299 research outputs found

    Meditasi Metta-bhavana (Loving-kindness Meditation) Untuk Mengembangkan Self-compassion

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    Selama kehidupannya, manusia berusaha menjadi yang terbaik dan memiliki self-esteem yang tinggi. Keinginan untuk mempertahankan self-esteem yang tinggi membuat individu memiliki kecenderungan memandang diri sendiri lebih baik dari yang sebenarnya. Karena hal inilah, para ahli mencoba memperkenalkan konsep baru untuk menilai diri sendiri secara lebih sehat. Self-compassion merupakan cara untuk menilai diri dengan menggunakan compassion. Self-compassion ditemukan berhubungan kuat dengan berbagai karakteristik positif dalam diri individu, sehingga pengembangan self-compassion menjadi penting. Salah satu cara untuk mengembangkan self-compassion adalah dengan melakukan meditasi metta-bhavana (loving-kindness meditation). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian campuran dengan jenis mixed method research. Desain penelitian yang dipakai adalah dominant status-sequential design, QUAN à qual. Metode penelitian kuantitatif dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimental semu dimana tiap partisipan yang terdiri dari 30 orang kelompok kontrol, 30 orang kelompok eksperimen dengan pembagian 12 orang kelompok eksperimen 1 (Meditator pemula), dan 18 orang kelompok eksperimen 2 (Meditator lama) diberikan kuisioner self-compassion. Hasil penelitian eksperimen semu ini kemudian diperdalam secara kualitatif dengan wawancara terhadap 2 orang responden yang memiliki skor self-compassion tertinggi. Hasil penelitian eksperimen menunjukkan adanya perbedaan self-compassion pada meditator metta-bhavana (loving-kindness meditation) dan pada non-meditator, dimana self-compassion pada kelompok meditator lebih tinggi. Selain itu terdapat perbedaan self-compassion yang signifikan antara kelompok meditator pemula dan lama, dengan self-compassion yang lebih tinggi pada kelompok meditator lama. Hasil analisis kualitatif menunjukkan bahwa proses mindfulness, yaitu selalu berusaha bersikap sadar dan penuh konsentrasi pada latihan meditasi menjadi faktor penentu meditator dalam mendapatkan manfaat dari meditasi metta-bhavana


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    Kebudayaan adalah suatu cara hidup yang berkembang dan dimiliki bersama oleh sekelompok orang dan diwariskan dari generasi ke generasi. Evolusi kebudayaan berhubungan erat dengan kondisi lingkungan. Maka dari itu, budaya di setiap negara berbeda-beda berdasarkan lingkungannya. Salah satu faktor yang terlihat jelas adalah iklim atau musim di sebuah negara. Adanya perubahan musim mempengaruhi kebudayaan yang berkembang di masyarakatnya. Kemudian, salah satu unsur dari kebudayaan terdapat bahasa. Bahasa tidak terbatas dengan interaksi sehari-hari, tetapi banyak sarana sastra yang dapat dijadikan objek pembelajaran. salah satunya, peribahasa yang merupakan ajaran berdasarkan pola pikir orang Jepang dari zaman dahulu. Orang Jepang sering menggunakan peribahasa dalam mengungkapkan atau menggambarkan suatu keadaan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Namun, pada kenyataannya sebagian pembelajar bahasa Jepang tidak memahami makna dari peribahasa bahasa Jepang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu makna peribahasa dan relevansinya terhadap kebudayaan Jepang. Penulis membatasi peribahasa yang digunakan hanya peribahasa yang berkaitan dengan kanji musim (haru, natsu, aki, fuyu). Oleh karena itu penulis merumuskan masalah penelitian sebagai berikut : 1) apa sajakah peribahasa Jepang yang terkait dengan kanji musim (haru, natsu, aki, fuyu), 2) apa makna peribahasa tersebut dalam bahasa Indonesia, 3) adakah relevansi kebudayaan yang tersirat dalam peribahasa Jepang yang terkait dengan kanji musim (haru, natsu, aki, fuyu). Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dan kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini, ditemukan 20 peribahasa yang berkaitan dengan kanji musim dan 12 diantaranya memiliki relevansi dengan kebudayaan Jepang berdasarkan musim. Dengan begitu dapat ditarik kesimpulan adanya keterkaitan antara keadaan lingkungan atau kebudayaan yang berdasarkan musim mempengaruhi pembentukan peribahasa di sebuah negara. ---------- Culture is the way of life that developed and shared by a community that are passed from generation to generation. Cultural evolution is closely related with enviromental conditions. Therefore, the culture in each country is different based on environment. One of the obious factor is the climate or season in a country. The changing seasons affect the cultures that developed in the society. Then, one of the elements of culture are language. Language is not the daily interactions only, but many literary device that can be used as learning objects. One of them is proverb that teaching based on the mindset of Japanese people from ancient times. Japanese people often use proverbs to express or describe a situation in daily life. However, in fact most of Japanese language learners didn’t understand the meaning of Japanese proverbs. This research aims to find out the meaning of proverbs and relevance to the Japanese culture. Authors restrict to use proverbs which is related to kanji season (haru, natsu, aki, fuyu). Therefore, authors formulate the research problems as follow : 1) what are the Japanese proverbs which is associated with kanji season (haru, natsu, aki, fuyu), 2) what are the meaning of these proverbs in Indonesian, 3) is there any relevance of culture implicit in Japanese proverbs related kanji season (haru, natsu, aki, fuyu). The method used in this research is descriptive and qualitative research method. The result of this research, it was found 20 proverbs related to kanji season (haru, natsu, aki, fuyu) and 12 of them have relevance to the Japanese culture based on season. thus, it can be concluded there is a correlation between the state of environment or culture that is based on the proverbs season affect formation in a country


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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang penamaan toko sanjai di kota Bukittinggi dan daerah perbatasan Bukittinggi-Agam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, mengidentifikasi, dan menjelaskan bentuk-bentuk penamaan toko sanjai. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan teori proses penamaan yang dikemukakan oleh Sudaryat (2008). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data penelitian ini adalah nama-nama pada toko sanjai. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode simak. Teknik dasar yang digunakan adalah teknik sadap dan teknik lanjutan yang digunakan adalah menggunakan teknik simak libat cakap dan teknik catat. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menerapkan metode padan. Dari hasil penelitian ini ditemukan enam bentuk penamaan pada toko sanjai di Bukittinggi dan daerah perbatasan Bukittinggi-Agam, yaitu pemendekan yang berupa singkatan dan akronim, penemu dan pembuat, penyebutan bagian, keserupaan, tempat asal dan penamaan baru. Dari beberapa bentuk penamaan yang ditemukan, penamaan baru merupakan bentuk penamaan yang dominan, yakni nama anak

    Судово-психологічна експертиза за справами про визнання недійсними угод, укладених дієздатною особою

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    Theoretical, methodological and practical aspects in cases of invalidating a transaction concluded by a legal person are outlined. Peculiarities of forensic psychological analysis in cases of invalidating a transaction concluded by a legal entity are studied. Referring to forensic expert practice, the object, subject, tasks of this subject type of forensic psychological analysis are determined. Issues which are solved by forensic psychologicalanalysis in cases on invaliding transaction are indicated. Boundaries of a forensic psychologist competence are outlined. Recommendations are provided as to the reference list of source data required for conducting forensic psychological analysis. Based on forensic expert practice, an algorithm for analyzing source data when conducting a forensic psychological analysis in cases of invalidating a transaction concluded by a legal entity is outlined. The main components that should be identified when conducting a forensic examination of this subject type of forensic psychological analysis are indicated. The experience of scientists and practitioners demonstrates that a problem of will is inseparable from problems of personality, consciousness, self-awareness, motives, needs, emotions, cognitive activity of a person. Considering that intellectual, volitional and emotional processes, states and personality traits act in interconnection, this type of research (as one of the complex subject types of forensic psychological analysis) requires further theoretical analysis of the objective and subjective factors of a person wrong actions (entity of civil law relations) in legally significant circumstances to solve methodological and practical tasks of expertology.Узагальнено теоретичні, методичні та практичні аспекти, що стосуються проведення судово-психологічних експертиз за справами про визнання недійсними угод, укладених дієздатною особою. Зважаючи на експертну практику, визначено об’єкт, предмет, завдання цього предметного виду судово-психологічної експертизи й межі компетенції судового експерта-психолога. Надано рекомендації щодо орієнтовного переліку вихідних даних, необхідних для проведення психологічного дослідження за такими справами. Досвід науковців і практиків свідчить, що проблема волі невіддільна від проблем особистості, свідомості, самосвідомості, мотивів, потреб, емоцій, пізнавальної діяльності людини

    Management Of The Expertise Program Business Center Through The Teaching Factory Concept

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    Industrial revolution 4.0. have an impact on Vocational High School graduates which affects the demand needed by businesses and industry. Productive teachers are required to be creative in developing skills programs by applying the Teaching Factory (TEFA) concept. The Agricultural Product Processing Agribusiness expertise program at Muhammadiyah 1 Nganjuk VHS realizes the application of skills through the development of the “MUSA's CORNER” Business Center. The aim of this research is to analyze the planning, organizing, actuating,an controlling,, supporting factors, and inhibiting the successful development of the Business Center. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method with a case study. Collecting data using interviews, observation and documentation study. The results of management research show that the expertise of the Management Business Center program includes planning to consist of learning planning, product planning, and marketing planning. The organizational structure involves the school principal, vice principal, head of skills program, productive teachers, education staff, and students. In addition, there are external parties, namely partner companies and school supervisors. The actuating step includes production and marketing. The controlling step includes evaluating the implementation of the TEFA concept. Supporting factors include good partnerships with the factory/industry, the curriculum meeting Indonesian National Work Competency Standards, professionally certified teachers, and schedules with a block system. The inhibiting factor is the development of a marketing system with an e-commerce system that still requires support from the school's top management


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    Kejajar district is the only producer of Carica Fruit in Wonosobo Regency. The hig potential of Carica Fruit Production in Kejajar District had not been registred along with the number of Carica Fruit processors, so that it causes an occurrence of value chain obstructed. The research aims to analyse the commodity value chain so therefore will increase the productivity of Carica Fruit commodity in Kejajar district, Wonosobo Regency, Central Java. An analysis of value chain analysis is used as the method. The sample that used was Snowballing sampling for farmers respondents and channel informan. The Interview method used to asks the key person from academia, business, government, and community. The result showed that in commodity value chain of Carica Fruit refers to margin for farmers to collectors were 2.000, meanwhile the margin from processors to sellers were 16.000. Therefore the significant number if increasing margin was caused by value added of Carica Fruit processing

    Demonstration and application of production and utilization technologies for rattan sustainable development in the ASEAN member countries

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    This paper presents the initial output of the ITTO-funded project PD 334/05 Rev. 2(I) entitled ‘Demonstration and Application of Production and Utilization Technologies for Rattan Sustainable Development in the ASEAN Member Countries’. The project aims to strengthen ASEAN collaboration to reduce poverty at the community level through a network that supports and prioritizes the urgent needs and concerns for the development of the rattan industry. The project addresses the prioritized needs and concerns raised during the 2004 Regional Conference of Rattan in Asia that will generate necessary information on the impacts of rattan production and utilization technologies (particularly at the community level), conduct studies on various aspects of rattan development, conduct training to upgrade skills of various stakeholders, and establish an information network on rattan in the ASEAN region. This project includes demonstration and application of production and utilization technologies, capacity building, and research and information dissemination through the ASEAN Rattan Centre. This paper summarizes the activities conducted during the first year of the project which include: (a) regular and special project meetings; (b) preparation and distribution of the training modules and technology guides; (c) training programs on rattan production and utilization technologies; (d) inception and project steering committee meetings; (e) selection and establishment of rattan pilot demonstration areas; (f) creation of ITTO group discussion (ITTO Rattan Yahoo Group); (g) preparation and circulation of the project newsletter (RATTANewsletter); (h) coordination with the participating ASEAN countries; (i) baseline data gathering for preliminary impact assessment; (j) review, evaluation and selection of research proposals for the Rattan Research Grant Program; (k) establishment of the project rattan museum; (l) preparation of the Rattan Manual/Field Guide for the Philippines; and (m) creation and regular updating of the project website

    Pengembangan Modul Ajar Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dan Sosial (IPAS) Kelas IV Kurikulum Merdeka Materi Indonesiaku Kaya Budaya di SDN 24 Pontianak Timur

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    This research aims to develop teaching module products for the Natural Sciences subject, My Indonesia Rich Culture Material, which are feasible and practical to use. This study uses a mixed approach (mix method) with the Research and Development (R&D) method. The data analysis technique uses the Research and Development (R&D) model adapting the 4D development model (four D models) developed by Thiagarajan which consists of 4 stages, namely define, design, development, and dissemination. . The data sources in this study were the validation results of the questionnaire validating the completeness of the teaching module components and the material aspects of the teaching modules from two validators and the results of the practicality of the teaching modules from the homeroom teachers of class IVA and IVB SDN 24 Pontianak Timur. The level of feasibility of the teaching module for the Science Science subject, My Indonesia Rich Culture Material, is based on the results of the validator team's assessment. The results showed that the feasibility of the teaching modules was stated to be "very feasible" with an average score of 3,62 and the teaching module products for the Natural Sciences Subject My Indonesia Rich Culture were declared "very practical" with an average score of 3,58


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    Analyzed the achievements of scientists and practitioners on the conducting of forensic psychological examinations of crimes committed, by a group of persons. In cases where a crime is committed by a group of persons (from two or more persons) and the defendants give conflicting information about the role of each of them in the commission of the act incriminated to them (in particular leader of the group), a forensic psychological examination of social and psychological characteristics can be appointed on crimes committed by a group of individuals. The object, tasks and subject of the forensic psychological examination of the crimes committed by a group of persons are defined. The features of the study of the socio-psychological characteristics of the suspects (accused) during the forensic psychological examination of criminal cases of crimes committed by a group of persons. The purpose of the article is to analyze the developments of scientists and practitioners for further use in the development of scientific and methodological recommendations for conducting forensic psychological examinations of crimes committed, by a group of individuals. The concept of leadership in the group of persons who committed a crime is disclosed and the types of leaders in the group are indicated. The issues that are put to the resolution of the examination during this type of research and the limits of the competence of the forensic psychologist when performing this subject type of forensic psychological examination are identified. The list of materials of the case (initial data), necessary for carrying out psychological research is indicated.Проанализированы наработки ученых и практиков о проведении судебно- психологических экспертиз по преступлениям, совершенным группой лиц. В тех случаях, когда преступление совершено группой лиц (от двух и более лиц) и обвиняемые дают противоречивые сведения о роли каждого из них в совершении инкриминируемого им деяния (в частности, кто является лидером группы), может быть назначена судебно-психологическая экспертиза социально- психологических особенностей по преступлениям, совершенным группой лиц. Определены объект, задачи и предмет судебно-психологической экспертизы по преступлениям совершенным группой лиц. Рассмотрены особенности исследования социально-психологических особенностей подозреваемых (обвиняемых) при проведении судебно-психологической экспертизы по уголовным делам о преступлениях, совершенных группой лиц. Целью статьи является анализ наработок ученых и практиков для дальнейшего использования при разработке научно-методических рекомендаций  по проведению судебно-психологических экспертиз по преступлениям, совершенным группой лиц. Раскрыто понятие лидерства в группе лиц, совершивших преступление, и указаны типы лидеров в группе. Определены вопросы, которые ставятся на разрешение экспертизы при проведении данного вида исследования, и пределы компетенции судебного эксперта-психолога при выполнении этого предметного вида судебно-психологической экспертизы. Указан перечень материалов дела (исходных данных), необходимых для проведения психологического исследования.Проаналізовано напрацювання науковців щодо проведення судово- психологічних експертиз соціально-психологічних особливостей за злочинами, вчиненими групою осіб. Визначено об’єкт, завдання та предмет даного виду експертизи. Розглянуто особливості дослідження соціально-психологічних особливостей підекспертних. Розкрито поняття лідерства у групі, зазначені типи лідерів. Визначено питання, які ставляться на вирішення, та межі компетенції експерта-психолога. Зазначено перелік вихідних даних, необхідних для проведення психологічного дослідження