329 research outputs found

    Télangiectasies digestives révélant une sarcoïdose systémique

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    La sarcoïdose systémique est une maladie granulomateuse qui atteint avec prédilection l'appareil respiratoire. Une granulomatose digestive étagée isolée est rarement révélatrice de cette maladie. Le résultat de l'examen histologique de plusieurs biopsies étagées est déterminant. Patient âgé de 47 ans sans antécédents particuliers a consulté pour des épigastralgies atypiques évoluant depuis 6 mois non améliorées par traitement symptomatique. Il n'avait pas de fièvre, ni d'altération de l'état général, ni de xérostomie. L'examen physique en particulier abdominal et respiratoire était sans anomalies. L'examen biologique ainsi que la radiographie de thorax étaient normaux. Le Quantiféron TB test ainsi que l'intradermoréaction à la tuberculine était négatifs. La fibroscopie digestive haute a révélé des télangiectasies 'sophagiennes, gastriques et duodénales. L'examen histologique de biopsies digestives étagées a conclut à une granulomatose digestive étagée. Il s'agissait de granulomes giganto-cellulaires sans nécrose caséeuse. Plusieurs diagnostics ont été suspectés notamment une tuberculose, un lymphome et une sarcoïdose. La recherche de BK dans les crachats et les urines par un examen direct et des cultures était négative. Le dosage de l'enzyme de conversion de l'angiotensine était à 2 fois la normale. Une fibroscopie bronchique avec biopsies étagées et étude du lavage broncho-alvéolaire étaient sans anomalies. L'étude d'une biopsie des glandes salivaires accessoires a montré aussi des lésions de granulomes giganto-cellulaires sans nécrose caséeuse. Le diagnostic d'une sarcoïdose systémique à localisation digestive et salivaire a été retenu. Le traitement s'est basé sur une corticothérapie. L'évolution était favorable sur le plan clinique et endoscopique.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    Design of a biologically inspired navigation system for the Psikharpax rodent robot

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    This work presents the development and implementation of a biologically inspired navigation system on the autonomous Psikharpax rodent robot. Our system comprises two independent navigation strategies: a taxon expert and a planning expert. The presented navigation system allows the robot to learn the optimal strategy in each situation, by relying upon a strategy selection mechanism

    Dermatomyosite amyopathique révélant un carcinome thymique

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    La dermatomyosite amyopathique est une entité rare caractérisée par des lésions cutanées suggestives de dermatomyosite sans atteinte musculaire. Dans les formes paranéoplasiques qui sont rares, le pronostic dépend du type et de la réponse thérapeutique de la tumeur associée. L'association à un carcinome thymique est exceptionnelle. Un patient âgé de 50 ans a été hospitalisé pour exploration d'un érythème du visage et une dyspnée récente. L'examen physique a révélé un érythème héliotrope du visage, des papules de Gottron en regard des articulations interphalangiennes et un érythème douloureux péri-unguéal. Le reste de l'examen était sans particularités. L'examen biologique a montré un syndrome inflammatoire. Le dosage des enzymes musculaires était normal. L'examen immunologique était négatif. L'électromyogramme était sans anomalies. Une biopsie musculaire a montré des fibres musculaires striées normales. Le diagnostic de dermatomyosite amyopathique a été retenu. Dans le cadre de la recherche d'une tumeur associée (digestive, pulmonaire ou gynécologique), les échographies cervicale, abdominale et pelvienne étaient normales. La fibroscopie digestive haute et la coloscopie n'ont révélé aucune anomalie. La TDM thoraco-abdomino- pelvienne a montré une image médiastinale antérieure hétérogène mesurant 92 mm x 40 mm et se réhaussant de façon intense après injection du produit de contraste . Le patient a été opéré par sternotomie permettant une excision complète de la masse. L'examen anatomopathologique a conclu à un carcinome épidermoïde du thymus. Une chimiothérapie et une radiothérapie centrée sur le sternum ont été instaurées. L'évolution était favorable sans notion de récidive avec un recul de trois ans.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    A Novel Reinforcement-Based Paradigm for Children to Teach the Humanoid Kaspar Robot

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    © The Author(s) 2019. This is the final published version of an article published in Psychological Research, licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-bution 4.0 International License. Available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12369-019-00607-xThis paper presents a contribution to the active field of robotics research with the aim of supporting the development of social and collaborative skills of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). We present a novel experiment where the classical roles are reversed: in this scenario the children are the teachers providing positive or negative reinforcement to the Kaspar robot in order for the robot to learn arbitrary associations between different toy names and the locations where they are positioned. The objective of this work is to develop games which help children with ASD develop collaborative skills and also provide them tangible example to understand that sometimes learning requires several repetitions. To facilitate this game we developed a reinforcement learning algorithm enabling Kaspar to verbally convey its level of uncertainty during the learning process, so as to better inform the children interacting with Kaspar the reasons behind the successes and failures made by the robot. Overall, 30 Typically Developing (TD) children aged between 7 and 8 (19 girls, 11 boys) and 6 children with ASD performed 22 sessions (16 for TD; 6 for ASD) of the experiment in groups, and managed to teach Kaspar all associations in 2 to 7 trials. During the course of study Kaspar only made rare unexpected associations (2 perseverative errors and 1 win-shift, within a total of 272 trials), primarily due to exploratory choices, and eventually reached minimal uncertainty. Thus the robot's behavior was clear and consistent for the children, who all expressed enthusiasm in the experiment.Peer reviewe

    Sequential Reinstatement of Neocortical Activity during Slow Oscillations Depends on Cells’ Global Activity

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    During Slow Wave Sleep (SWS), cortical activity is dominated by endogenous processes modulated by slow oscillations (0.1–1 Hz): cell ensembles fluctuate between states of sustained activity (UP states) and silent epochs (DOWN states). We investigate here the temporal structure of ensemble activity during UP states by means of multiple single unit recordings in the prefrontal cortex of naturally sleeping rats. As previously shown, the firing rate of each PFC cell peaks at a distinct time lag after the DOWN/UP transition in a consistent order. We show here that, conversely, the latency of the first spike after the UP state onset depends primarily on the session-averaged firing rates of cells (which can be considered as an indirect measure of their intrinsic excitability). This latency can be explained by a simple homogeneous process (Poisson model) of cell firing, with sleep averaged firing rates employed as parameters. Thus, at DOWN/UP transitions, neurons are affected both by a slow process, possibly originating in the cortical network, modulating the time course of firing for each cell, and by a fast, relatively stereotyped reinstatement of activity, related mostly to global activity levels

    Modeling choice and reaction time during arbitrary visuomotor learning through the coordination of adaptive working memory and reinforcement learning

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    International audienceCurrent learning theory provides a comprehensive description of how humans and other animals learn, and places behavioral flexibility and automaticity at heart of adaptive behaviors. However, the computations supporting the interactions between goal-directed and habitual decision-making systems are still poorly understood. Previous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) results suggest that the brain hosts complementary computations that may differentially support goal-directed and habitual processes in the form of a dynamical interplay rather than a serial recruitment of strategies. To better elucidate the computations underlying flexible behavior, we develop a dual-system computational model that can predict both performance (i.e., participants' choices) and modulations in reaction times during learning of a stimulus–response association task. The habitual system is modeled with a simple Q-Learning algorithm (QL). For the goal-directed system, we propose a new Bayesian Working Memory (BWM) model that searches for information in the history of previous trials in order to minimize Shannon entropy. We propose a model for QL and BWM coordination such that the expensive memory manipulation is under control of, among others, the level of convergence of the habitual learning. We test the ability of QL or BWM alone to explain human behavior, and compare them with the performance of model combinations, to highlight the need for such combinations to explain behavior. Two of the tested combination models are derived from the literature, and the latter being our new proposal. In conclusion, all subjects were better explained by model combinations, and the majority of them are explained by our new coordination proposal

    Stability Analysis of Bio-Inspired Source Seeking with Noisy Sensors

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