52 research outputs found

    Protestants and Neo-Protestants in Post-Soviet Dagestan: Values Transformation in Missionary Practices (1990-2000)

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    The transformation in Protestants’ and neo-Protestants’ values in their missionary practices in the modern Dagestan is discussed. It is noted that the processes of globalization caused by the international situation, the unfolding socio-economic, political and spiritual depression in the country contributed to the “influx” of Western missionaries and the emergence of new non-traditional charismatic churches, allowing them to occupy its niche in republic religious structure for some time. On the basis of sociological survey the analysis of value views of the Dagestan Protestants in their Evangelical mission is carried out. It is shown that the religious well-being of the adepts of the studied communities is focused on proselytizing and missionary activity among the carriers of the other worldview. It is established that the Dagestan Protestants positively evaluate proselytism with the motivation for its non-violent and peaceful propagation while simultaneously ignoring the possibility of aggravation of inter-religious and inter-ethnic relations. It is revealed that the respondents have different points of view on the promotion of their faith among representatives of other religions. The authors conclude that, on the one hand, the proclamation of the principles of freedom of choice of a religious worldview, on the other - the aim to emphasize the exclusivity of their beliefs with the motivation of its “perfection and correctness” allow to make conclusion about the contradictory nature of the respondents’ opinions

    Conceptos ocultos de género en lenguajes espaciales conceptuales de Daguestán

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    The present paper analyzes definitions of the languages of Dagestan with the scope of notions of “the language of men/the language of women”. Many meaningful units of gender are updated within the framework of this classification. The material with a multitude of gender units was dispersed in the conceptual space of Russian and Dagestan languages; however, it was restored by the representation of stereotypes “noun ± adjective”. This allows justifiably to streamline the conceptual space of languages of Dagestan with many interpretations of the surrounding reality. The preference given to the aforementioned classification is because the connotative aspect of nominative units allows for the limination of overlays, i.e. cases of reference of the same interpretations to different terminological headings simultaneously.El presente trabajo analiza las definiciones de las lenguas de Daguestán con el alcance de las nociones de “la lengua de los hombres/la lengua de las mujeres”. Muchas unidades significativas de género se actualizan en el marco de esta clasificación. El material con una multitud de unidades de género se dispersó en el espacio conceptual de los idiomas ruso y de Daguestán; sin embargo, fue restaurado por la representación de estereotipos “sustantivo ± adjetivo”. Esto permite racionalizar de manera justificada el espacio conceptual de los lenguajes de Daguestán con muchas interpretaciones de la realidad circundante. La preferencia dada a la clasificación antes mencionada se debe a que el aspecto connotativo de las unidades nominativas permite la eliminación de superposiciones, es decir, casos de referencia de las mismas interpretaciones a diferentes títulos terminológicos simultáneamente

    Hybrid imaging and timing ps laser excitation diagnostics for pulsed antihydrogen production

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    open48siIn this work we present a hybrid detection method providing simultaneous imaging and timing information suitable for fully monitoring positronium (Ps) formation, its laser excitation, and its spatial propagation for the first trials of pulsed antihydrogen (H) production through a charge-exchange reaction with trapped antiprotons (p). This combined method, based on the synchronous acquisition of an EJ-200 scintillation detector and a microchannel plate (MCP) detector with a dual readout (phosphor screen image and electrical pick-up signal), allows all relevant events in the experiment to be accurately determined in time while allowing high resolution images of e+ from Ps laser photodissociations to be acquired. The timing calibration process of the two detectors discussed in details as well as the future perspectives opened by this method.openCaravita R.; Antonello M.; Belov A.; Bonomi G.; Brusa R.S.; Caccia M.; Camper A.; Castelli F.; Comparat D.; Consolati G.; Demetrio A.; Di Noto L.; Doser M.; Fani M.; Ferragut R.; Gerber S.; Giammarchi M.; Gligorova A.; Gloggler L.T.; Guatieri F.; Haider S.; Hinterberger A.; Khalidova O.; Krasnicky D.; Lagomarsino V.; Malbrunot C.; Mariazzi S.; Matveev V.; Muller S.R.; Nebbia G.; Nedelec P.; Oberthaler M.; Oswald E.; Pagano D.; Penasa L.; Petracek V.; Prelz F.; Rienacker B.; Rohne O.M.; Rotondi A.; Sandaker H.; Santoro R.; Testera G.; Tietje I.; Toso V.; Wolz T.; Zimmer C.; Zurlo N.Caravita, R.; Antonello, M.; Belov, A.; Bonomi, G.; Brusa, R. S.; Caccia, M.; Camper, A.; Castelli, F.; Comparat, D.; Consolati, G.; Demetrio, A.; Di Noto, L.; Doser, M.; Fani, M.; Ferragut, R.; Gerber, S.; Giammarchi, M.; Gligorova, A.; Gloggler, L. T.; Guatieri, F.; Haider, S.; Hinterberger, A.; Khalidova, O.; Krasnicky, D.; Lagomarsino, V.; Malbrunot, C.; Mariazzi, S.; Matveev, V.; Muller, S. R.; Nebbia, G.; Nedelec, P.; Oberthaler, M.; Oswald, E.; Pagano, D.; Penasa, L.; Petracek, V.; Prelz, F.; Rienacker, B.; Rohne, O. M.; Rotondi, A.; Sandaker, H.; Santoro, R.; Testera, G.; Tietje, I.; Toso, V.; Wolz, T.; Zimmer, C.; Zurlo, N

    Velocity-selected production of 2S3 metastable positronium

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    Positronium in the 2 3 S metastable state exhibits a low electrical polarizability and a long lifetime (1140 ns), making it a promising candidate for interferometry experiments with a neutral matter-antimatter system. In the present work, 2 3 S positronium is produced, in the absence of an electric field, via spontaneous radiative decay from the 3 3 P level populated with a 205-nm UV laser pulse. Thanks to the short temporal length of the pulse, 1.5 ns full width at half maximum, different velocity populations of a positronium cloud emitted from a nanochanneled positron-positronium converter were selected by delaying the excitation pulse with respect to the production instant. 2 3 S positronium atoms with velocity tuned between 7 7 10 4 ms 121 and 10 7 10 4 ms 121 were thus produced. Depending on the selected velocity, a 2 3 S production efficiency ranging from 3c0.8% to 3c1.7%, with respect to the total amount of emitted positronium, was obtained. The observed results give a branching ratio for the 3 3 P-2 3 S spontaneous decay of (9.7 \ub1 2.7)%. The present velocity selection technique could allow one to produce an almost monochromatic beam of 3c1 7 10 3 2 3 S atoms with a velocity spread of <10 4 ms 121 and an angular divergence of 3c50 mrad

    Techniques for production and detection of 23S positronium

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    In this work, we show recent measurements of 23S long-lived positronium production via spontaneous decay from the 33P level. The possibility to tune the velocity of the 23S positronium, excited following this scheme, is presented. In the light of these results, we discuss the use of the 33P→23S transition to realize a monochromatic pulsed 23S positronium beam with low angular divergence. Preliminary tests of 23S beam production are presented. The possibility to overcome the natural 33P→23S branching ratio via stimulated emission, and thus increasing the intensity of the 23S source, is also shown. A position-sensitive detector for a pulsed beam of positronium, with spatial resolution of ≈ 90 μm, is finally described in view of its possible application for the spatial characterization of the 23S beam

    Gravity and antimatter: The AEgIS experiment at CERN

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    open62siFrom the experimental point of view, very little is known about the gravitational interaction between matter and antimatter. In particular, the Weak Equivalence Principle, which is of paramount importance for the General Relativity, has not yet been directly probed with antimatter. The main goal of the AEgIS experiment at CERN is to perform a direct measurement of the gravitational force on antimatter. The idea is to measure the vertical displacement of a beam of cold antihydrogen atoms, traveling in the gravitational field of the Earth, by the means of a moiré deflectometer. An overview of the physics goals of the experiment, of its apparatus and of the first results is presented.openPagano D.; Aghion S.; Amsler C.; Bonomi G.; Brusa R.S.; Caccia M.; Caravita R.; Castelli F.; Cerchiari G.; Comparat D.; Consolati G.; Demetrio A.; Noto L.D.; Doser M.; Evans A.; Fani M.; Ferragut R.; Fesel J.; Fontana A.; Gerber S.; Giammarchi M.; Gligorova A.; Guatieri F.; Haider S.; Hinterberger A.; Holmestad H.; Kellerbauer A.; Khalidova O.; Krasnicky D.; Lagomarsino V.; Lansonneur P.; Lebrun P.; Malbrunot C.; Mariazzi S.; Marton J.; Matveev V.; Mazzotta Z.; Muller S.R.; Nebbia G.; Nedelec P.; Oberthaler M.; Pacifico N.; Penasa L.; Petracek V.; Prelz F.; Prevedelli M.; Ravelli L.; Rienaecker B.; Robert J.; Rohne O.M.; Rotondi A.; Sandaker H.; Santoro R.; Smestad L.; Sorrentino F.; Testera G.; Tietje I.C.; Widmann E.; Yzombard P.; Zimmer C.; Zmeskal J.; Zurlo N.Pagano, D.; Aghion, S.; Amsler, C.; Bonomi, G.; Brusa, R. S.; Caccia, M.; Caravita, R.; Castelli, F.; Cerchiari, G.; Comparat, D.; Consolati, G.; Demetrio, A.; Noto, L. D.; Doser, M.; Evans, A.; Fani, M.; Ferragut, R.; Fesel, J.; Fontana, A.; Gerber, S.; Giammarchi, M.; Gligorova, A.; Guatieri, F.; Haider, S.; Hinterberger, A.; Holmestad, H.; Kellerbauer, A.; Khalidova, O.; Krasnicky, D.; Lagomarsino, V.; Lansonneur, P.; Lebrun, P.; Malbrunot, C.; Mariazzi, S.; Marton, J.; Matveev, V.; Mazzotta, Z.; Muller, S. R.; Nebbia, G.; Nedelec, P.; Oberthaler, M.; Pacifico, N.; Penasa, L.; Petracek, V.; Prelz, F.; Prevedelli, M.; Ravelli, L.; Rienaecker, B.; Robert, J.; Rohne, O. M.; Rotondi, A.; Sandaker, H.; Santoro, R.; Smestad, L.; Sorrentino, F.; Testera, G.; Tietje, I. C.; Widmann, E.; Yzombard, P.; Zimmer, C.; Zmeskal, J.; Zurlo, N

    Protocol for pulsed antihydrogen production in the AEḡIS apparatus

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    The AEḡIS collaboration’s main goal is to measure the acceleration of antihydrogen (H¯) due to gravity. The experimental scheme is to form a pulsed beam whose vertical deflection is then measured by means of a moiré deflectometer [1]. Creating pulsed H¯ is crucial since it allows a velocity measurement of the antiatoms via time of flight (ToF) necessary to deduce the gravitational acceleration ḡ from the vertical deflection Δs. The aim of this article is to outline the experimental protocol leading up to pulsed antihydrogen production in the AEḡIS experiment

    Conceptos ocultos de género en lenguajes espaciales conceptuales de Daguestán

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    The present paper analyzes definitions of the languages of Dagestan with the scope of notions of “the language of men/the language of women”. Many meaningful units of gender are updated within the framework of this classification. The material with a multitude of gender units was dispersed in the conceptual space of Russian and Dagestan languages; however, it was restored by the representation of stereotypes “noun ± adjective”. This allows justifiably to streamline the conceptual space of languages of Dagestan with many interpretations of the surrounding reality. The preference given to the aforementioned classification is because the connotative aspect of nominative units allows for the limination of overlays, i.e. cases of reference of the same interpretations to different terminological headings simultaneously.El presente trabajo analiza las definiciones de las lenguas de Daguestán con el alcance de las nociones de “la lengua de los hombres/la lengua de las mujeres”. Muchas unidades significativas de género se actualizan en el marco de esta clasificación. El material con una multitud de unidades de género se dispersó en el espacio conceptual de los idiomas ruso y de Daguestán; sin embargo, fue restaurado por la representación de estereotipos “sustantivo ± adjetivo”. Esto permite racionalizar de manera justificada el espacio conceptual de los lenguajes de Daguestán con muchas interpretaciones de la realidad circundante. La preferencia dada a la clasificación antes mencionada se debe a que el aspecto connotativo de las unidades nominativas permite la eliminación de superposiciones, es decir, casos de referencia de las mismas interpretaciones a diferentes títulos terminológicos simultáneamente

    Gender-Concealed Concepts in Conceptual Space Languages of Dagestan

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    The present paper analyzes definitions of the languages of Dagestan with the scope of notions of “the language of men/the language of women”. Many meaningful units of gender are updated within the framework of this classification. The material with a multitude of gender units was dispersed in the conceptual space of Russian and Dagestan languages; however, it was restored by the representation of stereotypes “noun ± adjective”. This allows justifiably to streamline the conceptual space of languages of Dagestan with many interpretations of the surrounding reality. The preference given to the aforementioned classification is because the connotative aspect of nominative units allows for the limination of overlays, i.e. cases of reference of the same interpretations to different terminological headings simultaneously