159 research outputs found

    Yet Another French Exception: The Legal, Cultural, and Political Dimensions of France’s Support for the Digital Right to Be Forgotten

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    In 2015, the European Court of Justice established an online “right to be forgotten” in Europe. Under this right to be forgotten, individuals may request that search engines delist links that reference their personal information from search results. Search engines need not grant these requests, but they are now obligated to review them. While the Court\u27s decision to establish the right to be forgotten certainly ignited a debate among Western privacy scholars and policymakers hailing from both sides of the Atlantic, no country has participated in the debate with as much fervor as has France. This thesis addresses the following question: What explains France’s unique sense of urgency with regard to digital right to be forgotten? I argue that French privacy jurisprudence does not sufficiently explain France’s attitude and actions in the right to be forgotten debate, as most scholars have suggested. Rather, extralegal factors – namely, long-established societal mentalités with regard to the modern state\u27s responsibility to shield individuals\u27 honor and reputation from excessive public scrutiny and France\u27s enduring antagonism towards US digital hegemony – bear most of the explanatory weight

    Analysis of seismic pounding of moderate-height RC buildings with aligned slabs

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    Collision between adjoining buildings is relevant, since the huge impact forces significantly modify the buildings dynamic behaviour. The separation required by the regulations avoids pounding; however, even in recent buildings, impact can occur due to not fulfilment of codes and seismicity underestimation. Given the importance of this issue, the main objective of this work is to provide efficient simulation tools and to study the relevance of seismic pounding into the most common situations. This work presents a summary of the theoretical developments, discusses the most common simulation software, provides an overview of the previous research, offers recommendations to researchers, and identifies research needs. A new formulation is introduced to estimate the Kelvin-Voigt model damping parameter; it is selected by releasing one of the assumptions of the previous formulations, i.e. considering the influence of the colliding building structures. A simplified parametric study oriented to investigate the performance of the proposed formulation is performed; as well, criteria for selecting their input parameters are provided. Numerical examples on pounding between two multi-storey multi-bay RC buildings are presented, and a shaking table pounding experiment is numerically simulated with the proposed formulation. This Thesis presents a parametrical study on seismic pounding between adjoining short-to-mid height RC framed buildings with aligned slabs. Such condition has been chosen for being highly widespread, mainly in developing countries; two 3 and 5-storey buildings are selected. The buildings are designed for high seismicity. The study consists of analysing the dynamic response of the colliding buildings to a number of representative strong seismic inputs. The inputs are selected based on the soil type and the existence of velocity pulses. Pounding is described by a Kelvin-Voigt linear model; its damping coefficient is derived after the estimated coefficient of restitution by following traditional and more advanced formulations. The behaviour of the buildings is simulated with frame finite element models; nonlinearities are concentrated in plastic hinges located at the ends of each element (concentrated plasticity) whose moment-curvature law is represented by fibre models. Apart from the buildings themselves, the parameters of the study are the soil type, the presence of pulses in the inputs, the damping and stiffness coefficients of the impact model, the separation between the buildings, and the soil-structure interaction. The performance indices are the maximum inter-storey drift, the absolute acceleration and storey shear force, and the cumulated hysteretic energy. The obtained results highlight the relevance of pounding; the influence of the aforementioned parameters is discussed.La col·lisió entre edificis adjacents és rellevant, atès que les enormes forces d'impacte generades modifiquen significativament el seu comportament dinàmic. La separació requerida per la normativa sol ser suficient per evitar l'impacte; però, fins i tot a edificis recents, aquest pot ocórrer a causa del no compliment dels codis i la subestimació de la sismicitat. Atesa la importància d'aquesta problemàtica, el principal objectiu d'aquest treball és proporcionar eines de simulació eficients i estudiar la rellevància, a les situacions més comuns, de l'impacte causat per l'acció sísmica. Aquest treball presenta un resum dels desenvolupaments teòrics, discuteix la utilitat dels programes d'ordinador més comuns, proporciona una visió general de les investigacions anteriors, ofereix recomanacions als investigadors que desitgin endinsar-se a aquest camp, i identifica les necessitats més peremptòries de recerca . S'introdueix una nova formulació per estimar l'amortiment del model de Kelvin-Voigt; aquest s'estima alliberant una de les hipòtesis de les formulacions anteriors, més concretament, es considera la influència de les estructures dels edificis que xoquen. Es realitza un estudi paramètric simplificat orientat a investigar el rendiment de la formulació proposta, i es proporcionen criteris per seleccionar els seus paràmetres d'entrada. Es presenten exemples numèrics sobre l'impacte entre dos edificis de formigó armat de diversos pisos i diversos trams i es simula numèricament, amb la formulació proposta, un experiment a un simulador de terratrèmols (taula vibratòria). A aquesta Tesi es presenta un estudi paramètric sobre l'impacte sísmic entre edificis de pòrtics de formigó de baixa a mitja alçada; aquests edificis tenen sostres situats a la mateixa alçada. Aquesta condició ha estat escollida per ser força habitual, principalment a països en desenvolupament; s'analitzen dos edificis de 3 i 5 plantes. Aquests edificis es dimensionen per a sismicitat elevada. L'estudi consisteix a analitzar la resposta dinàmica dels edificis sotmesos a una sèrie de accelerogrames forts representatius. Aquestes excitacions se seleccionen sobre la base del tipus de sòl i de l'existència d'impulsos de velocitat. L'impacte es descriu mitjançant un model lineal de Kelvin-Voigt; el seu coeficient d'amortiment s'obté a partir del coeficient estimat de restitució seguint la formulació tradicional i la nova estratègia proposada. El comportament dels edificis es representa amb models d'elements finits de barres; les no-linealitats es concentren en ròtules plàstiques situades als extrems de cada element estructural (plasticitat concentrada); els seus diagrames moment-curvatura estan representats per models de fibra. A part de les característiques dels propis edificis, els paràmetres de l'estudi són: el tipus de sòl, la presència d'impulsos a les excitacions, els coeficients d'amortiment i rigidesa del model d'impacte, la separació entre els accelerogrames, i la interacció entre el sòl i l'estructura. Els índexs d'acompliment són: la deriva màxima entre pisos, l'acceleració absoluta i la força de tall a les plantes, i l'energia histerética acumulada. Els resultats obtinguts posen de relleu la rellevància de l'impacte; es discuteix la influència dels paràmetres abans esmentats.La colisión entre edificios adyacentes es relevante, ya que las enormes fuerzas de impacto generadas modifican significativamente su comportamiento dinámico. La separación requerida por la normativa suele ser suficiente para evitar el impacto; sin embargo, incluso en edificios recientes, éste puede ocurrir debido al no cumplimiento de los códigos y la subestimación de la sismicidad. Dada la importancia de esta problemática, el principal objetivo de este trabajo es proporcionar herramientas de simulación eficientes y estudiar la relevancia, en las situaciones más comunes, del impacto debido a la acción sísmica. Este trabajo presenta un resumen de los desarrollos teóricos, discute la utilidad de los programas de ordenador más comunes, proporciona una visión general de las investigaciones anteriores, ofrece recomendaciones a los investigadores que deseen adentrarse en este campo, e identifica las necesidades más perentorias de investigación. Se introduce una nueva formulación para estimar el amortiguamiento del modelo de Kelvin-Voigt; éste se estima liberando una de las hipótesis de las formulaciones anteriores, más concretamente, se considera la influencia de las estructuras de los edificios que chocan. Se realiza un estudio paramétrico simplificado orientado a investigar el rendimiento de la formulación propuesta, y se proporcionan criterios para seleccionar sus parámetros de entrada. Se presentan ejemplos numéricos sobre el impacto entre dos edificios de hormigón armado de varios pisos y varios vanos y se simula numéricamente, con la formulación propuesta, un experimento en un simulador de terremotos (mesa vibratoria). En esta Tesis se presenta un estudio paramétrico sobre el impacto sísmico entre edificios de pórticos de hormigón de baja a media altura; estos edificios tienen forjados situados a la misma altura. Dicha condición ha sido elegida por ser común, principalmente en países en desarrollo; se analizan dos edificios de 3 y 5 plantas. Estos edificios se dimensionan para sismicidad elevada. El estudio consiste en analizar la respuesta dinámica de los edificios sometidos a una serie de acelerogramas fuertes representativos. Estas excitaciones se seleccionan en base al tipo de suelo y a la existencia de impulsos de velocidad. El impacto se describe mediante un modelo lineal de Kelvin-Voigt; su coeficiente de amortiguación se obtiene a partir del coeficiente estimado de restitución siguiendo la formulación tradicional y la nueva estrategia propuesta. El comportamiento de los edificios se representa con modelos de elementos finitos de barras; las no linealidades se concentran en rótulas plásticas situadas en los extremos de cada elemento estructural (plasticidad concentrada); sus diagramas momento-curvatura están representados por modelos de fibra. Aparte de las características de los propios edificios, los parámetros del estudio son: el tipo de suelo, la presencia de impulsos en los acelerogramas, los coeficientes de amortiguación y rigidez del modelo de impacto, la separación entre los acelerogramas, y la interacción entre el suelo y la estructura. Los índices de desempeño son: la deriva máxima entre pisos, la aceleración absoluta y la fuerza de corte en pisos, y la energía histerética acumulada. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de relieve la relevancia del impacto; se discute la influencia de los parámetros antes mencionados

    Investigation on Revegetation/ Phytoremediation of Campo Pisano abandoned mine area

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    The contaminated mine tailings rich in toxic metals pose serious environmental threats to the surrounding areas. The reclamation of these mine sites is an economically costly and technically complex process. Phytoremediation is one of the most promising techniques for sustainable, cost-effective and eco-friendly remediation of contaminated mine sites. Pinus halepensis Mill. was selected due to its special characteristics as a pioneer species growing spontaneously on Campo Pisano (CP) mine tailing, a multiple heavy metal contamination site in SW-Sardinia, Italy. The aim of this PhD thesis is to assess the phytoremediation capability of P. halepensis and focuses on assessing: • the main geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of the soil-plant system through X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) • Zn,Pb and Cd concentration and its bioavailable fractions in contaminated substrates • the metal accumulation and translocation behaviour in P. halepensis compartments (roots, barks, wood and needles) by calculating the Biological Accumulation Coefficient (BAC), the Translocation (TF) and the Biological Concentration Factors (BCF) • the geochemical forms of Zn, Pb, Cd and their bioavailability through the three-step BCR extraction method in relation to the Physico-chemical and mineralogical characteristics of the soil in-depth and the soil-root system • the phytostabilization potential of seedlings planted under the controlled-greenhouse condition in four different substrates (reference, CP mine tailings, mine tailings amended with compost, mine tailing with their pine and substrates) to evaluate: - the bioavailability of metals and their accumulation in roots and the aerial parts - the plant survival, elongation and biomass production - the mitigation of metal stress in plant by assessing the effectiveness of compost amendment. The outcome of XRD and SEM analysis showed the presence of pyrite, dolomite, calcite, quartz, gypsum and barite with iron sulfate and iron oxide in the polluted substrates. Zn ore minerals and muscovite were mostly detected in the deeper soil layers. Iron sulfate was found mainly in the substrate around the plant roots indicated the presence of some minerals that were discharged in the mine waste and the pyrite dissolution reaction. Zn was the most abundant metal in the substrate as well as plant tissues. The high Zn, Pb and Cd accumulation in the root of P. halepensis reflects the high metal contamination in soil. The BCR analysis showed that the uppermost alkaline-calcareous layers of mine waste were affected by the rich carbonate lithology and mineralogy of CP which were different from the deeper acidic layers. It showed that Pb and Zn were less bioavailable for roots and were often found in the residual fraction, mainly in deep layers of the compost-amended soil, while Cd was found in the exchangeable BCR fraction. The presence of Zn and Pb ore minerals having low solubility, or the rhizosphere interaction processes may cause their resistance to leaching in BCR extraction. The outcome of the greenhouse investigation declared the potential of P. halepensis to tolerate high metal concentrations, and its adaptation to survive in highly contaminated substrates as well as its aptitude to limit metal accumulation and translocation to the aerial parts. The addition of compost enhanced the soil organic carbon and nitrogen contents and restricted the metal bioavailability and accumulation in the aerial parts of plant, however, it didn’t improve the plant survival and growth. These outcomes together with the low biological accumulation and translocation indexes (BCF,TF,BAC<1) for all plant tissues indicated that P. halepensis is an excluder, tolerates high Zn, Pb, and Cd concentrations, restricts their accumulation and translocation to the aerial parts and may be potentially eligible for long-term phytostabilization projects in abandoned mine tailing sites

    State-of-the-art of research on seismic pounding between buildings with aligned slabs

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    Collision between adjoining buildings with aligned slabs is relevant, since the huge impact forces significantly modify the buildings dynamic behavior. The separation required by the regulations avoids pounding; however, even in recent buildings, impact can occur due to not fulfillment of codes and seismicity underestimation. Given the importance of this issue, a significant research effort has been undertaken worldwide, and a considerable number of papers are available. The complexity of this field and this abundance of information might require a review task. This paper presents a summary of the theoretical developments, discusses the most common simulation software, provides an overview of the previous research, offers recommendations to researchers, and identifies research needs.Postprint (published version

    Analysis of seismic pounding of moderate-height RC buildings with aligned slabs

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    Collision between adjoining buildings is relevant, since the huge impact forces significantly modify the buildings dynamic behaviour. The separation required by the regulations avoids pounding; however, even in recent buildings, impact can occur due to not fulfilment of codes and seismicity underestimation. Given the importance of this issue, the main objective of this work is to provide efficient simulation tools and to study the relevance of seismic pounding into the most common situations. This work presents a summary of the theoretical developments, discusses the most common simulation software, provides an overview of the previous research, offers recommendations to researchers, and identifies research needs. A new formulation is introduced to estimate the Kelvin-Voigt model damping parameter; it is selected by releasing one of the assumptions of the previous formulations, i.e. considering the influence of the colliding building structures. A simplified parametric study oriented to investigate the performance of the proposed formulation is performed; as well, criteria for selecting their input parameters are provided. Numerical examples on pounding between two multi-storey multi-bay RC buildings are presented, and a shaking table pounding experiment is numerically simulated with the proposed formulation. This Thesis presents a parametrical study on seismic pounding between adjoining short-to-mid height RC framed buildings with aligned slabs. Such condition has been chosen for being highly widespread, mainly in developing countries; two 3 and 5-storey buildings are selected. The buildings are designed for high seismicity. The study consists of analysing the dynamic response of the colliding buildings to a number of representative strong seismic inputs. The inputs are selected based on the soil type and the existence of velocity pulses. Pounding is described by a Kelvin-Voigt linear model; its damping coefficient is derived after the estimated coefficient of restitution by following traditional and more advanced formulations. The behaviour of the buildings is simulated with frame finite element models; nonlinearities are concentrated in plastic hinges located at the ends of each element (concentrated plasticity) whose moment-curvature law is represented by fibre models. Apart from the buildings themselves, the parameters of the study are the soil type, the presence of pulses in the inputs, the damping and stiffness coefficients of the impact model, the separation between the buildings, and the soil-structure interaction. The performance indices are the maximum inter-storey drift, the absolute acceleration and storey shear force, and the cumulated hysteretic energy. The obtained results highlight the relevance of pounding; the influence of the aforementioned parameters is discussed.La col·lisió entre edificis adjacents és rellevant, atès que les enormes forces d'impacte generades modifiquen significativament el seu comportament dinàmic. La separació requerida per la normativa sol ser suficient per evitar l'impacte; però, fins i tot a edificis recents, aquest pot ocórrer a causa del no compliment dels codis i la subestimació de la sismicitat. Atesa la importància d'aquesta problemàtica, el principal objectiu d'aquest treball és proporcionar eines de simulació eficients i estudiar la rellevància, a les situacions més comuns, de l'impacte causat per l'acció sísmica. Aquest treball presenta un resum dels desenvolupaments teòrics, discuteix la utilitat dels programes d'ordinador més comuns, proporciona una visió general de les investigacions anteriors, ofereix recomanacions als investigadors que desitgin endinsar-se a aquest camp, i identifica les necessitats més peremptòries de recerca . S'introdueix una nova formulació per estimar l'amortiment del model de Kelvin-Voigt; aquest s'estima alliberant una de les hipòtesis de les formulacions anteriors, més concretament, es considera la influència de les estructures dels edificis que xoquen. Es realitza un estudi paramètric simplificat orientat a investigar el rendiment de la formulació proposta, i es proporcionen criteris per seleccionar els seus paràmetres d'entrada. Es presenten exemples numèrics sobre l'impacte entre dos edificis de formigó armat de diversos pisos i diversos trams i es simula numèricament, amb la formulació proposta, un experiment a un simulador de terratrèmols (taula vibratòria). A aquesta Tesi es presenta un estudi paramètric sobre l'impacte sísmic entre edificis de pòrtics de formigó de baixa a mitja alçada; aquests edificis tenen sostres situats a la mateixa alçada. Aquesta condició ha estat escollida per ser força habitual, principalment a països en desenvolupament; s'analitzen dos edificis de 3 i 5 plantes. Aquests edificis es dimensionen per a sismicitat elevada. L'estudi consisteix a analitzar la resposta dinàmica dels edificis sotmesos a una sèrie de accelerogrames forts representatius. Aquestes excitacions se seleccionen sobre la base del tipus de sòl i de l'existència d'impulsos de velocitat. L'impacte es descriu mitjançant un model lineal de Kelvin-Voigt; el seu coeficient d'amortiment s'obté a partir del coeficient estimat de restitució seguint la formulació tradicional i la nova estratègia proposada. El comportament dels edificis es representa amb models d'elements finits de barres; les no-linealitats es concentren en ròtules plàstiques situades als extrems de cada element estructural (plasticitat concentrada); els seus diagrames moment-curvatura estan representats per models de fibra. A part de les característiques dels propis edificis, els paràmetres de l'estudi són: el tipus de sòl, la presència d'impulsos a les excitacions, els coeficients d'amortiment i rigidesa del model d'impacte, la separació entre els accelerogrames, i la interacció entre el sòl i l'estructura. Els índexs d'acompliment són: la deriva màxima entre pisos, l'acceleració absoluta i la força de tall a les plantes, i l'energia histerética acumulada. Els resultats obtinguts posen de relleu la rellevància de l'impacte; es discuteix la influència dels paràmetres abans esmentats.La colisión entre edificios adyacentes es relevante, ya que las enormes fuerzas de impacto generadas modifican significativamente su comportamiento dinámico. La separación requerida por la normativa suele ser suficiente para evitar el impacto; sin embargo, incluso en edificios recientes, éste puede ocurrir debido al no cumplimiento de los códigos y la subestimación de la sismicidad. Dada la importancia de esta problemática, el principal objetivo de este trabajo es proporcionar herramientas de simulación eficientes y estudiar la relevancia, en las situaciones más comunes, del impacto debido a la acción sísmica. Este trabajo presenta un resumen de los desarrollos teóricos, discute la utilidad de los programas de ordenador más comunes, proporciona una visión general de las investigaciones anteriores, ofrece recomendaciones a los investigadores que deseen adentrarse en este campo, e identifica las necesidades más perentorias de investigación. Se introduce una nueva formulación para estimar el amortiguamiento del modelo de Kelvin-Voigt; éste se estima liberando una de las hipótesis de las formulaciones anteriores, más concretamente, se considera la influencia de las estructuras de los edificios que chocan. Se realiza un estudio paramétrico simplificado orientado a investigar el rendimiento de la formulación propuesta, y se proporcionan criterios para seleccionar sus parámetros de entrada. Se presentan ejemplos numéricos sobre el impacto entre dos edificios de hormigón armado de varios pisos y varios vanos y se simula numéricamente, con la formulación propuesta, un experimento en un simulador de terremotos (mesa vibratoria). En esta Tesis se presenta un estudio paramétrico sobre el impacto sísmico entre edificios de pórticos de hormigón de baja a media altura; estos edificios tienen forjados situados a la misma altura. Dicha condición ha sido elegida por ser común, principalmente en países en desarrollo; se analizan dos edificios de 3 y 5 plantas. Estos edificios se dimensionan para sismicidad elevada. El estudio consiste en analizar la respuesta dinámica de los edificios sometidos a una serie de acelerogramas fuertes representativos. Estas excitaciones se seleccionan en base al tipo de suelo y a la existencia de impulsos de velocidad. El impacto se describe mediante un modelo lineal de Kelvin-Voigt; su coeficiente de amortiguación se obtiene a partir del coeficiente estimado de restitución siguiendo la formulación tradicional y la nueva estrategia propuesta. El comportamiento de los edificios se representa con modelos de elementos finitos de barras; las no linealidades se concentran en rótulas plásticas situadas en los extremos de cada elemento estructural (plasticidad concentrada); sus diagramas momento-curvatura están representados por modelos de fibra. Aparte de las características de los propios edificios, los parámetros del estudio son: el tipo de suelo, la presencia de impulsos en los acelerogramas, los coeficientes de amortiguación y rigidez del modelo de impacto, la separación entre los acelerogramas, y la interacción entre el suelo y la estructura. Los índices de desempeño son: la deriva máxima entre pisos, la aceleración absoluta y la fuerza de corte en pisos, y la energía histerética acumulada. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de relieve la relevancia del impacto; se discute la influencia de los parámetros antes mencionados.Postprint (published version

    New formulation for estimating the damping parameter of the Kelvin-Voigt model for seismic pounding simulation

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    Seismic pounding between adjoining buildings frequently causes serious damage; although collision can be avoided with proper separation, can still occur due to code non-fulfillment, loose requirements of old codes, and seismicity underestimation. Inside this context, this work deals with collision between two buildings with aligned slabs. The simulation of this phenomenon is not obvious, involving stress traveling waves, high-frequency behavior, and local effects. Complex distributed continuum mechanics-based models can be used, but are time-consuming; conversely, the concentrated Kelvin-Voigt model can be utilized instead, being simple and inexpensive, yet accurate. Its behavior is characterized by damping and stiffness parameters; the damping influence is particularly important and a number of estimation criteria have been proposed. Among them, the Anagnostopoulos formulation is simple, and provides satisfactory results in most situations. That formulation consists in estimating the damping parameter after a given target value of the coefficient of restitution; the influence, during impact, of the colliding building structures and the seismic excitation is neglected. This paper proposes an alternative approach that releases one of the aforementioned assumptions: the influence of the building structures and their initial separation is taken into consideration. A simplified parametric study oriented to investigate the performance of the proposed strategy is performed; it is found that the accuracy of the Anagnostopoulos formulation is improved in a number of situations. Noticeably, this gain is obtained at a low computational cost. The proposed formulation is satisfactorily utilized to analyze pounding between two multi-story multi-bay RC buildings and to simulate a shaking table pounding experiment.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Effect of flavonoids of extract of cichorium intybus L. leaf on induction of P19 stem-cells differentiation to insulin-producing cells

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    Background and purpose: Regarding the effective role of plant flavonoids in the prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus, in this investigation, induction of P19 stem cells differentiation into insulin producing cells by flavonoids of methanol extract of Cichorium intybus L. leaf was examined. Materials and methods: Initially, flavonoids of methanol extract of Cichorium intybus L. leaf were concentrated. The P19-derived embryonic bodies were cultured in α-MEM (Minimum Essential Medium) containing 15 fetal bovine serum for three days. To induce the differentiation, the cells treated with the concentrations of 50, 100 and 200 μg/ml of flavonoids of methanol extract of Cichorium intybus L. leaf for 12 days. Untreated P19 cells and embryonic bodies were used as controls. Dithizone staining, immunoflorecence and real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) techniques were used to demonstrate the differentiated cells. Results: Differentiated P19 cells by different concentrations of extract shown positive reaction to dithizone staining. Most percentage of positive dithizone cells was reached in concentration of 100 μg/ml. Immunoflorecence method showed that differentiated P19 cells were able to express the pancreas beta cell-specific markers. Pdx-1 gene expression in the cells was demonstrated by RT-PCR technique. Conclusion: The flavonoids of methanol extract of Cichorium intybus L. leaf are able to induce differentiation of P19 stem cells to insulin producing cells. © 2014 Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Risk-targeted hazard maps for Spain

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    Many studies have demonstrated that the design of structures in a region through the uniform hazard principle does not guarantee a uniform collapse risk. Even in regions with similar Peak Ground Accelerations (PGAs) corresponding to the same mean return period, the seismic risk in terms of collapse probability will be significantly different mainly due to the shape of the hazard curves as well as uncertainties in structural capacities. In this paper, risk-targeted hazard mapping is being explored in peninsular Spain using a recently updated seismic hazard map. Since risk targeting involves multiple input parameters such as the model parameters of fragility curves, their variability was considered through their probability distribution as observed in reinforced concrete (RC) moment frame buildings, representing the most common building typology in Spain. The influence of the variation of these parameters on the risk results were investigated, and different assumptions for estimating the model parameters of fragility curves are illustrated. These assumptions were included in a fixed (generic) fragility curve or building-site-specific fragility curves. Different acceptable damage states (i.e., collapse and yielding) were considered concerning Spain’s seismicity level. Finally, the maps for risk-targeted design ground motions and risk coefficients are presented. It is outlined that the employment of risk-targeted analysis leads to the modifications for existing design ground motions due to the different shape of the hazard curves across Spain and considering the uncertainty of structural capacity. Moreover, it is found that using the building- and site-specific fragility curves could result in a more uniform seismic risk across the country.The study has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 821046, the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad through research project CGL2016-77688-R, with the collaboration and funding provided by Elche and Alicante municipalities

    SCANIA Component X Dataset: A Real-World Multivariate Time Series Dataset for Predictive Maintenance

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    This paper presents a description of a real-world, multivariate time series dataset collected from an anonymized engine component (called Component X) of a fleet of trucks from SCANIA, Sweden. This dataset includes diverse variables capturing detailed operational data, repair records, and specifications of trucks while maintaining confidentiality by anonymization. It is well-suited for a range of machine learning applications, such as classification, regression, survival analysis, and anomaly detection, particularly when applied to predictive maintenance scenarios. The large population size and variety of features in the format of histograms and numerical counters, along with the inclusion of temporal information, make this real-world dataset unique in the field. The objective of releasing this dataset is to give a broad range of researchers the possibility of working with real-world data from an internationally well-known company and introduce a standard benchmark to the predictive maintenance field, fostering reproducible research.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure