479 research outputs found

    Design of Data Transceiver Using Differential Quaternary Phase Shift Keying (DQPSK) Modulation Technique

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    There are few factors that contributes to the commercial failure of the Cordless Telecommunication 2nd Generation (CT2) system. Amongst those factors are the limitations and inefficiency of the system, such as cell size, bit-error-rate, throughput and bandwidth efficiency. The aim of this study is therefore to propose a modulation technique that could potentially overcome some of the above mentioned limitations. To model the system, a reliable data transceiver using Differential Quaternary Phase Shift Keying (DQPSK) modulation technique was designed and simulated using HP-EESof Microwave System Simulator called OmniSys. Two frequency spectrum, namely 1-GHz and 5-GHz, which are commonly used in cellular phones and satellite communications respectively, have been selected for analysis. However, because of the higher propagation path loss for 5-GHz, only the I-GHz system was selected for further investigation in this thesis, as a proposed frequency to improve the CT2 system. Simulations of the DQPSK transceiver at 1-GHz have shown that bit-errorrate (BER) of 10-6 or better could be achieved compared to 10-3 in CT2. This is suitable for data transceiver with a minimum receive power (Rx_PWR) of -60dBm. The coverage also improved from 200 meters (maximum radius for CT2) to 1250 meters with acceptable transmit power «35dBm). The simulation also showed that the throughput (TP> of 120 Kbitls can be achieved compared to 72 Kbitls for CT2 system and the bandwidth efficiency can be improved from 0.72 bitIHz for CT2 system to 1.46 bitIHz for the proposed system. Thus, from these simulation results, the aim of proposing a modulation technique to improve CT2 system has been achieved. The performance of the reliable data transceiver using DQPSK modulation technique operating at 1-GHz has found to be satisfactory

    Factores de riesgo músculo esqueléticos y sus manifestaciones clínica en las secretarias de la Facultad de Educación e Idiomas, POLISAL, Humanidades y Ciencias Jurídicas, Ciencias e Ingenierías de la UNAN-Managua, marzo 2016.

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    Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, en el cual se utilizó como técnica de recolección de datos una entrevista personal con cada una de las secretarias, además de dos check list (uno para la posición y uso correcto del computador y otro de dolor localizado por efectos de los riesgos musculo esqueléticos) así como la toma de fotografías durante la ejecución de las tareas. Se encontró que el 78% de las secretarias laboran 8 hrs o menos a diario, dedicando un tiempo de escritura de 4 hrs o menos, el 83% tiene un diseño de puesto de trabajo inadecuado, los principales riesgos a los que se exponen las secretarias son movimiento repetitivos (90%) y posturas inadecuadas (76%). El 69% de las secretarias presentaron dolores o molestias relacionados a su trabajo actual, las partes del cuerpo con mayor porcentaje de dolor o molestias son la mano derecha con un 46% y el cuello con un 42%

    The relationship between pro-innovation organizational climate and innovative work behavior: A study among the knowledge workers of the knowledge intensive business services in Malaysia

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    This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between pro-innovation organizational climate and innovative work behavior among the knowledge workers of the knowledge intensive business services in Malaysia.The innovative work behavior has a central role in the development of knowledge-intensive business services in Malaysia. It was previously reported that pro-innovation organizational climate to have a significant relationship with innovative work behavior of employees in various business sectors.However, not all support the notion that organizational climate correlates with innovative work behavior.Some of the researchers concluded the relationship is rather weak.This makes it even more interesting to include organizational climate in the research framework of the model of innovative work behavior in Malaysia.A quantitative method was utilized and data were collected using mail survey.A total of 1520 questionnaires was distributed and 310 deemed usable for analysis using SPSS, resulted in 20.6 % response rate.The results revealed that there was a significant relationship between pro-innovation organizational climates with the innovative work behavior of knowledge workers.Discussions of the results and its implications are discussed

    The relationship between pro-innovation organizational climate, leader-member exchange and innovative work behavior: A study among the knowledge workers of the knowledge intensive business services in Malaysia

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    This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between pro-innovation organizational climate, leader-member exchange and innovative work behavior among the knowledge workers of the knowledge intensive business services in Malaysia.The innovative work behavior has a central role in the development of knowledge-intensive business services in Malaysia.It was previously reported that pro-innovation organizational climate and leader-member exchange to have a significant relationship with innovative work behavior of employees in various business sectors.However, not all support the notion that organizational climate and leader-member exchange correlates with innovative work behavior.Some of the researchers concluded the relationship is rather weak.This makes it even more interesting to include organizational climate and leader-member exchange in the research framework of the model of innovative work behavior in Malaysia.A quantitative method was utilized and data were collected using mail survey.A total of 1520 questionnaires were distributed and 310 deemed usable for analysis using SPSS, resulted in 20.6 % response rate. The results revealed that there was a significant relationship between pro-innovation organizational climates, leader-member exchange with the innovative work behavior of knowledge workers.Discussions of the results and its implications are discussed

    Dizajniranje i evaluacija dvoslojnih plutajućih tableta kaptoprila

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    The objective of the present investigation was to develop a bilayer-floating tablet (BFT) for captopril using direct compression technology. HPMC, K-grade and effervescent mixture of citric acid and sodium bicarbonate formed the floating layer. The release layer contained captopril and various polymers such as HPMC-K15M, PVP-K30 and Carbopol 934p, alone or in combination with the drug. The floating behavior and in vitro dissolution studies were carried out in a USP 23 apparatus 2 in simulated gastric fluid (without enzyme, pH 1.2). Final formulation released approximately 95% drug in 24 h in vitro, while the floating lag time was 10 min and the tablet remained floatable throughout all studies. Final formulation followed the Higuchi release model and showed no significant change in physical appearance, drug content, floatability or in vitro dissolution pattern after storage at 45 oC/75% RH for three months. Placebo formulation containing barium sulphate in the release layer administered to human volunteers for in vivo X-ray studies showed that BFT had significantly increased the gastric residence time.U radu je opisana priprava dvoslojnih plutajućih tableta (BFT) kaptoprila metodom izravne kompresije. Plutajući dio tablete izrađen je iz HPMC, K-sloja i efervescentne smjese limunske kiseline i natrijevog bikarbonata. Sloj s aktivnom supstancijom sadrži kaptopril i različite polimere kao što su HPMC-K15M, PVP-K30 i Crbopol 934p,sam ili u smjesi s ljekovitom tvari. Sposobnost plutanja i in vitro oslobađanje ispitivano je u aparaturi 2 prema USP XXIII u simuliranom želučanom soku (bez enzima, pH 1,2). Iz pripravljenih tableta oslobodilo se približno 95% ljekovite tvari tijekom 24 h u navedenim in vitro uvjetima, a floating lag time bilo je 10 min. Tablete su plutale tijekom cijelog pokusa. Pripravak je slijedio Higuchijev model oslobađanja. Za vrijeme skladištenja na 45 C/75% RH nisu uočene nikakve značajne promjene u izgledu, sadržaju ljekovite tvari, sposobnosti plutanja i oslobađanju kaptoprila u in vitro uvjetima. Placebo pripravci s barijevim sulfatom u sloju za oslobađanje davani su volonterima. In vivo pokusi s rentgenskim zračenjem pokazali su da BFT pripravci imaju značajno produljeno vrijeme zadržavanja u želucu

    Union for the Mediterranean: features of functioning and prospects of development

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    Здійснено комплексне дослідження особливостей функціонування і перспектив розвитку Союзу для Середземномор’я з урахуванням сучасних подій. На основі аналізу вітчизняної та зарубіжної історіографії розглянуто особливості створення організації, її цілі та пріоритети, позиції європейських лідерів стосовно необхідності співпраці з середземноморськими країнами. З’ясовано, що метою створення Союзу для Середземномор’я була підтримка загальної імміграційної політики, економічного і торгівельного розвитку, загальних правових норм, захисту навколишнього середовища і спільного розвитку. На думку авторів, для збереження життєздатності Союзу для Середземномор’я ЄС має використовувати більш диференційований і тематичний підхід з акцентом на таких питаннях, як безпека і співробітництво, енергетичні угоди, співпраця з питань харчових продуктів і більш цілеспрямована фінансова допомога.It has been done the complex study of the functioning and development prospects of the Union for the Mediterranean. Based on the analysis of national and foreign historiography it considers creation and development of organization, its goals and priorities, an attitude to European leaders about the necessity to cooperate with Mediterranean countries. It was found that the Union for the Mediterranean was established in order to support the overall immigration policy, economic and trade development, common law, the environment and common development. The authors emphasize that in order to maintain the viability of the Union for the Mediterranean EU should use more differentiated and thematic approach, which based on security and cooperation, energy agreements, cooperation on food and more targeted financial assistance.Осуществлено комплексное исследование особенностей функционирования и перспектив развития Союза для Средиземноморья с учетом современных событий. На основе анализа отечественной и зарубежной историографии рассмотрены особенности создания организации, ее цели и приоритеты, позиции европейских лидеров о необходимости сотрудничества со средиземноморскими странами. Установлено, что целью создания Союза для Средиземноморья была поддержка общей иммиграционной политики, экономического и торгового развития, общих правовых норм, защиты окружающей среды и совместного развития. По мнению авторов, для сохранения жизнеспособности Союза для Средиземноморья ЕС должен использовать более дифференцированный и тематический подход с акцентом на таких вопросах, как безопасность и сотрудничество, энергетические соглашения, сотрудничество по вопросам пищевых продуктов и более целенаправленная финансовая помощь