999 research outputs found

    The Swahili novelist at the crossroad: the dilemma of identity and fecundity

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    \"Are there any national literatures in black Africa yet? The simple answer is no. [...] If one examines the development of the African language literature that do exists, one is struck by certain recurring tendencies. Many of the books produced, particularly the early works, are of a predominantly moralistic nature. Sometimes they are retelling of folk stories or Bible stories, sometimes imitations of European religious literature, sometimes both.\\\" (Lindfors 1997: 121; 123) Certain anomalies are obvious in the above extract. Swahili written literature with its long-standing tradition, dating far back to the 17th century, has relativly gathered its own aesthetic criteria, values and sensibility, hence \\\''own\\\'' integrity and world view. I dare say that Lindfors will be suprised to learn today, how fast the Swahili novel has developed since when he had left it when he read Andrzejewski et al (1985) and Gérard (1981), who (by the way), themselves did not then see the their works as presenting a complete picture of African literatures in African languages. This essay aims at showing the predicament of the Swahili novelist at the crossroads and how, in a contemporary situation, s/he works out his or her strategies towards resolving the impasses

    Redefining taarab in relation to local and global influences

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    To refer to the origin of taarab as a direct importation of Egyptian music by the Arab upper class (Topp 1994:153) is a plausibility without solid evidence. To define it as a style of music played for entertainment at weddings and other festive occasions all along the Swahili Coast (153) is to exclude other styles of music, indeed played for entertainment at weddings and other festive occasions all along the Swahili Coast. To say that taarab contains all the features of a typical `Indian Ocean music`, combining influences from Egypt, the Arabian peninsula, India and the West with local musical practices (153) is apparently true but does not adequately capture the ambiguities and complexities of its protean nature. Refening to taarab as the Swahili popular `salon` music whose song may be recorded or, as often is the case, orally transmitted (King`ei 1992:29) is misleading, for taarab is not always `salon` music and the method and process of creating and transmitting a song in taarab is not the same as that of other forms of African music. To state that taarab has transcended its local Swahili boundaries to be consumed in other communities including other cities in East and Central Africa (Ntarangwi 1998: 150) is a valid statement from a point of view of media, change and spread, but still leaves out a lot to be said. Taarab, like so many complex living things, refuses to be thrust into neat bags or squeezed into terse all-embracing definitions. It is an ongoing process whose form(s) are amorphous, assuming different structures, roles, functions and epithets triggered by a number of factors. That notwithstanding - whatever forms, role and function taarab exhibits at different stages, its making consists of five major components or processes: the composition of the lyric, the composition of musical patterns, the extemporized performance of its song, instrumentation and audience

    An Improved Slant Path Attenuation Prediction Method in Tropical Climates

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    An improved method for predicting slant path attenuation in tropical climates is presented in this paper. The proposed approach is based on rain intensity data R_0.01 (mm/h) from 37 tropical and equatorial stations; and is validated by using the measurement data from a few localities in tropical climates. The new method seems to accurately predict the slant path attenuation in tropical localities, and the comparative tests seem to show significant improvement in terms of the RMS of the relative error variable compared to the RMS obtained with the SAM, Crane, and ITU-R prediction models

    Syntheses and Step-by-Step Morphological Analysis of Nano-Copper-Decorated Carbon Long Fibers for Aerospace Structural Applications

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    Carbon long fiber/copper composites were prepared using electroless and electroplating methods with copper metal for potential aerospace applications. Carbon fibers were heat-treated at 450 °C followed by acid treatment before the metallization processes. Three different methods of metallization processes were applied: electroless silver deposition, electroless copper deposition and electroplating copper deposition. The metallized carbon fibers were subjected to copper deposition via two different routes. The first method was the electroless deposition technique in an alkaline tartrate bath using formaldehyde as a reducing agent of the copper ions from the copper sulphate solution. The second method was conducted by copper electroplating on the chemically treated carbon fibers. The produced carbon fiber/copper composites were extensively investigated by Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) supported with an Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis (EDAX) unit to analyze the size, surface morphology, and chemical composition of the produced carbon long fiber/copper composites. The results show that the carbon fiber/copper composites prepared using the electroplating method had a coated type surface morphology with good adhesion between the copper coated layer and the surface of the carbon fibers. However, the carbon fiber/copper composites prepared using the electroless deposition had a decorated type morphology. Moreover, it was observed that the metallized carbon fibers using the silver method enhanced the electroless copper coating process with respect to the electroless copper coating process without silver metallization. The electrical conductivity of the carbon fiber/copper composites was improved by metallization of the carbon fibers using silver, as well as by the electrodeposition method

    Antibodies against Merozoite Surface Protein 1 and 2 in Sudanese children

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    Background: Malaria is a serious childhood disease causing high morbidity and mortality despite control measures. Immunological control against malaria was initiated early, and immunity acquired by children in endemic areas, which is age and exposure dependant, differs in different endemic settings. The objective of the study was to determine antibodies against Merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-I) and Merozoite surface protein-2 (MSP-2), and to determine their relation to the age of Sudanese children. Methodology: The study was descriptive, cross-sectional, conducted in Khartoum Children Emergency Hospital (KCEH). 150 children with positive blood films for P. falciparum malaria were classified according to age, and a blood sample was taken from each one, and tested for antibodies against MSP-I and MSP-2. Results: Antibodies to MSP-I and MSP-2 were 46% and 42% respectively. Sero-positivity and sero-negativity for both antigens were 26.6% and 42.7% respectively. Seropositivity to either MSP2 or MSP1antigen alone was present in 18.7% and 12% of patients respectively. High seropositivity (52.9%) was found in the age group 12-15 years of age. Conclusion: MSP-1 and MSP-2 antibodies in Sudanese children according to this study were age dependant, and findings were similar to what had been reported in some African countries.Key words: P. falciparum malaria, MSP-I, MSP-2

    Optimized Photolithographic Fabrication Process for Carbon Nanotube Devices

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    We have developed a photolithographic process for the fabrication of large arrays of single walled carbon nanotube transistors with high quality electronic properties that rival those of transistors fabricated by electron beam lithography.Abuffer layer is used to prevent direct contact between the nanotube and the novolac-based photoresist, and a cleaning bake at 300C effectively removes residues that bind to the nanotube sidewall during processing. In situ electrical measurement of a nanotube transistor during a temperature ramp reveals sharp decreases in the ON-state resistance that we associate with the vaporization of components of the photoresist. Data from nearly 2000 measured nanotube transistors show an average ON-state resistance of 250 ± 100 kΩ. This new process represents significant progress towards the goal of highyield production of large arrays of nanotube transistors for applications including chemical sensors and transducers, as well as integrated circuit components

    Study and implementation of urogenital schistosomiasis elimination in Zanzibar (Unguja and Pemba islands) using an integrated multidisciplinary approach

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Schistosomiasis is a parasitic infection that continues to be a major public health problem in many developing countries being responsible for an estimated burden of at least 1.4 million disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) in Africa alone. However, morbidity due to schistosomiasis has been greatly reduced in some parts of the world, including Zanzibar. The Zanzibar government is now committed to eliminate urogenital schistosomiasis. Over the next 3--5 years, the whole at-risk population will be administered praziquantel (40 mg/kg) biannually. Additionally, snail control and behaviour change interventions will be implemented in selected communities and the impact measured in a randomized intervention trial. METHODS: In this 5-year research study, on both Unguja and Pemba islands, urogenital schistosomiasis will be assessed in 45 communities with urine filtration and reagent strips in 4,500 schoolchildren aged 9--12 years annually, and in 4,500 first-year schoolchildren and 2,250 adults in years 1 and 5. Additionally, from first-year schoolchildren, a finger-prick blood sample will be collected and examined for Schistosoma haematobium infection biomarkers. Changes in prevalence and infection intensity will be assessed annually. Among the 45 communities, 15 were randomized for biannual snail control with niclosamide, in concordance with preventive chemotherapy campaigns. The reduction of Bulinus globosus snail populations and S. haematobium-infected snails will be investigated. In 15 other communities, interventions triggering behaviour change have been designed and will be implemented in collaboration with the community. A change in knowledge, attitudes and practices will be assessed annually through focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with schoolchildren, teachers, parents and community leaders. In all 45 communities, changes in the health system, water and sanitation infrastructure will be annually tracked by standardized questionnaire-interviews with community leaders. Additional issues potentially impacting on study outcomes and all incurring costs will be monitored and recorded. DISCUSSION: Elimination of schistosomiasis has become a priority on the agenda of the Zanzibar government and the international community. Our study will contribute to identifying what, in addition to preventive chemotherapy, needs to be done to prevent, control, and ultimately eliminate schistosomiasis, and to draw lessons for current and future schistosomiasis elimination programmes in Africa and elsewhere.Trial registrationISRCTN4883768

    Determination of Levels of Organochlorine, Organophosphorus, and Pyrethroid Pesticide Residues in Vegetables from Markets in Dar es Salaam by GC-MS

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    This study investigated the levels of pesticides and metabolites in vegetables from major markets in Dar es Salaam city, Tanzania. Samples of fresh cabbage, spinach, and onions from the markets were analysed for pesticide residues. Extraction was performed using acetone followed by dichloromethane : cyclohexane mixture and the extracts were cleaned up using Florisil. The compounds were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Pesticides and metabolites were detected in 72.2% of the samples. The detected pesticide residues and their highest mean concentrations were p,p′-DDT 4.00 × 10−3 mg/kg, p,p′-DDD 6.40 × 10−1 mg/kg, o,p′-DDD 1.00 × 10−2 mg/kg, α-endosulfan 6.00 × 10−1 mg/kg, β-endosulfan 2.10 × 10−1 mg/kg, chlorpyrifos 3.00 mg/kg, and cypermethrin 4.00 × 10−2 mg/kg. The most frequently detected compounds were p,p′-DDD and chlorpyrifos. The order of contamination was spinach > cabbage > onions. Generally, there were no significant variations in concentrations of pesticide residues among samples and sampling sites, which indicated similarities in contamination patterns. The concentrations of contaminants were above the maximum residue limits (MRLs) in 33.3–50% of the samples. The findings indicated risks and concerns for public health

    Clash of interests and conceptualisation of Taarab in East Africa

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    Remarks on aspects of taarab such as its history, nature, definition, and change appear prominently and repeatedly in nearly every previous study of the subject. Some of these remarks, however, serve more to expose a clash of interests rather than provide untainted facts about its conceptualisation. This esseay aims at revisiting the notion of taarab in an attempt to concretise its conceptualisation on the basis of various variables that affect change in its structure. The relevant variables are convergence, divergence, linguistic constrains, formal conventions, spontaneity and preparedness in composition, actualisation and performance, instrumentation (i. e. number of instruments and how they are played), the art of vocalisation, the performer/ audience divide, stage organisation, setting, occasion, functions and media influences. For the purpose of avoiding much attention to every category of taarab, however, we prefer to take `group-styles`- hence our concentration on three phases: the period of the inception of taarab in Zanzibar, the period prior to 1905 through the 1920s up to the 1940s when the phonograph record and then the sound film was introduced, from the 1950s to the 1960s when the radio was introduced, and from the 1970s todate - the period of the impact of the tape-recorder, video-recorder, TV - and most recently the period of the influence of satellite television. Our analysis is based on theoretical conceptions of genres by Dubrow (1982), Fowler (1991), Finnegan (1976) and Okpewho (1992) in written literature and `orature`