, alongside accumulation of residual garnets left behind after partial melting of the host garnet-rich granites along the intrusive contact. Magmatic-fluid flow along the NW–SE striking fault of Najd system enhanced garnet accumulation in melts, which formed clots and veins of garnet

    QT interval and dispersion among emergency medical responders in Mansoura city

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    AbstractBackgroundOccupational factors are likely to contribute to increased cardiovascular disease risk among emergency medical responders (EMR). The aim of this study was to clarify whether EMR stressful Job and their prolonged exposure to work stress are associated with an increase in QT interval and QT dispersion.MethodsA comparative cross sectional study was conducted upon 137 EMR and a 119 matched control group composed of non-emergency workers. All study population were subjected to history taking for age, risk factors such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and smoking, history of cardiovascular disease, and the use of medications. Measurement of blood pressure, and body mass index (BMI) was recorded. Standard 12-lead ECGs were recorded for the analysis of heart rate (HR), QT, QTc, QT dispersion, Tpeak and Tend (Tpe), and Tpe dispersion. In addition the levels of epinephrine and nor-epinephrine hormones in urine during the work shift were analyzed.ResultsHigh risk EMR had a significant increase in blood pressure, urinary epinephrine and norepinephrine compared to the control group (p<0.05). There were no differences between studied groups as regards heart rate, QT, QTc, QT dispersion, QTc dispersion, Tpe interval, and Tpe dispersion with no significant correlation between catecholamine levels and QTc interval.ConclusionQTc and dispersion were not increased among emergency medical responders in spite of having higher catecholamine levels

    1-Year COMBO stent outcomes stratified by the PARIS bleeding prediction score: From the MASCOT registry

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    Background: The COMBO stent is a biodegradable-polymer sirolimus-eluting stent with endothelial progenitor cell capture technology for faster endothelialization. Objective: We analyzed COMBO stent outcomes in relation to bleeding risk using the PARIS bleeding score. Methods: MASCOT was an international registry of all-comers undergoing attempted COMBO stent implantation. We stratified patients as low bleeding-risk (LBR) for PARIS score 3 based on baseline age, body mass index, anemia, current smoking, chronic kidney disease and need for triple therapy. Primary endpoint was 1-year target lesion failure (TLF), composite of cardiac death, myocardial infarction (MI) not clearly attributed to a non-target vessel or clinically-driven target lesion revascularization (TLR). Bleeding was adjudicated using the Bleeding Academic Research Consortium (BARC) definition. Dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) cessation was independently adjudicated. Results: The study included 56% (n = 1270) LBR and 44% (n = 1009) IHBR patients. Incidence of 1-year TLF was higher in IHBR patients (4.1% vs. 2.6%, p = 0.047) driven by cardiac death (1.7% vs. 0.7%, p = 0.029) with similar rates of MI (1.8% vs. 1.1%, p = 0.17), TLR (1.5% vs. 1.6%, p = 0.89) and definite/ probable stent thrombosis (1.2% vs. 0.6%, p = 0.16). Incidence of 1-year major BARC 3 or 5 bleeding was significantly higher in IHBR patients (2.3% vs. 0.9%, p = 0.0094), as was the incidence of DAPT cessation (29.3% vs. 22.8%, p < 0.01), driven by physician-guided discontinuation. Conclusions: Patients with intermediate-to-high PARIS bleeding risk in the MASCOT registry experienced greater incidence of 1-year TLF, major bleeding and DAPT cessation than LBR patients, without significant differences in stent thrombosis

    Extensor tendon release in tennis elbow: results and prognostic factors in 80 elbows

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    Purpose The objectives of this study were to evaluate the results in the outpatient treatment of recalcitrant lateral epicondylitis with release of the common extensor origin according to Hohmann and to determine any prognostic factors. Methods Eighty tennis elbows in 77 patients with a characteristic history of activity-related pain at the lateral epicondyle interfering with the activities of daily living refractory to conservative care for at least 6 months and a confirmatory physical examination were included. Clinical outcome was evaluated using the QuickDASH score system. Data were collected before the operation and at the medians of 18 months (range 6–36 months; short term) and 4 years (range 3–6 years; medium term) postoperatively. Results The mean QuickDASH was improved both at the short- and the medium-term follow-ups and did not change significantly between the follow-ups. At the final followup, the QuickDASH was improved in 78 out of 80 elbows and 81% was rated as excellent or good (QuickDASH\40 points). We found a weak correlation between residual symptoms (a high QuickDASH score) at the final follow-up and high level of baseline symptoms (r = 0.388), acute occurrence of symptoms (r = 0.362), long duration of symptoms (r = 0.276), female gender (r = 0.269) and young age (r = 0.203), whereas occurrence in dominant arm, a work-related cause or strenuous work did not correlate significantly with the outcome. Conclusion Open lateral extensor release performed as outpatient surgery results in improved clinical outcome at both short- and medium-term follow-ups with few complications. High baseline disability, sudden occurrence of symptoms, long duration of symptoms, female gender and young age were found to be weak predictors of poor outcome

    Novi analitički pristup sa smanjenom potrošnjom organskih otapala u spektrofotometrijskoj analizi temeljenoj na prijenosu naboja: Primjena u analizi nekih antihipertenziva

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    The present study describes the development of a novel analytical approach that can reduce by 50-fold the consumption of organic solvents in the charge transfer (CT)-based spectrophotometric analysis. The proposed approach employed 96-microwell assay plates for carrying out the reaction. The CT reaction between the electron-donating analyte and electron-accepting reagent was performed in microwells (200-µL of organic solvent) and the color signals were measured with a microwell-plate reader. Optimum conditions for the proposed approach were established for two antihypertensive drugs, namely ramipril (RML) and lisinopril (LSL) as model compounds for the electron-donating analytes, and 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-1,4-benzoquinone (DDQ) as a -electron acceptor. Under the optimum conditions, Beer’s law was obeyed in the concentration range of 6–100 and 6–60 g mL1 for RML and LSL, respectively. The limits of detection were 0.97 and 1.10 g mL1 for RML and LSL, respectively. The precision of the methods was satisfactory; the values of relative standard deviations did not exceed 1.1 %. The proposed approach was successfully applied to the analysis of pharmaceutical dosage forms with good accuracy and precision. The results were comparable with those of the reported methods. The approach described herein is of great practical value in pharmaceutical analysis because it reduces the exposure of analysts to the toxic effects of organic solvents, lowers the analysis cost by 50-fold, and it has a high throughput property. Although the approach was validated for RML and LSL, the same methodology could be used for any electron-donating analyte for which a CT-reaction can be performed.U radu je opisan razvoj novog analitičkog pristupa koji 50 puta smanjuje potrošnju organskih otapala u spektrofotometrijskoj analizi na bazi prijenosa naboja (CT). Predložena metoda koristi ploče s 96 jažica za izvođenje analize. CT reakcije između elektron-donora i elektron-akceptora izvodi se u jažicama s 200-µL organskog otapala. Promjene boje mjere se pomoću posebnog mikročitača za ploče s jažicama. Određeni su optimalni uvjeti za dva antihipertenzivna lijeka, ramipril (RML) i lizinopril (LSL) koji su upotrebljeni kao modelni spojevi za elektron-donorske analite, i 2,3-diklor-5,6-dicijano-1,4-benzokinon (DDQ) kao -elektronski akceptor. U optimalnim uvjetima Beerov zakon je vrijedio u koncentracijskom području 6–100 i 6–60 g mL1 za RML, odnosno LSL. Granice detekcije bile su 0,97 i 1,1 g mL1 za RML, odnosno LSL. Preciznost metode bila je zadovoljavajuća, a relativna standardna devijacija bila je manja od 1,1 %. Predložena metoda uspješno je primijenjena za analizu doziranih farmaceutskih pripravaka koji sadrže ispitivane lijekove, uz dobru točnost i preciznost. Rezultati predložene metode usporedivi su s rezultatima poznatih metoda. Postupak opisan u ovom radu vrlo je praktičan: analitičari su manje izloženi toksičnim učincima organskih otapala, troškovi analize smanjeni su 50 puta, a također ju odlikuje visoka propusnost. Iako je postupak validiran za RML i LSL, ista metoda može se upotrijebiti za elektron-donirajući analit koji ulazi u CT reakciju

    Quantification of three macrolide antibiotics in pharmaceutical lots by HPLC: Development, validation and application to a simultaneous separation

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    A new validated high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method with rapid analysis time and high efficiency, for the analysis of erythromycin, azithromycin and spiramycin, under isocratic conditions with ODB RP18 as a stationary phase is described. Using an eluent composed of acetonitrile –2-methyl-2-propanol –hydrogenphosphate buffer, pH 6.5, with 1.5% triethylamine (33:7: up to 100, v/v/v), delivered at a flow-rate of 1.0 mL min-1. Ultra Violet (UV) detection is performed at 210 nm. The selectivity is satisfactory enough and no problematic interfering peaks are observed. The procedure is quantitatively characterized and repeatability, linearity, detection and quantification limits are very satisfactory. The method is applied successfully for the assay of the studied drugs in pharmaceutical dosage forms as tablets and powder for oral suspension. Recovery experiments revealed recovery of 97.13–100.28%